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Traduction de Proverbes Chinois (Expressions et Chengyu)

Rechercher dans la liste de proverbes en cliquant sur une lettre de l'alphabet :
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  W  X  Y  Z

  Chinois         Pinyin           Traduction en Anglais     Traduction en Français
哀兵必胜 āi bīng bì shèng an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win Lors de l'affrontement de deux armées de forces égales, celle qui est excédée par la souffrance et la colère finira par vaincre.
爱不忍释 ài bù rěn shì to love sth too much to part with it aimer tellement une chose qu'on ne peut pas la lâcher
爱不释手 ài bù shì shǒu to love sth too much to part with it ; to fondle admiringly aimer tellement une chose qu'on ne peut pas la lâcher
爱财如命 ài cái rú mìng lit. to love money as much as one's own life ;fig. avaricious; tightfisted Aimer l'argent comme la vie
挨打受骂 ái dǎ shòu mà to suffer beatings and receive abuse être battu et victime d'abus
挨打受气 ái dǎ shòu qì to suffer bullying and beating souffrir d'intimidation et de coups et blessures
哀而不伤 āi ér bù shāng deeply felt but not mawkish Fortement ressenti mais sans mièvrerie
哀鸿遍野 āi hóng biàn yě lit. plaintive whine of geese ; fig. land swarming with disaster victims Une terre où grouillent les miséreux et les faméliques
爱莫能助 ài mò néng zhù unable to help however much one would like to;  My hands are tied. ne pouvoir aider celui qu'on aime; n'y pouvoir rien malgré sa bonne volonté
唉声叹气 āi shēng tàn qì heave deep sighs / sign in despair pousser de profonds soupirs / se lamenter
爱屋及乌 ài wū jí wū love the house and its crow ; Love me, love my dog. Qui m'aime aime mon chien; Qui me amat, amat et canem meum
按兵不动 àn bīng bù dòng to hold back one's troops without moving ; to bide one's time retenir les troupes au lieu de les engager dans l'action / rester dans l'expectative
按部就班 àn bù jiù bān to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine méthodiquement / dans l'ordre
安分守己 ān fèn shǒu jǐ abide by the law and behave oneself / know one's place se contenter de son sort
安家落户 ān jiā luò hù to make one's home in a place, to settle s'installer, s'établir
安居乐业 ān jū lè yè to live in peace and work happily vivre en paix et se complaire dans son occupation / mener une vie tranquille et heureuse
安然无恙 ān rán wú yàng safe and sound ; to come out unscathed ; to live to fight another day sain et sauf, indemne
黯然销魂 àn rán xiāo hún overwhelming sadness ; sorrow at parting tristesse accablante; douleur de se séparer
安如磐石 ān rú pán shí as solid as rock ; as sure as houses solide comme un roc
按图索骥 àn tú suǒ jì lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture ; to try and find sth with a clue suivre une piste pour trouver qch
暗无天日 àn wú tiān rì all black, no daylight ; a world without justice vivre dans les ténèbres; pas un rayon de soleil n'éclaire le ciel
安闲自得 ān xián zì dé feeling comfortably at ease se sentir à l'aise, confortable
安闲自在 ān xián zì zai leisurely and free ; carefree and at ease Libre et en paix, à l'aise
安于现状 ān yú xiàn zhuàng to take things as they are ; to be happy with the status quo prendre les choses comme elles viennent, être satisfait de la situation
按照法律 àn zhào fǎ lǜ according to the law selon la loi
按质定价 àn zhì dìng jià to fix a price based on quality baser le prix en fonction de la qualité
昂首阔步 áng shǒu kuò bù striding forward with head high ; to walk with spirited and vigorous step marcher la tête haute et à grands pas; marcher d'une allure altière
把持不定 bǎ chí bù dìng indecisive indécis
巴高望上 bā gāo wàng shàng to wish for higher status ; to curry favor in the hope of promotion chercher un avancement, une promotion / vouloir monter dans la société
拔苗助长 bá miáo zhù zhǎng to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm tirer un plant pour hâter sa croissance
跋山涉水 bá shān shè shuǐ travel over land and water; cross mountains and river voyager par monts et par vaux ; escalader les montagnes et traverser les rivière
巴山夜雨 bā shān yè yǔ rain on Mt Ba ; lonely in a strange land; Evening Rain, 1980 movie about the Cultural revolution pluie nocturne sur le mont Ba; être seul dans une étrange contrée; Pluie du soir (film, 1980)
八抬大轿 bā tái dà jiào palanquin with eight carriers ; fig. to treat guests with honor palanquin à huit porteurs / traiter ses invités de manière à les honorer
巴头探脑 bā tóu tàn nǎo to poke one's head in and pry ; to spy; nosy espionner de la tête furtivement
八字还没一撇 bā zì hái méi yī piě lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八; things have not even begun to take shape; no sign of success yet il n'y a même pas le premier trait du caractère "ba1"; les choses n'ont même pas commencé à prendre forme; il n'y a encore aucun signe de réussite
百般巴结 bǎi bān bā jié to flatter someone in a hundred different ways;assiduous fawning flatter quelqu'un de 100 façons différentes, servilité exacerbée
百般刁难 bǎi bān diāo nán to put up innumerable obstacles; to create all kinds of difficulties ajouter toutes sortes d'obstacles
百弊丛生 bǎi bì cóng shēng All the ill effects appear. toutes sortes de corruptions s'immiscent
百步穿杨 bǎi bù chuān yáng to shoot with great precision viser avec grande précision
百不咋 bǎi bù za of no consequence sans conséquence
百川归海 bǎi chuān guī hǎi all things tend in one direction Tous les fleuves se jettent à la mer / tous les espoirs pointent dans la même direction
百读不厌 bǎi dú bù yàn to be worth reading a hundred times peut être lu cent fois sans lasser
百端待举 bǎi duān dài jǔ a thousand things remain to be done ;numerous tasks remain to be undertaken Il reste cent choses à faire / Il y a du pain sur la planche
百发百中 bǎi fā bǎi zhòng lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits; to carry out a task with great precision; to shoot with unfailing accuracy; be a crack shot faire mouche à tous les coups; Toutes les flèches décochées sont au centre de la cible; Autant de coups de partis, autant de buts atteints.
白费唇舌 bái fèi chún shé to whistle down the wind; to waste one's breath gaspiller son souffre, être affaibli
百废待举 bǎi fèi dài jǔ many things waiting to be done ; a thousand things to do avoir des millions de choses à faire
百废待兴 bǎi fèi dài xīng many things waiting to be done ; a thousand things to do avoir des millions de choses à faire
百废俱兴 bǎi fèi jù xīng all neglected tasks are being undertaken ; work is now underway reconstruire à la fois tout ce qui a été délaissé
摆花架子 bǎi huā jià zi lit. to arrange a shelf of flowers; superficial display présenter une façade attractive mais sans substance
百花齐放 bǎi huā qí fàng a hundred flowers bloom ; let the arts have free expression  Que cent fleurs éclosent; libre expression de courants artistiques variés
百花齐放,百家争鸣 bǎi huā qí fàng , bǎi jiā zhēng míng a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend Campagne des cent fleurs
百卉千葩 bǎi huì qiān pā myriad plants and flowers ; rich and colorful d'innombrables plantes et fleurs / riche et coloré
百计千方 bǎi jì qiān fāng to exhaust every means to achieve sth épuiser tous les recours pour parvenir à ses fins
百家争鸣 bǎi jiā zhēng míng a hundred schools of thought contend ; refers to the classical philosophic schools of the Warring States period 475-221 BC Que cent écoles rivalisent
白驹过隙 bái jū guò xì a white steed flits past a crack ; How time flies! le temps file à toute allure / en un clignoment d'oeil
百里挑一 bǎi lǐ tiāo yī one in a hundred, cream of the crop un parmi cent, la crème, le gratin
败柳残花 bài liǔ cán huā broken flower, withered willow ; fig. fallen woman fleur brisée, saule fané, (fig.) femme déchue
白旄黄钺 bái máo huáng yuè white banner and yellow battle-ax ; refers to military expedition bannière blanche et hache de guerre jaune; se réfère à l'expédition militaire
白面书生 bái miàn shū shēng lit. pale-faced scholar ; young and inexperienced person without practical experience; still wet behind the ears étudiant au visage pâle; jeune intellectuel sans expérience;
百年树人 bǎi nián shù rén It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man . A good education program takes a long time to develop.; refers to the idiom 十年树੐ Il faut dix ans pour nourrir un arbre, mais une centaine d'années pour former un homme
百善孝为先 bǎi shàn xiào wéi xiān of all virtues filial piety is most important Cent bonnes piétés filiales passe en premier
百事俱废 bǎi shì jù fèi to go to pot tous est détruit; tous les construction n'ont pas achevé
白头到老 bái tóu dào lǎo (to live together until the) white hairs of old age; to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss; until death do us part jusqu'aux cheveux blancs, jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
白头偕老 bái tóu xié lǎo (to live together until the) white hairs of old age; to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss; until death do us part jusqu'aux cheveux blancs, jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
百闻不如一见 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times; seeing for oneself is better than hearing from many others; seeing is believing Il vaut mieux voir une fois de ses propres yeux que d'entendre parler cent fois.Il faut le voir pour le croire.;
百无禁忌 bǎi wú jìn jì all taboos are off ; anything goes; nothing is taboo sans tabou, sans restriction
百无聊赖 bǎi wú liáo lài bored to death ; bored stiff; overcome with boredom être rongé d'ennui; s'ennuyer à mourir; se sentir vide;las de tout; lasse de tout;
白苋紫茄 bái xiàn zǐ qié white amaranth, purple eggplant ; common foodstuff, unpretentious lifestyle amarante blanche, aubergine violette / denrée alimentaire commune / mode de vie sans prétention
百战百胜 bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng gain every battle ; victorious in every battle livrer cent batailles et remporter cent victoires ; Autant de batailles (livrées), autant de victoires (gagnées)
百战不殆 bǎi zhàn bù dài to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孙子兵法)">">孙子兵法); to win every fight sortir indemne d'une centaine de batailles; être toujours debout malgré les nombreuses épreuves; tenir ferme face à l'adversité
百折不挠 bǎi zhé bù náo to keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks, to be indomitable redoubler d'efforts ; recommencer (continuer) de plus belle
百姿千态 bǎi zī qiān tài in different poses and with different expressions; in thousands of postures en milliers de postures / dans des poses différentes et avec des expressions différentes
搬唇递舌 bān chún dì shé to pass on stories ; to sow dissension; to blab;to tell tales raconter des histoires; semer la discorde
班荆相对 bān jīng xiāng duì to treat somebody with courtesy faire preuve de courtoisie envers quelqu'un
搬口 bān kǒu to pass on stories ; to sow dissension; to blab;to tell tales semer la discorde; jaser; raconter des histoires
扳龙附凤 bān lóng fù fèng hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix; fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement faire un tour au ciel sur le dragon et le phénix / (fig.) favoriser les riches et les puissants dans un espoir d'avancement
班门弄斧 bān mén nòng fǔ to display one's slight skill before an expert manier la hache devant la porte du maître charpentier Lu Ban; apprendre aux poissons à nager; étaler son peu de savoir devant un éminent maître en la matière;
半明不灭 bàn míng bù miè a poor light but nevertheless inextinguishable une lumière faible mais inépuisable
搬弄是非 bān nòng shì fēi to incite a quarrel ; to sow discord between people; to tell tales; to make mischief cancaner
搬起石头砸自己的脚 bān qǐ shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) ;hoisted by one's own petard Soulever une pierre pour se la laisser retomber sur les pieds
搬石头砸自己的脚 bān shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo to move a stone and stub one's toe; to shoot oneself in the foot Soulever une pierre pour se la laisser retomber sur les pieds
半通不通 bàn tōng bù tōng to not fully understand ne pas comprendre entièrement
半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi to give up halfway ; leave sth unfinished s'arrêter à mi-chemin; s'arrêter sur sa lancée
半推半就 bàn tuī bàn jiù half willing and half unwilling ; to yield after making a show of resistance à moitié volontaire et à moitié réticent, se faire une douce violence
半真半假 bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ  half true and half false à moitié vrai, à moitié faux
搬砖砸脚 bān zhuān zá jiǎo to hurt oneself by one's own doing; to boomerang; to shoot oneself in the foot se faire du mal à soi-même, faire effet de boomerang, se tirer dans le pied
绑赴市曹 bǎng fù shì cáo to bind up and take to the market ; to take a prisoner to the town center for execution attacher et mener au marché, amener un prisonnier sur la place pour son exécution
包办代替 bāo bàn dài tì to do everything oneself ; not to allow others in on the act agir en tout à la place d'autrui
报本反始 bào běn fǎn shǐ ensure that you pay debts of gratitude veiller à payer ses dettes de reconnaissance
抱残守缺 bào cán shǒu quē to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn; conservative; stickler for tradition conserver jalousement des choses tombées en désuétude; se cramponner à ce qui est désuet et défectueux; garder les débris;
包藏祸心 bāo cáng huò xīn to harbor evil intentions ; concealing malice couver de mauvais desseins; couver des projets coupable
苞藏祸心 bāo cáng huò xīn to harbor evil intentions ; concealing malice cacher un cœur maléfique
报仇雪耻 bào chóu xuě chǐ to take revenge and erase humiliation laver un outrage; venger un outrage
报仇雪恨 bào chóu xuě hèn to take revenge and wipe out a grudge assouvir sa vengeance; venger une injustice
包打天下 bāo dǎ tiān xià to run everything ; to monopolize the whole business; not allow anyone else to have a look in essayer de tout faire par soi-même, tout gérer, monopoliser toute l'affaire
宝刀未老 bǎo dāo wèi lǎo treasure knife does not age ; old but still vigorous un couteau précieux ne vieillit pas, vieux mais encore vigoureux
暴风骤雨 bào fēng zhòu yǔ violent wind and rainstorm, hurricane tempête de pluie et de vent violent, ouragan
抱佛脚 bào fó jiǎo lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) ; fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; panic measures in place of timely preparation étreindre les pieds du Bouddha; manifester sa dévotion uniquement dans la tourmente; faire un effort précipité de dernière minute
饱汉不知饿汉饥 bǎo hàn bù zhī è hàn jī The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer. celui qui mange à sa faim ne sait pas ce que c'est de manquer de nourriture
暴虎冯河 bào hǔ píng hé lit. fight tiger bare handed and wade rivers ; fig. bull-headed heroism attaquer un tigre les mains nues, action hardie mais téméraire, avoir plus de bravoure que de sagacité, être courageux mais peu avisé
保家卫国 bǎo jiā wèi guó guard home, defend the country ; national defense protéger nos foyers et défendre notre patrie
饱经风霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng have experienced years of wind and frost ; endure all the hardships of exposure être endurci par vents et givres ; être passé par de rudes épreuves ; avoir connu toutes les vicissitudes du destin
包揽词讼 bāo lǎn cí sòng to canvas for lawsuits ; to practice chicanery monopoliser les affaires judiciaires, posséder une clientèle d'avocats
包罗万象 bāo luó wàn xiàng cover and contain everything ; all-embracing ; all-inclusive Avoir un contenu riche et varié ; tout comprendre ; englober tous les phénomènes
宝马香车 bǎo mǎ xiāng chē precious horses and magnificent carriage ; rich family with extravagant lifestyle; ostentatious display of luxury chevaux précieux et calèche magnifique, famille riche avec style de vie extravagant, affichage ostentatoire de luxe
饱人不知饿人饥 bǎo rén bù zhī è rén jī The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer. Les gens bien nourris ne comprennent pas ce qu'est la faim
暴跳如雷 bào tiào rú léi stamp with fury, as mad as a wet hen, fly into a passion tempêter, se mettre en colère
抱头鼠窜 bào tóu shǔ cuàn to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat ;to flee ignominiously fuir comme un rat en se couvrant la tête; se sauver comme un rat; fuir à la débandade; se sauver précipitamment
抱头鼠蹿 bào tóu shǔ cuān to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat ;to flee ignominiously se couvrir la tête et se faufiler comme un rat / fuir ignominieusement / fuir comme un lâche
抱薪救火 bào xīn jiù huǒ lit. to carry firewood to put out a fire ; fig. to make a problem worse by inappropriate action éteindre un feu avec du bois sec; s'y prendre mal et ne faire qu'empirer la situation
报应不爽 bào yìng bù shuǎng appropriate retribution récompense appropriée
包在我身上 bāo zài wǒ shēn shang leave it to me ; I'll take care of it c'est moi qui m'en charge, c'est pour moi
卑卑不足道 bēi bēi bù zú dào to be too petty or insignificant to mention; to not be worth mentioning trop humble pour qu'on en parle, trop insignifiant pour être mentionné, c'est moins que rien, cela ne vaut pas une épingle
卑鄙龌龊 bēi bǐ wò chuò sordid and contemptible ; vile and repulsive (esp. character or action) sordide et méprisable, vil et repoussant
悲不自胜 bēi bù zì shèng unable to control one's grief ; overwrought;overcome with sorrow; heart-broken être au comble de la tristesse
背城借一 bèi chéng jiè yī to make a last-ditch stand before the city wall ;to fight to the last ditch; to put up a desperate struggle se battre jusqu'au bout
背道而驰 bèi dào ér chí to run in the opposite direction ; to run counter to démenti, aller à l'encontre de, contredire, agir contrairement à
悲歌当哭 bēi gē dàng kū to sing instead of weep chanter au lieu de pleurer
卑躬屈膝 bēi gōng qū xī to bow and bend the knee ; fawning; bending and scraping to curry favor être obséquieux, être servile
杯弓蛇影 bēi gōng shé yǐng lit. to see a bow reflected in a cup as a snake ;fig. unnecessary suspicions; overly fearful prendre pour un serpent le reflet dans la coupe de l'arc pendu au mur, ombre d'un arc produisant dans la coupe l'image d'un serpent
悲欢离合 bēi huān lí hé joys and sorrows, partings and reunions, the vicissitudes of life joies et douleurs, séparations et réunifications, vicissitudes de la vie
背井离乡 bèi jǐng lí xiāng to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will déracinement, exil, quitter son foyer et s'éloigner du pays natal
杯酒解怨 bēi jiǔ jiě yuàn a wine cup dissolves complaints ; a few drinks can ease social interaction un verre de vin pour résoudre la plainte
杯酒言欢 bēi jiǔ yán huān a few drinks and a nice conversation quelques verres et une conversation agréable
卑陋龌龊 bēi lòu wò chuò sordid and contemptible ; vile and repulsive (esp. character or action) sordide et méprisable, vil et repoussant
杯盘狼藉 bēi pán láng jí cups and dishes in complete disorder ; after a riotous drinking party tasses et plats en désordre complet ; après une soirée festive
悲声载道 bēi shēng zài dào lamentations fill the roads ; severe suffering all around des lamentations remplissent les routes / de la souffrance partout autour
杯水车薪 bēi shuǐ chē xīn lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood ;fig. an utterly inadequate measure vouloir éteindre avec un verre d'eau le feu d'une brouette de foin, c'est trop peu pour que ce soit de quelque utilité
背水一战 bèi shuǐ yī zhàn lit. fight with one's back to the river ; fig. to fight to win or die prêt à livrer bataille ayant le fleuve à dos, jouer le tout pour le tout
背信弃义 bèi xìn qì yì breaking faith and abandoning right ; to betray;treachery; perfidy manquer à sa promesse et renier son engagement, être perfide
卑之,无甚高论 bēi zhī , wú shèn gāo lùn my opinion, nothing very involved (idiom, humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion; what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary sens/a mon avis, rien de très impliqué
本末倒置 běn mò dào zhì lit. to invert root and branch ; fig. confusing cause and effect; to stress the incidental over the fundamental; to put the cart before the horse inverser l'ordre des choses; mettre la charrue avant les boeufs; prendre la branche pour la racine; confondre la cause et l'effet; prendre le secondaire pour le principal; renverser l'ordre naturel des choses; prendre les rameaux pour les racines; inverti
笨鸟先飞 bèn niǎo xiān fēi lit. the clumsy bird flies early ; fig. to work hard to compensate for one's limited abilities Un oiseau lent devrait partir plus tôt
本性难移 běn xìng nán yí It is hard to change one's essential nature . You can't change who you are.; Can the leopard change his spots? (Jeremiah 13:23) La nature d'un homme est difficile à amender
比比皆是 bǐ bǐ jiē shì can be found everywhere il en est partout ainsi; c'est partout la même chose
碧草如茵 bì cǎo rú yīn green grass like cushion ; green meadow so inviting to sleep on un tapis d'herbes vertes
彼倡此和 bǐ chàng cǐ hé to chorus sb else's lead ; to chime in in agreement L'analogie préconise un côté, n'agit pas de l'autre, ou coopère entre eux, se fait écho
彼唱此和 bǐ chàng cǐ hé to chorus sb else's lead ; to chime in in agreement L'analogie préconise un côté, n'agit pas de l'autre, ou coopère entre eux, se fait écho
碧海青天 bì hǎi qīng tiān green sea, blue sky ; sea and sky merge in one shade; loneliness of faithful widow mer verte, ciel bleu ; la mer et le ciel fusionnent
避坑落井 bì kēng luò jǐng to dodge a pit only to fall into a well ; out of the frying pan into the fire esquiver une fosse pour tomber dans un puits
闭口不谈 bì kǒu bù tán to refuse to say anything about ; to remain tight-lipped; to avoid mentioning passer quelque chose sous silence
壁垒一新 bì lěi yī xīn to have one's defenses in good order bien organiser sa défense
逼良为娼 bī liáng wéi chāng to force an honest girl into prostitution ; to debauch forcer une honnête fille à se prostituer, débaucher
闭门羹 bì mén gēng lit. closed-door soup ; refusal to let sb in refus d'entrée, ne pas être bienvenu
筚门闺窦 bì mén guī dòu wicker door, hole window ; fig. wretched hovel;living in poverty porte en osier, trou pour fenêtre; (fig.) misérable taudis, vivre dans la pauvreté
荜门圭窦 bì mén guī dòu wicker door, hole window ; fig. wretched hovel;living in poverty porte en osier, trou pour fenêtre; (fig.) misérable taudis, vivre dans la pauvreté
闭门觅句 bì mén mì jù lit. lock the door and search for the right word ;fig. the serious hard work of writing verrouiller la porte et rechercher le juste mot, travailler sérieusement à l'écriture
闭门塞窦 bì mén sè dòu to close doors and block openings ; mounting a strict defense fermer les portes et bloquer les ouvertures / monter une défense sans faille
闭门思过 bì mén sī guò to reflect on one's misdeeds in private, shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes in seclution s'enfermer chez soi et réfléchir sur ses fautes
闭门造车 bì mén zào chē lit. to build a cart behind closed doors; to be overly subjective and disregard the outside world fabriquer un chariot en s'enfermant chez soi; faire qch par pure imagination
鼻青眼肿 bí qīng yǎn zhǒng a black eye ; serious injury to the face; fig. a setback; a defeat oeil au beurre noir / blessure grave au visage / revers / défaite
逼上梁山 bī shàng liáng shān to drive to revolt, to force sb to desperate action conduit à rejoindre les rebelles des montagnes Liangshan, conduire à la révolte, forcer qqn à une action désespérée
笔胜于刀文比武强 bǐ shèng yú dāo wén bǐ wǔ qiáng the pen is mightier than the sword la plume est plus puissante que l'épée
避世绝俗 bì shì jué sú to withdraw from society and live like a hermit se retirer de la société et vivre comme un ermite
碧水苍天 bì shuǐ cāng tiān jade waters below and blue heavens above c’est de l’eau bleue
敝屣尊荣 bì xǐ zūn róng to care nothing for worldly fame and glory ne se soucier ni de la célébrité ni de la gloire
俾夜作昼 bǐ yè zuò zhòu lit. to make night as day ; fig. to burn the midnight oil; work especially hard de nuit comme de jour / travailler particulièrement dur
比翼双飞 bǐ yì shuāng fēi lit. a pair of birds flying close together ; fig. two hearts beating as one; name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish une paire d'oiseaux volant ensemble, deux coeurs battant à l'unisson
闭月羞花 bì yuè xiū huā lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers ; fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world qui cache la Lune et fait honte aux fleurs, femme d'une beauté à faire pâlir les étoiles
避重就轻 bì zhòng jiù qīng focus on small things, ignoring what's important se focaliser sur de petites choses, ignorer ce qui est important
敝帚千金 bì zhǒu qiān jīn lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in gold ; fig. sentimental value; I wouldn't be parted with it for anything. balais usé en vaut mille en or / valeur sentimentale / ne vouloir se séparer de qch pour rien au monde
敝帚自珍 bì zhǒu zì zhēn to value the broom as one's own ; to attach value to sth because it is one's own; a sentimental attachment attacher du prix à ses propres affaires, mêmes les plus viles; Un balai usé est cher à son propriétaire
俾昼作夜 bǐ zhòu zuò yè to make day as night (idiom, from Book of Songs); fig. to prolong one's pleasure regardless of the hour prolonger son plaisir quelle que soit l'heure
变本加厉 biàn běn jiā lì lit. change to more severe ; to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming); to aggravate; to intensify de plus belle; encore; de nouveau
鞭长莫及 biān cháng mò jí lit. the whip cannot reach ; beyond one's influence; too far to be able to help être hors de portée
便民利民 biàn mín lì mín for the convenience and benefit of the people pour la convenance et le profit du peuple
变色易容 biàn sè yì róng to change color and alter one's expression ; to go white with fear; out of one's wits changer de couleur et modifier son expression / blanchir de peur
变生肘腋 biàn shēng zhǒu yè lit. calamity in one's armpit ; a major coup happening on one's doorstep; trouble or danger in one's own backyard Un malheur se produit à l'aisselle (litt.), un complot est ourdi sous sa barbe, le coup est monté sous son nez
遍体鳞伤 biàn tǐ lín shāng covered all over with cuts and bruises, beaten black and blue corps couvert de plaies comme un poisson couvert d'écailles, être répandu partout
彪炳千古 biāo bǐng qiān gǔ to shine through the ages rayonner à travers les âges
表里不一 biǎo lǐ bù yī outside appearance and inner reality differ ; not what it seems; saying one thing but meaning sth different avoir deux visages / parler et agir d'une manière mais penser d'une autre façon / dire qch mais penser différemment
表里如一 biǎo lǐ rú yī external appearance and inner thoughts coincide; to say what one means; to think and act as one dire ou faire ce qu'on pense
标新竞异 biāo xīn jìng yì to start on sth new and different ; to display originality démarrer sur qch de nouveau et différent; afficher l'originalité
标新立异 biāo xīn lì yì to start on sth new and different ; to display originality afficher les nouveautés et ériger l'originalité; avancer un paradoxe; faire des excentricités
标新领异 biāo xīn lǐng yì to bring in the new ; new directions, different creation amener la fraicheur dans la nouveauté
标新取异 biāo xīn qǔ yì to start on sth new and different ; to display originality commencer sur qch de nouveau et différent, afficher l'originalité
别出心裁 bié chū xīn cái to hit on sth new ; to display originality; to adopt an original approach faire oeuvre originale; avoir de l'originalité; être marqué d'un caractère original
別具一格 bié jù yī gé having a unique or distinctive style avoir un style unique et distinctif
别开生面 bié kāi shēng miàn to start sth new or original ; to break a new path; to break fresh ground original; inédit
别树一旗 bié shù yī qí lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree ; fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own faire voler sa bannière sur un arbre solitaire / agir en solitaire / se démarquer / développer sa propre école / avoir sa propre attitude
别树一帜 bié shù yī zhì lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree ; fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own faire voler sa bannière sur un arbre solitaire / agir en solitaire / se démarquer / développer sa propre école / avoir sa propre attitude
别无他用 bié wú tā yòng to have no other use or purpose ne pas avoir d'autre usage
别有用心 bié yǒu yòng xīn to have an ulterior motive ; a hidden agenda avoir une arrière-pensée
宾客盈门 bīn kè yíng mén guests filled the hall ; a house full of distinguished visitors les invités remplissent le hall, une maison pleine de visiteurs distingués
宾朋满座 bīn péng mǎn zuò guests filled all the seats ; a house full of distinguished visitors les invités remplissent tous les sièges / une maison pleine de visiteurs distingués
宾朋盈门 bīn péng yíng mén guests filled the hall ; a house full of distinguished visitors les invités remplissent le hall / une maison pleine de visiteurs distingués
兵败如山倒 bīng bài rú shān dǎo troops in defeat like a landslide ; a beaten army in total collapse une armée en déroute ressemble à une montagne qui s'écroule, l'armée s'écroule comme un château de cartes
兵不血刃 bīng bù xuè rèn lit. no blood on the men's swords ; fig. an effortless victory pas de sang sur les épées des hommes, une victoire sans effort
病从口入 bìng cóng kǒu rù Illness enters by the mouth . Mind what you eat!; fig. A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble. la maladie entre par la bouche, une langue bien pendue peut causer beaucoup d'ennuis
病从口入,祸从口出 bìng cóng kǒu rù , huò cóng kǒu chū Illness enters by the mouth, trouble comes out by the mouth . A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble. la maladie entre par la bouche, les troubles sortent par la bouche
冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 bīng dòng sān chǐ , fēi yī rì zhī hán three feet of ice does not form in a single day ;Rome wasn't built in a day trois pieds de glace ne se forme pas en un seul jour, Rome n'a pas été construite en un jour
兵戈扰攘 bīng gē rǎo rǎng arms and confusion ; turmoil of war armes et confusion / malheurs de la guerre
秉公办理 bǐng gōng bàn lǐ conducting business impartially ; to act justly conduire des affaires de manière impartiale / agir avec justice
兵贵神速 bīng guì shén sù speed is a crucial asset in war, swift and resolute la vitesse est précieuse en temps de guerre
冰壶秋月 bīng hú qiū yuè jade ice jug and autumn moon (idiom, from poem by Song writer Su Dongpo 苏东坡)">">苏东坡); fig. spotless white and pure; flawless person vase de glace et Lune d'automne; d'une blancheur pure et impeccable; personne candide; personne exempte de tout défaut
兵荒马乱 bīng huāng mǎ luàn soldiers munity and troops rebel ; turmoil and chaos of war agitation et chaos de guerre
病急乱投医 bìng jí luàn tóu yī lit. to turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill; fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis quand le mal s'aggrave, on consulte le premier médecin venu. En cas d'urgence, tous les moyens sont bons. Dans une situation désespérée, on essaie n'importe quoi
兵家常事 bīng jiā cháng shì commonplace in military operations monnaie courante dans les opérations militaires
兵精粮足 bīng jīng liáng zú elite soldiers, ample provisions ; well prepared forces; preparations for war are in an advanced state excellents soldats et suffisamment de nourriture / forces armées bien préparées, prêtes à l'action
兵来将挡,水来土掩 bīng lái jiāng dǎng , shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir; different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation repousser l'offensive ennemie avec des officiers et arrêter l'eau des inondations avec de la terre ; prendre des contre-mesures pour empêcher l'action de son adversaire ; prendre des mesures efficaces
兵来将敌,水来土堰 bīng lái jiàng dí , shuǐ lái tǔ yàn counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir; different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation différentes situations nécessitent différentes actions
病来如山倒,病去如抽丝 bìng lái rú shān dǎo , bìng qù rú chōu sī sickness comes like a landslide, but goes slowly like spinning silk ; expect to convalesce slowly La maladie vient à cheval et s'en retourne à pied / le malheur s'abat de manière fulgurante mais s'éloigne très lentement
兵临城下 bīng lín chéng xià soldiers at the city walls ; fig. at a critical juncture en état de siège
兵马未动,粮草先行 bīng mǎ wèi dòng , liáng cǎo xiān xíng before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first; logistics comes before military maneuvers; an army marches on its stomach avant que les troupes ne s'ébranlent, il faut préparer provisions et fourrage / la logistique doit précéder la tactique
病民蛊国 bìng mín gǔ guó to damage the people and harm the country blesser les gens et nuire au pays
病民害国 bìng mín hài guó to damage the people and harm the country blesser les gens et nuire au pays
冰清玉洁 bīng qīng yù jié clear as ice and clean as jade ; spotless;irreproachable; incorruptible pur comme la glace, doux comme le jade / impeccable / irréprochable / incorruptible
兵戎相见 bīng róng xiāng jiàn to meet on the battlefield se rencontrer sur le champ de bataille
病入膏肓 bìng rù gāo huāng lit. the disease has attacked the vitals ; fig. beyond cure; the situation is hopeless être malade à la dernière extrémité, être atteint d'une maladie incurable
冰炭不言,冷热自明 bīng tàn bù yán , lěng rè zì míng ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying; fig. sincerity is not expressed in words Charme de glace ne dit pas la sincérité intérieure sans confession, est lié à montrer dans l'action
冰雪聪明 bīng xuě cōng ming exceptionally intelligent exceptionnellement intelligent
博而不精 bó ér bù jīng extensive but not refined ; to know something about everything; Jack of all trades and master of none. avoir des connaissances riches mais pas expert
博识多通 bó shí duō tōng knowledgeable and perspicacious compétent et perspicace
博士买驴 bó shì mǎi lǘ lit. the scholar buys a donkey ; fig. long-winded verbiage that never gets to the point; idiom mocking scholastic pomposity Le médecin achète des ânes, discours sans fin qui n'en vient jamais au fait
博识洽闻 bó shí qià wén knowledgeable; erudite érudit
波涛粼粼 bō tāo lín lín crystalline waves vagues cristallines
博物洽闻 bó wù qià wén to have a wide knowledge of many subjects avoir une vaste connaissance de nombreux sujets
渤澥桑田 bó xiè sāng tián lit. blue seas where once was mulberry fields (idiom, from 史记, Record of the Grand Historian); time brings great changes; life's vicissitudes les mers bleues étaient autrefois des champs de mûrier / le temps apporte de grands changements / vicissitudes de la vie
博学多才 bó xué duō cái erudite and multi-talented ; versatile and able érudit et multi-talentueux / polyvalent et capable
拨云见日 bō yún jiàn rì lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun ; fig. to restore justice dissiper les nuages et voir le soleil, restaurer la justice, Le Retour de l'inspecteur Harry (film)
不安其室 bù ān qí shì to be discontented with one's home; to have adulterous relations after marriage (of women) être mécontent de sa maison / avoir des relations adultères
不卑不亢 bù bēi bù kàng neither servile nor overbearing ; neither obsequious nor supercilious ni servile ni dominateur / ni obséquieux ni hautain
不避斧钺 bù bì fǔ yuè don't avoid the battle-ax ; soldier must face danger bravely ne pas éviter les haches, les soldats doivent faire face au danger courageusement
不辨菽麦 bù biàn shū mài lit. cannot tell beans from wheat ; fig. ignorant of practical matters être incapable de distinguer les haricots du blé; être d'une ignorance crasse dans le domaine pratique
不成体统 bù chéng tǐ tǒng not according with decorum ; scandalous; bad form; unacceptable behavior malséant;,outrageant, il est malséant de porter la culotte dans le bal
不啻天渊 bù chì tiān yuān no less than from heaven to the abyss ;differing widely; worlds apart; the gap couldn't be bigger d'un écart incommensurable
不耻下问 bù chǐ xià wèn do not feel ashamed to ask and learn from the rank and file, be modest enough to consult one's inferiors condescendre à consulter un inférieur, daigner s'adresser à un inférieur pour prendre son avis
不打不成才 bù dǎ bù chéng cái spare the rod and spoil the child pas de douleur, pas de talent
不打不成相识 bù dǎ bù chéng xiāng shí don't fight, won't make friends ; an exchange of blows may lead to friendship sans affrontement, pas de conpréhension mutuelle / sans dispute, pas d'entente
不打不相识 bù dǎ bù xiāng shí lit. don't fight, won't make friends ; an exchange of blows may lead to friendship; no discord, no concord sans dispute, pas d'entente / l'amitié se révèle souvent après de brutales disputes
不打自招 bù dǎ zì zhāo condemned oneself out of one's own mouth;make a confession of one's own accord faire des aveux sans la torture / vendre la mèche sans y être forcé
不到黄河心不死 bù dào huáng hé xīn bù sǐ lit. not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River; fig. to persevere until one reaches one's goal;to keep going while some hope is left ne pas s'arrêter jusqu'au fleuve Jaune / refuser d'abandonner jusqu'à ce que tout espoir soit parti
不动声色 bù dòng shēng sè not a word or movement ; remaining calm and collected; not batting an eyelid ne pas laisser paraître ses sentiments; n'avoir l'air de rien; comme si de rien n'était; rester impassible
步斗踏罡 bù dǒu tà gāng to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology) adorer les divinités astrales
不分彼此 bù fēn bǐ cǐ to make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's ; to share everything; to be on very intimate terms ne pas faire la distinction entre ce qui est à moi et ce qui est à toi ; vivre dans la plus grande intimité
不分伯仲 bù fēn bó zhòng lit. unable to distinguish eldest brother from second brother ; they are all equally excellent; nothing to choose between them aucune distinction possible entre deux frères aînés ; autant excellent l'un que l'autre
不愤不启 bù fèn bù qǐ the heart desperately wants to understand how to do sth but cannot n’éclairer que les enthousiastes
不分青红皂白 bù fēn qīng hóng zào bái not distinguishing red-blue or black-white ; not to distinguish between right and wrong sans faire la moindre distinction entre le rouge et le vert ou le noir et le blane; sans distinguer le vrai du faux (ou : le bien du mal)
不分胜负 bù fēn shèng fù unable to determine victory or defeat ; evenly matched; to come out even; to tie; to draw avoir fait match nul ; faire jeu égal
不分皂白 bù fēn zào bái not distinguishing black or white ; not to distinguish between right and wrong sans faire la moindre distinction entre le rouge et le vert ou le noir et le blane; sans distinguer le vrai du faux (ou : le bien du mal)
捕风捉影 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows ;fig. groundless accusations; to act on hearsay evidence attraper le vent et courir une ombre; agir (ou : tenir des propos) sur des signes douteux
不敢自专 bù gǎn zì zhuān not daring to act for oneself ne pas avoir l'audace d'agir pour soi-même
步罡踏斗 bù gāng tà dǒu to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology) adorer les divinités astrales
不共戴天 bù gòng dài tiān will not live under the same sky (with one's enemy) - absolutely irreconcilable ne pouvoir coexister sous le ciel, vouer une haine implacable à qqn
不顾前后 bù gù qián hòu regardless of what's before or after ; rushing blindly into sth se précipiter aveuglément dans qch
不过尔尔 bù guò ěr ěr not more than so-so ; mediocre; nothing out of the ordinary rien de plus que cela, pas terrible, rien moins que médiocre, rien qui sorte de l'ordinaire
不慌不忙 bù huāng bù máng calm and unhurried ; composed; to take matters calmly calme et paisible; prendre les choses calmement
不疾不徐 bù jí bù xú neither too fast nor too slow ni trop rapide ni trop lent
不计其数 bù jì qí shù lit. their number cannot be counted ; fig. countless; innumerable innombrable, qui ne peut se compter
不假思索 bù jiǎ sī suǒ to act without taking time to think ; to react instantly; to fire from the hip sans réflexion, sans hésitation, au pied levé, avec empressement
不见不散 bù jiàn bù sàn (lit.) Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave ; Be sure to wait!; See you there! on s'attend quoi qu'il arrive, on se voit à coup sûr
不见棺材不落泪 bù jiàn guān cái bù luò lèi fig. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin ; lit. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality ne pas verser une larme jusqu'à voir le cercueil
不见经传 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn not found in the classics ; unknown; unfounded;not authoritative qu'on ne trouve ni dans les classiques ni dans leurs commentaires; référence inexacte; (citation) introuvable; (auteur) inconnu
不见天日 bù jiàn tiān rì all black, no daylight ; a world without justice très sombre et sans lumière du jour / monde sans justice
不见兔子不撒鹰 bù jiàn tù zi bù sā yīng you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare; one doesn't act without some incentive tant qu'on n'a pas vu le lapin, on ne lâche pas le faucon
不俭则匮 bù jiǎn zé kuì wastage makes one destitute le gaspillage entraine la chute
不胫而走 bù jìng ér zǒu to get round fast/to spread like wildfire se répandre rapidement
不拘小节 bù jū xiǎo jié to not bother about trifles braver la bienséance, ne pas faire de cérémonie, être sans gêne
不可端倪 bù kě duān ní impossible to get even an outline ;unfathomable; not a clue indiscernable / insondable
不可抗拒 bù kě kàng jù act of God; force majeure (law); irresistible acte de Dieu, force majeure, irrésistible
不可理喻 bù kě lǐ yù to be impervious to reason ; unreasonable iraisonné, imperméable à la raison
不可枚举 bù kě méi jǔ innumerable innombrable
不可胜言 bù kě shèng yán inexpressible ; beyond description inexprimable
不可思议 bù kě sī yì inconceivable ; unimaginable; unfathomable inimaginable, inconcevable, incompréhensible, mystérieux, merveilleux
不可同日而语 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day; not to be mentioned in the same breath;incomparable il n'est pas possible de parler de deux choses différentes sous le même jour, on ne peut mettre deux choses différentes sur le même plan
不可言喻 bù kě yán yù inexpressible indicible, inexprimable
不愧不怍 bù kuì bù zuò no shame, no subterfuge ; just and honorable;upright and above board aucune honte, aucun subterfuge
不愧下学 bù kuì xià xué not ashamed to learn from subordinates ne pas avoir honte d'apprendre de ses subordonnés
不劳而获 bù láo ér huò to reap without sowing gagner sans travailler, s'emparer du fruit du labeur d'autrui
不劳无获 bù láo wú huò no pain, no gain aucune douleur, aucun gain
不吝珠玉 bù lìn zhū yù lit. do not begrudge gems of wisdom (idiom, humble expr.); fig. Please give me your frank opinion.; Your criticism will be most valuable. ne pas envier les pierres précieuses de la sagesse / merci de me donner votre opinion franche / votre critique aura beaucoup de valeur
不明事理 bù míng shì lǐ not understanding things ; devoid of sense dépourvu de sens
不谋而合 bù móu ér hé to share the same opinion without any consultation tomber d'accord sans s'être concertés, tomber d'accord sans consultation préalable
不念旧恶 bù niàn jiù è do not recall old grievances (idiom, from Analects);forgive and forget ne pas se rappeler les vieilles rancunes / pardonner et oublier
补偏救弊 bǔ piān jiù bì to remedy defects and correct errors ; to rectify past mistakes rectifier ses erreurs, paix
不求甚解 bù qiú shèn jiě lit. not requiring a detailed understanding ; only looking for an overview; not bothered with the details;superficial; content with shallow understanding refuser d'aller au fond des choses; ne pas se donner la peine d'approfondir la chose; se contenter de comprendre aux trois quarts; ne pas chercher à approfondir
不求有功,但求无过 bù qiú yǒu gōng , dàn qiú wú guò special achievement not required, just no hyperactive blunders ; not hoping to acquire merit, just avoiding mistakes; Take it easy and keep your nose clean. N'ayant pas de hautes visées, on a pour seul souci de ne pas êter pris soi-même en défaut, se contenter de ce qu'on a
不让须眉 bù ràng xū méi to compare favorably with men in terms of ability, bravery etc; to be a match for men; lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows) être aussi habile et brave qu'un homme, ne pas céder aux hommes
步入后尘 bù rén hòu chén tread in sb.'s footsteps [steps], dog the steps of others marcher sur les traces de quelqu'un
不容置疑 bù róng zhì yí to allow for no doubt, unquestionable incontestable, indiscutable
不入虎穴,焉得虎子 bù rù hǔ xué , yān dé hǔ zǐ How do you catch the tiger cub without entering the tiger's lair? ; Nothing ventured, nothing gained. sans entrer dans l'antre d'un tigre, comment capturer ses petits ?
不杀不辱 bù shā bù rǔ to neither kill nor humiliate ne pas tuer et ne pas humilier
不声不响 bù shēng bù xiǎng wordless and silent ; without speaking; taciturn muet et silencieux, sans parler, taciturne
不胜其苦 bù shèng qí kǔ unable to bear the pain incapable de supporter la douleur
不识大体 bù shí dà tǐ unable to see the larger issue ; unaware of the general interest être incapable d'une vue d'ensemble, manquer d'esprit de synthèse, avoir une vue bornée
不识高低 bù shí gāo dī can't recognize tall or short ; doesn't know what's what ne pas avoir si c'est du lard ou du cochon, n'y connaître rien
不识时变 bù shí shí biàn to show no understanding of the times ; cannot adapt to current circumstances; not amenable to reason être déphasé, ne pas savoir s'adapter aux circonstances actuelles
不识时务 bù shí shí wù to show no understanding of the times ; cannot adapt to current circumstances; not amenable to reason méconnaître ce qui caractérise l'époque où l'on vit; ne pas être sensible; manquer de profiter d'une bonne chance
不识抬举 bù shí tái jǔ not knowing how to lift, fail to appreciate kindness ne pas savoir apprécier les faveurs qu'on lui accorde
不识泰山 bù shí tài shān can't recognize Mt Taishan ; fig. not to recognize a famous person avoir des yeux, mais ne pas voir le Mont Tai / être incapable de reconnaitre l'importance ou le talent de qqn
不说自明 bù shuō zì míng self-explanatory; self-evident (expr. idiom.) de soi-même
不痛不痒 bù tòng bù yǎng lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle ; sth is wrong, but not quite sure what; fig. not getting to any matter of substance; scratching the surface; superficial;perfunctory qui ne provoque ni douleur ni démangeaison; qui effleure une question sans l'approfondir
不同凡响 bù tóng fán xiǎng lit. not a common chord ; outstanding; brilliant;out of the common run hors ligne; d'une grand originalité; qui se distingue de l'ordinaire
不畏强暴 bù wèi qiáng bào not to submit to force ; to defy threats and violence ne pas céder à la violence; ne pas craindre la force brutal
不畏强权 bù wèi qiáng quán not to submit to force ; to defy threats and violence ne pas céder à la violence; ne pas craindre la force brutal
不为左右袒 bù wèi zuǒ yòu tǎn to remain neutral in a quarrel rester neutre dans une querelle
不闻不问 bù wén bù wèn not to hear, not to question ; to show no interest in sth; uncritical; not in the least concerned se boucher les yeux et les oreilles; laisser tout aller; fermer les yeux sur
不问好歹 bù wèn hǎo dǎi no matter what may happen peu importe ce qui peut arriver
不问就听不到假话 bù wèn jiù tīng bù dào jiǎ huà Don't ask and you won't be told any lies ne demandez pas et il ne vous sera dit aucun mensonge
不问青红皂白 bù wèn qīng hóng zào bái not distinguishing red-blue or black-white ; not to distinguish between right and wrong confondre le vrai et le faux
不显山不露水 bù xiǎn shān bù lù shuǐ lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water ; fig. to hide the key facts masquer les éléments clés
不修边幅 bù xiū biān fú not care about one's appearance ; slovenly in dress and manner avoir une tenue négligée; attacher peu d'importance à la toilette ou à la tenue
不恤人言 bù xù rén yán not to worry about the gossip ; to do the right thing regardless of what others say ne pas s'inquiéter des commérages
不学无术 bù xué wú shù without learning or skills ; ignorant and incompetent sans savoir ni compétence; manque d'instruction pour n'avoir rien appris; dépourvu de capacités; ignorant
不言而喻 bù yán ér yù it goes without saying, it is self-evident cela va sans dire, cela se comprend
不厌其烦 bù yàn qí fán not to mind taking all the trouble ; to take great pains; to be very patient prendre grand soin / être très patient
不言自明 bù yán zì míng self-evident; needing no explanation allant de soi; ne nécessitant aucune explication; évident
不依不饶 bù yī bù ráo not to overlook, nor spare ; unwilling to forgive; to treat severely without listening to excuses ne pas négliger, ne pas épargner / ne pas être prêt à pardonner / traiter sévèrement sans écouter les excuses
不以词害志 bù yǐ cí hài zhì don't let rhetoric spoil the message ; don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say ne blessez pas votre ambition avec des mots
不翼而飞 bù yì ér fēi to disappear without trace/to vanish all of a sudden/to spread fast/to spread like wildfire s'envoler sans avoir besoin d'ailes, disparaître mystérieusement
不以规矩,不能成方圆 bù yǐ guī ju , bù néng chéng fāng yuán without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules sans les règles, pas de réussite
不以人废言 bù yǐ rén fèi yán not to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on the merits of the case rather than preference between advisers ne pas rejeter une suggestion parce qu'elle vient d'un homme humble
不以为然 bù yǐ wéi rán not to accept as correct ; to object; to disapprove; to take exception to ne pas donner raison; ne pas être du même avis; Je pense que non; Je ne suis pas de cet avis
不遗余力 bù yí yú lì to spare no pains or effort ; to do one's utmost faire de son mieux; ne pas épargner ses efforts
不由自主 bù yóu zì zhǔ can't help; involuntarily ne pouvoir s'empêcher de faire qch; malgré soi
不约而同 bù yuē ér tóng to agree by chance ; taking the same action without prior consultation faire la même chose sans se donner le mot; se trouver du même avis sans qu'il y ait eu entente préalable
不择手段 bù zé shǒu duàn by fair means or foul, by hook or by crook, unscrupulously par gré ou de force, sans scrupule
不知丁董 bù zhī dīng dǒng forgetting the fate of Ding and Dong ;unheeding the lessons of the past oublier le sort de Ding et Dong, oublier les leçons du passé
不知进退 bù zhī jìn tuì not knowing when to come or leave ; with no sense of propriety ne pas avoir le sens de la mesure, ne pas savoir jusqu'où l'on doit s'arrêter
不知轻重 bù zhī qīng zhòng lit. not knowing what's important ; no appreciation of the gravity of things; naive; doesn't know who's who; no sense of priorities ne pas distinguer l'importance d'une affaire
不知所措 bù zhī suǒ cuò not knowing what to do ; at one's wits' end;embarrassed and at a complete loss désorientation; déboussolage; perplexité; démonter
不值一文 bù zhí yī wén worthless ; no use whatsoever ne rien valoir; sans valeur; Ça ne vaut pas un sou
不终天年 bù zhōng tiān nián to die before one's allotted lifespan has run its course mourir avant sa longévité allouée à suivre son cours
不撞南墙不回头 bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas s'entêter sur ses propres idées
不足挂齿 bù zú guà chǐ not worth hanging on the teeth, not worth mentioning trop insignifiant pour qu'on en parle, cela ne vaut pas la peine d'en parler, ce ne sont que des bagatelles
不足为奇 bù zú wéi qí not at all surprising pas du tout surprenant
不足为外人道 bù zú wéi wài rén dào no use to tell others; let's keep this between ourselves gardons cela entre nous
才华出众 cái huá chū zhòng outstanding talent ; incomparable artistic merit talent exceptionnel, mérite artistique incomparable, incroyable talent
才华盖世 cái huá gài shì peerless talent ; incomparable artistic merit talent incomparable
才兼文武 cái jiān wén wǔ talent in both military and civil field à la fois civil et militaire
采兰赠芍 cǎi lán zèng sháo lit. pick orchids and present peonies ; fig. presents between lovers cueillir des orchidées et présenter des pivoines, cadeaux entre amoureux
才貌双全 cái mào shuāng quán talented and good-looking beau et talentueux
才气过人 cái qì guò rén an outstanding talent ; surpassing insight and acumen un talent exceptionnel
才识过人 cái shí guò rén an outstanding talent ; surpassing insight and acumen un talent exceptionnel
才疏学浅 cái shū xué qiǎn (humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning; Pray forgive my ignorance,... Mon horizon est borné et mon savoir superficiel(formule de politesse)
财源滚滚 cái yuán gǔn gǔn profits pouring in from all sides ; raking in money; bonanza la richesse entre de tous les côtés
才子佳人 cái zǐ jiā rén gifted scholar, beautiful lady ; pair of ideal lovers; cf With his brains and her looks... érudit doué, belle dame / couple d'amoureux idéal
残兵败将 cán bīng bài jiàng ruined army, defeated general ; scattered remnants restes d'une troupe en déroute
惨不忍睹 cǎn bù rěn dǔ spectacle too horrible to endure ; tragic sight;appalling scenes of devastation être d'une atrocité inouïe; étre d'un tragique inimaginable
惨不忍闻 cǎn bù rěn wén too horrible to endure ; tragic spectacle;appalling scenes of devastation être d'une atrocité inouïe ; être d'un tragique incroyable
残茶剩饭 cán chá shèng fàn spoilt tea, leftover food ; remains after a meal;crumbs from the feast thé gâté, restes de nourriture / restes après un repas
惨淡经营 cǎn dàn jīng yíng to manage by painstaking effort se donner beaucoup de mal pour faire qch; mettre toutes ses forces à faire
残花败柳 cán huā bài liǔ broken flower, withered willow ; fig. fallen woman femme qui commet l'adultère et perd son honneur; perd son charme; beauté fanée
惨绝人寰 cǎn jué rén huán extremely tragic ; with unprecedented brutality extrêmement tragique / avec une brutalité sans précédent
残酷无情 cán kù wú qíng cruel and unfeeling cruel et insensible
残民害物 cán mín hài wù to harm people and damage property nuire aux gens et faire des dommages matériels
残年短景 cán nián duǎn jǐng at the end of the year à la fin de l'année
灿若繁星 càn ruò fán xīng bright as a multitude of stars ; extremely able talent brillant comme une multitude d'étoiles, infini talent
惨无人道 cǎn wú rén dào inhuman ; brutal and unfeeling inhumain / brutal et insensible
藏垢纳污 cáng gòu nà wū to hide dirt, to conceal corruption ; to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing; aiding and abetting wicked deeds assembler des hommes et éléments mauvais, masquer la corruption
沧海桑田 cāng hǎi sāng tián lit. the blue sea turned into mulberry fields ; fig. the transformations of the world on ne boit jamais deux fois la même eau, les vicissitudes de la vie, les aléas des choses de ce monde
沧海遗珠 cāng hǎi yí zhū undiscovered talent une perle perdue dans l'océan, talent méconnu
仓皇出逃 cāng huáng chū táo to run off in a great panic S'enfuir pris de panique
仓皇失措 cāng huáng shī cuò be disconcerted; all in a fluster [flutter], be at a loss as to what to do s'affoler, perdre la tête, être pris de panique
藏龙卧虎 cáng lóng wò hǔ hidden dragon, crouching tiger ; fig. talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent comme un dragon à l'abri, un tigre au repos / avoir des talents cachés
藏器待时 cáng qì dài shí to conceal one's abilities and wait ; to lie low and await the opportune moment cacher ses talents dans l'attente du moment opportun ; faire valoir ses talents le moment venu
苍松翠柏 cāng sōng cuì bǎi evergreen pine and cypress ; steadfast nobility pins verts et cyprès, noblesse inébranlable
藏头露尾 cáng tóu lù wěi to hide the head and show the tail ; to give a partial account; half-truths cacher la tête et montrer la queue / demi-vérité / ne donner qu'une partie des informations
藏污纳垢 cáng wū nà gòu to hide dirt, to conceal corruption ; to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing; aiding and abetting wicked deeds camoufler la saleté, servir de paravent à la canaille [à la fripouille], servir de refuge aux malfaiteurs
草草收兵 cǎo cǎo shōu bīng to work vaguely then retreat ; sloppy and half-hearted; half-baked se hâter de sonner la retraite avant d'avoir vaincu complètement l'adversaire ; finir en queue de poisson ; avoir un dénouement brusque
草菅人命 cǎo jiān rén mìng human life as grass ; to kill people like scything grass; a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen compter la vie humaine pour rien ; traiter la vie de l'homme comme un fétu de paille
草满囹圄 cǎo mǎn líng yǔ lit. jails overgrown with grass ; fig. peaceful society prisons envahies d'herbe ; société paisible
草木皆兵 cǎo mù jiē bīng lit. every tree or bush an enemy soldier ; fig. to panic and treat everyone as an enemy; to feel beleaguered être sur le qui-vive / s'effrayer pour un rien
草率收兵 cǎo shuài shōu bīng to work vaguely then retreat ; sloppy and half-hearted; half-baked travail bâclé
操之过急 cāo zhī guò jí to act with undue haste ; eager and impatient;over-hasty agir (s'y prendre) avec trop de précipitation, aller plus vite que la musique
参差不齐 cēn cī bù qí unevenly matched ; scraggly; jagged inégal
参差错落 cēn cī cuò luò uneven and jumbled ; irregular and disorderly;in a tangled mess inégal et brouillon / irrégulier et désordonné
层出不穷 céng chū bù qióng more and more emerge; innumerable succession;breeding like flies se succéder; se reproduire sans fin
曾经沧海 céng jīng cāng hǎi lit. having crossed the vast ocean ; fig. widely experienced in the vicissitudes of life avoir traversé un vaste océan / avoir fait face aux vicissitudes de la vie
曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云 céng jīng cāng hǎi nán wéi shuǐ , chú què wū shān bù shì yún there are no rivers to one who has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu; one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things avoir traversé un vaste océan / avoir fait face aux vicissitudes de la vie
层峦叠嶂 céng luán dié zhàng range upon range of mountains montagnes étagées et pics superposés; enchevêtrement de cimes
插翅难飞 chā chì nán fēi lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly ; fig. impossible to escape Il serait difficile de sortir de là même avec des ailes
插翅难逃 chā chì nán táo even given wings, you couldn't fly Mettre qqn dans une situation inextricable; (expr. idiom) Percer les ailes pour empêcher de s'enfuir
茶饭不思 chá fàn bù sī no thought for tea or rice ; melancholic and suffering; to have no appetite ne pas avoir le coeur pour le thé ou le riz / mélancolique / ne pas avoir de l'appétit
茶饭无心 chá fàn wú xīn no heart for tea or rice ; melancholic and suffering; to have no appetite ne pas avoir le coeur pour le thé ou le riz / mélancolique / ne pas avoir de l'appétit
插科打诨 chā kē dǎ hùn to include impromptu comic material in opera performance ; to jest; buffoonery inclure des interventions comiques improvisées dans une performance d'opéra / plaisanter / bouffonnerie
差强人意 chā qiáng rén yì  just passable; barely satisfactory à peu près satisfaisant; passable
察微知著 chá wēi zhī zhù to examine tiny clues to know general trends ; to deduce the whole story from small traces examiner les minuscules indices pour connaître les tendances générales, déduire toute l'histoire de petites traces
察言观色 chá yán guān sè to observe sb's words and gestures (idiom, from Analects); to examine words and moods for a clue as to sb's thoughts; mind reading être observateur; comprendre les intentions de qqn d'après son aspect extérieur
差之毫厘,谬以千里 chā zhī háo lí , miù yǐ qiān lǐ the slightest difference leads to a huge error ; a miss is as good as a mile la moindre différence conduit à une énorme erreur
差之毫厘,失之千里 chā zhī háo lí , shī zhī qiān lǐ the slightest difference leads to a huge loss ; a miss is as good as a mile la moindre différence conduit à une perte énorme
姹紫嫣红 chà zǐ yān hóng fig. beautiful purples and brilliant reds ; lit. beautiful flowers pourpre foncé et rouge vif; une orgie de pourpre admirable et de cramoisi tendre
拆东补西 chāi dōng bǔ xī lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west ;fig. temporary expedient; Rob Peter to pay Paul démonter le mur est pour réparer celui de l'ouest / déshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul / payer une dette en contractant une autre
拆东墙补西墙 chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west wall; fig. temporary expedient; Rob Peter to pay Paul démonter le mur est pour réparer celui de l'ouest / déshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul
豺狼当道 chái láng dāng dào ravenous wolves hold the road ; wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land des loups ravisseurs tiennent la route; des personnes impitoyables sont au pouvoir, une tyrannie règle ces terres
豺狼当路 chái láng dāng lù ravenous wolves hold the road ; wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land des loups ravisseurs tiennent la route; des personnes impitoyables sont au pouvoir, une tyrannie règle ces terres
豺狼当涂 chái láng dāng tú ravenous wolves hold the road ; wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land des loups ravisseurs tiennent la route; des personnes impitoyables sont au pouvoir, une tyrannie règle ces terres
豺狼虎豹 chái láng hǔ bào jackals, wolves, tigers and panthers ; animals who are dangerous to man and cattle; fierce and cruel people loup, chacal, tigre et léopard ; bêtes féroces ; peuple farouche et cruel
豺狼塞路 chái láng sāi lù ravenous wolves block the road ; wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land loups voraces barrant la route ; gens méchants au pouvoir ; tyrannie brutale qui règle les terres
柴门小户 chái mén xiǎo hù woodcutter's cottage ; poor person's hovel; fig. my humble house cottage de bûcheron, cabane du pauvre, mon humble maison
缠夹不清 chán jiā bù qīng to muddle things together ; to bother sb with annoying muddle-headed talk brouiller les choses
禅门五宗 chán mén wǔ zōng the five schools of Chan Buddhism les cinq écoles du bouddhisme Chan
缠绵悱恻 chán mián fěi cè too sad for words ; exceedingly sentimental; a real tear-jerker triste et sentimentale, extrêmement sentimental
馋涎欲滴 chán xián yù dī mouth drooling with greed, have eyes bigger than the belly avoir l'eau à la bouche, en baver d'envie
唱白脸 chàng bái liǎn to play the role of the villain jouer le méchant
唱对台戏 chàng duì tái xì to put on a rival show ; to set oneself up against sb; to get into confrontation entrer en confrontation
长风破浪 cháng fēng pò làng lit. to ride the wind and crest the waves; to be ambitious and unafraid être ambitieux et sans peur
唱高调 chàng gāo diào to sing the high part; to speak fine sounding but empty words utiliser des mots pompeux ; emboucher la trompette
尝尽心酸 cháng jìn xīn suān to experience one's full share of sorrows être confronté à une grande tristesse
长乐未央 cháng lè wèi yāng endless happiness bonheur sans fin
长命富贵 cháng mìng fù guì We wish you long life and riches! (idiom, conventional greeting) Nous vous souhaitons une vie longue et riche! (dicton, accueil conventionnel)
长辔远驭 cháng pèi yuǎn yù to control from a distance contrôler à distance
长生久视 cháng shēng jiǔ shì to grow old with unfailing eyes and ears vieillir avec les yeux et les oreilles infaillibles
长生禄位 cháng shēng lù wèi tablet and altar honoring a great benefactor stèle et autel honorant un grand bienfaiteur
畅所欲言 chàng suǒ yù yán lit. fluently saying all one wants ; to preach freely on one's favorite topic; to hold forth to one's heart's content dire ce qu'on a à dire ; vider son sac
长途跋涉 cháng tú bá shè long and difficult trek faire un long voyage pénible
长袖善舞 cháng xiù shàn wǔ long sleeves help one dance beautifully ; money and power will help you in any occupation habile à danser avec des manches longues; compte tenu de l'assistance, les choses sont faciles à faire
长吁短叹 cháng xū duǎn tàn long moan and short gasp ; continually moaning and groaning in pain soupir et gémissement ; soupir sans cesse
长夜漫漫 cháng yè màn màn endless night ; fig. long suffering nuit sans fin ; longue souffrance
长夜难明 cháng yè nán míng lit. many nights under a harsh moon; long years of oppression longues années d'oppression
吵吵嚷嚷 chǎo chǎo rǎng rǎng to make an (unnecessary) racket faire du tapage, du vacarme / crier
超群绝伦 chāo qún jué lún outstanding ; incomparable surpasser ses semblables en mérites, être le phénix de
超然世事 chāo rán shì shì to consider oneself above worldly matters se considérer au-dessus des questions mondaines
朝山进香 cháo shān jìn xiāng to go on a pilgrimage and offer incense aller en pèlerinage et offrir de l'encens
车到山前必有路 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through (俗话 common saying). fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.; cf couplet 車到山前 à la montagne, il y a toujours un chemin à travers; tout ira pour le mieux; ne vous inquiétez pas quand cela arrive
车水马龙 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng endless stream of horse and carriages ; heavy traffic voitures qui passent comme un cours d'eau, chevaux dont la file s'allonge comme un dragon, files ininterrompues de voitures
彻头彻尾 chè tóu chè wěi lit. from head to tail ; thoroughgoing; through and through; out and out; from top to bottom de la tête à la queue / en profondeur / bel et bien / du haut jusqu'en bas / sous toutes les coutures
尘埃落定 chén āi luò dìng the dust settles ; to settle down; to have decided on a certain conclusion; complicated things become clear in the end la poussière retombe, les choses se calment
陈词滥调 chén cí làn diào cliché, commonplace, truism, stereotype lieux communs, banalités, clichés, stéréotypes
陈谷子烂芝麻 chén gǔ zi làn zhī ma lit. stale grain, overcooked sesame ; fig. the same boring old gossip propos démodés et insignifiants, vieilles choses sans importance
趁火打劫 chèn huǒ dǎ jié to loot a burning house; to profit from sb's misfortune piller une maison en feu / profiter de la malchance de qqn
沉湎酒色 chén miǎn jiǔ sè to wallow in alcohol and sex ; over-indulgence in wine and women; an incorrigible drunkard and lecher se vautrer dans l'alcool et le sexe, un ivrogne incorrigible et paillard
沉默寡言 chén mò guǎ yán habitually silent ; reticent; uncommunicative habituellement silencieux / réticent / peu communicatif / taciturne
沉默是金 chén mò shì jīn silence is golden le silence est d'or
趁热打铁 chèn rè dǎ tiě to strike while the iron is hot battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud
晨夕共处 chén xī gòng chǔ to be together from morning until night être ensemble du matin jusqu'au soir
称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì after one's heart ; gratifying and satisfactory;everything one could wish éprouver une douce satisfaction
沉鱼落雁 chén yú luò yàn lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子)fig. female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts une femme d'une beauté telle que les poissons se laissent couler et les oies sauvages s'arrêtent de voler / d'une beauté à couper le souffle
晨钟暮鼓 chén zhōng mù gǔ lit. morning bell, evening drum, symbolizing monastic practice ; fig. encouragement to study or progress la cloche du matin et le tambour du soir (du temple bouddhiste pour annoncer les heures), exhortation opportune à la vertu
沉着应战 chén zhuó yìng zhàn to remain calm in the face of adversity rester calme dans l'adversité
成败利钝 chéng bài lì dùn succeed or fail, sharp or blunt ; advantages and disadvantages; success and failure; You win some, you lose some. Le succès ou l’échec est brutal
乘风破浪 chéng fēng pò làng to brave the wind and the billows ; to have high ambitions braver le vent et les vagues, avoir de grandes ambitions
诚惶诚恐 chéng huáng chéng kǒng in fear and trepidation ; in reverence before your majesty (court formula of humility) véritable peur et honnête crainte / appel à la révérence du vassal envers son souverain / être apeuré
成绩卓然 chéng jì zhuó rán to achieve astounding results obtenir des résultats étonnants
成家立业 chéng jiā lì yè to get married and start a career ; to settle down; to establish oneself se marier et s'établir
程门立雪 chéng mén lì xuě lit. the snow piles up at Cheng Yi's door ; fig. deep reverence for one's master respecter son maitre
城门失火,殃及池鱼 chéng mén shī huǒ , yāng jí chí yú a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat ; the bystander will also suffer; fig. you can't escape responsibility for your actions; ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for thee Lorsque la porte de la ville prend feu, les poissons dans le fossé en souffrent
瞠目结舌 chēng mù jié shé stupefied, flabbergasted avoir les yeux écarquillés et la langue liée, rester bouche bée
逞其口舌 chěng qí kǒu shé to boast of one's quarrels to others se vanter de ses disputes auprès d'autrui
惩前毖后 chéng qián bì hòu lit. to punish those before to prevent those after; to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again tirer la leçon des erreurs passées
成千成万 chéng qiān chéng wàn lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands ;untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands innombrable, des miriades
成千累万 chéng qiān lěi wàn lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands ;untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands innombrable, des miriades
承前启后 chéng qián qǐ hòu to follow the past and herald the future, part of a historical transition; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages se servir de lien entre le passé et l'avenir
成千上万 chéng qiān shàng wàn lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands ;untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands des milliers et des milliers de, d'innombrables
成群结队 chéng qún jié duì making up a group, forming a troupe ; in large numbers; as a large crowd en troupe
乘人不备 chéng rén bù bèi to take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment; to take sb by surprise prendre qn au dépourvu, prendre qn à l'improviste
承上起下 chéng shàng qǐ xià to follow the past and herald the future ; part of a historical transition; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages suivre le passé et annoncent l'avenir, partie d'une transition historique, formant un pont entre les étapes antérieures et postérieures
成事不足,败事有余 chéng shì bù zú , bài shì yǒu yú unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything ; unable to do anything right; never make, but always mar ne suffit pas à accomplir quoi que ce soit, mais bien à gâter les choses, pire que inutile
秤砣虽小压千斤 chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds ; apparently insignificant details can have a large impact; for want of a nail the battle was lost Bien que les écailles soient petites et lourdes, les détails insignifiants peuvent avoir une incidence importante, faute d'un clou, la bataille est perdue
诚心诚意 chéng xīn chéng yì earnestly and sincerely ; with all sincerity de tout coeur, de bonne foi, sincèrement
乘虚而入 chéng xū ér rù to enter by exploiting a weak spot ; to take advantage of a lapse profiter du point faible (de l'ennemi) et entrer; par surprise; à la faveur de l'inattention de qn
成也萧何,败也萧何 chéng yě xiāo hé , bài yě xiāo hé raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He ; success or failure depends solely on one individual C'est Xiao He qui a assuré la nomination de Han Xin, c'est lui-même qui a comploté sa mort. Il est lui-même à l'origine du succès et de l'échec
惩一儆百 chéng yī jǐng bǎi lit. punish one, warn one hundred ; fig. to make an example of sb punir un pour en avertir cent, punir pour l'exemple, donner une punition exemplaire
惩一警百 chéng yī jǐng bǎi lit. punish one, warn one hundred ; fig. to make an example of sb punir un pour en avertir cent, punir pour l'exemple, donner une punition exemplaire
成语典故 chéng yǔ diǎn gù idiom that quotes a classic story Allusions idiomatiques
成语接龙 chéng yǔ jiē lóng game where the last word of one idiom 成语 is the first of the next Idiome solitaire
赤膊上阵 chì bó shàng zhèn lit. to go into battle bare-breasted ; fig. to go all out; to come out in the open aller dans la bataille torse nu; sortir sans déguisement
吃不了兜着走 chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home; fig. you'll have to take the consequences emporter les restes si tout n'a pas été mangé / (fig.) assumer les conséquences
赤胆忠心 chì dǎn zhōng xīn lit. red-bellied devotion ; whole-hearted loyalty;to serve sb with body and soul être dévoué corps et âme
吃喝玩乐 chī hē wán lè to eat, drink and be merry ; to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure (expr. idiom.) manger, boire et être joyeux; s'abandonner à une vie de plaisir
吃苦耐劳 chī kǔ nài láo hardworking and enduring hardships travailleur
吃力不讨好 chī lì bù tǎo hǎo arduous and thankless task ; strenuous and unrewarding tâche ardue et ingrate
魑魅魍魉 chī mèi wǎng liǎng demons and monsters génies malfaisants; mauvais esprits; démons
赤贫如洗 chì pín rú xǐ without two nickels to rub together ;impoverished appauvri
痴人痴福 chī rén chī fú a fool suffers foolish fortune Les idiots sont des imbéciles
吃软不吃硬 chī ruǎn bù chī yìng lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard food ;amenable to coaxing but not coercion pouvoir être convaincu par la raison mais ne pas se laisser intimider par la force
赤手空拳 chì shǒu kōng quán empty hand, empty fist ; having nothing to rely on; unarmed and defenseless main vide, poing vide / sans armes et sans défense / désarmé
持橐簪笔 chí tuó zān bǐ to serve as a counselor servir en tant que conseiller
痴心妄想 chī xīn wàng xiǎng to labor under a delusion ; wishful thinking;trad. form 痴心妄想 also used voeu pieux
吃熊心豹子胆 chī xióng xīn bào zi dǎn to eat bear heart and leopard gall ; to pluck up some courage manger le coeur de l'ours et la vésicule biliaire du léopard / arracher un peu de courage
吃一堑,长一智 chī yī qiàn , cháng yī zhì Fall into the moat and you'll be wiser next time . One only learns from one's mistakes. Une chute dans le fossé, un gain pour votre sagesse. Chaque échec nous rend plus avisés
叱咤风云 chì zhà fēng yún lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth ; fig. shaking the whole world; all-powerful souffler le chaud et le froid; faire la pluie et le beau temps
嗤之以鼻 chī zhī yǐ bí to look down upon; to treat with contempt rire au nez de qqn; faire un pied de nez
持之以恒 chí zhī yǐ héng to pursue unremittingly ; to persevere faire avec persévérance
重操旧业 chóng cāo jiù yè to resume one's old trade reprendre son ancien métier
重蹈覆辙 chóng dǎo fù zhé to follow the track of an overturned cart; to repeat a disastrous policy retomber dans l'ornière du chariot renversé; suivre la voie erronée de qqn; commettre à nouveau des fautes
重睹天日 chóng dǔ tiān rì to see the light again ; delivered from oppression revoir la lumière / délivré de l'oppression
充耳不闻 chōng ěr bù wén to block one's ears and not listen ; to turn a deaf ear faire la sourde oreille à; se boucher les oreilles
冲昏头脑 chōng hūn tóu nǎo lit. to be muddled in the brain ; fig. excited and unable to act rationally; to go to one's head perdre la raison à cause de grands succès
充饥止渴 chōng jī zhǐ kě to allay one's hunger and slake one's thirst assouvir sa faim et étancher la soif
重见天日 chóng jiàn tiān rì to see the light again ; delivered from oppression revoir la lumière / délivré de l'oppression
冲口而出 chōng kǒu ér chū to blurt out without thinking parler sans réfléchir
重峦叠嶂 chóng luán dié zhàng range upon range of mountains une succession de chaînes et de monts faisant écran
宠擅专房 chǒng shàn zhuān fáng an especially favored concubine une concubine particulièrement favorisée
重温旧梦 chóng wēn jiù mèng to revive old dreams ; to relive past experiences faire revivre les vieux rêves / revivre des expériences passées
重温旧业 chóng wēn jiù yè to resume one's old trade reprendre son ancien métier
崇洋媚外 chóng yáng mèi wài to revere everything foreign and pander to overseas powers ; blind worship of foreign goods and ideas flagorner les étrangers et perdre la dignité nationale
重整旗鼓 chóng zhěng qí gǔ lit. to reorganize flags and drums ; to regroup after a setback; to prepare for new initiatives; to attempt a comeback rassembler drapeaux et tambours; raillier ses forces pour recommencer; se regrouper pour reprendre la lutte
重足而立 chóng zú ér lì rooted to the spot ; too terrified to move rester cloué sur place, être glacé de terreur
愁肠百结 chóu cháng bǎi jié hundred knots of worry in one's intestines ;weighed down with anxiety être plongé dans la mélancolie
惆怅若失 chóu chàng ruò shī to feel despondent être désappointé
踌躇不决 chóu chú bù jué to hesitate, indecisive hésiter à prendre une décision, balancer entre deux décisions
踌躇满志 chóu chú mǎn zhì enormously proud of one's success ; smug;complacent se glorifier de ses succès
愁眉苦脸 chóu méi kǔ liǎn frowning and worried ; showing concern avoir une mine triste et soucieuse; avoir l'air chagrin; faire piètre figure; faire triste mine
臭名昭彰 chòu míng zhāo zhāng notorious for his misdeeds ; infamous Notoire
臭名昭著 chòu míng zhāo zhù notorious; infamous; egregious (bandits) être tristement célèbre; de triste renom; de triste notoriété; infâme
臭气熏天 chòu qì xūn tiān overwhelming stench Malodorant
抽丝剥茧 chōu sī bāo jiǎn lit. to spin silk from cocoons; fig. to make a painstaking investigation faire une enquête minutieuse
除暴安良 chú bào ān liáng to root out the strong and give people peace ;to rob the rich and give to the poor voler les riches pour donner aux pauvres
初出茅庐 chū chū máo lú venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time; young and inexperienced; novice; greenhorn s'aventurer loin de sa hutte pour la première fois / jeune et inexpérimenté / novice / jeunot
触斗蛮争 chù dòu mán zhēng constant bickering and fighting ; constantly at each other's throats; struggle for personal gain Combats tactiles
除恶务尽 chú è wù jìn to eradicate evil completely ; thorough in rooting out wickedness Il faut extirper le mal à la racine, déraciner le mal
出尔反尔 chū ěr fǎn ěr old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word; to blow hot and cold; to contradict oneself; inconsistent dire une chose et en faire une autre; se rétracter; se dédire; faire volte-face
处高鹜远 chǔ gāo wù yuǎn to be overly ambitious être trop ambitieux
出乎意料 chū hū yì liào beyond expectation ; unexpected inattendu; imprévu; inespéré; inopiné
出乎意外 chū hū yì wài beyond expectation ; unexpected au delà de toute attente / inattendu
出乎预料 chū hū yù liào beyond expectation ; unexpected de manière inattendue; inattendu
触景伤情 chù jǐng shāng qíng circumstances that evoke mixed feelings les circonstances évoquent des sentiments mitigés
触景生情 chù jǐng shēng qíng scene which recalls past memories ; evocative of the past; reminiscent; to arouse deep feelings scène qui rappelle des souvenirs du passé; évocateur du passé; rappelle; suscite des sentiments profonds
除旧布新 chú jiù bù xīn to get rid of the old to bring in the new ; to innovate se débarrasser de l'ancien et apporter la nouveauté / innover
出口成章 chū kǒu chéng zhāng to speak like a printed book, quick and clever talking, the gift of the gab dire facilement sans penser dur, parler magnifiquement
出类拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì to excel the common ; surpassing; preeminent;outstanding prodigieux; hors pair
初露头角 chū lù tóu jiǎo lit. to first show one's horns ; fig. a first show of emerging talent; first sign of emerging talent; budding genius montrer (manifester) ses talents pour la première foi
触媒作用 chù méi zuò yòng catalysis catalyse
出谋划策 chū móu huà cè to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory); to give advice tramer un complot / souffler des stratagèmes à qqn
怵目惊心 chù mù jīng xīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart ;shocking; horrible to see; a ghastly sight frapper les yeux et faire trembler le coeur
触目惊心 chù mù jīng xīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart ;shocking; horrible to see; a ghastly sight qui choque l'oeil et étonne le coeur / horrible à voir / spectacle horrible ou choquant / Psychose (film)
触目伤心 chù mù shāng xīn distressing sight Tristesse choquante
出其不意 chū qí bù yì to do sth when least expected ; to catch sb off guard faire qch au moment prévu / prendre qqn au dépourvu
出其不意攻其不备 chū qí bù yì gōng qí bù bèi catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孙子兵法) prendre un ennemie au dépourvu avec une attaque surprise, du livre "L'art de la guerre"
锄强扶弱 chú qiáng fú ruò to root out the strong and support the weak ; to rob the rich and give to the poor lutter contre la violence et aider les faibles; éliminer les agresseurs et aider les battus
出人头地 chū rén tóu dì outstanding ; a pinnacle of virtue and ability exceptionnel
出人意料 chū rén yì liào exceeds expectations ; much better than anticipated; unexpected qui dépasse les attentes; beaucoup mieux que prévu; inattendu
出人意外 chū rén yì wài turned out other than expected ; unexpected Surprenant
出神入化 chū shén rù huà to reach perfection ; a superb artistic achievement Insaisissables
出生入死 chū shēng rù sǐ from the cradle to the grave ; to go through fire and water; brave; willing to risk life and limb du berceau à la tombe / passer par le feu et l'eau / courageux / prêt à risquer sa vie
初生之犊不怕虎 chū shēng zhī dú bù pà hǔ A new-born calf has no fear of the tiger . The fearlessness of youth. Les veaux nouveau-nés n’ont pas peur des tigres
出水芙蓉 chū shuǐ fú róng as a lotus flower breaking the surface ; surpassingly beautiful (of young lady's face or old gentleman's calligraphy) Hibiscus hors de l’eau, extrêmement joli
处堂燕雀 chù táng yàn què lit. a caged bird in a pavilion ; fig. to lose vigilance by comfortable living; unaware of the disasters ahead; a fool's paradise Avaler des pinsons dans la salle; monde d'illusions
处心积虑 chǔ xīn jī lǜ to think through sth deliberately and methodically; to rack one's brains chercher par mille et un moyens à faire qch; se soucier vivement de
处之泰然 chǔ zhī tài rán to take things calmly ; not losing one's cool prendre les choses calmement; ne pas perdre son calme
出自肺腑 chū zì fèi fǔ from the bottom of one's heart du fond de son coeur
传播四方 chuán bō sì fāng to disseminate in every direction diffuser dans toutes les directions
船到江心,补漏迟 chuán dào jiāng xīn , bǔ lòu chí It's too late to plug the leak once ship is in the middle of the river. Trop tard pour combler la fuite une fois que le bateau est au milieu de la rivière
船到码头,车到站 chuán dào mǎ tóu , chē dào zhàn The ship has docked, the carriage has reached the station.; The job is over, it's time to relax. Bateau à quai, voiture en gare; le travail est fini, l'heure de se détendre
船到桥门,自会直 chuán dào qiáo mén , zì huì zhí lit. when the ship arrives at the bridge we can deal with the problem; no point in worrying about sth until it actually happens Il sera temps de gérer le problème quand le bateau arrivera au port, inutile de s'inquiéter avant coup
传道受业 chuán dào shòu yè to teach ; lit. to give moral and practical instruction donner une instruction morale et pratique / enseigner
穿金戴银 chuān jīn dài yín richly bedecked; dripping with gold and silver ruisselant d'or et d'argent / richement orné
川流不息 chuān liú bù xī the stream flows without stopping ; unending flow Comme la rivière qui coule sans interruption; aller en un flot ininterrompu
串亲访友 chuàn qīn fǎng yǒu to call on friends and relations Faire appel à des amis et des relations
穿小鞋 chuān xiǎo xié lit. to make sb wear tight shoes ; to make life difficult for sb Rendre la vie dure à qqn
穿凿附会 chuān záo fù huì to give a forced interpretation ; to draw far-fetched analogies établir des analogies farfelues
穿针引线 chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn lit. a leading-line to thread a needle ; fig. a go-between enfiler une aiguille / (fig.) agir comme intermédiaire
创巨痛深 chuāng jù tòng shēn untold pain and suffering ; deeply scarred for life épreuves dures et souffrances atroces; garder une impression poignante d'un échec humiliant
窗明几净 chuāng míng jī jìng lit. clear window and clean table ; fig. bright and clean Les fenêtres sont claires et le mobilier luisent de propreté
疮痍满目 chuāng yí mǎn mù lit. bumps and bruises everywhere ; fig. an ugly shambles; devastation everywhere le regard ne voit que des plaies et des blessures / ravagé / spectacle de désolation
吹糠见米 chuī kāng jiàn mǐ instant results; lit. blow the husk and see the rice résultats immédiats
垂帘听政 chuí lián tīng zhèng lit. to govern from behind the curtain; to rule in place of the emperor assister à des affaires d'État derrière le rideau de bambou
吹毛求疵 chuī máo qiú cī lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect ; fig. to be fastidious; nitpick chercher la petite bête
垂死挣扎 chuí sǐ zhēng zhá deathbed struggle; final struggle se débattre dans les affres de la mort
垂头丧气 chuí tóu sàng qì hanging one's head dispiritedly ; dejected;crestfallen abattu; penaud; déconfit
垂涎三尺 chuí xián sān chǐ to drool (over) ; to yearn for; to covet; to crave baver d'envie / mourir d'envie / aspirer à / convoiter
垂涎叁尺 chuí xián sān chǐ to drool (over) ; to yearn for; to covet; to crave baver (sur) / aspirer à / convoiter / mourir d'envie
垂涎欲滴 chuí xián yù dī to drool with desire ; to envy; to hunger for baver d'envie / envier
捶胸顿足 chuí xiōng dùn zú to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet se frapper la poitrine et taper du pied
唇齿 chún chǐ lit. lips and teeth ; fig. close partners;interdependent lèvres et dents; partenaires proches
唇齿相依 chún chǐ xiāng yī lit. as close as lips and teeth ; closely related;interdependent être intimement dépendants l'un de l'autre comme les lèvres et les dents
蠢蠢欲动 chǔn chǔn yù dòng to begin to stir ; to get restless; to become threatening être sur le point de remuer; comploter de passer à l'action
春风和气 chūn fēng hé qì  amiable as a spring breeze plaisant comme une brise de printemps
春风化雨 chūn fēng huà yǔ lit. spring wind and rain ; fig. the long-term influence of a solid education Le Cercle des poètes disparus
春光乍泄 chūn guāng zhà xiè spring sunshine emerges to bring the world alive; to give a glimpse of sth intimate (e.g. one's underwear) Le printemps émergeant fait apparaitre le monde; apercevoir les sous-vêtements de quelqu'un
春秋大梦 chūn qiū dà mèng grand dreams; unrealistic ideas grands rêves; idées irréalistes
春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏 chūn shēng , xià zhǎng , qiū shōu , dōng cáng sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter semer au printemps, se développer en été, récolter en l'automne, stocker en hiver
唇亡齿寒 chún wáng chǐ hán lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold ; fig. intimately interdependent sans les lèvres, les dents s'exposent au froid / être comme peau et chemise
绰绰有余 chuò chuò yǒu yú enough and to spare largement suffisant; abondant
慈悲为本 cí bēi wéi běn mercy as the guiding principle ; the Buddhist teaching that nothing is valid except compassion La compassion est le principe de la vie
此地无银三百两 cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng lit. 300 silver taels not hidden here ; fig. to reveal what one intends to hide ici ne se trouvent pas 300 pièces d'argent / révéler par maladresse ce qu'on veut cacher / un mauvais mensonge révèle la vérité
慈眉善目 cí méi shàn mù kind brows, pleasant eyes ; amiable looking;benign-faced avoir de bons sourcils et un regard bienveillant
慈眉善眼 cí méi shàn yǎn kind brows, pleasant eyes ; amiable looking;benign-faced avoir de bons sourcils et un regard bienveillant
此起彼伏 cǐ qǐ bǐ fú up here, down there ; to rise and fall in succession; no sooner one subsides, the next arises;repeating continuously; occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc) se lever et se baisser alternativement; aller par vagues successives; revenir; se renouveler
词人墨客 cí rén mò kè sb of literary abilities Parolier
词约指明 cí yuē zhǐ míng concise but unambiguous concis mais non ambigu
从长计议 cōng cháng jì yì to take one's time making a decision ; to consider at length prendre le temps de se décider / considérer longuement
从谏如流 cóng jiàn rú liú to follow admonition as natural flow ; to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors) accepter les remontrances comme on suivrait le courant / se conformer facilement aux critiques
从井救人 cóng jǐng jiù rén to jump into a well to rescue sb else ; fig. to help others at the risk to oneself sauter dans un puits pour secourir qqn / prendre des risques pour aider les autres
聪明反被聪明误 cōng míng fǎn bèi cōng míng wù a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity ; cleverness may overreach itself; too smart for one's own good qqn d'intelligent peut devenir la victime de sa propre intelligence; on peut être pris au piège de sa propre intelligence
从难从严 cóng nán cóng yán demanding and strict ; exacting être ardu et rigoureux
从善如流 cóng shàn rú liú readily following good advice ; willing to accept other people's views suivre volontiers de bons conseils
从严惩处 cóng yán chéng chǔ to deal with sb severely traîner avec sévérité
粗茶淡饭 cū chá dàn fàn plain tea and simple food; (fig.) bread and water nourriture simple et frugale; repas frugal et thé de qualité inférieure; mener une vie simple et sobre
醋海生波 cù hǎi shēng bō lit. waves on a sea of vinegar; trouble caused by a jealous woman des vagues sur une mer de vinaigre; du trouble causé par une femme jalouse
促膝谈心 cù xī tán xīn to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk converser genoux contre genoux / causer en tête à tête avec qqn / s'entretenir avec qqn en toute intimité
粗枝大叶 cū zhī dà yè thick stems and broad leaves ; boorish; rough and ready; sloppy grosso modo; sans entrer; dans les détails; être négligent; ne pas travailler soigneusement
粗制滥造 cū zhì làn zào to churn out large quantities without regard for quality; rough and slipshod work travailler sans soin; faire à la va-vite; être de fabrication grossière
蹿房越脊 cuān fáng yuè jǐ lit. to leap the house and cross the roofridge ; dashing over rooftops (of robbers and pursuing knight-errant 侠客 in fiction) sauter sur un toit et y marcher vite
璀璨夺目 cuǐ càn duó mù dazzling brillant; lumineux
摧枯拉朽 cuī kū lā xiǔ aussi facile que de casser du bois mort; détruire facilement qch
寸步不离 cùn bù bù lí to follow somebody closely; to keep close to suivre qqn pas à pas / ne pas lâcher qqn d'une semelle / être collé à qqn
寸步难行 cùn bù nán xíng unable to move a single step ; to be in an (extremely) difficult situation être pieds et poings liés
寸草不生 cùn cǎo bù shēng lit. not even a blade of grass grows ; fig. barren pas même un brin d'herbe ne pousse; stérile
村村寨寨 cūn cūn zhài zhài every village and stockade chaque village et palissade
错落不齐 cuò luò bù qí disorderly and uneven ; irregular and disorderly irrégulier et désordonné
错落有致 cuò luò yǒu zhì in picturesque disorder ; irregular arrangement with charming effect dans un désordre pittoresque / disposition irrégulière avec un certain charme
措手不及 cuò shǒu bù jí no time to deal with it ; caught unprepared être pris au dépourvu; être surpris
措置裕如 cuò zhì yù rú to handle easily ; effortless gérer ses affaires avec aisance / sans effort
错综复杂 cuò zōng fù zá tangled and complicated embrouillé; compliqué
大包大揽 dà bāo dà lǎn to take complete charge grand paquet, grande charge; prendre des responsabilités qu'on n'est pas capable d'assumer
打草惊蛇 dǎ cǎo jīng shé lit. beat the grass to scare the snake; to inadvertently alert an enemy; to punish sb as a warning to others battre l'herbe et effrayer le serpent / alerter par inadvertance un ennemi / punir qqn pour l'exemple
大吵大闹 dà chǎo dà nào to shout and scream ; to kick up a fuss; to make a scene crier et hurler / crier au scandale / faire une scène
大吃一惊 dà chī yī jīng to have a surprise ; shocked or startled;gobsmacked être stupéfait; abasourdi
大出其汗 dà chū qí hàn to sweat buckets suer à grosses gouttes
大处着眼 dà chù zhuó yǎn View the big picture while handling the details . porter son attention sur les points majeurs et se mettre à l'œuvre à partir des points mineurs
大处着眼,小处着手 dà chù zhuó yǎn , xiǎo chù zhuó shǒu View the big picture while handling the details . porter son attention sur les points majeurs et se mettre à l'œuvre à partir des points mineurs
大错特错 dà cuò tè cuò to be gravely mistaken faire une grave erreur, se tromper lourdement
打得火热 dǎ de huǒ rè to carry on intimately with ; ardent relationship (esp. between lovers); billing and cooing relation ardente (en partic. entre amants)
大敌当前 dà dí dāng qián facing a powerful enemy ; fig. confronting grave difficulties; Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud faire face à un ennemi puissant / rencontrer de grandes difficultés / Stalingrad (film, 2001)
大放光明 dà fàng guāng míng great release of light grand dégagement de lumière
大放厥辞 dà fàng jué cí great release of talk ; to spout nonsense Parler beaucoup et à tout va
打富济贫 dǎ fù jì pín to rob the rich to help the poor voler aux riches pour donner aux pauvres
大公无私 dà gōng wú sī the common good above everything without no regard for personal interests ; to behave altruistically;impartial and selfless; just and fair être dévoué corps et âme à l'intérêt public; être désintéressé; être détaché de tout égoïsme
达官贵人 dá guān guì rén high official and noble persons ; the great and the good hauts dignitaires; officiers généraux
大海捞针 dà hǎi lāo zhēn lit. to fish a needle from the sea; to find a needle in a haystack repêcher une aiguille dans la mer; chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin
大喊大叫 dà hǎn dà jiào shouting and screaming ; to scream loudly; to rant; to kick up a racket; to conduct vigorous propaganda grands cris et grands hurlements / crier fort / faire de la propagande vigoureuse
大惑不解 dà huò bù jiě to be at a loss être très embarrassé
大获全胜 dà huò quán shèng to seize total victory ; an overwhelming victory;to win by a landslide (in election) remporter une victoire écrasante
大吉大利 dà jí dà lì great luck, great profit ; everything is thriving beaucoup de chance et de grands profits
打家劫舍 dǎ jiā jié shè to break into a house for robbery pénétrer dans une maison pour voler
大江南北 dà jiāng nán běi lit. both sides of the Yangtze River ; fig. throughout a vast area dans le nord-sud du grand fleuve, aux quatres coins du monde, un peu partout
大街小巷 dà jiē xiǎo xiàng great streets and small alleys ; everywhere in the city grandes rues et petites ruelle; des grandes artères aux moindres venelles; partout dans la ville
大惊失色 dà jīng shī sè to turn pale with fright être consterné et perdre sa couleur; être pâle de qch;être frappé de panique; être saisi de frayeur;
大块朵颐 dà kuài duǒ yí to chew on a large slab ; a large mouthful is hard to chew; to tuck into a great meal mâcher des grosses bouchées
大快朵颐 dà kuài duǒ yí to gorge oneself; to eat heartily se gaver / manger de bon coeur
大器晚成 dà qì wǎn chéng lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot ; fig. a great talent matures slowly; in the fullness of time a major figure will develop into a pillar of the state; Rome wasn't built in a day un grand vase advient au soleil couchant; les grands talents mûrissent lentement; Rome ne s'est pas construite en un jour; les grands génies se révèlent sur le tard
大厦将倾 dà shà jiāng qīng great mansion on the verge of collapse ;hopeless situation Belle demeure sur le point de s'effrondrer, une situation désespérée
大声疾呼 dà shēng jí hū to call loudly ; to get people's attention; to make one's views known pousser de grands cris; crier de toutes ses forces; lancer de sérieux avertissements
大手大脚 dà shǒu dà jiǎo extravagant ; to throw away money by the handful; wasteful extravagant / jeter de l'argent par les fenêtres / gaspillage
大喜过望 dà xǐ guò wàng overjoyed at unexpected good news bonne nouvelle inattendue
大限临头 dà xiàn lín tóu facing the end ; at the end of one's life; with one foot in the grave arriver en bout de course, avoir un pied dans la tombe
大显身手 dà xiǎn shēn shǒu  fully displaying one's capabilities déployer tout son talent; donner toute sa mesure; jouer un rôle éclatant; réussir un coup de maître; faire preuve de sa dextérité à
大相径庭 dà xiāng jìng tíng as different as can be ; poles apart aussi différents que possible / aux antipodes
打小算盘 dǎ xiǎo suàn pán lit. to count on a narrow abacus ; petty and scheming selfishly; concerned with petty interests; selfish and uncaring of the interests of others; bean counter compter sur un boulier étroit / égoïste et calculateur
大义凛然 dà yì lǐn rán devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence dévotion à la justice inspirant la révérence
大义灭亲 dà yì miè qīn to place righteousness before family ; ready to punish one's own family if justice demands it châtier sans merci les siens quand il le faut; le devoir passe avant les liens du sang
大勇若怯 dà yǒng ruò qiè a great hero may appear timid ; the really brave person remains level-headed Un noble héros peut sembler timide, une personne véritablement brave reste pondérée
大勇若怯,大智若愚 dà yǒng ruò qiè , dà zhì ruò yú a great hero may appear timid, the wise may appear stupid ; the general public may not recognize great talent Un noble héros peut sembler timide, le sage peut sembler bête; le grand public ne reconnait pas toujours le vrai talent
大有裨益 dà yǒu bì yì bringing great benefits ; very useful; of great service; to help greatly; to serve one well être de grande utilité
大有可为 dà yǒu kě wéi with great prospects for the future ; well worth doing augurer de bonnes perspectives
大张声势 dà zhāng shēng shì to spread one's voice wide ; wide publicity répandre largement sa voix ; large publicité
大智如愚 dà zhì rú yú the wise may appear stupid ; a genius not appreciated in his own time le sage peut sembler bête, un génie mal apprécié en son temps
大智若愚 dà zhì ruò yú great intelligence may appear to be stupidity Un homme de grande sagesse paraît quelquefois un lourdaud
打肿脸充胖子 dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zi lit. to swell one's face up by slapping it to look imposing; to seek to impress by feigning more than one's abilities tuméfier le visage pour qu'il se voit replet; satisfaire la vanité de qn quand il ne peut pas vraiment arriver à le faire
代代相传 dài dài xiāng chuán passed on from generation to generation ; to hand down transmis de génération en génération
带牛佩犊 dài niú pèi dú to abandon armed struggle and return to raising cattle abandonner la lutte armée et revenir à l'élevage du bétail
呆若木鸡 dāi ruò mù jī lit. dumb as a wooden chicken ; fig. dumbstruck muet comme une poule en bois / sidéré
淡泊寡味 dàn bó guǎ wèi insipid and tasteless fade et sans goût
淡泊名利 dàn bó míng lì not caring about fame and fortune ; indifferent to worldly rewards ne pas se soucier de la gloire et de la fortune; indifférent aux récompenses mondaines
单打独斗 dān dǎ dú dòu to fight alone faire cavalier seul
单刀直入 dān dāo zhí rù to get straight to the point frapper droit à coups de sabre; aller droit au fait; entrer de but en blanc dans le vif du sujet; parler; sans détours
单调乏味 dān diào fá wèi donkeywork travail d'âne, monotone
弹尽粮绝 dàn jìn liáng jué out of ammunition and no food left ; in desperate straits être à court de vivres et de munition
弹尽援绝 dàn jìn yuán jué out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements; in desperate straits être à court de vivres et de munition
殚精极虑 dān jīng jí lǜ to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity ; to think sth through thoroughly; to rack one's brains; to leave no stone unturned concentrer toute son attention; déployer toutes les forces de son esprit
殚精竭虑 dān jīng jié lǜ to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity ; to think sth through thoroughly; to rack one's brains; to leave no stone unturned concentrer toute son attention; déployer toutes les forces de son esprit
单枪匹马 dān qiāng pǐ mǎ lit. single spear and horse ; fig. single handed;unaccompanied seul avec sa lance et son cheval; être seul face au danger
但说无妨 dàn shuō wú fáng there is no harm in saying what one thinks il n'y a pas de mal à dire ce qu'on pense
但愿如此 dàn yuàn rú cǐ if only it were so; I hope so si seulement il en était ainsi
当机立断 dāng jī lì duàn to make prompt decisions prendre une décision sur le champ; prendre une décision prompte en temps opportun; trancher le noeud gordien; trancher une difficulté de facon décisive
当家作主 dāng jiā zuò zhǔ to be in charge in one's own house ; to be the master of one's own affairs être en charge dans sa propre maison / être le maître de ses propres affaires
当局者迷,旁观者清 dāng jú zhě mí , páng guān zhě qīng The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear . The onlooker sees more of the game. La personne sur place est déroutée, le spectateur voit clair
当天事当天毕 dàng tiān shì dàng tiān bì never put off until tomorrow what you can do today Ne remettez jamais à demain ce que vous pouvez faire aujourd'hui
当之无愧 dāng zhī wú kuì fully deserving, without any reservations ;entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc) être digne de; mériter
道不拾遗 dào bù shí yí lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street ; fig. honesty prevails throughout society; a time of peace and stability personne ne ramasse des objets perdus dans la rue / (fig.) honnêteté prévaut dans la société / temps de paix et de stabilité
道不同不相为谋 dào bù tóng bù xiāng wéi móu lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together; to go separate ways les personnes qui suivent des chemins différents ne peuvent pas faire de projets ensemble ; prendre des chemins séparés
蹈常袭故 dǎo cháng xí gù follow the same old path ; stuck in a rut; always the same routine suivre les sentiers battus ; rouler dans l'ornière ; s'enliser dans la routine
倒打一耙 dào dǎ yī pá lit. to strike with a muck-rake , cf Pigsy 猪八戒in Journey to the West 西游记">">西游记; fig. to counter-attack; to make bogus accusations (against one's victim) retourner ses propres arguments contre qn / rejeter calomnieusement l'accusation sur autrui / rejeter sa propre faute sur qn
道高益安,势高益危 dào gāo yì ān , shì gāo yì wēi More moral strength increases one's safety, more power and influence increases one's danger (idiom, from Records of the Historian 史记). cf Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it Plus de force morale augmente sa sécurité, plus de pouvoir et d'influence augmentent son danger (idiome, de Records of the Historian 史记). cf Le pouvoir illimité est susceptible de corrompre l'esprit de ceux qui le possèdent
道高一尺,魔高一丈 dào gāo yī chǐ , mó gāo yī zhàng virtue is one foot tall, the devil ten foot ; It takes constant vigilance to stave off evil. la vertu est haute d'un pied alors que le vice est haut de dix pied; Le vice est plus fort que la vertu
刀锯斧钺 dāo jù fǔ yuè knife, saw, ax and hatchet ; facing torture and execution couteau, scie, hache et hachette / face à la torture et à l'exécution
刀枪不入 dāo qiāng bù rù lit. impervious to sword or spear ; fig. invulnerable; untouchable; thick-skinned; impervious to criticism intouchable par l'épée ou la lance / invulnérable / intouchable / invincible / peau épaisse / imperméable (à la critique, aux difficultés, etc.)
刀山火海 dāo shān huǒ hǎi lit. mountains of daggers and seas of flames; fig. extreme danger montagne d'épées et mer de flammes / difficultés inimaginables
道山学海 dào shān xué hǎi mountain of Dao, sea of learning ; learning is as high as the mountains, as wide as the seas; ars longa, vita brevis montagne de Dao, mer du savoir ; le savoir est aussi haut que les montagnes, aussi large que les mers
倒行逆施 dào xíng nì shī to go against the tide ; to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things aller à contre courant; faire tout à l'envers; faire tourner la roue de l'histoire à l'envers;agissements pervers; agir contre toute logique; aller à l'encontre du sens commun
倒悬之急 dào xuán zhī jí lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down ; fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits Sens dessus dessous
倒悬之苦 dào xuán zhī kǔ lit. the pain of being hanged upside down ; fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits La douleur de pendre à l’envers
倒悬之危 dào xuán zhī wēi lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down ; fig. extremely critical situation; dire straits La douleur de pendre à l’envers
德薄能鲜 dé bó néng xiǎn little virtue and meager abilities ; I'm a humble person and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修) peu de vertu et de maigres capacités ; Je suis une personne humble et je ne suis pas très utile à quoi que ce soit
得不偿失 dé bù cháng shī the gains do not make up for the losses le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle
德才兼备 dé cái jiān bèi having both integrity and talent ayant à la fois l'intégrité et le talent
得寸进尺 dé cùn jìn chǐ lit. win an inch, want a foot ; fig. not satisfied with small gains; give him an inch, and he'll want a mile émettre des exigences toujours plus grandes; Donnez-lui la main, il prendra le bras
得道多助 dé dào duō zhù a just cause enjoys abundant support ; those upholding justice will find help all around une juste cause bénéficie d'un soutien abondant
得道多助,失道寡助 dé dào duō zhù , shī dào guǎ zhù A just cause attracts much support, an unjust one finds little (idiom, from Mencius) une juste cause bénéficie d'un soutien abondant, une cause injuste trouve peu de soutien
得而复失 dé ér fù shī to lose what one has just obtained perdre ce que l'on vient d'obtenir
得过且过 dé guò qiě guò satisfied just to get through ; to muddle through; without high ambitions, but getting by vivre au jour le jour
得饶人处且饶人 dé ráo rén chù qiě ráo rén where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them ; anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible être indulgent, là où il est possible de laisser partir les gens, il faut les épargner ; n'importe qui peut faire des erreurs, pardonnez-leur quand c'est possible
得天独厚 dé tiān dú hòu (of an area) rich in resources; (of a person) gifted or able doté de conditions naturelles exceptionnellement favorables
得心应手 dé xīn yìng shǒu lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes skilled at the job; entirely in one's element;going smoothly and easily ce que le coeur veut, la main l'accompli; qualifiés pour l'emploi; entièrement dans son élément; aller en douceur et facilement
得鱼忘筌 dé yú wàng quán lit. catch fish then forget the trap (idiom, from Zhuangzi庄子)">">庄子); fig. to take help for granted prendre le poisson, puis oublier la nasse ; être ingrat envers son bienfaiteur ; payer qn d'ingratitude
等而下之 děng ér xià zhī going from there to lower grades rétrograder (de poste, etc.)
登高望远 dēng gāo wàng yuǎn to stand tall and see far ; taking the long and broad view; acute foresight se tenir debout et voir loin; clairvoyance aiguë
灯红酒绿 dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ lanterns red, wine green ; feasting and pleasure-seeking; debauched and corrupt environment lanternes rouges et vin vert / environnement de débauche et corruption
瞪目凝视 dèng mù níng shì in a catatonic state; shocked and stunned dans un état catatonique; choqué et stupéfait
登堂入室 dēng táng rù shì from the main room, enter the inner chamber ;to go to the next level; to attain a higher level traverser l'antichambre et entrer dans la chambre intérieure; atteindre un niveau haut dans les études ou devenir plus habile dans sa profession
等因奉此 děng yīn fèng cǐ to be an expert at paperwork (but have no real abilities) être un expert sur le papier (mais être incapable dans la réalité)
登庸人才 dēng yōng rén cái to employ talent employer des talents
地大物博 dì dà wù bó a place of abundant resources pays vaste et riche en ressources naturelles; pays au vaste territoire et aux abondantes richesses
地动山摇 dì dòng shān yáo the earth quaked, the mountains shook ; a tremendous battle la terre tremble, les montagnes bougent / (fig.) formidable bataille
地久天长 dì jiǔ tiān cháng enduring while the world lasts (idiom, from Laozi);eternal; for ever and ever (of friendship, hate etc) éternel; pour toujours et à jamais
地利人和 dì lì rén hé favorable geographical and social conditions ;good location and the people satisfied conditions géographiques et sociales favorables
低首下心 dī shǒu xià xīn to be fawningly submissive tête baissée et cœur soumis, faire preuve de soumission, prendre une attitude humble et respectueuse
滴水穿石 dī shuǐ chuān shí dripping water penetrates the stone ; constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty. les gouttes d'eau finissent par pénétrer la pierre / la persévérance constante apporte le succès / l'effort persistant surmonte toute difficulté
滴水石穿 dī shuǐ shí chuān dripping water penetrates the stone ; constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty. les gouttes d'eau finissent par pénétrer la pierre / la persévérance constante apporte le succès / l'effort persistant surmonte toute difficulté
涤砚 dí yàn to wash an ink-slab; to prepare for study laver une pierre à encre; se préparer à l'étude
羝羊触藩 dī yáng chù fān lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom from Book of Changes 易经)">">易经); impossible to advance or to retreat; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation cornes de chèvre prises dans la clôture / impossible d'avancer ou de battre en retraite / sans aucun moyen de sortir d'un dilemme / piégé / dans une situation impossible
敌众我寡 dí zhòng wǒ guǎ multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius);heavily outnumbered; beaten by weight of numbers multitude d'ennemis, peu d'amis / forte infériorité numérique
抵足而眠 dǐ zú ér mián lit. to live and sleep together ; fig. a close friendship vivre et dormir ensemble, une amitié étroite
抵足而卧 dǐ zú ér wò lit. to live and sleep together ; fig. a close friendship vivre et dormir ensemble, une amitié étroite
颠倒黑白 diān dǎo hēi bái lit. to invert black and white ; to distort the truth deliberately; to misrepresent the facts; to invert right and wrong faire passer le noir pour le blanc; présenter les faits à l'envers; appeler noir ce qui est blanc
电光朝露 diàn guāng zhāo lù flash of lightning, morning dew ; fig. ephemeral;impermanent éclair, rosée du matin / (fig.) éphémère / transitoire
点金成铁 diǎn jīn chéng tiě to transform gold into base metal ; fig. to edit sb else's beautiful prose and ruin it transformer l'or en métal de base / (fig.) ruiner qch
点睛 diǎn jīng to dot in the eyes; fig. to add finishing touch; abbr. for idiom 画龙点睛, to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes; the crucial point that brings the subject to life dessiner les points des yeux (du dragon) / ajouter la touche finale
点睛之笔 diǎn jīng zhī bǐ the brush stroke that dots in the eyes ; fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point dessiner les points des yeux (du dragon) / ajouter la touche finale
颠沛流离 diān pèi liú lí homeless and miserable ; to wander about in a desperate plight; to drift vagabonder sur les chemins; n'avoir ni feu ni lieu; être sur le pavé
点石成金 diǎn shí chéng jīn to touch base matter and turn it to gold ; fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem toucher une pierre et la transformer en or / (fig.) faire des miracles / faire d'un texte rudimentaire un chef-d'oeuvre de la littérature
点水不漏 diǎn shuǐ bù lòu not one drop of water leaks ; fig. thoughtful and completely rigorous; watertight ne laisser passer aucune goutte d'eau, réfléchi et rigoureux, imperméable
点铁成金 diǎn tiě chéng jīn to touch base matter and turn it to gold ; fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem toucher le métal et le transformer en or -- transformer un pauvre écrit en excellente œuvre littéraire
点头哈腰 diǎn tóu hā yāo to nod one's head and bow ; bowing and scraping; unctuous fawning faire une génuflexion
点头咂嘴 diǎn tóu zā zuǐ to approve by nodding one's head and smacking one's lips approuver en hochant la tête et en faisant claquer ses lèvres
调兵遣将 diào bīng qiǎn jiàng to move an army and send a general ; to deploy an army; to send a team on a task mobiliser les soldats et répartir les généraux; déplacer (déployer ses troupes)
调虎离山 diào hǔ lí shān to move the tiger from the mountain ; to lure an opponent out by a stratagem; to get rid of an opponent or a problem; to maneuver sb out of the way attirer le tigre hors de la montagne / (fig.) attirer un adversaire par un stratagème / se débarrasser d'un adversaire ou d'un problème
貂裘换酒 diāo qiú huàn jiǔ lit. to trade a fur coat for a glass of wine; extravagant in the extreme troquer un manteau de fourrure contre un verre de vin, extravagant à l'extrême
掉书袋 diào shū dài lit. to drop a bag of books ; fig. to drop quotations to appear learned; to quote classical texts as a parade of erudition laisser tomber un sac de livres; citer des textes classiques ou citations pour paraitre érudit
雕楹碧槛 diāo yíng bì kǎn carved pillar, jade doorsill ; heavily decorated environment pilier sculpté, seuil de porte en jade, environnement fortement décoré
跌脚捶胸 diē jiǎo chuí xiōng lit. stamping and beating the chest ; fig. angry or stressed about sth taper du pied et se frapper la poitrine / (fig.) furieux ou stressé à propos de qch
跌至谷底 diē zhì gǔ dǐ to hit rock bottom toucher le fond
鼎铛玉石 dǐng chēng yù shí lit. to use a sacred tripod as cooking pot and jade as ordinary stone ; fig. a waste of precious material; casting pearls before swine utiliser un trépied sacré comme marmite et le jade comme pierre ordinaire, un gaspillage de matière précieuse, jeter des perles aux pourceaux
顶门壮户 dǐng mén zhuàng hù to support the family business soutenir l'entreprise familiale
顶天立地 dǐng tiān lì dì lit. able to support both heaven and earth; of indomitable spirit esprit résolu, indépendant, sans peur et sans reproche; être intrépide; (sa haute silhouette se dresse immense et imposante)
丢轮扯炮 diū lún chě pào lose a wheel, tear at the gun ; flustered and confused in a panic perdre une roue, déchirer le pistolet, agité et confus en panique
东奔西跑 dōng bēn xī pǎo to run this way and that ; to rush about busily;to bustle about courir dans tous les sens
东奔西走 dōng bēn xī zǒu to run this way and that ; to rush about busily;to bustle about; to hopscotch; also 东跑西颠 courir à l'Est et aller à l'Ouest; courir dans tous les sens; courir à droite et à gauche; s'agiter en pure perte
东倒西歪 dōng dǎo xī wāi to lean unsteadily from side to side ; to sway chanceler de gauche à droite / se balancer
洞房花烛 dòng fáng huā zhú bridal room and ornamented candles; wedding festivities nuit de noces
动见观瞻 dòng jiàn guān zhān to be watched closely être surveillé de près
东拉西扯 dōng lā xī chě to talk about this and that ; to ramble incoherently parler de tout et de rien
东鳞西爪 dōng lín xī zhǎo lit. a dragon's scale from the east and a dragon's claw from the west; odds and ends fait de fragments [morceaux] disparates ; composé d'éléments hétéroclites
动魄惊心 dòng pò jīng xīn shaking one to the core ; extremely disturbing;shattering; hair-raising secouer jusqu'à l'âme / extrêmement troublant / bouleversant / effrayant
动人心魄 dòng rén xīn pò to move and thrill ; exciting se déplacer et vibrer / passionnant
洞若观火 dòng ruò guān huǒ clear as a flame ; to see things absolutely clearly pénétrer qch comme si on regardait le feu; pénétrer profondément le secret de qch
东山再起 dōng shān zài qǐ lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan ; fig. to make a comeback réapparaître sur la scène politique; organiser un retour
东施效颦 dōng shī xiào pín to impersonate sb but gain the opposite of the desired effect imiter qqn ou qch et obtenir le contraire de l'effet recherché
东讨西征 dōng tǎo xī zhēng war on all sides ; fighting from all four quarters la guerre de tous côtés
东掩西遮 dōng yǎn xī zhē to cover up the truth on all sides dissimuler la vérité sur tous les côtés
东张西望 dōng zhāng xī wàng to look in all directions ; to glance around regarder dans toutes les directions
动辄得咎 dòng zhé dé jiù faulted at every turn ; can't get anything right qui ne peut obtenir quelque chose de bien
东征西讨 dōng zhēng xī tǎo war on all sides ; fighting from all four quarters la guerre de tous côtés
东征西怨 dōng zhēng xī yuàn war on all sides ; fighting from all four quarters la guerre de tous côtés
斗鸡走马 dòu jī zǒu mǎ cock-fighting and horse-racing ; to gamble passer le temps en combat de coqs et en course de chevaux
斗酒只鸡 dǒu jiǔ zhī jī lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine ; fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests un poulet et une bouteille de vin / (fig.) prêt à faire une offrande / prêt à divertir les invités
豆寇年华 dòu kòu nián huá used erroneously for 豆蔻年华, a girl's teenage years ; maidenhood; a budding beauty années d'adolescence d'une fille / jeune fille en fleur
豆蔻年华 dòu kòu nián huá a girl's teenage years ; maidenhood; a budding beauty années d'adolescence d'une fille / jeune fille en fleur
独霸一方 dú bà yī fāng to exercise sole hegemony ; to dominate a whole area (market, resources etc); to hold as one's personal fiefdom jouir du pouvoir absolu dans une région du pays
独出心裁 dú chū xīn cái to display originality ; to do things differently afficher l'originalité / faire les choses différemment
独胆英雄 dú dǎn yīng xióng bold and courageous hero héros audacieux et courageux
独当一面 dú dāng yī miàn to assume personal responsibility ; to take charge of a section assumer sa responsabilité personnelle / prendre en charge une section
独断独行 dú duàn dú xíng to decide and act alone ; to take arbitrary action; a law unto oneself prendre des décisions arbitraires et agir d'une manière autoritaire; décider et agir à son gré; n'en faire qu'à sa tête; despote
独断专行 dú duàn zhuān xíng to decide and act alone ; to take arbitrary action; a law unto oneself de manière arbitraire
独夫民贼 dú fū mín zéi tyrant and oppressor of the people ; traitorous dictator tyran et oppresseur du peuple
蠹国害民 dù guó hài mín to rob the state and hurt the people voler l'Etat et blesser les gens
堵剿匪徒 dǔ jiǎo fěi tú to hinder and exterminate bandits Empêcher et exterminer les bandits
独具匠心 dú jù jiàng xīn original and ingenious ; to display creativity original et ingénieux / faire preuve de beaucoup de créativité / preuve d'ingéniosité
独来独往 dú lái dú wǎng coming and going alone ; a lone operator;keeping to oneself; unsociable; maverick aller et venir seul / insociable / franc-tireur / solitaire
独立自主 dú lì zì zhǔ independent and autonomous ; self-determination; to act independently; to maintain control over one's own affairs être indépendant et autonome; agir en toute indépendance; indépendance et autonomie;contrôler ses propres affaires
独木不成林 dú mù bù chéng lín a lone tree does not make a forest ; one cannot accomplish much on one's own un seul arbre ne peut pas faire une forêt; Les efforts isolés ne peuvent pas réussir à atteindre le but.
妒能害贤 dù néng hài xián jealous of the able, envious of the clever jaloux du pouvoir, envieux de l'intelligent
嘟哝不平 dū nong bù píng to constantly complain se plaindre sans cesse
独辟蹊径 dú pì xī jìng to blaze a new trail ; to display originality s'ouvrir un passage tout seul et prendre un chemin de traverse; sortir des sentiers battus
度日如年 dù rì rú nián a day drags past like a year ; time hangs heavy; time crawls when one is wretched passer un jour lui semble passer un an; long comme un jour sans pain
独树一帜 dú shù yī zhì lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree ; fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own hisser sa propre bannière; se distinguer par; faire école
睹物思人 dǔ wù sī rén seeing an object makes one miss its owner voir un objet nous fait penser à son propriétaire
妒贤忌能 dù xián jì néng to envy the virtuous and talented jalouser les hommes vertueux et capables
独行其是 dú xíng qí shì to go one's own way ; to act independently without asking others Faites cavalier seul
独一无二 dú yī wú èr unique and unmatched ; unrivalled; nothing compares with it unique en son genre; hors pair; sans pareil
独占鳌头 dú zhàn áo tóu to monopolize the turtle head (idiom, refers to carved marble steps of the palace); to come first in triennial palace examinations; the champion; the very best in any field obtenir la première place dans une compétition; être le champion; occuper la tête de la liste
蠹众木折 dù zhòng mù zhé Danger appears where many harmful factors exist. lorsque les termites attaquent en masse, le bois est détruit / lorsqu'il y a de nombreux éléments nuisibles, le danger est certain
短兵相接 duǎn bīng xiāng jiē lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another ;fierce hand-to-hand infantry combat; to fight at close quarters combat corps à corps; lutte serrée
断港绝潢 duàn gǎng jué huáng to be unable to continue; to come to a dead end être incapable de continuer ; arriver à une impasse
断线风筝 duàn xiàn fēng zhēng a kite with cut string ; fig. gone beyond recall un cerf-volent avec un fil coupé ; une personne ou une chose qui ne reviendra jamais
短小精悍 duǎn xiǎo jīng hàn small but robust ; concise and forceful petite taille, mais grande énergie; court mais concis
断袖之癖 duàn xiù zhī pǐ lit. cut sleeve ; fig. euphemism for homosexuality, originating from History of Western Han汉书: emperor Han Aidi (real name Liu Xin) was in bed with his lover Dong Xian, and had to attend a court audience that morning Homosexualité
断章取义 duàn zhāng qǔ yì lit. to take meaning from cut segment ; to interpret out of context; to focus attention on one phrase without regard to the meaning of the whole piece citer hors contexte
短中抽长 duǎn zhōng chōu cháng to make the best of a bad job; to make the best use of limited resources tirer le meilleur parti d'un mauvais travail ; utiliser au mieux des ressources limitées
堆案盈几 duī àn yíng jī lit. piles of work and papers ; fig. accumulated backlog of work des piles de travail et de papier ; fig. arriéré de travail accumulé
对簿公堂 duì bù gōng táng public courtroom accusation ; legal confrontation; to take sb to court; to sue salle d'audience publique / confrontation juridique / poursuivre en justice / amener qqn devant le tribunal
对答如流 duì dá rú liú able to reply quickly and fluently ; having a ready answer en mesure de répondre rapidement et parfaitement / avoir une réponse toute prête
对酒当歌 duì jiǔ dāng gē lit. sing to accompany wine ; fig. life is short, make merry while you can chanter pour accompagner le vin / (fig.) la vie est courte, il faut en profiter
对牛弹琴 duì niú tán qín to play the lute to a cow ; fig. offering a treat to a unappreciative audience; to cast pearls before swine;caviar to the general; to preach to deaf ears; to talk over sb's head jouer du luth devant les buffles; parler à un mur; perdre sa salive
对症发药 duì zhèng fā yào lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness; fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it; to take appropriate steps prescrire le bon médicament pour une maladie / (fig.) étudier un problème pour trouver la bonne façon de le résoudre / prendre des mesures appropriées
对症下药 duì zhèng xià yào lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness; fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it; to take appropriate steps administrer le médicament selon la maladie; prendre une mesure appropriée
顿挫抑扬 dùn cuò yì yáng cadence of speech harmonie entre les graves et les aigus; harmonie parfaite
多吃多占 duō chī duō zhàn taking or eating more than one's due ; greedy and selfish prendre ou manger plus que son dû / avide et égoïste
多愁多病 duō chóu duō bìng much sorrows and illness ; melancholy and weakly beaucoup de douleurs et de maladies
多愁善感 duō chóu shàn gǎn melancholy and moody ; depressed personality sentimental; susceptible
多此一举 duō cǐ yī jǔ to do more than is required ; superfluous;guilding the lily faire quelque chose de superflu / acte inutile / porter de l'eau à la rivière / en rajouter pour rien
夺门而出 duó mén ér chū to rush out through a door sortir de force d'une maison
多难兴邦 duō nàn xīng bāng much hardships may awaken a nation ; calamity that prompts renewal beaucoup de difficultés peuvent réveiller une nation / la nation grandit à travers de multiples épreuves
多钱善贾 duō qián shàn gǔ much capital, good business ; fig. good trading conditions beaucoup de capital, bonnes affaires / (fig.) bonnes conditions commerciales
多如牛毛 duō rú niú máo as many as the hair of the ox ; great amount of;countless autant que de poils sur un boeuf / en très grande quantité / innombrables
掇臀捧屁 duō tún pěng pì to hold up buttocks and praise a fart ; to use flatter to get what one wants; to toady; boot-licking lever les fesses et faire l'éloge d'un pet ; utiliser la flatterie pour obtenir ce que l'on veut; lèche-botte
多行不义必自毙 duō xíng bù yì bì zì bì persisting in evil brings about self-destruction Le salaire du péché est la mort. Ce qui est injuste est voué à la destruction; On court à sa propre ruine en répétant ses méfaits
堕云雾中 duò yún wù zhōng lit. to become lost in a fog ; fig. at a complete loss être dans les nuages
多子多福 duō zǐ duō fú the more sons, the more happiness Beaucoup d’enfants et beaucoup de bénédictions
恶叉白赖 è chā bái lài evil behavior ; brazen villainy mauvais comportement ; méchanceté effrontée
峨冠博带 é guān bó dài official class; intellectual class classe intellectuelle ; chapeau haut et ceinture large (style d'habillement d'anciens fonctionnaires ou d'illustres lettrés)
恶贯满盈 è guàn mǎn yíng lit. strung through and filled with evil ; filled with extreme evil; replete with vice; guilty of monstrous crimes qui regorge de vice / coupable de crimes monstrueux / forban aux crimes inexpiables
扼喉抚背 è hóu fǔ bèi to strangle and slap the back ; fig. to occupy a strategic post Étrangler la gorge et caresser le dos
扼襟控咽 è jīn kòng yān to secure a stranglehold ; fig. to hold a strategic pass s'assurer une mainmise ; tenir une passe stratégique
鹅毛大雪 é máo dà xuě goose feather snow ; big heavy snow fall neige en plumes d'oie ; grosse chute de neige abondante
蛾眉皓齿 é méi hào chǐ beautiful eyebrow and white teeth ; lovely young woman beau sourcil et dents blanches ; charmante jeune femme
恶名昭著 è míng zhāo zhù notorious ; infamous être de triste réputation, de triste notoriété; infame
饿莩遍野 è piǎo biàn yě starving people everywhere ; a state of famine La faim est partout ; un état de famine
饿殍载道 è piǎo zài dào starved corpses fill the roads ; state of famine des cadavres affamés remplissent les routes / état de famine
饿莩载道 è piǎo zài dào starved corpses fill the roads ; state of famine des cadavres affamés remplissent les routes / état de famine
恶事传千里 è shì chuán qiān lǐ evil deeds spread a thousand miles ; scandal spreads like wildfire les mauvaises actions se répandent sur des milliers de kilomètres ; le scandale se répand comme une traînée de poudre
恶有恶报 è yǒu è bào evil has its retribution ; to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds; sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7) La vertu a sa récompense, le mal sa rétribution
阿谀奉承 ē yú fèng chéng flattering and fawning ; sweet-talking doux parler
恩比天大 ēn bǐ tiān dà to be as kind and benevolent as heaven être aussi gentil et bienveillant que le ciel
恩将仇报 ēn jiāng chóu bào to bite the hand that feeds one mordre la main qui nous nourrit
恩威兼施 ēn wēi jiān shī to employ both kindness and severity user à la fois de gentillesse et de sévérité
耳鬓厮磨 ěr bìn sī mó lit. heads rubbing together ; fig. very close relationship les oreilles de la fille touchent l'épaule du garçon ; pronfonde affection, très intime, association étroite lors de l'enfance
耳聪目明 ěr cōng mù míng sharp ears and keen eyes ; keen and alert;perceptive ouïe fine et vue claire / esprit éveillé
耳根清净 ěr gēn qīng jìng lit. ears pure and peaceful ; to stay away from the filth and unrest of the world des oreilles pures et paisibles ; rester à l'écart de la saleté et de l'agitation du monde
二话不说 èr huà bù shuō not saying anything further ; not raising any objection; without demur sans aucune hésitation; ne faire aucune objection (ou difficulté)
耳熟能详 ěr shú néng xiáng what's frequently heard can be repeated in detail que l'on connaît par coeur pour l'avoir souvent entendu; familier; connu en détail
耳听为虚,眼见为实 ěr tīng wéi xū , yǎn jiàn wéi shí Take what you hear to be false, only believe it when you see it . Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.; It ain't necessarily so. Ce que tu entends pourrait être faux, mais ce que tu vois est indubitable ; Il vaut mieux croire sur des choses vues que sur les on-dit
尔虞我诈 ěr yú wǒ zhà lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you ; fig. mutual deception; each tries to outwit the other; dog eats dog and devil take the hindmost jouer au plus malin
发奋图强 fā fèn tú qiáng to make an effort to become strong ;determined to do better; to pull one's socks up déployer toute son énergie pour se renforcer (pour un pays); oeuvrer à la puissance d'un État; travailler dur pour réussir; remonter ses manches
发奋有为 fā fèn yǒu wéi to prove one's worth through firm resolve prouver sa valeur par une ferme résolution
发号施令 fā hào shī lìng to boss people around donner des ordres
发聋振聩 fā lóng zhèn kuì lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear ;rousing even the apathetic réveiller les sourds
法轮常转 fǎ lún cháng zhuàn the wheel of life never stops turning la roue de la vie ne s'arrête jamais de tourner
法网难逃 fǎ wǎng nán táo it is hard to escape the net of justice il est difficile d'échapper au filet de la justice
发言中肯 fā yán zhòng kěn to hit the nail on the head parler juste ; la déclaration était pertinente
发扬踔厉 fā yáng chuō lì to be full of vigor être plein de vigueur
发指眦裂 fà zhǐ zì liè hair standing up and eyes wide in anger ;enraged; in a towering rage poils hérissés et yeux grands ouverts / furieux
反败为胜 fǎn bài wéi shèng to turn defeat into victory ; to turn the tide transformer la défaite en victoire ; inverser la tendance
梵册贝叶 fàn cè bèi yè Sanskrit on Talipot palm leaves ; Buddhist scripture Sanskrit sur des feuilles de palmier talipot ; Écriture bouddhiste
反唇相讥 fǎn chún xiāng jī mutual bickering and ridicule ; sarcastic repartee répondre par le sarcasme; renvoyer la balle à qqn pour le ridiculiser; réplique sarcastique; riposter du tac au tac
翻江倒海 fān jiāng dǎo hǎi lit. overturning seas and rivers ; fig. overwhelming; earth-shattering; in a spectacular mess soulever les fleuves et la mer
反客为主 fǎn kè wéi zhǔ lit. the guest acts as host ; fig. to turn from passive to active behavior l'invité agit comme hôte / sollicier les grâces de l'adversaire pour s'emparer du pouvoir réel / passer d'un comportement passif à actif
翻空出奇 fān kōng chū qí to overturn empty convention, and display originality; new and different ideas renverser les conventions vides et faire preuve d'originalité; des idées nouvelles et différentes
泛滥成灾 fàn làn chéng zāi flood causes disaster ; fig. swamped with work une inondation provoque une catastrophe / submergé par le travail
返老还童 fǎn lǎo huán tóng to recover one's youthful vigor; to feel rejuvenated rendre la jeunesse à un vieillard; rajeunir
反脸无情 fǎn liǎn wú qíng to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy; to turn against a friend se retourner contre un ami
反目成仇 fǎn mù chéng chóu to become enemies ; to fall out with sb devenir des ennemis les uns avec les autres
反裘负刍 fǎn qiú fù chú lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back ; fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work; fig. to act stupidly porter son manteau à l'envers et porter du bois sur son dos / (fig.) vivre dans une extrême misère
幡然改图 fān rán gǎi tú to change a plan as quickly as a flag (changes in the wind) changer de plan aussi vite qu'un drapeau (changements de vent)
繁荣昌盛 fán róng chāng shèng glorious and flourishing ; thriving glorieux et florissant / prospère
翻山越岭 fān shān yuè lǐng to pass over mountains ridges ; fig. hardships of the journey escalader montagnes et collines; par monts et par vaux
犯上作乱 fàn shàng zuò luàn to rebel against the emperor se rebeller contre son supérieur
翻手为云覆手变雨 fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu biàn yǔ lit. turning his hand palm up he gathers the clouds, turning his hand palm down he turns them to rain; very powerful and capable littéralement : en tournant la paume de sa main vers le haut, il rassemble les nuages, en la retournant vers le bas, il fait tomber la pluie; faire la pluie et le beau temps; avoir un énorme pouvoir
翻天覆地 fān tiān fù dì sky and the earth turning upside down ; fig. complete confusion; everything turned on its head bouleversant
翻箱倒柜 fān xiāng dǎo guì to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search tourner et retourner malles et armoires; effectuer une perquisition de fond en comble
翻箱倒箧 fān xiāng dǎo qiè to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search renverser les malles et les caisses ; faire une recherche approfondie
翻云覆雨 fān yún fù yǔ to produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another ; fig. to shift one's ground; tricky and inconstant; to make love en un tour de main d'un côté, il amoncelle les nuages, de l'autre côté, il fait tomber la pluie; souffler le chaud et le froid; être inconstant; faire l'amour (litteraire)
帆张风满 fān zhāng fēng mǎn sails unfurling in the wind voiles déployées au vent
防不胜防 fáng bù shèng fáng you can't guard against it ; impossible to defend effectively; not much one can do about it; It can't be prevented. impossible de se prémunir ou de se défendre contre ça
放长线钓大鱼 fàng cháng xiàn diào dà yú use a long line to catch a big fish ; a long-term plan for major returns utiliser une longue ligne pour attraper un gros poisson / un plan à long terme pour de meilleurs résultats
放诞不羁 fàng dàn bù jī wanton and unrestrained ; dissolute gratuit et illimité; débauché
放诞不拘 fàng dàn bù jū wanton and unrestrained ; dissolute gratuit et illimité; débauché
放荡不羁 fàng dàng bù jī wanton and unrestrained ; dissolute gratuit et illimité; débauché
防患未萌 fáng huàn wèi méng to prevent a disaster before the event ; to nip sth in the bud prévenir une catastrophe avant l'événement ; étouffer qch dans l'œuf
防患未然 fáng huàn wèi rán to prevent troubles before the event ; to forestall; to nip sth in the bud; prevention (is better than cure) prévenir des troubles avant qu'ils n'arrivent / étouffer dans l'oeuf
放浪不羁 fàng làng bù jī wanton and unrestrained ; dissolute gratuit et illimité; débauché
方脸突额 fāng liǎn tū é to have a square face and a protruding forehead avoir un visage carré et un front proéminent
放马后炮 fàng mǎ hòu pào to fire after the horse has bolted ; to act too late to be effective agir trop tard pour être efficace
访贫问苦 fǎng pín wèn kǔ to visit the poor and ask about their suffering rendre visite aux pauvres et s'enquérir de leurs souffrances
访亲问友 fǎng qīn wèn yǒu to visit friends and relations rendre visite à ses amis et relations
方枘圆凿 fāng ruì yuán záo to put a square peg in a round hole; incompatible mettre une cheville ronde dans un trou carré / inadapté / incompatible / en contradiction
防微杜渐 fáng wēi dù jiàn to nip in the bud se prémunir contre tout élément mineur susceptible de compliquer les choses / prendre garde au moindre mal pour barrer le chemin aux grands maux / couper le mal à sa racine
放下屠刀,立地成佛 fàng xià tú dāo , lì dì chéng fó lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot ; instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes Le boucher qui pose son couteau devient bouddha sur-le-champ. (trad. litt.) | Tout malfaiteur peut devenir homme de bien aussitôt qu'il rompt avec le passé. | Un méchant peut trouver le salut quand il décide de se corriger.
方兴未艾 fāng xīng wèi ài flourishing and still in the ascendant ; rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up ascendant
方兴未已 fāng xīng wèi yǐ flourishing and still in the ascendant ; rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up florissante et toujours dans l'ascendant / en plein essor et toujours le vent en poupe / en pleine expansion / à la hausse
放着明白装糊涂 fàng zhe míng bai zhuāng hú tu to pretend not to know faire semblant de ne pas savoir
放之四海而皆准 fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn applicable anywhere être universellement valable ; être partout applicable
方滋未艾 fāng zī wèi ài flourishing and still in the ascendant ; rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up florissante et toujours dans l'ascendant / en plein essor et toujours le vent en poupe / en pleine expansion / à la hausse
飞蛾投火 fēi é tóu huǒ lit. like a moth flying into the fire ; fig. to choose a path to certain destruction aller se brûler à la chandelle comme un papillon de nuit; le papillon de nuit se porte vers la flamme; se ruiner; courir à sa perte
飞觥走斝 fēi gōng zǒu jiǎ lit. let the big cup fly and the small cup walk; to drink copiously boire à satiété
飞黄腾达 fēi huáng téng dá lit. the divine steed Huang flashes past ; fig. a meteoric rise; career success; The Apprentice (UK reality TV series) atteindre un succès fulgurant dans sa carrière / The Apprentice (émission TV)
费尽心机 fèi jìn xīn jī to rack one's brains for schemes ; to beat one's brains out se creuser la cervelle, s'épuiser en subterfuges, se casser la tête
费尽心思 fèi jìn xīn si to rack one's brains ; to take great pains to think sth through se creuser la tête ; se donner beaucoup de mal pour réfléchir à qch
飞来横祸 fēi lái hèng huò sudden and unexpected disaster catastrophe soudaine et inattendue
费力不讨好 fèi lì bù tǎo hǎo arduous and thankless task ; strenuous and unrewarding tâche ardue et ingrate / ardu et ingrat
非你莫属 fēi nǐ mò shǔ it's yours exclusively ; you are the one; only you deserve it; only you can do it c'est à vous exclusivement ; vous seul le méritez; toi seul peux le faire
废寝忘餐 fèi qǐn wàng cān to neglect sleep and food ; to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work négliger le sommeil et la nourriture ; être complètement absorbé par son travail
废寝忘食 fèi qǐn wàng shí to neglect sleep and forget about food ; to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work négliger le sommeil et oublier la nourriture / être complétement pris par une occupation
费人思索 fèi rén sī suǒ to think oneself to exhaustion se creuser la tête; faire des efforts intellectuels; casser la tête
非异人任 fēi yì rén rèn to bear ones own responsibilities and not pass them to others assumer ses responsabilités
飞鹰走马 fēi yīng zǒu mǎ to ride out hawking ; to hunt faire du colportage ; chasser
飞针走线 fēi zhēn zǒu xiàn flying needle and running seam ; skillful needlework travailler à l'aiguille avec promptitude et habileté ; coudre avec adresse et rapidité ; Son aiguille semble voler
分崩离析 fēn bēng lí xī to collapse and fall apart ; to break up; falling to pieces être en pleine désagrégation; se désagréger; se disloquer
奋不顾身 fèn bù gù shēn to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety; undaunted by dangers; regardless of perils s'élancer au mépris du danger; se lancer à corps perdu; au péril de sa vie
分道扬镳 fēn dào yáng biāo lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on; fig. to part ways prendre des routes différentes / se séparer
焚膏继晷 fén gāo jì guǐ to burn the midnight oil ; to work continuously night and day bruler l'huile pour prolonger le jour / s'appliquer avec ardeur à l'étude ou son travail
分秒必争 fēn miǎo bì zhēng seize every minute and second ; not a minute to lose; every moment counts ne pouvoir se permettre de perdre une seule minute
粉墨登场 fěn mò dēng chǎng to make up and go on stage ; to embark on a career (esp. in politics or crime) mettre du fard pour entrer en scène; se maquiller pour entrer en scène; monter sur la scène politique
粉身碎骨 fěn shēn suì gǔ lit. torn body and crushed bones ; fig. to die horribly; to sacrifice one's life avoir le corps pulvérisé et les os brisés; souffrir mille morts; tomber en poussière; se fracasser; être réduit en poussière
焚砚 fén yàn to destroy one's ink-slab; to write no more because others write so much better détruire sa pierre à encre; ne plus écrire sous prétexte que les autres écrivent mieux
纷至沓来 fēn zhì tà lái to come thick and fast venir l'un après l'autre; arriver à flot continu; se succéder sans trêve
逢场作戏 féng chǎng zuò xì lit. find a stage, put on a comedy ; to join in the fun; to play along according to local conditions se faire un acteur de circonstance ; s'amuser à l'occasion sans prendre la chose au sérieux
风尘仆仆 fēng chén pú pú lit. covered in dust ; fig. travel-worn couvert de poussière / (fig.) usé par le voyage
风吹雨打 fēng chuī yǔ dǎ lit. windswept and battered by rain; to undergo hardship balayé par les vents et battu par les pluies; traverser de rudes épreuves
奉公克己 fèng gōng kè jǐ self-restraint and devotion to public duties ;selfless dedication; to serve the public interest wholeheartedly maîtrise de soi et la dévotion à des fonctions publiques / dévouement désintéressé / servir l'intérêt public sans réserve
丰功伟绩 fēng gōng wěi jì glorious achievement réalisation glorieuse
风和日丽 fēng hé rì lì moderate wind, beautiful sun ; fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime vent doux et soleil magnifique / belle journée douce et ensoleillée
风和日暖 fēng hé rì nuǎn gentle wind and warm sunshine vent doux et soleil chaud
风和日暄 fēng hé rì xuān gentle wind and warm sunshine vent doux et soleil chaud
风华绝代 fēng huá jué dài magnificent style unmatched in his generation ;peerless talent talent hors pair
风花雪月 fēng huā xuě yuè wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject; effete language without substance; love affair;romance is in the air vent, fleur, neige et Lune; lieu commun de la poésie conventionnelle; langage affecté mais dépourvu de substance; aventure amoureuse
峰回路转 fēng huí lù zhuǎn the mountain road twists around each new peak; (of a mountain road) twisting and turning; fig. an opportunity has come unexpectedly; things have taken a new turn retomber sur ses pieds, revenir à une bonne situation après avoir rencontré des problèmes, notamment grâce à la chance plutôt qu'à la compétence ou au travail acharné
烽火四起 fēng huǒ sì qǐ the fire of war in all four directions ; the confusion of war le feu de la guerre dans les quatre directions ; la confusion de la guerre
丰俭由人 fēng jiǎn yóu rén fancy or simple according to sb's budget chic ou simple selon le budget de chacun
风流云散 fēng liú yún sàn lit. wind flows, clouds scatter ; the crisis settles down; people disperse home; things return to normal disperser comme des nuages au souffle du vent
风流韵事 fēng liú yùn shì poetic and passionate ; romance; love affair poétique et passionné / romantisme / liaison amoureuse
风马牛不相及 fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí to be completely unrelated to one another ;irrelevant il n'y a aucun point commun entre le vent, le cheval et le boeuf / qui n'a aucun rapport
锋芒内敛 fēng máng nèi liǎn to be talented yet self-effacing être talentueux mais effacé
凤毛麟角 fèng máo lín jiǎo lit. phoenix feather and unicorn horn, fig. an extremely rare object fourrure de phénix et corne d'unicorne / hors du commun / rare / inhabituel
风靡一时 fēng mǐ yī shí fashionable for a while ; all the rage en vogue; à la mode; au goût du jour; avoir un succès passager
风平浪静 fēng píng làng jìng lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet ; tranquil environment; all is quiet; a dead calm (at sea) calme et tranquille; sans la moindre agitation; Le vent est tombé et les vagues se sont apaisées
风起潮涌 fēng qǐ cháo yǒng lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up; turbulent times; violent development temps turbulents, développement violent
风起云涌 fēng qǐ yún yǒng lit. rising winds, scudding clouds ; turbulent times; violent development comme le vent qui se lève et les nuages qui s'amoncellent; ne cesser de surgir et de se répandre avec impétuosité
奉若神明 fèng ruò shén míng to honor sb as a God ; to revere; to worship; to deify; to make a holy cow of sth; to put sb on a pedestal honorer qqn en tant que dieu / vénérer / idolâtrer / déifier / faire une vache sacrée de qqn / mettre qqn sur un piédestal
封沙育林 fēng shā yù lín to plant trees in order to stabilize sand planter des arbres afin de stabiliser le sable
风声鹤唳 fēng shēng hè lì lit. wind sighing and crane calling ; fig. to panic at the slightest move; to be jittery trembler en entendant hurler le vent et crier la grue; s'alarmer au moindre bruit; être paranoïaque
风恬浪静 fēng tián làng jìng lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet ; tranquil environment; All is quiet.; a dead calm (at sea) Tout est calme, la brise est calme, les vagues sont calmes ; environnement tranquille, un calme plat (en mer)
风调雨顺 fēng tiáo yǔ shùn favorable weather ; good weather for crops jouir de conditions climatiques favorables; Les vents et les pluies sont opportuns et favorables; Les vents et les pluies sont propices et bienfaisants
风土人情 fēng tǔ rén qíng local conditions and customs moeurs et coutumes d'une région
逢凶化吉 féng xiōng huà jí misfortune turns to blessing ; to turn an inauspicious start to good account transformer le malheur survenu en bonheur
烽烟遍地 fēng yān biàn dì fire beacons on all sides ; enveloped in the flames of war des balises de feu de tous côtés ; enveloppé dans les flammes de la guerre
烽烟四起 fēng yān sì qǐ lit. fire beacons in all four directions ; the confusion of war des balises de feu de tous côtés ; la confusion de la guerre
烽烟四起,战火纷飞 fēng yān sì qǐ , zhàn huǒ fēn fēi lit. fire beacons in all four directions ; the confusion of war des balises de feu de tous côtés ; la confusion de la guerre
丰衣足食 fēng yī zú shí having ample food and clothing ; well fed and clothed avoir largement de quoi se vêtir et se nourrir; avoir des vivres et des vêtements en abondance; pourvoir à tous ses besoins en nourriture et en habillement; mener une vie aisé;
风雨晦冥 fēng yǔ huì míng conditions of extreme adversity (expr. idiom.) conditions adverses extrêmes
风雨漂摇 fēng yǔ piāo yáo tossed about by the wind and rain ; (of a situation) unstable être balloté (sur les flots) au gré des vents et de la pluie; situation instable
风雨飘摇 fēng yǔ piāo yáo tossed about by the wind and rain ; (of a situation) unstable être balloté (sur les flots) au gré des vents et de la pluie; situation instable
风雨凄凄 fēng yǔ qī qī wretched wind and rain être affligé par le vent et la pluie; subir des vicissitudes
风雨如晦 fēng yǔ rú huì lit. wind and rain darken the sky ; fig. the situation looks grim le vent et la pluie obscurcissent le ciel; la situation s'aggrave
风雨同舟 fēng yǔ tóng zhōu lit. in the same boat under wind and rain ; fig. to stick together in hard times être dans le même bateau sous le vent et sous la pluie; rester solidaire de qqn à travers les épreuves
风雨无阻 fēng yǔ wú zǔ regardless of weather conditions; rain, hail or shine le vent et la pluie ne sont pas un obstacle; sans égard pour les conditions météorologiques; par tous les temps
风雨欲来 fēng yǔ yù lái lit. storm clouds approach; troubles lie ahead le vent et la pluie sont imminents; les nuages s'amoncellent; les difficultés approchent; aller au-devant des problèmes
风云变幻 fēng yún biàn huàn sudden change ; changeable situation situation changeante
风云人物 fēng yún rén wù the man of the moment ; a prominent personality (expr. idiom.) l'homme du moment; personnalité de premier plan
佛口蛇心 fó kǒu shé xīn words of a Buddha, heart of a snake ; two-faced; malicious and duplicitous paroles d'un Bouddha et cœur d'un serpent ; à deux visages; malveillant et fourbe
扶鞍上马 fú ān shàng mǎ to mount a horse Tenir la selle et monter à cheval
腹背相亲 fù bèi xiāng qīn to be on intimate terms with sb (expr. idiom.) être intime avec qqn
覆巢无完卵 fù cháo wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest overturns no egg remains intact; no member escapes unscathed from a family disaster lorsque le nid se renverse, aucun œuf ne reste intact ; aucun membre ne sort indemne d'un désastre familial
覆巢之下无完卵 fù cháo zhī xià wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact ; fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed lorsque le nid se renverse, aucun œuf ne reste intact ; quand on tombe en disgrâce, toute la famille est condamnée
浮出水面 fú chū shuǐ miàn to float up ; to become evident; to surface; to appear flotter ; sauter aux yeux
父慈子孝 fù cí zǐ xiào benevolent father, filial son ; natural love between parents and children amour naturel entre parents et enfants / bonheur familial
妇姑勃溪 fù gū bó xī dispute among womenfolk ; family squabbles dispute entre femmes ; querelles de famille
桴鼓相应 fú gǔ xiāng yìng lit. the hammer fits the drum ; appropriate relation between the different parts; closely interrelated le marteau s'adapte au tambour (idiome) ; relation appropriée entre les différentes parties étroitement liées
富国强兵 fù guó qiáng bīng lit. rich country, strong army ; slogan of legalist philosophers in pre-Han times; Make the country wealthy and the military powerful, slogan of modernizers in Qing China and Meiji Japan (Japanese pronunciation: Fukoku kyōhei) Fukoku Kyohei ; Pays riche, armée forte
浮家泛宅 fú jiā fàn zhái lit. to live on a boat; to drift from place to place vivre sur un bateau ; dériver d'un endroit à l'autre
负荆请罪 fù jīng qǐng zuì lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment ;to offer sb a humble apology apporter une ronce et demander une punition / fig. présenter à qn d'humbles excuses
富丽堂皇 fù lì táng huáng sumptuous mansions ; splendorous and majestic somptueuses demeures / splendide et majestueux
伏龙凤雏 fú lóng fèng chú hidden genius génie caché
夫妻反目 fū qī fǎn mù man and wife fall out (idiom, from Book of Changes);marital strife l'homme et la femme se disputent (expression tirée du Livre des Mutations) ; conflit conjugal
芙蓉出水 fú róng chū shuǐ lit. lotus rises from the water ; fig. to blossom (of poem or art) le lotus sort de l'eau (idiome); fleurir (poème ou art)
福如东海 fú rú dōng hǎi may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea que ton bonheur soit aussi immense que la mer de l'est
妇孺皆知 fù rú jiē zhī understood by everyone ; well known; a household name compris par tout le monde ; bien connu; un nom familier
扶弱抑强 fú ruò yì qiáng to support the weak and restrain the strong ;robbing the rich to help the poor soutenir les faibles et restreindre les forts ; voler les riches pour aider les pauvres
俯首称臣 fǔ shǒu chēng chén s'incliner devant ; capituler
俯首倾耳 fǔ shǒu qīng ěr to bend one's head and listen attentively baisser la tête et écouter attentivement
俯首帖耳 fǔ shǒu tiē ěr bowed head and ears glued ; docile and obedient; at sb's beck and call tête baissée et oreilles collées ; docile et obéissant; à la disposition de qn
覆水难收 fù shuǐ nán shōu spilt water is difficult to retrieve ; it's no use crying over spilt milk; what's done is done and can't be reversed; the damage is done; once divorced, there's no reuniting eau renversée est difficile à récupérer / ce qui est fait est fait et ne peut être inversé / le mal est fait
腹笥便便 fù sì pián pián a learned person une personne instruite
腹笥甚宽 fù sì shèn kuān well-read bien lu
赴汤蹈火 fù tāng dǎo huǒ to go through water and tread on fire ; not afraid of any difficulty avancer dans le feu et l'eau bouillante / n'avoir peur de rien / courir mille dangers / marcher sur des charbons ardents
扶危济困 fú wēi jì kùn to help those in distress aider ceux qui sont en détresse
福星高照 fú xīng gāo zhào lucky star in the ascendant ; a lucky sign bonne étoile ascendante ; un signe chanceux
拂袖而去 fú xiù ér qù to brush with one's sleeve then go ; to turn and leave abruptly (expr. idiom.) se retourner et quitter brusquement
斧钺汤镬 fǔ yuè tāng huò battle-ax and boiling cauldron ; facing torture and execution hache de guerre et chaudron bouillant ; face à la torture et à l'exécution
斧钺之诛 fǔ yuè zhī zhū to die by battle-ax ; to be executed mourir à coups de hache ; être éxecuté
浮云朝露 fú yún zhāo lù floating clouds, morning dew ; fig. ephemeral nature of human existence nuages flottants, rosée du matin ; nature éphémère de l'existence humaine
扶正压邪 fú zhèng yā xié to uphold good and suppress evil soutenir le bien et supprimer le mal
付之丙丁 fù zhī bǐng dīng to burn down brûler
付之东流 fù zhī dōng liú to commit to the waters ; to lose sth irrevocably perdre irrévocablement
付之度外 fù zhī dù wài to think nothing of doing sth ; to do sth without considering the risks; to leave out of consideration faire quelque chose sans considérer les risques; laisser de côté
付之一炬 fù zhī yī jù to put to the torch ; to commit to the flames; to burn sth down deliberately mettre le flambeau ; s'engager dans les flammes; brûler qc délibérément
付之一叹 fù zhī yī tàn to dismiss with a sigh ; a hopeless case rejeter avec un soupir ; un cas désespéré
付之一笑 fù zhī yī xiào to dismiss sth with a laugh ; to laugh it off disqualifier qch par le rire; désamorcer qch par le rire
付诸实施 fù zhū shí shī to put into practice; to carry out mettre en pratique ; réaliser
盖棺定论 gài guān dìng lùn definitive conclusion on the coffin lid ; You can only judge a person's merits or demerits after death.; don't pass judgment until you've seen the end porter un jugement définitif (sur le défunt) une fois que le cercueil est fermé / l'histoire le dira / l'avenir nous le dira
盖棺论定 gài guān lùn dìng definitive conclusion on the coffin lid ; You can only judge a person's merits or demerits after death.; don't pass judgment until you've seen the end porter un jugement définitif (sur le défunt) une fois que le cercueil est fermé / l'histoire le dira / l'avenir nous le dira
改过自新 gǎi guò zì xīn to reform and start afresh ; to turn over a new leaf
改头换面 gǎi tóu huàn miàn to adjust one's head and turn one's face ;cosmetic changes; Despite superficially new policies, the substance remains unchanged.
改弦易辙 gǎi xián yì zhé change of string, move out of rut ; dramatic change of direction; to dance to a different tune
改邪归正 gǎi xié guī zhèng to mend one's ways ; to turn over a new leaf revenir sur ses erreurs et prendre le droit chemin;repartir d'un bon pied; venir à résipiscence; corriger ses vices et rentrer dans le droit chemin;
敢不从命 gǎn bù cóng mìng to not dare to disobey an order
肝肠寸断 gān cháng cùn duàn lit. liver and guts cut to pieces ; broken hearted;all cut up
肝胆相照 gān dǎn xiāng zhào to treat one another with absolute sincerity ; to show total devotion
感恩图报 gǎn ēn tú bào grateful and seeking to repay the kindness
感激不尽 gǎn jī bù jìn can't thank sb enough être infiniment reconnaissant à qqn; ne pouvoir suffisamment remercier
感激涕零 gǎn jī tì líng to shed tears of gratitude ; moved to tears
赶尽杀绝 gǎn jìn shā jué to kill to the last one ; to exterminate; to eradicate; ruthless
敢怒而不敢言 gǎn nù ér bù gǎn yán angry, but not daring to speak out ; obliged to remain silent about one's resentment; unable to voice objections
赶前不赶后 gǎn qián bù gǎn hòu it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (expr. idiom.) il vaut mieux se dépêcher au début que de se précipiter plus tard; rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point
感情用事 gǎn qíng yòng shì to act impetuously ; on an impulse (expr. idiom.) agir impétueusement; sur une impulsion
敢为人先 gǎn wéi rén xiān to dare to be first; to pioneer (expr. idiom.) oser être le premier; être le premier
甘心情愿 gān xīn qíng yuàn willingly and gladly (expr. idiom.) volontiers et avec plaisir
赶鸭子上架 gǎn yā zi shàng jià lit. to drive a duck onto a perch ; fig. to push sb to do sth way beyond their ability
甘言蜜语 gān yán mì yǔ sweet speech and honeyed words; hypocritical flattery
甘之如饴 gān zhī rú yí lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from Book of Songs); to endure hardship gladly; a glutton for punishment
刚愎自用 gāng bì zì yòng obstinate and self-opinionated
纲举目张 gāng jǔ mù zhāng if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open; take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves; (of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered
刚柔并济 gāng róu bìng jì to couple strength and gentleness
刚毅木讷 gāng yì mù nè stalwart and plain spoken ; unwavering and prudent
高岸深谷 gāo àn shēn gǔ high bank, deep valley ; secluded location
高不成低不就 gāo bù chéng dī bù jiù can't reach the high or accept the low ; not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one (expr. idiom.) être incapable d'atteindre le haut ou d'accepter le bas; ne pas avoir assez de talent pour un poste élevé mais être trop fier pour accepter un poste plus modeste
高不凑低不就 gāo bù còu dī bù jiù can't reach the high or accept the low ; not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one (expr. idiom.) être incapable d'atteindre le haut ou d'accepter le bas; ne pas avoir assez de talent pour un poste élevé mais être trop fier pour accepter un poste plus modeste
高不可攀 gāo bù kě pān too high to reach ; eminent and unapproachable être trop élevé pour l'escalade; être d'un accès pratiquement impossible; être inaccessible
高唱入云 gāo chàng rù yún loud songs reaches the clouds ; fig. to praise to the skies
高城深池 gāo chéng shēn chí high walls and deep moat ; impenetrable defense
高低不就 gāo dī bù jiù can't reach the high or accept the low ; not good enough for a high post, but too proud to take a low one (expr. idiom.) être incapable d'atteindre le haut ou d'accepter le bas; ne pas avoir assez de talent pour occuper un poste élevé mais trop fier pour accepter un poste modeste
高飞远走 gāo fēi yuǎn zǒu to fly high and run far ; to leave in a hurry for a distance place
高风峻节 gāo fēng jùn jié a high class upright character
高风亮节 gāo fēng liàng jié of noble character and unquestionable integrity
高高在上 gāo gāo zài shàng set up on high ; not in touch with reality; aloof and remote se placer au-dessus des masses; se tenir au-dessus de la réalité
高歌猛进 gāo gē měng jìn to advance singing loudly ; triumphant progress
高官厚禄 gāo guān hòu lù high post and generous salary ; promotion to a high official position
高举远蹈 gāo jǔ yuǎn dǎo to leave office for a high and distant place ; to retire and place oneself above the fray (expr. idiom.) quitter ses fonctions pour un lieu élevé et lointain; prendre sa retraite et se placer au-dessus de la mêlée
高朋满座 gāo péng mǎn zuò surrounded by distinguished friends ; in company
高耸入云 gāo sǒng rù yún tall and erect, reaching through the clouds ; used to describe tall mountain or skyscraper
高抬贵手 gāo tái guì shǒu to be generous ; to be magnanimous; Give me a break!
告一段落 gào yī duàn luò to come to the end of a phase (expr. idiom.) arriver à la fin d'une phase
高瞻远瞩 gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ to stand tall and see far ; taking the long and broad view; acute foresight se placer haut et voir loin; avoir une prévision pénétrante; avec clairvoyance
隔岸观火 gé àn guān huǒ to watch the fires burning across the river; to delay entering the fray until all others have been exhausted by fighting amongst themselves
各奔东西 gè bèn dōng xī to go separate ways ; to part ways with someone
各奔前程 gè bèn qián chéng each goes his own way ; each person has his own life to lead suivre son propre chemin; Chacun suit son propre chemin vers l'avenir; embrasser sa propre carrière
胳膊肘朝外拐 gē bo zhǒu cháo wài guǎi the elbow turns the wrong way; to favor an outsider instead of someone on one's own side
各不相同 gè bù xiāng tóng to have nothing in common with each other
各持己见 gè chí jǐ jiàn each sticks to his own opinion ; chacun son gout
格格不入 gé gé bù rù  inharmonious; incompatible ne pas cadrer avec qqn; ne pouvoir s'accorder; être incompatible avec; il y a incompatibilité entre...; être hors de son élément;
革故鼎新 gé gù dǐng xīn to discard the old and introduce the new ; to innovate
隔行如隔山 gé háng rú gé shān different trades, worlds apart ; to sb outside the profession, it is a closed book
割鸡焉用牛刀 gē jī yān yòng niú dāo lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken?; to waste effort on a trifling matter
各尽所能 gè jìn suǒ néng each does his utmost ; from each according to his means
革面洗心 gé miàn xǐ xīn lit. to renew one's face and wash one's heart ; to repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways; to turn over a new leaf
隔年皇历 gé nián huáng lì lit. almanac from years back ; obsolete practice;old-fashioned principle
各取所需 gè qǔ suǒ xū each takes what he needs (expr. idiom.) à chacun selon ses besoins
各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 gè rén zì sǎo mén qián xuě , mò guǎn tā jiā wǎ shàng shuāng sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof
隔三差五 gé sān chà wǔ every now and then
各色各样 gè sè gè yàng lit. each color and each form ; diverse; various;all kinds of divers
歌舞升平 gē wǔ shēng píng lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance ; fig. to make a show of happiness and prosperity
格物致知 gé wù zhì zhī to study the underlying principle to acquire knowledge; pursuing knowledge to the end
各显所长 gè xiǎn suǒ cháng strong points are obvious in each of us
隔靴搔痒 gé xuē sāo yǎng to completely miss the main point of a topic or argument
各有千秋 gè yǒu qiān qiū each has its own merits chacun a son point fort; chacun a ses qualités; chaque objet a du cachet; chaque chose a son originalité (son prix)
各有所好 gè yǒu suǒ hào Each has his likes and dislikes . There is no accounting for tastes.; chacun son gout
各执己见 gè zhí jǐ jiàn each sticks to his own view ; a dialogue of the deaf
各执一词 gè zhí yī cí each sticks to his own version ; a dialogue of the deaf
耕当问奴 gēng dāng wèn nú if it's plowing, ask the laborer ; when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
耕当问奴,织当访婢 gēng dāng wèn nú , zhī dāng fǎng bì if it's plowing ask the laborer, if it's weaving ask the maid ; when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
耿耿于怀 gěng gěng yú huái to take troubles to heart ; brooding
羹藜含糗 gēng lí hán qiǔ nothing but herb soup and dry provisions to eat; to survive on a coarse diet; à la guerre comme à la guerre
羹藜唅糗 gēng lí hān qiǔ nothing but herb soup and dry provisions to eat; to survive on a coarse diet; à la guerre comme à la guerre
更有甚者 gèng yǒu shèn zhě furthermore en outre
功败垂成 gōng bài chuí chéng to fail within sight of success ; last-minute failure; to fall at the last hurdle; snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
功不可没 gōng bù kě mò one's contributions cannot go unnoticed
功成不居 gōng chéng bù jū not to claim personal credit for achievement
功成名就 gōng chéng míng jiù to win success and recognition
觥筹交错 gōng chóu jiāo cuò wine goblets and gambling chips lie intertwined; to drink and gamble together in a large group ; a big (drinking) party boire en groupe pour le plaisir
功到自然成 gōng dào zì rán chéng effort will undoubtedly lead to success
功德无量 gōng dé wú liàng no end of virtuous achievements ; boundless beneficence (expr. idiom.) une générosité sans bornes; des bontés et des mérites infinis
功德圆满 gōng dé yuán mǎn virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion
公而忘私 gōng ér wàng sī for the common good and forgetting personal interests; to behave altruistically; selfless
功高不赏 gōng gāo bù shǎng high merit that one can never repay ;invaluable achievements
功高望重 gōng gāo wàng zhòng high merit and worthy prospects
恭贺佳节 gōng hè jiā jié season's greetings
恭敬不如从命 gōng jìng bù rú cōng mìng deference is no substitute for obedience ; to follow sb's precepts is the sincerest form of respect
功亏一篑 gōng kuī yī kuì lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful;to fail through lack of a final effort; to spoil the ship for a ha'penny worth of tar
功名利禄 gōng míng lì lù position and wealth ; rank, fame and fortune
拱手旁观 gǒng shǒu páng guān to watch from the sidelines and do nothing
拱手相让 gōng shǒu xiāng ràng to bow and give way ; to surrender sth readily
公私交迫 gōng sī jiāo pò combined public and private interests are a powerful force
功完行满 gōng wán xíng mǎn to fully achieve one's ambitions
攻无不克,战无不胜 gōng wú bù kè , zhàn wú bù shèng to triumph in every battle and win every fight ;all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can't do
工欲善其事,必先利其器 gōng yù shàn qí shì , bì xiān lì qí qì To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools. Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job
公之于众 gōng zhī yú zhòng to make known to the masses ; to publicize widely; to let the world know
公诸同好 gōng zhū tóng hào to share pleasure in the company of others ; shared enjoyment with fellow enthusiasts
公诸于世 gōng zhū yú shì to announce to the world ; to publicize; known to all; to let everyone know one's position
狗逮老鼠 gǒu dài lǎo shǔ lit. a dog who catches mice; to be meddlesome
狗窦大开 gǒu dòu dà kāi dog hole wide open ; fig. gap caused by missing teeth (used mockingly)
篝火狐鸣 gōu huǒ hú míng to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and incite rebellion; an uprising is afoot
狗急跳墙 gǒu jí tiào qiáng a cornered dog will jump over the wall ; to be driven to desperate action être comme une bête aux abois; agir en désespoir de cause; (expr. idiom.) Un chien fou d'angoisse grimpe au mur
狗拿耗子 gǒu ná hào zi lit. a dog who catches mice; to be meddlesome
苟且偷安 gǒu qiě tōu ān seeking only ease and comfort ; making no attempt to improve oneself; taking things easily without attending to responsibilities
苟且偷生 gǒu qiě tōu shēng to drift and live without purpose ; to drag out an ignoble existence
狗尾续貂 gǒu wěi xù diāo lit. to use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable fur; fig. a worthless sequel to a masterpiece
狗血喷头 gǒu xiě pēn tóu torrent of abuse
勾心斗角 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo (in palace construction) center hook and corner link;locked in constant strife
狗血淋头 gǒu xuè lín tóu lit. to pour dogs blood on; to curse or berate sb
苟延残喘 gǒu yán cán chuǎn to struggle on whilst at death's door végéter; survivre à peine
狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心 gǒu yǎo lǚ dòng bīn , bù shí hǎo rén xīn a dog biting Lü Dongbin ; to ill reward a person's kindness
狗仗人势 gǒu zhàng rén shì a dog threatens based on master's power ; to use one's position to bully others
故步自封 gù bù zì fēng stuck in the old ways ; refusing to acknowledge new ideas; stagnating and conservative
故地重游 gù dì chóng yóu to revisit old haunts ; down memory lane
孤独无援 gū dú wú yuán lonely and isolated
孤独于世 gū dú yú shì alone in the world Seule au monde (Bouguereau)
孤芳自赏 gū fāng zì shǎng lone flower admiring itself ; narcissism; self-love
骨鲠在喉 gǔ gěng zài hóu fish bone stuck in one's throat ; fig. to feel obliged to speak out candidly; sth on one's mind
骨鲠之臣 gǔ gěng zhī chén lit. fish bone of a minister ; fig. person one can rely on for candid criticism
孤家寡人 gū jiā guǎ rén one who is cut off from others ; one who has chosen to follow a solitary path; (can also be an indirect way of referring to an unmarried person) un homme insociable et séparé du monde; être eoupé des masses
古今中外 gǔ jīn zhōng wài at all times and in all places (expr. idiom.) à tout moment et en tous lieux
顾客至上 gù kè zhì shàng the customer reigns supreme
孤苦零丁 gū kǔ líng dīng solitary and impoverished
股栗 gǔ lì to shake like an aspen; to shiver with fear (expr. idiom.) trembler de peur; trembler comme une feuille
股栗肤粟 gǔ lì fū sù with shuddering thighs and skin like gooseflesh
顾盼自雄 gù pàn zì xióng to strut about feeling complacent
鼓盆之戚 gǔ pén zhī qī drumming on a bowl in grief (idiom, refers to Zhuangzi庄子 grieving for his lost wife); fig. grief for a lost wife
顾全大局 gù quán dà jú to take the big picture into consideration ; to work for the benefits of all prendre en considération l'intérêt général; avoir à coeur les intérêts de l'ensemble; prendre en considération la situation général; prendre en considération la situation générale;
骨肉相残 gǔ ròu xiāng cán close kindred slaughter one another ;internecine strife
骨肉相连 gǔ ròu xiāng lián lit. interrelated as bones and flesh ; inseparably related; closely intertwined
孤身只影 gū shēn zhī yǐng lit. a lonely body with only a shadow for company; to be all alone
骨瘦如柴 gǔ shòu rú chái as thin as a match; emaciated
姑息养奸 gū xī yǎng jiān to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer ; spare the rod and spoil the child
顾影自怜 gù yǐng zì lián lit. looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself ; fig. alone and dejected
姑置勿论 gū zhì wù lùn to put something aside for the time being
寡不敌众 guǎ bù dí zhòng the few are no match for the many; heavily outnumbered; facing impossible odds être vaincu par le nombre; succomber à un ennemi plus nombreux
瓜熟蒂落 guā shú dì luò when the melon is ripe, it falls ; problems sort themselves out in the fullness of time
挂羊头,卖狗肉 guà yáng tóu , mài gǒu ròu to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat ;to cheat; dishonest advertising; wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue
拐弯抹角 guǎi wān mò jiǎo lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners; fig. to speak in a roundabout way; to equivocate; to beat about the bush prendre des virages et raser les coins; suivre une route sinueuse; prendre des circonlocutions; tourner autour du pot
官报私仇 guān bào sī chóu to take advantage of official post for personal revenge
官逼民反 guān bī mín fǎn a government official drives the people to revolt; a minister provokes a rebellion by exploiting the people
官官相护 guān guān xiāng hù officials shield one another ; a cover-up
关怀备至 guān huái bèi zhì the utmost care ; to look after sb in every possible way (expr. idiom.) le plus grand soin; s'occuper de qqn de toutes les manières possibles
管见所及 guǎn jiàn suǒ jí in my humble opinion à mon humble avis
关门大吉 guān mén dà jí to close down a business for good and put the best face on it
关门捉贼 guān mén zhuō zéi to catch a thief by closing his escape route (expr. idiom.) attraper un voleur en bouchant son itinéraire de fuite
冠冕堂皇 guān miǎn táng huáng high-sounding; dignified; pompous grandiose; majestueux; noble
官私合营 guān sī hé yíng public and private interests working together
观衅伺隙 guān xìn sì xì lit. to look for holes, and observe gaps ; to search out one's opponent's weak points; to look for the Achilles heel
惯用语 guàn yòng yǔ commonly used phrase; idiom; colloquial usage formule
官运亨通 guān yùn hēng tōng (of a political career) everything is going smoothly
管中窥豹 guǎn zhōng kuī bào lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube ; fig. to miss the big picture
光风霁月 guāng fēng jì yuè lit. light breeze and clear moon ; period of peace and prosperity; noble and benevolent character
广结良缘 guǎng jié liáng yuán to earn people's praise through one's good deeds
光明磊落 guāng míng lěi luò open and candid ; straightforward and upright
光明正大 guāng míng zhèng dà just and honorable; open and aboveboard; without tricks
光前裕后 guāng qián yù hòu to bring honor to one's ancestors and benefit future generations (expr. idiom.) faire honneur à ses ancêtres et aux générations futures
光天化日 guāng tiān huà rì the full light of day ; fig. peace and prosperity;in broad daylight (expr. idiom.) Ciel lumineux, soleil régénérant; fig. jours de paix et prospérité; au grand jour
光耀门楣 guāng yào mén méi splendor shines on the family's door ; fig. to bring honor to one's family
光阴似箭 guāng yīn sì jiàn time flies like an arrow ; How time flies! Le temps file comme une flèche
鬼斧神工 guǐ fǔ shén gōng supernaturally fine craft ; the work of the Gods;uncanny workmanship; superlative craftsmanship
贵古贱今 guì gǔ jiàn jīn to revere the past and despise the present
诡计多端 guǐ jì duō duān deceitful in many ways ; wily and mischievous;full of craft and cunning
鬼计多端 guǐ jì duō duān full of devilish tricks and cunning stratagems ;sly; crafty; malicious
规矩绳墨 guī ju shéng mò compasses, set square and straight line marker; fig. established standard; norms; criteria
规矩准绳 guī ju zhǔn shéng compasses, set square, spirit level and plumbline; fig. established standard; norms; criteria
鬼哭狼嚎 guǐ kū láng háo to wail like ghosts and howl like wolves
鬼怕恶人 guǐ pà è rén lit. ghosts are afraid of evil too; an evil person fears someone even more evil
贵人多忘事 guì rén duō wàng shì An eminent person has short memory .
鬼使神差 guǐ shǐ shén chāi demons and gods at work ; unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation; curious coincidence Miracle sur la 8e rue
归心似箭 guī xīn sì jiàn with one's heart set on speeding home
规行矩步 guī xíng jǔ bù to follow the compass and go with the set square; to follow the rules inflexibly; to act according to convention
鬼由心生 guǐ yóu xīn shēng devils are born in the heart ; fears originate in the mind
贵远贱近 guì yuǎn jiàn jìn to revere the past and despise the present (expr. idiom.) vénérer le passé et mépriser le présent
滚瓜烂熟 gǔn guā làn shú lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from its vine ; fig. to know fluently; to know sth inside-out; to know sth by heart réciter couramment sa lecon; su par coeur; gravé dans la mémoire
滚油煎心 gǔn yóu jiān xīn to suffer mental anguish
过而能改,善莫大焉 guò ér néng gǎi , shàn mò dà yān If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better
过河拆桥 guò hé chāi qiáo lit. to destroy the bridge after crossing the river; fig. to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal ingratitude; Après avoir traversé la rivière on détruit le pont
国家兴亡,匹夫有责 guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone. Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society.
过了这村没这店 guò le zhè cūn méi zhè diàn past this village, you won't find this shop ; this is your last chance
国破家亡 guó pò jiā wáng the country ruined and the people starving
国弱民穷 guó ruò mín qióng the country weakened and the people empoverished
国色天香 guó sè tiān xiāng national grace, divine fragrance ; an outstanding beauty
过时不候 guò shí bù hòu being late is not acceptable
果实累累 guǒ shí lěi lěi prodigious abundance of fruit ; fruit hangs heavy on the bow; fertile des fruits abondant; porter beaucoup de fruit
国泰民安 guó tài mín ān the country prospers, the people at peace ;peace and prosperity
过犹不及 guò yóu bù jí too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)
裹足不前 guǒ zú bù qián to stand still without advancing ; to hesitate and hold back piétiner sur place; hésiter devant les difficultés
海底捞月 hǎi dǐ lāo yuè to fetch the moon from the seabed ; a hopeless illusion (expr. idiom.) pêcher la lune au fond de la mer; se faire des illusions; nourrir des espoirs chimériques; chercher la quadrature du cercle
海角天涯 hǎi jiǎo tiān yá The Ends of the Earth
海阔天空 hǎi kuò tiān kōng wide sea and sky ; boundless open vistas; the whole wide world; chatting about everything under the sun vaste; immense (comme la mer et l'horizon)
海纳百川 hǎi nà bǎi chuān all rivers run into the sea; use different means to obtain the same result (expr. idiom.) tous les fleuves vont à la mer; tous les chemins mènent à Rome; utiliser différents moyens pour obtenir le même résultat
海内存知己,天涯若比邻 hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ , tiān yá ruò bǐ lín close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door ; close in spirit although far away;absence makes the heart grow fonder
害群之马 hài qún zhī mǎ lit. a horse that brings trouble to its herd ; fig. trouble-maker; black sheep; rotten apple mauvais cheval dangereux pour tout le troupeau;brebis galeuse
海誓山盟 hǎi shì shān méng to pledge undying love ; oath of eternal love; to swear by all the Gods prêter serment; engagement irrévocable (de deux amants)
酣畅淋漓 hān chàng lín lí to one's heart's content
邯郸学步 hán dān xué bù to copy the way they walk in Handan ; slavishly copying others, one risks becoming a caricature
寒风刺骨 hán fēng cì gǔ bone chilling wind
含宫咀征 hán gōng jǔ zhēng permeated with beautiful music
含垢忍辱 hán gòu rěn rǔ to bear shame and humiliation
寒光闪闪 hán guāng shǎn shǎn to glitter like frost and snow
含糊其词 hán hú qí cí to equivocate; to talk evasively
含糊其辞 hán hú qí cí to equivocate; to talk evasively
汗牛充栋 hàn niú chōng dòng lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters ; fig. many books
含情脉脉 hán qíng mò mò full of tender feelings ; tender-hearted (expr. idiom.) plein de tendresse
悍然不顾 hàn rán bù gù outrageous and unconventional ; flying in the face of (authority, convention, public opinion etc)
汗如雨下 hàn rú yǔ xià sweating like rain ; to perspire profusely;sweating like a pig
含沙射影 hán shā shè yǐng to attack someone by innuendo ; to make oblique charges; to make insinuations; to insinuate
含商咀征 hán shāng jǔ zhēng permeated with beautiful music
撼树蚍蜉 hàn shù pí fú lit. an ant trying to shake a tree; to overrate oneself
含辛茹苦 hán xīn rú kǔ to suffer every possible torment ; bitter hardship; to bear one's cross de la fatigue et des privations; en voir de dures
含英咀华 hán yīng jǔ huá to savor fine writing
行行出状元 háng háng chū zhuàng yuán lit. in every trade, a master appears ; fig. You can produce outstanding achievements in any task, provided you put it enough love and diligence Dirty Jobs
沆瀣一气 hàng xiè yī qì to act in collusion ; in cahoots with; villains will look after one another
好吃懒做 hào chī lǎn zuò lit. eats a lot but never works ; fig. a parasite
皓齿明眸 hào chǐ míng móu white teeth and bright eyes ; lovely young woman
皓齿朱唇 hào chǐ zhū chún white teeth and vermilion lips ; lovely young woman
好好学习,天天向上 hǎo hǎo xué xí , tiān tiān xiàng shàng study hard and every day you will improve
好景不长 hǎo jǐng bù cháng a good thing doesn't last forever
好酒贪杯 hǎo jiǔ tān bēi good wine taken in excess ; fond of the bottle
好马不吃回头草 hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo lit. a good horse doesn't come back to the same pasture ; fig. one should not go back to one's past experiences (of love, job etc)
好梦难成 hǎo mèng nán chéng a beautiful dream is hard to realize (expr. idiom.) un beau rêve est difficile à réaliser
豪气干云 háo qì gān yún lit. heroism reaching to the clouds
好奇尚异 hào qí shàng yì liking what odd, interested in what is different ;curious about the exotic; inquisitive
好气万千 hǎo qì wàn qiān deliriously happy fou de joie
浩如烟海 hào rú yān hǎi vast as the open sea ; fig. extensive (library)
好事不出门,恶事传千里 hǎo shì bù chū mén , è shì chuán qiān lǐ lit. good deeds do not go beyond the door, evil deeds spread a thousand miles; a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast les bonnes nouvelles ne sortent pas de la famille, alors que les mauvaises font le tour du pays
好事多磨 hǎo shì duō mó the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks
好事多磨 hǎo shì duō mò the road to happiness is paved with hardships
皓首苍颜 hào shǒu cāng yán white hair and gray sunken cheeks ; decrepit old age
好死不如赖活着 hǎo sǐ bù rú lài huó zhe Better a bad life than a good death (expr. idiom.) une mauvaise vie vaut mieux qu'une bonne mort
嚎啕大哭 háo táo dà kū to wail; to bawl éclater en sanglots; pleurer à chaudes larmes
好为人师 hào wéi rén shī to like to lecture others
毫无逊色 háo wú xùn sè not in the least inferior
好心倒做了驴肝肺 hǎo xīn dào zuò le lǘ gān fēi lit. to mistake good intentions for a donkey's liver and lungs ; fig. to mistake good intentions for ill intent
好样的 hǎo yàng de  a good person, used to praise sb's moral integrity or courage (expr. idiom.) une bonne personne : utilisé pour louer le courage ou à l'intégrité morale
合而为一 hé ér wéi yī to merge together ; to unify disparate elements into one whole Until One
何济于事 hé jì yú shì of what use is it;
何乐而不为 hé lè ér bù wéi What can you have against it? ; We should do this.; Go for it!
鹤立鸡群 hè lì jī qún a crane in a flock of chicken ; way above the common; manifestly superior être à cent pieds au-dessus des autres; se distinguer de la masse; se démarquer de la foule
和气生财 hé qì shēng cái  amiability makes you rich (expr. idiom.) l'amabilité vous rend riche
和气致祥 hé qì zhì xiáng  amiability leads to harmony (expr. idiom.) l'amabilité conduit à l'harmonie
河清海晏 hé qīng hǎi yàn the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm; the world is at peace
合情合理 hé qíng hé lǐ reasonable and fair (expr. idiom.) raisonnable et équitable
河水不犯井水 hé shuǐ bù fàn jǐng shuǐ lit. river water does not interfere with well water; Do not interfere with one another.; Mind your own business.
喝西北风 hē xī běi fēng lit. drink the northwest wind ; cold and hungry
合眼摸象 hé yǎn mō xiàng to touch an elephant with closed eyes ; to proceed blindly
黑白不分 hēi bái bù fēn can't tell black from white ; unable to distinguish wrong from right
黑天半夜 hēi tiān bàn yè lit. the black sky of midnight; very late at night
恨海难填 hèn hǎi nán tián sea of hatred is hard to fill ; irreconcilable division
恨铁不成钢 hèn tiě bù chéng gāng lit. to hate iron for not becoming steel; to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement
恨之入骨 hèn zhī rù gǔ to hate somebody to the bone
横冲直撞 héng chōng zhí zhuàng lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on ;to push through shoving and bumping; to barge; to charge around violently Burnout (série)
横刀夺爱 héng dāo duó ài to rob sb of sth they cherish
恒河沙数 héng hé shā shù countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges
横眉冷对,千夫指 héng méi lěng duì , qiān fū zhǐ to face a thousand fingers with a cool scowl (modern idiom); to treat with disdain; to defy
横眉怒目 hèng méi nù mù lit. furrowed brows and blazing eyes; to dart looks of hate at sb
横七竖八 héng qī shù bā in disorder; at sixes and sevens
衡情酌理 héng qíng zhuó lǐ to weight the matter and deliberate the reason ;to weigh and consider; to deliberate
横生枝节 héng shēng zhī jié to deliberately complicate an issue
横正暴敛 héng zhèng bào liǎn to levy exorbitant taxes
横征暴敛 héng zhēng bào liǎn to tax by force and extort levies ; to screw taxes out of the people by force
衡酌 héng zhuó to weigh and consider; to deliberate; short form of idiom 衡情酌理
轰动一时 hōng dòng yī shí to cause a sensation (expr. idiom.) provoquer une sensation
洪福齐天 hóng fú qí tiān flood of good fortune fills the heavens ; a lucky sign
鸿毛泰岱 hóng máo tài dài light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai ; of no consequence to one person, a matter of life or death to another
鸿毛泰山 hóng máo tài shān light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai ; of no consequence to one person, a matter of life or death to another
红男绿女 hóng nán lǜ nǚ young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (expr. idiom.) jeune paré de vêtements magnifiques
洪水猛兽 hóng shuǐ měng shòu lit. severe floods and fierce beasts ; fig. great scourges; extremely dangerous or threatening things
洪水滔滔 hóng shuǐ tāo tāo widespread flooding
哄堂大笑 hōng táng dà xiào the whole room roaring with laughter hilarité générale; Toute la salle éclate de rire
红杏出墙 hóng xìng chū qiáng lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall; a wife having an illicit lover (expr. idiom.) L'abricot rouge fait le mur; une femme ayant une aventure extra-conjugale
红颜薄命 hóng yán bó mìng beautiful women suffer unhappy fates
烘云托月 hōng yún tuō yuè lit. to shade in the clouds to offset the moon ;fig. a foil; a contrasting character to a main hero (expr. idiom.) colorer les nuages pour mettre la Lune en évidence; figuratif : faire-valoir; personnage ou motif destiné à mettre en valeur le héros ou le sujet principal
后车之鉴 hòu chē zhī jiàn lit. warning to the following cart ; don't follow the track of an overturned cart; fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake;once bitten twice shy
后顾之忧 hòu gù zhī yōu fears of trouble in the rear ; family worries (obstructing freedom of action); worries about the future consequences; often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything" inquiétudes
后患无穷 hòu huàn wú qióng it will cause no end of trouble ; nip the problem in the bud
后悔莫及 hòu huǐ mò jí too late for regrets ; It is useless to repent after the event.
后会有期 hòu huì yǒu qī I'm sure we'll meet again some day. ; Hope to see you again. on se reverra !; à plus tard !
后进先出 hòu jìn xiān chū to come late and leave first; last in, first out (LIFO) (expr. idiom.) dernier entré, premier sorti
后来居上 hòu lái jū shàng lit. late-comer lives above ; the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the older generation; the pupil surpasses the master (expr. idiom.) surpasser ses prédécesseurs; les derniers seront les premiers
侯门似海 hóu mén sì hǎi lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea; there is a wide gap between the nobility and the common people
后生可畏 hòu shēng kě wèi will be redoubtable in later life ; a young person's abilities must be respected, though inexperienced; the younger generations will surpass us in time jeunes à traiter avec considération; Les jeunes inspirent aux vétérans un repect mêlé de crainte
厚死薄生 hòu sǐ bó shēng lit. to praise the dead and revile the living; fig. to live in the past
胡吹乱捧 hú chuī luàn pěng indiscriminate admiration
呼风唤雨 hū fēng huàn yǔ to call the wind and summon the rain ; to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles
户告人晓 hù gào rén xiǎo to make known to every household ; to disseminate widely; to shout from the rooftops
湖光山色 hú guāng shān sè scenic lakes and mountain ; beautiful lake and mountain landscape
鹄候回音 hú hòu huí yīn to respectfully await sb's reply
狐假虎威 hú jiǎ hǔ wēi lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might ; fig. to use powerful connections to intimidate people
胡搅蛮缠 hú jiǎo mán chán to pester endlessly ; an annoying troublemaker
虎踞龙盘 hǔ jù lóng pán lit. where tigers crouch and dragons coil ; fig. forbidding terrain
虎踞龙蟠 hǔ jù lóng pán lit. where tigers crouch and dragons coil ; fig. forbidding terrain
虎口余生 hǔ kǒu yú shēng to escape from the tiger's mouth ; to have a narrow escape
呼来喝去 hū lái hè qù to call to come and shout to go ; to yell orders;always bossing people around (expr. idiom.) hurler des ordres
狐狸尾巴 hú li wěi ba lit. fox's tail ; visible sign of evil intentions; to reveal one's evil nature; evidence that reveals the villain
囫囵吞下 hú lún tūn xià to swallow it whole; to act without thinking
囫囵吞枣 hú lún tūn zǎo to swallow in one gulp ; (fig.) to accept without thinking; to lap up
呼牛呼马 hū niú hū mǎ to call sth a cow or a horse ; it doesn't matter what you call it; Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
呼牛作马 hū niú zuò mǎ to call sth a cow or a horse ; it doesn't matter what you call it; Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
狐朋狗友 hú péng gǒu yǒu a pack of rogues ; a gang of scoundrels
狐群狗党 hú qún gǒu dǎng a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs ; a gang of rogues bande de chenapans; association de malfaiteurs; gang
虎视眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān to glare like a tiger watching his prey ; to eye covetously
户枢不蠹 hù shū bù dù lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten; constant activity prevents decay
胡说八道 hú shuō bā dào to talk rubbish (expr. idiom.) dire des bêtises
胡思乱想 hú sī luàn xiǎng to indulge in flights of fancy ; to let one's imagination run wild; to have a bee in one's bonnet;unrealistic utopian fantasy random thinking
胡天胡帝 hú tiān hú dì with all the majesty of an emperor ; reckless;intemperate
互通有无 hù tōng yǒu wú mutual exchange of assistance ; to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls; to reciprocate with material assistance;scratch each other's back
虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi lit. tiger's head, snake's tail ; fig. a strong start but weak finish
互为因果 hù wéi yīn guǒ mutually related karma ; fates are intertwined;interdependent
户限为穿 hù xiàn wèi chuān an endless stream of visitors
互相推诿 hù xiāng tuī wěi mutually shirking responsibilities ; each blaming the other; passing the buck to and fro; each trying to unload responsibilities onto the other
胡言乱语 hú yán luàn yǔ babbling nonsense ; crazy and unfounded ravings; double Dutch dire des bêtises; parler à tort et à travers; déraisonner
呼之即来 hū zhī jí lái to come when called ; ready and compliant;always at sb's beck and call
呼之即来,挥之即去 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù to come when called ; ready and compliant;always at sb's beck and call
胡诌八扯 hú zhōu bā chě to talk random nonsense ; to say whatever comes into one's head
胡诌乱傍 hú zhōu luàn bàng to talk random nonsense ; to say whatever comes into one's head
胡诌乱扯 hú zhōu luàn chě to talk nonsense ; saying whatever comes into his head
胡诌乱道 hú zhōu luàn dào to talk nonsense ; saying whatever comes into his head
胡诌乱说 hú zhōu luàn shuō to talk random nonsense ; to say whatever comes into one's head
胡作非为 hú zuò fēi wéi to run amok ; to commit outrages faire les quatre cents coups
画饼充饥 huà bǐng chōng jī lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake; to feed on illusions
话到嘴边留三分 huà dào zuǐ biān liú sān fēn A still tongue makes a wise head.
画荻教子 huà dí jiào zǐ to arrange reed figures to teach reading ; mother's admirable dedication to her children's education
画地为牢 huà dì wéi láo lit. to be confined within a circle drawn on the ground; fig. to confine oneself to a restricted range of activities
化敌为友 huà dí wéi yǒu to convert an enemy into a friend (expr. idiom.) convertir un ennemi en ami
画地自限 huà dì zì xiàn lit. to draw a line on the ground to keep within ;fig. to impose restrictions on oneself
话多不甜 huà duō bù tián too much talk is a nuisance
华而不实 huá ér bù shí flower but no fruit ; handsome exterior but hollow inside; flashy (expr. idiom.) brillant mais sans substance; apparences trompeuses; tout ce qui luit n'est pas or
化腐朽为神奇 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí lit. to change something rotten into something magical
花好月圆 huā hǎo yuè yuán lit. lovely flowers, round moon ; fig. everything is wonderful; perfect happiness; conjugal bliss Les fleurs sont en plein épanouissement et la lune est pleine; parfait bonheur conjugal
画虎类犬 huà hǔ lèi quǎn drawing a tiger like a dog ; to make a fool of oneself by excessive ambition
画龙点睛 huà lóng diǎn jīng to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes ; fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point (expr. idiom.) peindre le point dans les yeux du dragon;touche finale
花貌蓬心 huā mào péng xīn florid outside appearance, unkempt interior
花前月下 huā qián yuè xià in flowers by moonlight ; fig. courtship;honeymoon (expr. idiom.) au milieu des fleurs au clair de lune; lune de miel
花拳绣腿 huā quán xiù tuǐ flowery of fist with fancy footwork ; highly embellished and ineffectual; fancy but impractical skills;all show and no go; pugilistic wankery
花容月貌 huā róng yuè mào lit. countenance of a flower, face like the moon ;fig. (of a woman) beautiful
花色繁多 huā sè fán duō a rich selection of colors and designs
画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú lit. draw legs on a snake ; fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous; to overdo it ajouter des pattes au serpent qu'on vient de dessiner;superfétation; amplification inutile; c'est la cinquième roue d'un carrosse
花天酒地 huā tiān jiǔ dì to spend one's time in drinking and pleasure ;to indulge in sensual pleasures; life of debauchery
化为泡影 huà wéi pào yǐng lit. to turn into soap bubbles; to come to nothing
花无百日红 huā wú bǎi rì hóng No flower can bloom for a hundred days.; Good times do not last long.
华屋丘墟 huá wū qiū xū magnificent building reduced to a mound of rubble; fig. all one's plans in ruins
化险为夷 huà xiǎn wéi yí to turn peril into safety ; to avert disaster
花言巧语 huā yán qiǎo yǔ graceful words, flowery speech ; elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric flatterie; paroles flatteuses; paroles spécieuses; belles paroles
化整为零 huà zhěng wéi líng to break up the whole into pieces ; dealing with things one by one; divide and conquer montage financier
花枝招展 huā zhī zhāo zhǎn lit. the flowering branches sway ; fig. gorgeously dressed (woman) faire étalage de ses charmes
怀宝遁世 huái bǎo dùn shì to hide one's light under a bushel
怀璧其罪 huái bì qí zuì lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime ; to get into trouble on account of a cherished item; fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others.
怀才不遇 huái cái bù yù to cherish one's unrecognized talents ; to have talent but no opportunity; not living up to one's abilities;under-achieving
坏透坏绝 huài tòu huài jué to be completely and utterly bad
欢蹦乱跳 huān bèng luàn tiào glowing with health and vivacity (expr. idiom.) éclatant de santé et de vivacité
缓不济急 huǎn bù jì jí lit. slow no aid to urgent ; slow measures will not address a critical situation; too slow to meet a pressing need
缓急轻重 huǎn jí qīng zhòng slight or important, urgent or non-urgent ; to deal with important matters first; sense of priority
患难见弃 huàn nàn jiàn qì to leave somebody holding the baby; to shrug responsibility
患难见真情 huàn nàn jiàn zhēn qíng a friend in need is a friend indeed
患难之交 huàn nàn zhī jiāo a friend in times of tribulations ; a friend in need is a friend indeed (expr. idiom.) ami dans les moments de tribulations; un ami dans le besoin est toujours un ami
患难之交才是真正的朋友 huàn nàn zhī jiāo cái shì zhēn zhèng de péng you a friend in need is a friend indeed (English proverb); cf idiom 患难之交, a friend in need un ami dans le besoin est toujours un ami (proverbe)
焕然一新 huàn rán yī xīn to look completely new ; brand new; changed beyond recognition flambant neuf; changer complètement d'aspect
欢容悦色 huān róng yuè sè to look happy and contented (expr. idiom.) l'air heureux et satisfait
换汤不换药 huàn tāng bù huàn yào different broth but the same old medicine ; a change in name only; a change in form but not in substance (expr. idiom.) différents bouillant mais même médicament; changement dans la forme mais non sur le fond
欢欣鼓舞 huān xīn gǔ wǔ elated and excited ; overjoyed exulter; exultation
唤雨呼风 huàn yǔ hū fēng to call the wind and summon the rain ; to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles; also呼风唤雨 littéralement : appeler la pluie et invoquer le vent; avoir des pouvoirs magiques; dominer les éléments naturels;faire la pluie et le beau temps
荒谬绝伦 huāng miù jué lún absolutely ridiculous ; preposterous; the height of folly
皇亲国戚 huáng qīn guó qī the emperor relatives ; person with powerful connections (expr. idiom.) parents de l'empereur; personne ayant des relations importantes
黄鼠狼给鸡拜年 huáng shǔ láng gěi jī bài nián Beware of suspicious folk bearing gifts, they are sure to be ill-intentioned.
皇天不负苦心人 huáng tiān bù fù kǔ xīn rén Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries. If you try hard, you're bound to succeed eventually.
皇天后土 huáng tiān hòu tǔ heaven and earth
荒无人烟 huāng wú rén yān desolate and uninhabited dépeuplement; dépeupler
黄炎贵胄 huáng yán guì zhòu honorable Chinese nationals
荒烟蔓草 huāng yān màn cǎo lit. abandoned by men and choked with weeds;desolate
黄钟毀弃瓦釜雷鸣 huáng zhōng huǐ qì wǎ fǔ léi míng lit. earthern pots make more noise than classical bells; good men are discarded in favor of bombastic ones
黄钟毁弃瓦釜雷鸣 huáng zhōng huǐ qì wǎ fǔ léi míng lit. earthern pots make more noise than classical bells; good men are discarded in favor of bombastic ones
悔不当初 huǐ bù dāng chū to regret one's past deeds
灰不溜丢 huī bù liū diū gloomy and dull ; boring and gray; unpleasantly murky
回嗔作喜 huí chēn zuò xǐ to go from anger to happiness
悔过自新 huǐ guò zì xīn to repent and start afresh ; to turn over a new leaf
挥毫洒墨 huī háo sǎ mò to wield a writing brush
悔恨交加 huǐ hèn jiāo jiā to feel remorse and shame
恢恢有余 huī huī yǒu yú lit. to have an abundance of space; room to maneuver
讳疾忌医 huì jí jì yī hiding a sickness for fear of treatment ; fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism; to keep one's shortcomings secret; to refuse to listen to advice dissimuler sa maladie par crainte du traitement; ne pas avouer ses fautes pour éviter les remontrances; ne pas oser révéler la vérité
毁家纾难 huǐ jiā shū nàn to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (expr. idiom.) sacrifier sa fortune pour sauver l'état
讳莫如深 huì mò rú shēn important matter that must be kept secret ;don't breathe a word of it to anyone!
诲人不倦 huì rén bù juàn instructing with tireless zeal (idiom, from Analects) enseigner les autres sans jamais se lasser
绘声绘色 huì shēng huì sè vivid and colorful ; true to life; lively and realistic vivant; expressif
回天乏术 huí tiān fá shù unable to turn around a hopeless situation ; to fail to save the situation
灰头土脸 huī tóu tǔ liǎn head and face filthy with grime ; covered in dirt;dejected and depressed
会心微笑 huì xīn wēi xiào a knowing smile un sourire entendu
回心转意 huí xīn zhuǎn yì to change one's mind (expr. idiom.) changer sa pensée
悔之无及 huǐ zhī wú jí too late for regrets ; It is useless to repent after the event.
魂不附体 hún bù fù tǐ lit. body and soul separated ; fig. scared out of one's wits; beside oneself être frappé de terreur; mort de frayeur; paralysé de peur
魂飞魄散 hún fēi pò sàn lit. the soul flies away and scatters ; fig. to be frightened stiff; spooked out of one's mind; terror-stricken
昏昏欲睡 hūn hūn yù shuì drowsy; sleepy somnolent
浑然天成 hún rán tiān chéng to resemble nature itself; of the highest quality (expr. idiom.) de la plus haute qualité
混世魔王 hùn shì mó wáng devil incarnate ; fiend in human form
浑水摸鱼 hún shuǐ mō yú to fish in troubled water ; to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain pêcher en eau trouble
混水摸鱼 hún shuǐ mō yú to fish in troubled water ; to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
昏天黑地 hūn tiān hēi dì lit. dark sky and black earth ; fig. pitch dark; to black out; disorderly; troubled times Ciel obscur et terre ténébreuse; obscurité profonde;être pris de vertige
混为一谈 hùn wéi yī tán to confuse one thing with another ; to muddle
混淆是非 hùn xiáo shì fēi to confuse right and wrong
混淆视听 hùn xiáo shì tīng to obscure the facts ; to mislead the public with prevarication and deliberate falsehoods
活蹦乱跳 huó bèng luàn tiào to leap and frisk about ; lively; healthy and active
货比三家 huò bǐ sān jiā to comparison shop ; comparison shopping
货比三家不吃亏 huò bǐ sān jiā bù chī kuī shop around first and you won't get ripped off
祸不单行 huò bù dān xíng misfortune does not come singly ; it never rains but it pours
祸不旋踵 huò bù xuán zhǒng trouble is never far away
祸从口出 huò cóng kǒu chū Trouble issues from the mouth . A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble.
活到老,学到老 huó dào lǎo , xué dào lǎo One is never too old to learn. Il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre
祸福无常 huò fú wú cháng disaster and happiness do not follow rules ; future blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable
火海刀山 huǒ hǎi dāo shān see 刀山火海 (expr. idiom.) Mer enflammée, montagne aiguisée; se dit d'un lieu particulièrement dangereux
活灵活现 huó líng huó xiàn living spirit, living image ; true to life; vivid and realistic vivant; frappant; palpitant de vie
活龙活现 huó lóng huó xiàn living spirit, living image ; true to life; vivid and realistic
霍然而愈 huò rán ér yù to recover speedily ; to get better quickly (expr. idiom.) récupérer rapidement; aller mieux rapidement
豁然开朗 huò rán kāi lǎng suddenly opens up to a wide panorama ; to come to a wide clearing; fig. everything becomes clear at once; to achieve speedy enlightenment comprendre subitement; être soudainement éclairé;avoir une illumination soudaine; ouvert et clair
火上加油 huǒ shàng jiā yóu to add oil to the fire ; fig. to aggravate a situation; to enrage people and make matters worse (expr. idiom.) jeter, mettre ou verser de l'huile sur le feu; aggraver la situation; envenimer le conflit
火上浇油 huǒ shàng jiāo yóu to pour oil on the fire ; fig. to aggravate a situation; to enrage people and make matters worse
火烧眉毛 huǒ shāo méi mao lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows ; fig. desperate situation; extreme emergency très urgent; en toute urgence
祸首罪魁 huò shǒu zuì kuí main offender, criminal ringleader ; main culprit;fig. main cause of a disaster
活血止痛 huó xuè zhǐ tòng to invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain (expr. idiom.) favoriser la circulation sanguine et soulager la douleur
火眼金睛 huǒ yǎn jīn jīng lit. fiery eyes and golden pupils; discerning eyes
火眼金睛识真假 huǒ yǎn jīn jīng shí zhēn jiǎ fiery eyes and golden pupils can discern truth from falsehood
火中取栗 huǒ zhōng qǔ lì lit. to pull chestnuts out of the fire ; fig. to be sb's cat's-paw tirer les marrons du feu pour autrui
机不可失 jī bù kě shī No time to lose! (expr. idiom.) Pas de temps à perdre !
机不可失,时不再来 jī bù kě shī , shí bù zài lái Opportunity knocks but once. (expr. idiom.) L'opportunité ne frappe qu'une fois
积不相能 jī bù xiāng néng always at loggerheads ; never able to agree with sb; unable to get on with sb
饥不择食 jī bù zé shí when hungry, you can't pick what you eat ;beggars can't be choosers; When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives. La faim assaisonne tout; Ventre affamé prend tout à gré
几次三番 jǐ cì sān fān lit. twice then three times ; fig. repeatedly; over and over again
鸡蛋里挑骨头 jī dàn li tiāo gǔ tou to look for bones in an egg; to find fault; to nitpick chercher un os dans un oeuf de poule (expr. idiom.);chercher midi à quatorze heures; chercher la petite bête;
积恶余殃 jī è yú yāng Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering .
积非成是 jī fēi chéng shì a wrong repeated becomes right ; a lie or an error passed on for a long time may be taken for the truth
鸡飞蛋打 jī fēi dàn dǎ the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken; a dead loss
及锋而试 jí fēng ér shì lit. to reach the tip and try ; to have a go when at one's peak
疾风劲草 jí fēng jìng cǎo the storm put strong grass to the test ; fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test
疾风知劲草,烈火见真金 jí fēng zhī jìn cǎo , liè huǒ jiàn zhēn jīn the storm put strong grass to the test, fire tests true gold ; fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test
疾风知劲草 jí fēng zhī jìng cǎo the storm put strong grass to the test ; fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test
急功近利 jí gōng jìn lì seeking instant benefit ; shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return
击鼓鸣金 jī gǔ míng jīn to beat the drum and sound the gong ; fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back
稽古振今 jī gǔ zhèn jīn studying the old to promote the new
饥寒交迫 jī hán jiāo pò lit. both hunger and cold press ; starving and freezing; in desperate poverty souffrir le froid et la faim; être en proie à la faim et au froid
赍恨终身 jī hèn zhōng shēn to have knowing regrets all one’s life
机会带来成功 jī huì dài lái chéng gōng Opportunity brings success.
岌岌可危 jí jí kě wēi imminent danger ; approaching a crisis
济济一堂 jǐ jǐ yī táng to congregate in one hall ; to gather under one roof
饥馑荐臻 jī jǐn jiàn zhēn famine repeats unceasingly (idiom, from Book of Songs)
积金累玉 jī jīn lěi yù to accumulate gold and jewels ; prosperous
济困扶危 jì kùn fú wēi to help those in distress
既来之,则安之 jì lái zhī , zé ān zhī Since they have come, we should make them comfortable . Since we're here, take it easy.;Since this is so, we should accept it.; Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth.; If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might
积劳成疾 jī láo chéng jí to accumulate work causes sickness ; to fall ill from constant overwork tomber malade par suite de surmenage; se tuer au travail ou à la tâche; maladie due à une longue fatigue
鸡毛蒜皮 jī máo suàn pí chicken feather, garlic skin ; trivial matter;kitchen trash bagatelle; futilités; des riens
鸡鸣狗盗 jī míng gǒu dào crowing like a cock and stealing like a dog ; bag of tricks; useful talents
佶屈聱牙 jí qū áo yá (expr. idiom.) difficile à lire et à comprendre (pour un texte)
鸡犬升天 jī quǎn shēng tiān lit. poultry and dogs rise to Heaven ; fig. to ride on sb else's success; Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too; Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it
寄人篱下 jì rén lí xià to lodge under another person's roof ; to live relying on sb else's charity
急人之难 jí rén zhī nàn anxious to help others resolve difficulties (expr. idiom.) désireux d'aider les autres à résoudre les difficultés
急如星火 jí rú xīng huǒ lit. as hurried as a shooting star ; requiring immediate action; extremely urgent
积少成多 jī shǎo chéng duō Many little things add up to sth great.; Many little drops make an ocean.
极深研几 jí shēn yán jǐ deep and detailed investigation
及时行乐 jí shí xíng lè to enjoy the present ; to live happily with no though for the future; make merry while you can; carpe diem carpe diem
集思广益 jí sī guǎng yì collecting opinions is of wide benefit ; to pool wisdom for mutual benefit; to profit from widespread suggestions remue-méninges (n.m.)
己所不欲,勿施于人 jǐ suǒ bù yù , wù shī yú rén What you don't want done to you, don't do to others. (idiom, from the Confucian analects); Do as you would be done by.; Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.
既往不咎 jì wǎng bù jiù to forget and not bear recriminations ; to let bygones be bygones; There is no point in crying over spilt milk.
继往开来 jì wǎng kāi lái to follow the past and herald the future ; part of a historical transition; forming a bridge between earlier and later stages
疾恶如仇 jí wù rú chóu to hate evil as one hates an enemy
积习难改 jī xí nán gǎi old habits are hard to change ; It is hard to throw off ingrained habits.
集腋成裘 jí yè chéng qiú many hairs make a fur coat ; many small contributions add up to sth big; many a mickle makes a muckle En rassemblant les peaux des aisselles on arrive à faire une fourrure.; Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières
记忆犹新 jì yì yóu xīn to remain fresh in one's memory (expr. idiom.) rester frais dans sa mémoire
积于忽微 jī yú hū wēi to accumulate tiny quantities
急于求成 jí yú qiú chéng anxious for quick results ; to demand instant success; impatient for result; impetuous
积重难返 jī zhòng nán fǎn ingrained habits are hard to overcome ; bad old practices die hard
急转直下 jí zhuǎn zhí xià to develop rapidly after abrupt turn ; dramatic change revirement subit; tournant brusque de la situation;changement subit et radical; amorcer un virage serré
激浊扬清 jī zhuó yáng qīng lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water ; fig. dispel evil and usher in good; eliminate vice and exalt virtue
家丑不可外传 jiā chǒu bù kě wài chuán lit. family shames must not be spread abroad ; fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
家丑不可外扬 jiā chǒu bù kě wài yáng lit. family shames must not be spread abroad ; fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
假道伐虢 jiǎ dào fá guó to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo; to borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy
假公济私 jiǎ gōng jì sī official authority used for private interests ; to attain private ends by abusing public position agir à des fins égoïstes sous le couvert des intérêts publics; publiques pour servir son propre intérêt
加官进爵 jiā guān jìn jué promotion to the nobility
加官进禄 jiā guān jìn lù promotion in official post and salary raise
加官进位 jiā guān jìn wèi promotion in official post and salary raise
家和万事兴 jiā hé wàn shì xīng if the family lives in harmony all affairs will prosper
驾鹤西去 jià hè xī qù lit. to fly on a crane to the Western Paradise; fig. to pass away (expr. idiom.) voler sur une grue pour le Paradis de l'Ouest; disparaître; décéder
嫁祸于人 jià huò yú rén to pass the misfortune on to sb else ; to blame others; to pass the buck
家给人足 jiā jǐ rén zú lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual ; comfortably off
嫁鸡随鸡 jià jī suí jī If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken ; A woman should follow whatever her husband orders.; We must learn to accept the people around us.
嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 jià jī suí jī , jià gǒu suí gǒu lit if you marry a chicken follow the chicken, if you marry a dog follow the dog
家家有本难念的经 jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng Every family goes through its problems.
家累千金,坐不垂堂 jiā lěi qiān jīn , zuò bù chuí táng rich person does not sit under the eaves ;prudent not to place oneself in danger
家贫如洗 jiā pín rú xǐ extreme poverty ; destitute; penniless; poor as church mice
家破人亡 jiā pò rén wáng family bankrupt and the people dead ; ruined and orphaned; destitute and homeless (expr. idiom.) famille ruinée et anéantie
驾轻就熟 jià qīng jiù shú lit. an easy drive on a familiar path ; fig. experience makes progress easy; a task that is so familiar one can do it with one's hand tied behind one's back (expr. idiom.) conduire une voiture légère sur une route familière; s'y prendre en vieux routier; agir en connaisseur; l'expérience allège la tâche
戛然而止 jiá rán ér zhǐ with a grunting sound it stops ; to come to an end spontaneously (esp. of sound)
佳人才子 jiā rén cái zǐ beautiful lady, gifted scholar ; pair of ideal lovers; cf With his brains and her looks...
家世寒微 jiā shì hán wēi to be of humble origin
假途灭虢 jiǎ tú miè guó lit. a short-cut to crush Guo ; fig. to connive with sb to damage a third party, then turn on the partner
家喻户晓 jiā yù hù xiǎo understood by everyone ; well known; a household name être su ou connu de tout le monde; au vu et au su de tous
剑拔弩张 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng lit. with swords drawn and bows bent ; fig. a state of mutual hostility; at daggers drawn (expr. idiom.) épées tirées et arbalètes tendues;menaces de guerre; une situation très tendue
坚壁清野 jiān bì qīng yě to fortify defenses and raze the fields ; to leave nothing for the invader; scorched earth policy Politique de la terre brûlée
剪草除根 jiǎn cǎo chú gēn lit. cut grass and pull out roots ; fig. to destroy root and branch; to eradicate
坚持不懈 jiān chí bù xiè to persevere unremittingly ; to keep going until the end sans relâche; inlassablement; avec persévérance
坚持不渝 jiān chí bù yú to stick to sth without change ; to persevere (expr. idiom.) s'en tenir à qch sans changer;persévérer
见多识广 jiàn duō shí guǎng experienced and knowledgeable (expr. idiom.) expérience et connaissance
见缝插针 jiàn fèng chā zhēn lit. to see a gap and stick in a needle ; fig. to make use of every second and every inch
见缝就钻 jiàn fèng jiù zuān lit. to squeeze into every crack ; fig. to make the most of every opportunity
见风使舵 jiàn fēng shǐ duò lit. see the wind and set the helm ; fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation virer à tout vent; tourner à tous les vents; agir selon ce que dictent les circonstances
见风使帆 jiàn fēng shǐ fān lit. see the wind and set your sails ; fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
见风是雨 jiàn fēng shì yǔ lit. see the wind and assume it will rain ; fig. gullible; to believe whatever people suggest (expr. idiom.) voir qu'il vente et dire qu'il pleut; être crédule; croire tout ce qu'on dit
见风转舵 jiàn fēng zhuǎn duò lit. see the wind and set the helm ; fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
拣佛烧香 jiǎn fó shāo xiāng to choose which Buddha to burn incense to ; fig. to curry favor from the right person
奸官污吏 jiān guān wū lì traitor minister and corrupt official ; abuse and corruption
槛花笼鹤 jiàn huā lóng hè a flower in a cage, a crane in a basket ;prisoner
见机行事 jiàn jī xíng shì see the opportunity and act ; to act according to circumstances; to play it by ear; to use one's discretion
缄口不言 jiān kǒu bù yán lips sealed and not saying anything ; fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
坚苦卓绝 jiān kǔ zhuó jué persisting despite trials and tribulations ;conspicuous determination
见利思义 jiàn lì sī yì to see profit and remember morality ; to act ethically; not tempted by riches
见利忘义 jiàn lì wàng yì to see profit and forget morality ; to act from mercenary considerations; to sell one's soul for gain
见难而上 jiàn nán ér shàng to take the bull by the horns prendre le taureau par les cornes
艰难险阻 jiān nán xiǎn zǔ untold dangers and difficulties (expr. idiom.) dangers cachés et difficultés
见钱眼开 jiàn qián yǎn kāi to open one's eyes wide at the sight of profit ;thinking of nothing but personal gain; money-grubbing
坚强不屈 jiān qiáng bù qū staunch and unyielding ; steadfast
坚韧不拔 jiān rèn bù bá firm and indomitable ; tenacious and unyielding
见仁见智 jiàn rén jiàn zhì opinions differ Chacun a son point de vue sur le même problème
坚如磐石 jiān rú pán shí solid as a boulder ; absolutely secure; rock-firm and unyielding
艰深晦涩 jiān shēn huì sè abstruse and unfathomable
鉴往知来 jiàn wǎng zhī lái to observe the past to foresee the future (idiom, taken loosely from Book of Songs); studying ancient wisdom gives insight into what is to come (expr. idiom.) observer le passé pour prévoir le futur; l'étude de la sagesse ancienne rend clairvoyant sur le futur
见微知著 jiàn wēi zhī zhù one tiny clue reveals the general trend ; small beginnings show how things will develop
见闻有限 jiàn wén yǒu xiàn to possess limited experience and knowledge
见贤思齐 jiàn xián sī qí see a worthy, think to imitate (idiom, from Analects);emulate the virtuous; Follow the example of a virtuous and wise teacher.
俭以防匮 jiǎn yǐ fáng kuì frugality in order to prevent destitution
见异思迁 jiàn yì sī qiān to change at once on seeing sth different ;loving fads and novelty; never satisfied with what one has
俭以养廉 jiǎn yǐ yǎng lián frugality makes honesty
见义勇为 jiàn yì yǒng wéi to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause
俭则不缺 jiǎn zé bù quē frugality prevents destitution
坚贞不屈 jiān zhēn bù qū faithful and unchanging ; steadfast rester loyal et inflexible; être ferme dans sa foi
坚贞不渝 jiān zhēn bù yú unyielding integrity ; unwavering
见之实施 jiàn zhī shí shī to put into effect
剑走偏锋 jiàn zǒu piān fēng the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom); fig. unexpected winning move; unconventional gambit
剑走蜻蛉 jiàn zǒu qīng líng the sword moves like a dragon-fly (modern idiom); fig. unexpected winning move; unconventional gambit
将错就错 jiāng cuò jiù cuò lit. if it's wrong, it's wrong ; to make the best after a mistake; to accept an error and adapt to it; to muddle through
姜还是老的辣 jiāng hái shì lǎo de là lit. old ginger is hotter than young ginger; experience counts (expr. idiom.) le vieux gingembre est plus fort que le jeune; l'expérience a son importance
江河日下 jiāng hé rì xià rivers pour away by the day ; going from bad to worse; deteriorating day by day
将计就计 jiāng jì jiù jì to beat somebody at their own game
江郎才尽 jiāng láng cái jìn Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent ; fig. to have used up one's creative powers; to have writer's block
将勤补绌 jiāng qín bǔ chù to compensate for lack of ability through hard work
江山易改,本性难移 jiāng shān yì gǎi , běn xìng nán yí it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character ; you can't change who you are; Can the leopard change his spots?
姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩 jiāng tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
脚不沾地 jiǎo bù zhān dì feet not touching the ground ; to run like the wind
皎皎者易污 jiǎo jiǎo zhě yì wū Virtue is easily sullied.
交口称誉 jiāo kǒu chēng yù voices unanimous in praise ; with an extensive public reputation
叫苦不迭 jiào kǔ bu dié to complain without stopping ; to bitch endlessly; incessant grievances
叫苦连天 jiào kǔ lián tiān to whine on for days ; to endlessly grumble complaints; incessant whining
缴枪不杀 jiǎo qiāng bù shā ”surrender and your life will be spared”
脚踏两条船 jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán lit. to stand with each foot in a different boat ;fig. to have it both ways; to run after two hares; (especially) to have two lovers at the same time
脚踏实地 jiǎo tà shí dì to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground; realistic without flights of fancy; steady and serious character Cap sur terre
焦头烂额 jiāo tóu làn é lit. beaten head and scorched brow ; beaten black and blue; fig. in trouble; in terrible shape; hard pressed; overwrought
狡兔三窟 jiǎo tù sān kū lit. a crafty rabbit has three burrows; a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on
矫枉过正 jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng to over-correct a defect ; to over-compensate;to push sth too far the other way; fig. inverse discrimination
矫枉过直 jiǎo wǎng guò zhí to over-correct a defect ; to over-compensate;to push sth too far the other way; fig. inverse discrimination
脚正不怕鞋歪 jiǎo zhèng bù pà xié wāi lit. a straight foot has no fear of a crooked shoe; an upright man is not afraid of gossip (expr. idiom.) un pied droit n'a pas peur d'une chaussure de travers; un honnête homme n'a pas peur des commérages
桀骜不逊 jié ào bù xùn arrogant and obstinate ; unyielding imdomptable et insolent
捷报频传 jié bào pín chuán victory reports pour in ; news of success in an endless stream
结草衔环 jié cǎo xián huán to repay sb's kind acts
皆大欢喜 jiē dà huān xǐ to everyone's delight and satisfaction (expr. idiom.) tous, sans exception, éprouvent une grande joie; les choses se passent à la satisfaction générale; tout le monde en est ravi
结党营私 jié dǎng yíng sī to gang up for personal interest ; to form a clique former une coterie (clique ou bande) qui poursuit ses intérêts privés; former des clans au service de ses ambitions personnelles
借刀杀人 jiè dāo shā rén to lend sb a knife to kill sb; to get sb else to do one's dirty work; to attack using the strength of another
借东风 jiè dōng fēng lit. to use the eastern wind ; fig. to use sb's help (expr. idiom.) utiliser le vent de l'Est; utiliser l'aide de qqn
结队成群 jié duì chéng qún to form a large group
接二连三 jiē èr lián sān one after another ; in quick succession l'un après l'autre; successivement; sans interruption;sans discontinuer
借古讽今 jiè gǔ fěng jīn to use the past to disparage the present
劫后余生 jié hòu yú shēng after the calamity, renewed life ; new lease of life
借花献佛 jiè huā xiàn fó lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers; fig. to win favor or influence using sb else's property; plagiarism
戒骄戒躁 jiè jiāo jiè zào to guard against pride and impatience ; to remain modest and keep cool
竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì to spare no effort ; to do one's utmost faire l'impossible; s'évertuer à; faire tout son possible
接连不断 jiē lián bù duàn in unbroken succession (expr. idiom.) dans une succession ininterrompue
解铃系铃 jiě líng xì líng lit. whoever hung the bell on the tiger's neck must untie it ; fig. whoever started the trouble should end it
解民倒悬 jiě mín dào xuán lit. to rescue the people from hanging upside down (idiom, from Mencius); to save the people from dire straits
节上生枝 jié shàng shēng zhī a new branch grows out of a knot ; fig. side issues keep arising
戒奢崇俭 jiè shē chóng jiǎn to refrain from high standard of living
洁身自好 jié shēn zì hào clean-living and honest ; to avoid immorality; to shun evil influence; to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble; to keep one's hands clean se respecter; garder sa dignité; se conserver pur et intègre; garder sa pureté sans se mêler dans les affaires louches
借尸还魂 jiè shī huán hún lit. reincarnated in sb else's body ; fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise (expr. idiom.) être réincarné dans le corps d'un autre; fig. une idée discréditée ou démodée revient sous une autre forme
借手除敌 jiè shǒu chú dí to use a proxy to eliminate a rival
劫数难逃 jié shù nán táo Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it . Your doom is at hand.
桀贪骜诈 jié tān ào zhà brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful
街谈巷议 jiē tán xiàng yì the talk of the town racontars; bruit qui court par la ville; propos inconsistants; cancans; on-dit; ragots
街头巷尾 jiē tóu xiàng wěi top of streets, bottom of alleys ; everywhere in the city
节外生枝 jié wài shēng zhī a new branch grows out of a knot ; fig. side issues keep arising excroissance
节衣缩食 jié yī suō shí to save on food and clothing ; to live frugally
介于两难 jiè yú liǎng nán to be on the horns of a dilemma
竭泽而渔 jié zé ér yú lit. to drain the pond to get at the fish ; fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs (expr. idiom.) Vider l'étang pour attraper tous les poissons
借资挹注 jiè zī yì zhù to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else
捷足先登 jié zú xiān dēng the quick-footed climb up first ; the early bird catches the worm; first come, first served (expr. idiom.) Pied léger atteint le sommet en premier;Qui a le pied agile arrive le premier; Heure du matin, heure du gain; Premier arrivé, premier servi
金碧辉煌 jīn bì huī huáng gold and jade in glorious splendor ; fig. a dazzling sight (e.g. royal palace) (expr. idiom.) étincelant d'or et de jade; brillant;étincelant de couleurs; ruisseler de lumières et de splendeurs
金碧荧煌 jīn bì yíng huáng splendid in green and gold ; looking radiant
金蝉脱壳 jīn chán tuō qiào lit. the cicada sheds its carapace ; fig. to vanish leaving an empty shell; a crafty escape plan
釜底游鱼 jǐn dǐ yóu yú a fish at the bottom of the pot ; in a desperate situation
金刚怒目 jīn gāng nù mù to have a face as terrifying as the warrior attendant of the Buddha
矜功不立 jīn gōng bù lì boasts a lot, but nothing comes of it
襟怀坦白 jīn huái tǎn bái open and candid ; not hiding anything;ingenuous; open hearted; unselfish; magnanimous;broad-minded
尽欢而散 jìn huān ér sàn to disperse after a happy time ; everyone enjoys themselves to the full then party breaks up
斤斤较量 jīn jīn jiào liàng to bicker at length over a trivial matter
津津有味 jīn jīn yǒu wèi with keen interest pleasure ; with gusto; to relish; eagerly; with great interest savoureusement; avec grand paisir
金迷纸醉 jīn mí zhǐ zuì lit. dazzling with paper and gold ; fig. indulging in a life of luxury
近墨者黑 jìn mò zhě hēi proximity to pitch makes you black (idiom, from Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修)">">欧阳修); different environments provide different influence.; Nurture determines a person's character.
锦囊妙计 jǐn náng miào jì brocade sack of miracle plans ; bag of tricks; fiendishly cunning masterplan (written out by strategic genius of fiction, and given to the local commander in a brocade bag)
金盆洗手 jīn pén xǐ shǒu lit. to wash one's hands in a gold basin ; fig. to abandon the life of an outlaw
筋疲力尽 jīn pí lì jìn body weary, strength exhausted ; extremely tired; spent exténué; harassé; épuisé de fatigue; à bout de force
紧迫盯人 jǐn pò dīng rén to keep a close eye on sb
金钱不能买来幸福 jīn qián bù néng mǎi lái xìng fú money can't buy happiness (expr. idiom.) l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur
金钱非万能 jīn qián fēi wàn néng money is not omnipotent; money isn't everything;money can't buy you love (expr. idiom.) l'argent n'est pas tout-puissant
金钱挂帅 jīn qián guà shuài caring only about money and wealth (expr. idiom.) s'occuper seulement de l'argent et de la richesse
金钱万能 jīn qián wàn néng money is omnipotent; with money, you can do anything;money speaks (expr. idiom.) l'argent est tout-puissant
尽人皆知 jìn rén jiē zhī known by everyone ; well known; a household name
今日事今日毕 jīn rì shì jīn rì bì never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
噤若寒蝉 jìn ruò hán chán to keep quiet out of fear
尽善尽美 jìn shàn jìn měi perfect ; perfection; the best of all possible worlds; as good as it gets Pour le pire et pour le meilleur
锦上添花 jǐn shàng tiān huā lit. on brocade, add flowers ; to decorate sth already perfect; gilding the lily (expr. idiom.) ajouter des fleurs à un brocart; embellir ce qui est déjà beau; C'est du beurre sur les épinards
金石良言 jīn shí liáng yán gems of wisdom ; priceless advice
尽释前嫌 jìn shì qián xián to forget former enmity
禁受时间的考验 jīn shòu shí jiān de kǎo yàn to stand the test of time résister à l'épreuve du temps
近水楼台 jìn shuǐ lóu tái lit. a pavilion near the water ; fig. using one's proximity to the powerful to obtain favor
近水楼台先得月 jìn shuǐ lǒu tái xiān dé yuè the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first; to benefit from intimacy with an influential person
紧随其后 jǐn suí qí hòu to follow closely behind sb or sth
金童玉女 jīn tóng yù nǚ the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden, attendants of the Immortals ; a lovely young pair (in sports, TV etc)
金童玉女 jīn tóng yù nǚ lit. golden boys and jade maidens ; attendants of the Daoist immortals; fig. lovely young children; a golden couple; (of a couple who are in the public eye) a lovely young couple
进退不得 jìn tuì bù dé can't advance or retreat ; no room for maneuver; stalled; in a dilemma; stuck in a difficult position
进退两难 jìn tuì liǎng nán no room to advance or to retreat ; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation (expr. idiom.) se trouver dans le dilemme; être entre l'enclume et le marteau; être pris entre deux feux; être dans l'impasse
进退失据 jìn tuì shī jù no room to advance or to retreat ; at a loss; in a hopeless situation
进退维谷 jìn tuì wéi gǔ no room to advance or to retreat ; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation
进退为难 jìn tuì wéi nán no room to advance or to retreat ; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation
进退无路 jìn tuì wú lù to have no alternative
进退有常 jìn tuì yǒu cháng to advance or retreat, each has its rules (idiom from Zhuangzi); many translations are possible
进退中绳 jìn tuì zhōng shéng to advance or retreat, each has its rules (idiom from Zhuangzi); many translations are possible
金屋藏娇 jīn wū cáng jiāo a golden house to keep one's mistress ; a magnificent house built for a beloved woman
金无足赤 jīn wú zú chì not all gold is sufficiently red ; no-one is perfect
今昔对比 jīn xī duì bǐ to contrast past suffering with present happiness
尽心竭力 jìn xīn jié lì to spare no effort ; to do one's utmost
尽心尽力 jìn xīn jìn lì making an all-out effort ; to try one's heart out;to do one's utmost
紧要关头 jǐn yào guān tóu urgent and important moment ; critical juncture
锦衣玉食 jǐn yī yù shí brocade garments, jade meals ; a life of luxury;extravagance
金玉良言 jīn yù liáng yán gems of wisdom ; priceless advice
金玉满堂 jīn yù mǎn táng lit. gold and jade fill the hall ; fig. abundant wealth; abundance of knowledge
金玉其表,败絮其中 jīn yù qí biǎo , bài xù qí zhōng gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside
金玉其外,败絮其中 jīn yù qí wài , bài xù qí zhōng gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside
尽职尽责 jìn zhí jìn zé responsible and diligent
禁止令行 jìn zhǐ lìng xíng lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop ; fig. to demand exact compliance with instructions; to ensure strictly obedience
金枝玉叶 jīn zhī yù yè golden branch, jade leaves ; fig. blue-blooded nobility, esp. imperial kinsmen or peerless beauty
近朱近墨 jìn zhū jìn mò one is judged by the company one keeps
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 jìn zhū zhě chì , jìn mò zhě hēi proximity to cinnabar makes you red, to pitch makes you black (idiom, from Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修)">">欧阳修); different environments provide different influence.; Nurture determines a person's character.
精诚所加,金石为开 jīng chéng suǒ jiā , jīn shí wèi kāi lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal ; if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks;With a will, you can achieve anything.
精诚所至 jīng chéng suǒ zhì with a will, you can achieve anything ; cf 精诚所至,金石为开
精诚所至,金石为开 jīng chéng suǒ zhì , jīn shí wèi kāi lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal ; if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks;With a will, you can achieve anything.
精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn meticulous planning and careful accounting faire son compte avec attention et calculer avec soin;savoir bien faire son compte; être minutieux et précis dans ses calculs
井底之蛙 jǐng dǐ zhī wā the frog at the bottom of the well ; fig. a person of limited outlook and experience (expr. idiom.) une grenouille au fond d'un puits; une personne ignorante
精彫細刻 jīng diāo xì kè lit. fine sculpting ; fig. to work with extreme care and precision
精雕细刻 jīng diāo xì kè lit. fine sculpting ; fig. to work with extreme care and precision
敬而远之 jìng ér yuǎn zhī to show respect from a distance ; to remain at a respectful distance se tenir à une distance respectueuse; respecter et se mettre à distance
惊弓之鸟 jīng gōng zhī niǎo lit. a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow ; fig. sb who frightens easily, due to past experiences (expr. idiom.) Les oiseaux effrayés jadis par l'arc s'alarment à la vue de ce dernier
敬鬼神而远之 jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī to respect Gods and demons from a distance ;to remain at a respectful distance
镜花水月 jìng huā shuǐ yuè lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake ; fig. an unrealistic rosy view; viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles (expr. idiom.) n'être qu'illusion; irréel; illusoire
惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò to lose one's head out of fear devenir fou de peur
惊慌失色 jīng huāng shī sè to go pale in panic
荆棘载途 jīng jí zài tú lit. a path covered in brambles; a course of action beset by difficulties
精讲多练 jīng jiǎng duō liàn to speak concisely and practice frequently
井井有条 jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo everything clear and orderly ; neat and tidy disposé en ordre régulier; avoir de l'ordre; méthodique
惊恐万状 jīng kǒng wàn zhuàng convulsed with fear
敬老尊贤 jìng lǎo zūn xián to respect the wise and venerate the worthy ; to honor the great and the good
经历风雨 jīng lì fēng yǔ to go through thick and thin (expr. idiom.) traverser le vent et la pluie; traverser les orages de l'existence; traverser des épreuves; à travers les vicissitudes de la vie
精明强干 jīng míng qiáng gàn intelligent and capable intelligent et capable
精疲力竭 jīng pí lì jié spirit weary, strength exhausted ; spent;drained; washed out être épuisé; exténué; sur les rotules
精疲力尽 jīng pí lì jìn spirit weary, strength exhausted ; spent;drained; washed out exténué; fatigué; épuisé; usé
径情直遂 jìng qíng zhí suì to achieve one's ambitions (expr. idiom.) réaliser ses ambitions
井然有序 jǐng rán yǒu xù everything clear and in good order ; neat and tidy
静若寒蝉 jìng ruò hán chán as quiet as a cicada in winter
敬若神明 jìng ruò shén míng to hold sb in the same regard as one would a god
精神百倍 jīng shén bǎi bèi lit. vitality a hundredfold ; refreshed; one's vigor thoroughly restored
精神饱满 jīng shén bǎo mǎn full of vigor ; lively; in high spirits
精神抖擞 jīng shén dǒu sǒu spirit trembling with excitement ; in high spirits;lively and full of enthusiasm; full of energy; con brio
精神焕发 jīng shén huàn fā in high spirits ; glowing with health and vigor
精神满腹 jīng shén mǎn fù full of wisdom ; astute and widely experienced plein de sagesse; astucieux et plein d'expérience
惊天动地 jīng tiān dòng dì world-shaking qui ébranle ciel et terre; sensationnel; titanesque;bouleversant
井蛙之见 jǐng wā zhī jiàn the view of a frog in a well ; fig. a narrow view
泾渭分明 jīng wèi fēn míng as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly ; to be entirely different (expr. idiom.) Être tout à fait distinct.; tout à fait différent
精卫填海 jīng wèi tián hǎi lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with stones ; futile ambition; task of Sisyphus; determination in the face of impossible odds Jingwei
惊喜若狂 jīng xǐ ruò kuáng pleasantly surprised like mad ; capering madly with joy; to express boundless pleasure
敬贤礼士 jìng xián lǐ shì to respect ability and honor scholarship
惊心动魄 jīng xīn dòng pò shaking one to the core; extremely disturbing; hair-raising impressionnant; frappant; poignant; palpitant;bouleversant
净心修身 jìng xīn xiū shēn to have an untroubled heart and behave morally
敬业乐群 jìng yè lè qún diligent and sociable ; meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one's colleagues
精益求精 jīng yì qiú jīng to perfect sth that is already outstanding ;constantly improving perfectionner sans cesse son art ou son travail;chercher toujours à s'améliorer; faire de mieux en mieux; chercher sans cesse à progresser
荆榛满目 jīng zhēn mǎn mù thorns and brambles as far as eye can see ;beset by troubles
久病成良医 jiǔ bìng chéng liáng yī long illness makes the patient into a good doctor
旧病复发 jiù bìng fù fā old illness recurs ; a relapse; fig. to repeat an old error; the same old problem
救场如救火 jiù chǎng rú jiù huǒ the show must go on
酒池肉林 jiǔ chí ròu lín lakes of wine and forests of meat ; debauchery;sumptuous entertainment
旧愁新恨 jiù chóu xīn hèn old worries with new hatred added ; afflicted by problems old and new
旧地重游 jiù dì chóng yóu to revisit old haunts ; down memory lane
就地正法 jiù dì zhèng fǎ to execute on the spot ; summary execution; to carry out the law on the spot
旧调重弹 jiù diào chóng tán replaying the same old tunes ; conservative, unoriginal and discredited; to keep harping on about the same old stuff (expr. idiom.) jouer toujours la même rengaine;convenu; suranné; sans originalité; chanter toujours la même chanson;
救焚益薪 jiù fén yì xīn add firewood to put out the flames ; fig. ill-advised action that only makes the problem worse; to add fuel to the fire (expr. idiom.) jeter de l'huile sur le feu
酒酣耳热 jiǔ hān ěr rè tipsy and merry (expr. idiom.) ivre et joyeux
救急不救穷 jiù jí bù jiù qióng help the starving but not the poor
旧景重现 jiù jǐng chóng xiàn to have flashbacks from the past
久经考验 jiǔ jīng kǎo yàn well tested ; seasoned; veteran
久慕盛名 jiǔ mù shèng míng I've admired your reputation for a long time ; I've been looking forward to meeting you.; It's an honor to meet you at last.
酒囊饭袋 jiǔ náng fàn dài wine sack, food bag ; useless person, only fit for guzzling and boozing
九牛二虎之力 jiǔ niú èr hǔ zhī lì tremendous strength efforts énormes
九牛一毛 jiǔ niú yī máo lit. one hair from nine oxen ; fig. a drop in the ocean
旧瓶装新酒 jiù píng zhuāng xīn jiǔ lit. new wine in old bottles; fig. new concepts in an old framework; (loan idiom from Matthew 9:17, but fig. meaning is opposite)
究其根源 jiū qí gēn yuán to trace something to its source
酒肉朋友 jiǔ ròu péng you lit. a friend when wining and dining ; fair-weather friend amis de vin et de viande; compagnon de plaisirs (ou de noce)
酒色财气 jiǔ sè cái qì wine, sex, avarice and temper ; four cardinal vices (expr. idiom.) vin, sexe, avarice et tempérament; quatre vices cardinaux
九死一生 jiǔ sǐ yī shēng nine deaths and still alive ; a narrow escape;new lease of life
九霄云外 jiǔ xiāo yún wài beyond the topmost clouds ; unimaginably far away
揪心扒肝 jiū xīn bā gān lit. grips the heart, seizes the liver ; fear grips the heart; worried out of one's wits; scared stiff
酒言酒语 jiǔ yán jiǔ yǔ words spoken under the influence of alcohol
久仰大名 jiǔ yǎng dà míng I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time
举案齐眉 jǔ àn qí méi lit. to lift the tray to eyebrow level ; mutual respect in a marriage
居安思危 jū ān sī wēi to think of danger in times of safety; to be vigilant in peacetime (expr. idiom.) en temps de paix penser aux dangers futurs; songer au danger qui couve quand on se trouve dans la sécurité; Il faut prévoir le danger lorsqu'il est encore loin
举不胜举 jǔ bù shèng jǔ too numerous to list ; innumerable
局促一隅 jú cù yī yú to be cramped in a corner
居高临下 jū gāo lín xià to live high and look down ; to overlook; to tower above; to occupy the high ground; fig. arrogance based on one's social position
鞠躬尽瘁 jū gōng jìn cuì to bend to a task and spare no effort ; striving to the utmost (expr. idiom.) se plier à une tâche et ne ménager aucun effort; s'efforçer au maximum
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 jū gōng jìn cuì , sǐ ér hòu yǐ to bend to a task and spare no effort unto one's dying day ; striving to the utmost one's whole life; with every breath in one's body, unto one's dying day
鞠躬尽力 jū gōng jìn lì to bend to a task and spare no effort ; striving to the utmost; same as 鞠躬尽瘁
居功自傲 jū gōng zì ào satisfied with one's accomplishment and arrogant as a result ; resting on one's laurels and despising others
聚精会神 jù jīng huì shén to concentrate one's attention concentrer toute son attention sur; s'absorber dans
句句实话 jù jù shí huà to speak honestly
举目无亲 jǔ mù wú qīn to look up and see no-one familiar ; not having anyone to rely on; without a friend in the world
举棋不定 jǔ qí bù dìng to hesitate over what move to make ; to waver;to shilly-shally (expr. idiom.) hésiter à prendre son parti; être irrésolu, indéterminé ou indécis
据情办理 jù qíng bàn lǐ to handle a situation according to the circumstances (expr. idiom.) gérer une situation selon les circonstances
聚沙成塔 jù shā chéng tǎ sand grains accumulate to make a tower a tower; by gathering small amounts one gets a huge quantity; many a mickle makes a muckle
举世闻名 jǔ shì wén míng world-famous de renommée mondiale (oral)
举世无双 jǔ shì wú shuāng unrivaled ; world number one; unique;unequaled
举手投足 jǔ shǒu tóu zú lit. to lift a hand or move a leg ; very easy; no effort at all
举手之劳 jǔ shǒu zhī láo as easy as lifting one's hand ; no effort at all;you only have to lift a finger
居无定所 jū wú dìng suǒ to be without a fixed residence (expr. idiom) être sans domicile fixe
居心不良 jū xīn bù liáng with treacherous intent ; two-faced; malicious and duplicitous
居心叵测 jū xīn pǒ cè with treacherous intent ; two-faced; malicious and duplicitous
居心险恶 jū xīn xiǎn è with treacherous intent ; intentional malice
举一反三 jǔ yī fǎn sān to raise one and infer three; to deduce many things from one case
聚萤映雪 jù yíng yìng xuě lit. to collect fireflies and study by their light ; fig. ambitious student from impoverished background;burning the midnight oil
举足轻重 jǔ zú qīng zhòng a foot's move sways the balance ; to hold the balance of power; to play the decisive role avoir une grande importance; avoir du poids; être de conséquence; être décisif (ou prépondérant); qui fait pencher la balance
涓埃之力 juān āi zhī lì negligible force ; tiny force
蠲除苛政 juān chú kē zhèng to alleviate oppressive administration
涓滴归公 juān dī guī gōng every drop returns to the public good ; not one penny is misused
镌骨铭心 juān gǔ míng xīn etched in one's bones and heart ; ever-present memory (esp. resentment)
卷土重来 juǎn tǔ chóng lái to return in a swirl of dust; to make a stage comeback revenir à la charge; remonter à l'assaut; se remettre en selle
镌心铭骨 juān xīn míng gǔ etched in one's bones and heart ; ever-present memory (esp. resentment)
绝处逢生 jué chǔ féng shēng to come back from death's door ; unexpected rescue from danger; fig. to recover from a seemingly impossible situation; to find a way out of a predicament
绝代佳人 jué dài jiā rén beauty unmatched in her generation ; woman of peerless elegance; prettiest girl ever
崛地而起 jué dì ér qǐ lit. arising suddenly above the level ground ; sudden emergence of prominent new feature
绝顶聪明 jué dǐng cōng ming extremely bright (expr. idiom.) extrêmement brillant
绝口不提 jué kǒu bù tí lips sealed and not saying anything ; fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
掘墓鞭尸 jué mù biān shī to exhume a body for public flogging
绝世佳人 jué shì jiā rén a woman of unmatched beauty (expr. idiom.) une femme d'une beauté inégalée
绝无仅有 jué wú jǐn yǒu one and only ; rarely seen; unique of its kind rare; hors pair; unique en son genre
军令如山 jūn lìng rú shān military orders are like mountains ; a military order must be obeyed
君子之交 jūn zi zhī jiāo Friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子).
君子之交 jūn zǐ zhī jiāo friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子)
君子之交淡如水 jūn zi zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ A gentleman's friendship, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子).
君子之交淡如水 jūn zǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ a gentleman's friendship, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子)
开诚布公 kāi chéng bù gōng lit. deal sincerely and fairly ; frank and open-minded; plain speaking; Let's talk frankly and openly between ourselves.; to put one's cards on the table
开诚相见 kāi chéng xiāng jiàn candid and open
开卷有益 kāi juàn yǒu yì lit. opening a book is profitable ; the benefits of education
开锣喝道 kāi luó hè dào to clear a street by banging gongs and shouting loudly
开门见山 kāi mén jiàn shān lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point droit au but
开门揖盗 kāi mén yī dào leaving the door open invites the thief ; to invite disaster by giving evildoers a free hand
开天辟地 kāi tiān pì dì to split heaven and earth apart ; refers to the Pangu 盘古 creation myth la création du monde; depuis la création du monde;depuis que le monde est monde; depuis la nuit des temps
开源节流 kāi yuán jié liú lit. to open a water source and reduce outflow ;to increase income and save on spending; to broaden the sources of income and economize on expenditure mettre en valeur de nouvelles ressources et réduire les dépenses; avoir plus de recettes et moins de dépenses
开足马力 kāi zú mǎ lì to accelerate at full power ; at full speed; fig. to work as hard as possible
看菜吃饭 kān cài chī fàn to eat depending on the dish ; fig. to act according to actual circumstances; to live within one's means
看菜吃饭,量体裁衣 kān cài chī fàn , liáng tǐ cái yī eat depending on the dish, cut cloth according to the body ; to fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure; to act according to actual circumstances; to live within one's means
坎坷不平 kǎn kě bù píng pot-holed and bumpy road ; fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
戡乱平反 kān luàn píng fǎn to suppress a rebellion
看破红尘 kān pò hóng chén to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk); disillusioned with human society; to reject the world for a monastic life
慷慨赴义 kāng kǎi fù yì heroically sacrificing one's life ; to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause
慷慨解囊 kāng kǎi jiě náng to contribute generously ; help sb generously with money; to give generously to charity
慷慨捐生 kāng kǎi juān shēng sacrificing one's life generously ; to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause
慷慨输将 kāng kǎi shū jiāng to donate generously
康庄大道 kāng zhuāng dà dào broad and open road ; fig. brilliant future prospects route royale; voie large et prospère; chemin radieux
靠山吃山,靠水吃水 kào shān chī shān , kào shuǐ chī shuǐ lit. the mountain dweller lives off the mountain, the shore dweller lives off the sea ; fig. to make the best use of local resources; to exploit one's position to advance oneself; to find one's niche; to live off the land
克当一面 kè dāng yī miàn to possess one-sided abilities
可歌可泣 kě gē kě qì lit. you can sing or you can cry ; fig. deeply moving; happy and sad; inspiring and tragic émouvant; touchant
可共患难 kě gòng huàn nàn to go through thick and thin together
刻骨铭心 kè gǔ míng xīn lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart ;fig. etched in one's memory; unforgettable lit. sculpté dans les os et gravé dans le coeur; gravé dans sa mémoire; inoubliable
刻骨相思 kè gǔ xiāng sī lit. one's feelings carved into one's bones; to care for sb very deeply
刻鹄类鹜 kè hú lèi wù to aim to carve a swan and get a semblance of a duck; to fail utterly in trying to copy something; to get a reasonably good, if not perfect, result
克己奉公 kè jǐ fèng gōng self-restraint and devotion to public duties ;selfless dedication; to serve the public interest wholeheartedly
克己复礼 kè jǐ fù lǐ restrain yourself and return to the rites (idiom, from Analects); to subdue self and observe proprieties; (any number of possible translations)
苛捐杂税 kē juān zá shuì exorbitant taxation impôts exorbitants et taxes multiples; contributions et taxes excessives
刻苦耐劳 kè kǔ nài láo to bear hardships and work hard ; assiduous and long-suffering; hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity
克勤克俭 kè qín kè jiǎn to be industrious and frugal
可望而不可即 kě wàng ér bù kě jí in sight but unattainable ; inaccessible inaccessible
可望而不可及 kě wàng ér bù kě jí in sight but unattainable ; inaccessible inaccessible
溘先朝露 kè xiān zhāo lù the morning dew will swiftly dissipate ; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence
可以意会,不可言传 kě yǐ yì huì , bù kě yán chuán can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子)">">庄子); mysterious and subtle
苛政猛于虎 kē zhèng měng yú hǔ tyrannical government is fiercer than a tiger
刻舟求剑 kè zhōu qiú jiàn lit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard ; fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances
空城计 kōng chéng jì empty city strategy; double bluff strategy Le Piège de la ville vide
空洞无物 kōng dòng wú wù empty cave, nothing there ; devoid of substance; nothing new to show
空谷足音 kōng gǔ zú yīn sound of footsteps in an empty valley ; a rare occurrence; That's sth you don't often hear!
空空如也 kōng kōng rú yě as empty as anything ; completely bereft; to have nothing; vacuous; hollow; empty (argument, head etc)
空室清野 kōng shì qīng yě empty room, clean field ; clean out everything to leave nothing for the enemy; scorched earth policy
空无所有 kōng wú suǒ yǒu having nothing ; utterly destitute; without two sticks to rub together
空无一人 kōng wú yī rén not a soul in sight
空穴来风 kōng xué lái fēng lit. wind from an empty cave ; fig. unfounded (story); baseless (claim)
空穴来风未必无因 kòng xué lái fēng wèi bì wú yīn wind does not come from an empty cave without reason; there's no smoke without fire (expr. idiom.) il n'y pas de fumée sans feu
空中楼阁 kōng zhōng lóu gé pavilion in the air ; unrealistic Utopian construction; castles in Spain; imaginary future plans pavillons suspendus dans les airs; château en Espagne; mirage; illusion; chimère; projet impraticable
口碑流传 kǒu bēi liú chuán widely praised ; with an extensive public reputation
口碑载道 kǒu bēi zài dào lit. praise fills the roads ; praise everywhere;universal approbation
口齿伶俐 kǒu chǐ líng lì eloquent and fluent speaker ; grandiloquence;the gift of the gab s'exprimer avec éloquence; savoir bien s'exprimer; (familier) ne pas avoir la langue dans sa poche
口齿生香 kǒu chǐ shēng xiāng eloquence that generates perfume ; profound and significant text
口干舌燥 kǒu gān shé zào lit. dry mouth and tongue ; to talk too much
口口声声 kǒu kou shēng shēng to keep on saying ; to repeat over and over again
口蜜腹剑 kǒu mì fù jiàn lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly ; fig. hypocritical and murderous bouche de miel, coeur de fiel; bouche mielleuse, coeur fielleux; intentions perfides cachées sous des dehors bienveillants
口若悬河 kǒu ruò xuán hé mouth like a torrent ; eloquent; glib; voluble;have the gift of the gab
口是心非 kǒu shì xīn fēi lit. mouth says yes, heart no ; duplicity; empty words
口吐毒焰 kǒu tǔ dú yàn lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous flames; to speak angrily to sb
口无择言 kǒu wú zé yán to offer many needless alternatives
口诛笔伐 kǒu zhū bǐ fá to condemn in speech and in writing ; to denounce by word and pen
苦大仇深 kǔ dà chóu shēn great bitterness, deep hatred ; deeply ingrained long-standing resentment
苦海茫茫 kǔ hǎi máng máng sea of bitterness is vast
苦海无边,回头是岸 kǔ hǎi wú biān , huí tóu shì àn The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore . Only Buddhist enlightenment can allow one to shed off the abyss of worldly suffering.; Repent and ye shall be saved!
苦海余生 kǔ hǎi yú shēng voyage of the damned ; Alive in the bitter sea Survivant en un océan amer
苦尽甘来 kǔ jìn gān lái bitterness finishes, sweetness begins ; the hard times are over, the good times just beginning
苦口婆心 kǔ kǒu pó xīn earnest and well-meaning advice ; to persuade patiently conseiller avec zèle et avec la meilleure foi du monde;amer au goût
枯木逢春 kū mù féng chūn lit. the spring comes upon a withered tree ; fig. to get a new lease on life; to be revived; (of a difficult situation) to suddenly improve
哭声震天 kū shēng zhèn tiān lit. cries of grief shake the heavens; great sorrow
苦思冥想 kǔ sī míng xiǎng to consider from all angles ; to think hard; to rack one's brains
哭笑不得 kū xiào bù dé lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry ; both funny and extremely embarrassing; in a desperate state; between laughter and tears (expr. idiom.) ne plus savoir s'il faut en pleurer ou s'il faut en rire; aussi comique qu'embarrassant; entre le rire et les larmes; dans un état désespéré
苦心孤诣 kǔ xīn gū yì to make painstaking efforts ; after much trouble; to work hard at sth
苦中作乐 kǔ zhōng zuò lè to find joy in sorrows ; to enjoy sth in spite of one's suffering
夸多斗靡 kuā duō dòu mǐ to compete to produce extravagant literary works
胯下之辱 kuà xià zhī rǔ lit. forced to crawl between sb's legs as humiliation; humiliation
快刀断乱麻 kuài dāo duàn luàn má lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp ;decisive action in a complex situation; cutting the Gordian knot
快刀斩乱麻 kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp ;decisive action in a complex situation; cutting the Gordian knot
快马加鞭 kuài mǎ jiā biān to spur the horse to full speed ; to go as fast as possible
脍炙人口 kuài zhì rén kǒu appealing to the masses; universally appreciated être l'objet de l`admiration générale
宽大仁爱 kuān dà rén ài tolerant and lenient (expr. idiom.) tolérante et indulgente
宽大为怀 kuān dà wéi huái magnanimous ; generous magnanime; généreux
宽打窄用 kuān dǎ zhǎi yòng to give oneself leeway ; to allow room for error
宽宏大量 kuān hóng dà liàng magnanimous ; generous
宽以待人 kuān yǐ dài rén to be lenient with others
款语移时 kuǎn yǔ yí shí to talk slowly and in depth
狂风暴雨 kuáng fēng bào yǔ howling wind and torrential rain ; (fig.) difficult, dangerous situation
匡扶社稷 kuāng fú shè jì to earnestly support one's country
旷古未闻 kuàng gǔ wèi wén never before in the whole of history ;unprecedented
旷古未有 kuàng gǔ wèi yǒu never before in the whole of history ;unprecedented
狂奴故态 kuáng nú gù tài to be set in one's ways
旷日持久 kuàng rì chí jiǔ protracted ; long and drawn-out traîner en longueur; n'en pas voir la fin; de longue durée
狂三诈四 kuáng sān zhà sì to deceive and swindle across the board
狂饮暴食 kuáng yǐn bào shí drunken gluttony ; eating and drinking to excess
窥豹一斑 kuī bào yī bān lit. see one spot on a leopard ; fig. a restricted view
愧悔无地 kuì huǐ wú dì ashamed and unable to show one's face
愧难见人 kuì nán jiàn rén to be ashamed to be seen in public à avoir honte d'être vu en public
困兽犹斗 kùn shòu yóu dòu a cornered beast will still fight ; to fight like an animal at bay
略迹原情 lüè jì yuán qíng to overlook past faults ; to forgive and forget (expr. idiom.) oublier les fautes passées; pardonner et oublier
略见一斑 lüè jiàn yī bān to glimpse one spot ; to judge at a single glance; anecdotal evidence
拉大旗作虎皮 lā dà qí zuò hǔ pí lit. to wave a banner as if it were a tiger skin ;fig. to borrow sb's prestige; to take the name of a great cause as a shield
拉家带口 lā jiā dài kǒu to bear the burden of a household ;encumbered by a family; tied down by family obligations
来得容易,去得快 lái dé róng yì , qù dé kuài Easy come, easy go. (expr. idiom.) ça va et ça vient
来鸿去燕 lái hóng qù yàn lit. the goose comes, the swallow goes ; fig. always on the move (expr. idiom.) l'oie vient, l'hirondelle va; toujours en mouvement
来龙去脉 lái lóng qù mài lit. mountain has a connecting pulse throughout like a dragon (idiom, from fengshui); sequence of events;pedigree; cause and effects; the whys and wherefores;where sth comes from and where it goes; ins and outs In and Out (film, 1997)
来去无踪 lái qù wú zōng come without a shadow, leave without a footprint; to come and leave without a trace (expr. idiom.) venir sans une ombre, partir sans une empreinte; aller et venir sans laisser de trace
来日方长 lái rì fāng cháng the future is long ; there will be ample time for that later; We'll cross that bridge when we get there
来无影,去无踪 lái wú yǐng , qù wú zōng lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint; to come and go without a trace
来者不拒 lái zhě bù jù to refuse nobody ; all comers welcome (expr. idiom.) ne refuser personne
来者不善,善者不来 lái zhě bù shàn , shàn zhě bù lái He who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no-one well-meaning will come .; Be careful not to trust foreigners.; Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!
兰艾同焚 lán ài tóng fén lit. to burn both fragrant orchids and stinking weeds; fig. to destroy indiscriminately the noble and common; the rain falls on the just and unjust alike
揽辔澄清 lǎn pèi chéng qīng lit. to seize the reins and quell disorder; to act quickly and decisively
滥杀无辜 làn shā wú gū willfully slaughter the innocent
蓝田种玉 lán tián zhòng yù a marriage made in heaven (expr. idiom.) planter du jade à Lan Tian; rendre sa femme enceinte d'un fils
滥竽充数 làn yú chōng shù lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers; fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products; to masquerade as having an ability; token member of a group
狼狈为奸 láng bèi wéi jiān villains collude together ; to work hand in glove with sb (to nefarious ends)
狼奔豕突 láng bēn shǐ tū the wolf runs and the wild boar rushes ; crowds of evil-doers mill around like wild beasts
狼号鬼哭 láng háo guǐ kū lit. wolves howling, devils groaning ; pathetic screams
狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn to wolf down one's food ; to devour ravenously;to gorge oneself (expr. idiom.) engloutir, dévorer sa nourriture; manger comme un ogre; bouffer comme un chancre, un morfale
狼心狗肺 láng xīn gǒu fèi lit. heart of wolf and lungs of dog ; cruel and unscrupulous
狼烟四起 láng yān sì qǐ fire beacons on all sides ; enveloped in the flames of war (expr. idiom.) Les fumées d'alarme se font voir de toutes parts
浪子回头 làng zǐ huí tóu the return of a prodigal son retour du fils prodigue; un jeune vagabond décidant de se régénérer; un enfant prodigue qui a pris le retour à la vie normal;
狼子野心 láng zǐ yě xīn ambition of wild wolves ; rapacious designs ambition sournoise (ou effrénée); folle ambition
老蚌生珠 lǎo bàng shēng zhū lit. an old oyster producing a pearl ; fig. birthing a son at an advanced age
老大徒伤悲 lǎo dà tú shāng bēi vain regrets of old age
老当益壮 lǎo dāng yì zhuàng old but vigorous ; hale and hearty despite the years
老调重弹 lǎo diào chóng tán to play the same old tune ; unoriginal (expr. idiom.) la même vieille rengaine; c'est toujours la même chansion; sans originalité
老骥伏枥 lǎo jì fú lì lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles ; fig. aged person with great aspirations
老骥伏枥,志在千里 lǎo jì fú lì , zhì zài qiān lǐ lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles ; fig. old people may still cherish high aspirations
老骥嘶风 lǎo jì sī fēng old steed sniffs the wind ; fig. aged person with great aspirations
老马恋栈 lǎo mǎ liàn zhàn lit. the old horse loves his stable; fig. sb old but reluctant to relinquish their post
老马识途 lǎo mǎ shí tú an old horse knows the way ; an experienced worker knows what to do; an old hand knows the ropes
老马嘶风 lǎo mǎ sī fēng old horse sniffs the wind ; fig. aged person with great aspirations
老谋深算 lǎo móu shēn suàn rigorous schemes and deep foresight ; astute and circumspect
老牛吃嫩草 lǎo niú chī nèn cǎo lit. an old cow eats young grass ; fig. a May-December relationship; a romance where the man is significantly older than the woman
老气横秋 lǎo qì héng qiū old and decrepit; proud of one's age and experience (expr. idiom.) vieux et décrépit; fier de son âge et de son expérience
老王卖瓜,自卖自夸 lǎo wáng mài guā , zì mài zì kuā every potter praises his own pot ; all one's geese are swans
老眼昏花 lǎo yǎn hūn huā blurred vision of an old person
劳逸结合 láo yì jié hé to strike a balance between work and rest combiner le travail avec le repos; faire alterner raisonnablement travail et repos
老于世故 lǎo yú shì gù experienced in the ways of the world ; worldly-wise; sophisticated
唠这扯那 láo zhè chě nà to talk about nothing in particular (expr. idiom.) parler de rien en particulier
乐不可支 lè bù kě zhī overjoyed ; as pleased as punch
乐不思蜀 lè bù sī shǔ indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty Liu Shan
乐此不疲 lè cǐ bù pí to enjoy sth and never tire of it
乐极生悲 lè jí shēng bēi extreme joy turns to sorrow ; Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!
乐在其中 lè zài qí zhōng to take pleasure in sth
雷打不动 léi dǎ bù dòng not shaken by thunder ; the arrangements are unalterable; to adhere rigidly to regulations; will go ahead whatever happens (of an arrangement or plan)
擂鼓鸣金 léi gǔ míng jīn to beat the drum and sound the gong ; fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back
雷厉风行 léi lì fēng xíng pass like thunder and move like the wind ; swift and decisive reaction
泪流满面 lèi liú mǎn miàn cheeks streaming with tears (expr. idiom.) les joues ruisselantes de larmes
磊落大方 lěi luò dà fāng to be generous in the extreme
泪如雨下 lèi rú yǔ xià tears falling like rain (expr. idiom.) larmes coulant comme la pluie; pleurer à chaudes larmes; fondre en larmes
雷声大,雨点小 léi shēng dà , yǔ diǎn xiǎo loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain ; a lot of talk, but no action; action speaks louder than words;his bite is worse than his bark (expr. idiom.) grand fracas de tonnerre mais petites gouttes de pluie; faire beaucoup de bruit pour rien; très fort en paroles mais pas en actions
泪水涟涟 lèi shuǐ lián lián in floods of tears
冷嘲热讽 lěng cháo rè fěng frigid irony and scorching satire ; to mock and ridicule (expr. idiom.) railler et ridiculiser
冷若冰霜 lěng ruò bīng shuāng as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner; frigid
冷言冷语 lěng yán lěng yǔ cold words and sarcastic comments ; to mock and ridicule des paroles moqueuses et sarcastiques; moqueuses et sarcastiques; insinuation mêlée; raillerie mordante
冷语冰人 lěng yǔ bīng rén cold words and sarcastic comments ; to mock and ridicule
礼崩乐坏 lǐ bēng yuè huài rites collapse, music spoilt ; degeneration of feudal religious rites; Things ain't what they used to be.
力不从心 lì bù cóng xīn less capable than desirable ; not as strong as one would wish; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (expr. idiom.) Ses moyens ne sont pas à la mesure de ses intentions; Ses capacités ne répondent pas à la mesure
沥陈鄙见 lì chén bǐ jiàn to state one's humble opinion
立地成佛 lì dì chéng fó to become a Buddha on the spot ; instant rehabilitation; to repent and be absolved of one's crimes
礼废乐崩 lǐ fèi yuè bēng rites and music are in ruins ; fig. society in total disarray
立杆见影 lì gān jiàn yǐng lit. put up a pole and see the shadow ; to expect instant results
立竿见影 lì gān jiàn yǐng lit. set up a pole and see the shadow ; fig. instant effect; quick results
礼坏乐崩 lǐ huài yuè bēng rites and music are in ruins ; fig. society in total disarray
骊黄牝牡 lí huáng pìn mǔ a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare ; don't judge by outward appearance
力尽神危 lì jìn shén wēi totally exhausted as result of over-exertion
里进外出 lǐ jìn wài chū too many people coming and going
历久弥坚 lì jiǔ mí jiān to become more resolute with the passing of time
历历在目 lì lì zài mù vivid in one's mind (expr. idiom.) Chaque détail apparaît distinctement au regard; Les scènes du passé se succèdent devant les yeux
莅临指导 lì lín zhǐ dǎo to offer a wholehearted welcome to guests and accept their guidance
利令智昏 lì lìng zhì hūn to lose one's head through material greed
利禄薰心 lì lù xūn xīn to be eager for wealth and emolument
黎明前的黑暗 lí míng qián de hēi àn darkness comes before dawn; things can only get better (expr. idiom.) l'obscurité vient avant l'aube; les choses ne peuvent que s'améliorer
厉目而视 lì mù ér shì to cut sb a severe look
力排众议 lì pái zhòng yì to stand one's ground against the opinion of the masses
离情别绪 lí qíng bié xù sad feeling at separation (expr. idiom.) sentiment de tristesse à la séparation
礼轻情意重 lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it ; It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.
礼轻人意重 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng slight present but weighty meaning ; It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
礼轻人意重,千里送鹅毛 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng , qiān lǐ sòng é máo goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning ; It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
理屈词穷 lǐ qū cí qióng faulty argument and poor rhetoric ; unable to put forward any convincing arguments; without a leg to stand on
礼尚往来 lǐ shàng wǎng lái lit. proper behaviour is based on reciprocity ; fig. to return politeness for politeness répondre à la courtoisie par la courtoisie; la courtoisie exige la réciprocité; donnant donnant.; traiter la personne de la manière dont elle m'a traité
理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán as it should be by rights ; proper and to be expected as a matter of course; inevitable and right Certainement !; Cela va sans dire
力所能及 lì suǒ néng jí as far as one's capabilities extend ; to the best of one's ability; within one's powers (expr. idiom.) aussi loin que ses capacités le permettent; autant que possible; en son pouvoir; dans la limite de ses forces
力挽狂澜 lì wǎn kuáng lán to pull strongly against a crazy tide ; fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis The Wrestler (film, 2008)
离乡背井 lí xiāng bèi jǐng to live far from home ; away from one's native place; to leave for a foreign land
里应外合 lǐ yìng wài hé to coordinate outside and inside offensives ;(fig.) to act together
利欲熏心 lì yù xūn xīn blinded by greed
礼乐崩坏 lǐ yuè bēng huài rites and music are in ruins ; fig. society in total disarray
力争上游 lì zhēng shàng yóu to strive for mastery ; aiming for the best result;to have high ambitions
理直气壮 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng in the right and self-confident ; bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful être fort de son droit; être dans le vrai et avoir pleine confiance en soi-même; parler (ou : répliquer) d'un ton péremptoire
连镳并轸 lián biāo bìng zhěn lit. reins together and carriages level ; keeping exactly abreast of one another; running neck and neck
联产到组 lián chǎn dào zǔ to pay remuneration according to output
脸都绿了 liǎn dōu lǜ le green in the face ; to look unwell
连滚带爬 lián gǔn dài pá rolling and crawling; trying frantically to escape (expr. idiom.) rouler et ramper (pour s'enfuir); faire des pieds et des mains pour se tirer d'un mauvais pas
连锅端 lián guō duān to take even the cooking pots ; to clean out; to wipe out nettoyer complètement; vider complètement;exterminer
脸红筋暴 liǎn hóng jīn bào red and tense with anger
脸红筋涨 liǎn hóng jīn zhǎng red and tense with anger
连三并四 lián sān bìng sì one after the other; in succession
连踢带打 lián tī dài dǎ to kick and beat
连战连胜 lián zhàn lián shèng fighting and winning a series of battles ; ever victorious
连轴转 lián zhóu zhuàn lit. to continuously revolve; to work non-stop; to work around the clock (expr. idiom.) tourner en permanence; travailler non-stop
两败俱伤 liǎng bài jù shāng both sides suffer ; neither side wins se battre et subir des pertes de chaque côté; les deux parties aux prises se sont affaiblies (ou épuisées) mutuellement.
量才录用 liàng cái lù yòng to assess sb's capabilities and employ him accordingly; to employ sb competent for the task
良辰吉日 liáng chén jí rì fine time, lucky day ; fig. good opportunity
良辰美景 liáng chén měi jǐng fine time, beautiful scenery ; everything lovely (expr. idiom.) beau temps et joli paysage;circonstances heureuses
良工心苦 liáng gōng xīn kǔ expert craft from hard practice ; hard-won skill;A masterpiece demands suffering.
两虎相斗 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu two tigers fight ; fig. a dispute between two major contestants; a battle of the giants
两虎相斗,必有一伤 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng When two tigers fight, one will get injured . If it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt.
两虎相争 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng two tigers fighting ; fierce contest between evenly matched protagonists
两虎相争,必有一伤 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng , bì yǒu yī shāng if two tigers fight, one must get injured ; if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt
两肋插刀 liǎng lèi chā dāo lit. knifes piercing both sides ; fig. to attach a great importance to friendship, up to the point of being able to sacrifice oneself for it
量力而行 liàng lì ér xíng to assess one's capabilities and act accordingly; to act within one's competence; One does what one can.
两面三刀 liǎng miàn sān dāo two-faced, three knives ; double-cross; double dealing and back stabbing
量入为出 liàng rù wéi chū to assess one's income and spend accordingly; to live within one's means; You can only spend what you earn.
良师益友 liáng shī yì yǒu good teacher and helpful friend ; mentor (expr. idiom.) bon maître et ami secourable
两手空空 liǎng shǒu kōng kōng empty-handed ; fig. not receiving anything
量体裁衣 liáng tǐ cái yī lit. measure the body then tailor the suit ; fig. to act according to actual circumstances; To live within one's means.
良宵美景 liáng xiāo měi jǐng fine evening, beautiful scenery
两袖清风 liǎng xiù qīng fēng lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze ; having clean hands; uncorrupted; unsoiled by corrupt practices (expr. idiom.) intègre; incorruptible
良药苦口 liáng yào kǔ kǒu good medicine tastes bitter ; fig. frank criticism is hard to swallow
良知良能 liáng zhī liáng néng instinctive understanding, esp. of ethical issues; untrained, but with an inborn sense of right and wrong; innate moral sense
寥寥可数 liáo liáo kě shǔ just a very few ; tiny number; just a handful; not many at all; You count them on your fingers.
寥寥无几 liáo liáo wú jǐ just a very few ; tiny number; not many at all;You count them on your fingers.
了如指掌 liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng variant of 了如指掌 (expr. idiom.) savoir une chose sur le bout des doigts;connaître comme (le fond de) sa poche
聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú better than nothing
料事如神 liào shì rú shén to prophesy with supernatural accuracy ; to have an incredible foresight
聊以自慰 liáo yǐ zì wèi just to console oneself
烈火干柴 liè huǒ gān chái lit. intense fire to dry wood ; inferno in a woodpile; fig. consuming passion between lovers
麟角凤觜 lín jiǎo fèng zuǐ lit. qilin's horn, phoenix's mouth ; fig. rara avis;rarity
临渴穿井 lín kě chuān jǐng lit. face thirst and dig a well ; fig. not to make adequate provision; to act when it is too late
临渴掘井 lín kě jué jǐng lit. not to dig a well until one is thirsty; to be unprepared and seek help at the last minute
琳琅满目 lín láng mǎn mù glittering jewels to delight the eye ; fig. a dazzling line-up riche collection d'objets d'art
淋漓尽致 lín lí jìn zhì lit. extreme saturation ; fig. vividly and thoroughly; in great detail; without restraint; (of a performance) brilliant complètement
临时抱佛脚 lín shí bào fó jiǎo lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises; fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble;doing things at the last minute; making a hasty last-minute effort
临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网 lín yuān xiàn yú , bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng better to go home and weave a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish ; one should take practical steps to achieve one's aim
临阵退缩 lín zhèn tuì suō to shrink back on approaching the battlefield ;to get cold feet
零打碎敲 líng dǎ suì qiāo to do things in bits and pieces ; piecemeal work
灵丹妙药 líng dān miào yào effective cure, miracle medicine ; fig. wonder-cure for all problems; panacea; elixir
灵机一动 líng jī yī dòng a bright idea suddenly occurs ; to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave
凌乱不堪 líng luàn bù kān in a terrible mess
另辟蹊径 lìng pì xī jìng to take an alternate route ; to find an alternative; to take a different approach; to blaze a new trail
另起炉灶 lìng qǐ lú zào lit. to set up a separate kitchen ; to start from scratch; back to square one; to start of on a new path élever un nouveau fourneau; recommencer à zéro;refaire un ouvrage
零敲碎打 líng qiāo suì dǎ to do things in bits and pieces ; piecemeal work par bribes; travailler sans esprit de suite; petit à petit; adopter une méthode de travail par degré
另请高明 lìng qǐng gāo míng please find sb better qualified than me
令人发指 lìng rén fà zhǐ to make one's hair stand up in anger ; to raise people's hackles
令行禁止 lìng xíng jìn zhǐ lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop ; fig. to demand exact compliance with instructions; to ensure strictly obedience Tous les or dres sont strictement exécutés et toutes les interdictions observées; exécution stricte des lois et décrets
伶牙俐齿 líng yá lì chǐ clever and eloquent ; fluent; having the gift of the gab
另有企图 lìng yǒu qǐ tú to have an axe to grind
凌杂米盐 líng zá mǐ yán disordered and fragmentary (expr. idiom.) désordonné et fragmentaire
柳暗花明 liǔ àn huā míng lit. the willow trees make the shade, the flowers give the light ; at one's darkest hour, a glimmer of hope;light at the end of the tunnel Loin d'elle
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 liú de qīng shān zài , bù pà méi chái shāo While the green hills last, there'll be wood to burn. Where there's life there's hope.
流光溢彩 liú guāng yì cǎi lit. flowing light and overflowing color; brilliant lights and vibrant colors
流离颠沛 liú lí diān pèi destitute and homeless ; displaced and without means
流离失所 liú lí shī suǒ destitute and homeless ; forced from one's home and wandering about; displaced n'avoir ni feu ni lieu; être sans ressources ni abri
流年不利 liú nián bù lì the year's horoscope augurs ill ; an unlucky year
六亲不认 liù qīn bù rèn not recognizing one's family ; self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives
六亲无靠 liù qīn wú kào orphaned of all one's immediate relatives ; no one to rely on; left to one's own devices
六神无主 liù shén wú zhǔ all six vital organs fail ; besides oneself with panic; distracted; out of one's wits (expr. idiom.) ne pas savoir où donner de la tête
流水不腐,户枢不蠹 liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù Flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust; constant activity prevents decay
流星赶月 liú xīng gǎn yuè lit. a meteor catching up with the moon; swift action
溜须拍马 liū xū pāi mǎ to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom ;to use flatter to get what one wants; to toady; boot-licking ramper; flagorner; courtiser; flatter
流言蜚语 liú yán fēi yǔ rumors and slanders ; gossip; lies and slanders Gossip (groupe)
柳烟花雾 liǔ yān huā wù lit. willow scent and mist of blossom ; scene full of the delights of spring
溜之大吉 liū zhī dàjí (expr. idiom.) prendre la fuite; tourner les talons; se glisser furtivement; filer en douceur; prendre la poudre d'escampette
龙飞凤舞 lóng fēi fèng wǔ flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy beau paysage de hautes montagnes; belle calligraphie dont les traits sont vigoureux et coulants
龙凤 lóng fèng dragon and phoenix (expr. idiom.) dragon et phénix; le garçon et la fille; "le choix du roi"
龙马精神 lóng mǎ jīng shén old but still full of vitality (expr. idiom.) âgé mais toujours plein de vitalité
笼鸟槛猿 lóng niǎo jiàn yuán bird in a basket, monkey in a cage ; prisoner
隆情厚谊 lóng qíng hòu yì profound love, generous friendship (expr. idiom.) amour profond, amitié généreuse
龙生九子 lóng shēng jiǔ zǐ lit. the dragon has nine sons ; fig. all kinds of characters; good and bad intermingled; It takes all sorts to make a world.
龙头蛇尾 lóng tóu shé wěi lit. dragon's head, snake's tail ; fig. a strong start but weak finish
龙争虎斗 lóng zhēng hǔ dòu lit. the dragon wars, the tiger battles ; fierce battle between giants lutte acharnée entre deux adversaires qui sont aussi puissants l'un que l'autre
漏洞百出 lòu dòng bǎi chū lit. one hundred loopholes ; full of mistakes (of speech or article)
漏脯充饥 lòu fǔ chōng jī to bury one's head in the sand
露马脚 lòu mǎ jiǎo to reveal the cloven foot ; to unmask one's true nature; to give the game away (expr. idiom.) révéler le pied fourchu; démasquer sa vraie nature
漏网游鱼 lòu wǎng yóu yú fish that escaped the net ; fugitive; homeless exile
漏网之鱼 lòu wǎng zhī yú fish that escaped the net ; fugitive; homeless exile
漏泄天机 lòu xiè tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven ; to leak a secret;to let the cat out of the bag
路不拾遗 lù bù shí yí lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street ; fig. honesty prevails throughout society; a time of peace and stability
绿草如茵 lǜ cǎo rú yīn green grass like cushion ; green meadow so inviting to sleep on
露出马脚 lù chū mǎ jiǎo to reveal the cloven foot ; to unmask one's true nature; to give the game away
驴唇马觜 lǘ chún mǎ zī lit.camel's lip, horse's mouth ; fig. to chatter;nonsense; blather
炉火纯青 lú huǒ chún qīng lit. the stove fire has turned bright green (allusion to Daoist alchemy) ; fig. (of an art, a technique etc) brought to the point of perfection atteindre un haut niveau technique ou une compétence professionnelle
屡见不鲜 lǚ jiàn bù xiān a common occurrence
屡禁不绝 lǚ jìn bù jué to continue despite repeated prohibition
屡禁不止 lǚ jìn bù zhǐ to continue despite repeated prohibition (expr. idiom.) continuer en dépit d'interdictions répétées; refuser d'obtempérer malgré des interdictions répétées à maintes reprises
戮力同心 lù lì tóng xīn concerted efforts in a common cause ; united and working together être du même coeur et travailler de concert; coopérer corps et âme
绿女红男 lǜ nǚ hóng nán young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (expr. idiom.) jeune paré de vêtements magnifiques
路人皆知 lù rén jiē zhī understood by everyone ; well known; a household name (expr. idiom.) compris par tous; bien connu; familier
鹿死谁手 lù sǐ shéi shǒu to whom the deer falls ; the one to emerge victor (i.e. to seize the empire); prize winner; champion
履舄交错 lǚ xì jiāo cuò lit. shoes and slippers muddled together ; fig. many guests come and go; a lively party
缕息仅存 lǚ xī jǐn cún one's life hangs by a thread
屡遭不测 lǚ zāo bù cè beset by a series of mishaps
鸾飘凤泊 luán piāo fèng bó lit. firebird soars, phoenix alights ; fig. exquisite bold calligraphy; fig. marriage breaks up; fig. scholar unsuccessful
乱七八糟 luàn qī bā zāo everything in disorder ; in a hideous mess; at sixes and sevens désordre complet; boxon
鸾翔凤集 luán xiáng fèng jí lit. firebirds soar, phoenix gather ; a distinguished literary group
鸾翔凤翥 luán xiáng fèng zhù lit. firebirds soar, phoenix gather ; a distinguished literary group
论长道短 lùn cháng dào duǎn lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits ; to gossip
沦肌浃髓 lún jī jiā suǐ lit. penetrate to the marrow ; deeply affected;moved to the core
落井下石 luò jǐng xià shí to throw stones at sb who fell down a well ; to hit a person who is down
罗掘 luó jué to scrape around for money; hard pressed for cash; cf罗雀掘鼠 to net birds and dig for rats (expr. idiom.) prendre au filet les oiseaux et creuser pour les rats; grappiller de l'argent
落落寡交 luò luò guǎ jiāo aloof and as a result friendless
罗雀掘鼠 luó què jué shǔ lit. to net birds and dig for rats ; fig. hard pressed for cash; on the verge of bankruptcy
落入法网 luò rù fǎ wǎng to fall into the net of justice ; finally arrested
洛阳纸贵 luò yáng zhǐ guì lit. to push up paper prices in Luoyang ; fig. sensational popularity of a new book (expr. idiom.) littéralement : le papier coûte cher à Luoyang (utilisée pour désigner un best- seller : anecdote liée la hausse du prix du papier consécutive au succès de l'ouvrage de Zuo Si, San Du Fu)
落叶归根 luò yè guī gēn lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots ; fig. all things go back to their source eventually; in old age, an expatriate returns home
络绎不绝 luò yì bù jué continuously; in an endless stream ininterrompu
骂不绝口 mà bù jué kǒu to scold without end ; incessant abuse
马不停蹄 mǎ bùtíng tí (expr. idiom.) poursuivre sa route en ne cessant d'éperonner son cheval au galop; brûler les étapes
马革裹尸 mǎ gé guǒ shī to be buried in a horse hide ; to give one's life on the battlefield
马工枚速 mǎ gōng méi sù Sima Xiangru is meticulous and Mei Gao is fast; to each his good points
麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 má què suī xiǎo , wǔ zàng jù quán The sparrow may be small but all its vital organs are there .; small but complete in every detail
马无夜草不肥,人无外快不富 mǎ wú yè cǎo bù féi , rén wú wài kuài bù fù a horse cannot get fat without an extra ration, a man cannot get rich without an extra income
买椟还珠 mǎi dú huán zhū to buy a wooden box and return the pearls inside; to show poor judgement (expr. idiom.) acheter un coffret de bois et le rendre plein de perles; faire preuve de peu de jugement; être stupide
埋头苦干 mái tóu kǔ gàn to bury oneself in work ; to be engrossed in work; to make an all-out effort; up to the neck in work
买笑追欢 mǎi xiào zhuī huān lit. to buy smiles to seek happiness; abandon oneself to the pleasures of the flesh
满不在乎 mǎn bù zài hu not in the least concerned ; reckless; couldn't give a damn about it; unperturbed; couldn't care less;harum scarum
满城风雨 mǎn chéng fēng yǔ lit. wind and rain through the town ; fig. a big scandal; an uproar; the talk of the town (un scandale) parcourir toute la ville; (un bruit) courir partout
满打满算 mǎn dǎ mǎn suàn taking everything into account ; when all is said and done
满腹经纶 mǎn fù jīng lún full of political wisdom ; politically astute; with encyclopedic experience of state policy
满腹牢骚 mǎn fù láo sāo lit. belly full of complaints ; discontent; always moaning and complaining
满脸风尘 mǎn liǎn fēng chén lit. with a face full of dust; showing the hardships of travel
漫漫长夜 màn màn cháng yè endless night ; fig. long suffering (expr. idiom.) nuit sans fin; longue souffrance
满目琳琅 mǎn mù lín láng lit. to fill one's eyes with glittering jewels; a literary masterpiece or sb of extraordinary talent
漫山遍野 màn shān biàn yě lit. covering the mountains and the plains ; fig. as far as the eye can see; covering everything;omnipresent
瞒天过海 mán tiān guò hǎi to cross the sea by a trick ; to achieve one's aim by underhanded means parvenir à son but au moyen d'une tromperie
慢条斯理 màn tiáo sī lǐ with calculated unhurried steps ; slow and deliberate; methodical (expr. idiom.) sans se presser; sans hâte; avec lenteur;pas à pas
满招损,谦受益 mǎn zhāo sǔn , qiān shòu yì  complacency leads to loss, modesty brings profit; pride comes before a fall
芒刺在背 máng cì zài bèi feeling brambles and thorns in one's back ;uneasy and nervous; to be on pins and needles
忙里偷闲 máng lǐ tōu xián (expr. idiom.) s'accorder un peu de repos malgré de nombreuses occupations
盲人摸象 máng rén mō xiàng blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅盘经)">">大般涅盘经); fig. unable to see the big picture; to mistake the part for the whole;unable to see
忙中有错 máng zhōng yǒu cuò Rushed work lead to errors . Mistakes are likely at times of stress.
忙中有失 máng zhōng yǒu shī Rushed work lead to slip-ups . Mistakes are likely at times of stress. exempt de toute erreur
毛出在羊身上 máo chū zài yáng shēn shàng lit. wool comes from the sheep's back ; One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.; Nothing comes for free.
冒大不韪 mào dà bù wěi to disregard universal condemnation
毛骨悚然 máo gǔ sǒng rán absolutely horrified (expr. idiom.) s'effrayer à en avoir la chair de poule;frémir de terreur; être rempli d'effroi au point que cheveux et poils se hérissent
貌合神离 mào hé shén lí the appearance of unity, but divided at heart ; seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement
貌合心离 mào hé xīn lí the appearance of unity, but divided at heart ; seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement
猫哭耗子 māo kū hào zi the cat weeps for the dead mouse ; hypocritical pretence of condolence; crocodile tears
猫哭老鼠 māo kū lǎo shǔ the cat weeps for the dead mouse ; hypocritical pretence of condolence; crocodile tears
冒名顶替 mào míng dǐng tì to assume sb's name and take his place ; to impersonate; to pose under a false name
茅塞顿开 máo sè dùn kāi murky darkness suddenly opens ; a sudden flash of insight and all is clear
毛遂自荐 máo suì zì jiàn Mao Sui recommends himself ; to offer one's services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states) se présenter à l'exemple du nommé Mao Sui qui se portait candidat; offrir volontiers ses services
美不胜收 měi bù shèng shōu nothing more beautiful can be imagined
没吃没穿 méi chī méi chuān to be without food or clothing ; to be very poor (expr. idiom.) être très pauvre
眉开眼笑 méi kāi yǎn xiào brows raised in delight, eyes laughing ;beaming with joy; all smiles
眉来眼去 méi lái yǎn qù lit. eyes and eyebrows come and go ; to make eyes; to exchange flirting glances with sb (expr. idiom.) faire de l'oeil à qqn; faire les yeux doux
美轮美奂 měi lún měi huàn splendid and magnificent houses ; a sumptuous mansion
每谋辄败 měi móu zhé bài to fail at every scheme
每时每日 měi shí měi rì every day and every hour; hourly and daily (expr. idiom.) chaque jour et à chaque heure; horaire et journalier
没头没脸 méi tóu méi liǎn lit. without head, without face ; fig. frenzily;haphazardly
每一个人都有美中不足的地方 měi yī gè rén dōu yǒu měi zhōng bù zú de dì fang However excellent, everyone has his defects.; There is always a fly in the ointment.; cf idiom 美中不足, everything is fine except for one small defect
没有规矩,不成方圆 méi yǒu guī ju , bù chéng fāng yuán without rules, nothing can be done ; one must follow some rules (expr. idiom.) il ya des règles à suivre
没有规矩,何以成方圆 méi yǒu guī jǔ , hé yǐ chéng fāng yuán without rules, how can anything be done ; one must follow some rules
没辙 méi zhé at one's wit's end; unable to find a way out (expr. idiom.) impossible à résoudre
美中不足 měi zhōng bù zú everything is fine except for one small defect ;the fly in the ointment manque encore de
门当户对 mén dāng hù duì the families are well-matched in terms of social status; (of a prospective marriage partner) an appropriate match être du même rang social ou familles bien assorties;alliance matrimoniale bien assortie;
门可罗雀 mén kě luó què you can net sparrows at the door ; completely deserted
门庭冷落,门堪罗雀 mén tíng lěng luò , mén kān luó què The courtyard is deserted, you can net sparrows at the door ; completely deserted
门庭若市 mén tíng ruò shì front yard as busy as a marketplace ; a place with many visitors (expr. idiom.) maison très fréquentée; Chez lui c'est comme au marché; Sa maison est un vrai moulin
扪心无愧 mén xīn wú kuì lit. look into one's heart, no shame ; with a clear conscience
梦幻泡影 mèng huàn pào yǐng lit. dreams and visions in a bubble ; fig. the illusory nature of the world in Buddhism; illusion; pipe dream
盟山誓海 méng shān shì hǎi to pledge undying love ; oath of eternal love; to swear by all the Gods
蒙在鼓里 méng zài gǔ lǐ (lit.) kept inside a drum ; completely in the dark
密不可分 mì bù kě fēn inextricably linked ; inseparable
靡不有初,鲜克有终 mǐ bù yǒu chū , xiǎn kè yǒu zhōng almost everything has a start, but not many things have an end ; don't start sth you can't handle Il est ordinaire de bien commencer, mais il est rare de bien finir ; Facile de commencer une entreprise, mais très dur de la conduire à la réussite
迷不知返 mí bù zhī fǎn to go astray and to not know how to get back on the right path
迷离惝恍 mí lí chǎng huǎng indistinct; blurred; bewildering; confusing to the eye
弥天大谎 mí tiān dà huǎng a pack of lies mensonge fantasique; mensonge de taille; mensonge flagrant; mensonge manifeste
面黄肌闳 miàn huáng jī hóng yellow face, emaciated body ; malnourished and sickly in appearance
面黄肌瘦 miàn huáng jī shòu yellow face, emaciated body ; malnourished and sickly in appearance avoir le teint jaune et le corps décharné; être maigre et pâle; être jaune comme de la cire
绵里藏针 mián lǐ cáng zhēn lit. a needle concealed in silk floss ; fig. ruthless character behind a gentle appearance; a wolf in sheep's clothing; an iron fist in a velvet glove
勉力而为 miǎn lì ér wéi to try one's best to do sth
面露不悦 miàn lù bù yuè to show unhappiness or displeasure
面面俱到 miàn miàn jù dào  take care of everything; handle everything traiter un problème sous tous les aspect
面面相觑 miàn miàn xiāng qù to look at each other in dismay (expr. idiom.) se regarder dans la consternation
面目全非 miàn mù quán fēi nothing remains the same ; change beyond recognition
面目一新 miàn mù yī xīn complete change ; facelift; We're in a wholly new situation.
面授机宜 miàn shòu jī yí to give direct instructions on the way to deal with a matter; to brief personally
渺乎其微 miǎo hū qí wēi remote and insignificant
妙趣横生 miào qù héng shēng endlessly interesting ; very witty être plein d'esprit, d'humour fin; être spirituel
妙手回春 miào shǒu huí chūn magical hands bring the dying back to life ;miracle cure; brilliant doctor main adroite qui ramène la santé; médecin habile qui rend la santé
渺无人烟 miǎo wú rén yān remote and uninhabited ; deserted; God-forsaken
妙在不言中 miào zài bù yán zhōng the charm lies in what is left unsaid
灭此朝食 miè cǐ zhāo shí lit. not to have breakfast until the enemy is destroyed;anxious to do battle
民变峰起 mín biàn fēng qǐ seething discontent ; widespread popular grievances
民不聊生 mín bù liáo shēng The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Historian 史记); no way of getting by Le peuple croupit dans une misère noire (ou dans un dénuement complet).; Le peuple trouve la vie insupportable.
民穷财尽 mín qióng cái jìn the people are impoverished, their means exhausted; to drive the nation to bankruptcy
民生凋敝 mín shēng diāo bì the people's livelihood is reduced to destitution; a time of famine and impoverishment
民以食为天 mín yǐ shí wéi tiān Food is the God of the people. ; People view food as the primary need.; Food first, ethical niceties second
珉玉杂淆 mín yù zá xiáo scholars of various talents
民怨鼎沸 mín yuàn dǐng fèi seething discontent ; popular grievances boil over
民怨沸腾 mín yuàn fèi téng seething discontent ; popular grievances boil over
民贼独夫 mín zéi dú fū tyrant and oppressor of the people ; traitorous dictator
民脂民膏 mín zhī mín gāo lit. the fat and wealth of the people ; the nation's hard-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation); the people's blood, sweat and tears ressources provenant de la sueur du peuple; richesses accumulées avec le sang et la sueur du peuple
明辨是非 míng biàn shì fēi to distinguish right and wrong distinguer (discerner) le vrai du faux; tracer une ligne de démarcation entre le vrai et le faux
名不符实 míng bù fú shí the name does not correspond to reality ; it doesn't live up to its reputation
名不副实 míng bù fù shí the name does not reflect the reality ; more in name than in fact; Reality does not live up to the name.; Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out. n'être que nominal; son nom ne correspond pas à la réalité; Son appellation ne dit pas ce qu'il est effectivement;
名不虚传 míng bù xū chuán lit. name is not in vain ; a fully justified reputation; enjoys a well-deserved reputation Il mérite bien son renom; réputation bien son renom;réputation bien méritée; être vraiment à la hauteur de sa renommée
明察暗访 míng chá àn fǎng open enquiries and secret search ; to investigate openly and in secret; taking information from all sides
明查暗访 míng chá àn fǎng open enquiries and secret search ; to investigate openly and in secret; taking information from all sides
明察秋毫 míng chá qiū háo lit. seeing clearly the downy feather of autumn (idiom, from Mencius); fig. sensitive to the finest detail; to distinguish right and wrong with acuity; omniscient avoir la perspicacité de discerner les choses infimes;avoir une grande pénétrer toute chose; être perspicace;
名驰遐迩 míng chí xiá ěr To have one's fame spread far and wide.
明窗净几 míng chuāng jìng jī lit. clear window and clean table ; fig. bright and clean
名垂青史 míng chuí qīng shǐ lit. reputation will go down in history ; fig. achievements will earn eternal glory
名存实亡 míng cún shí wáng the name remains, but the reality is gone
名副其实 míng fù qí shí not just in name only, but also in reality (expr. idiom.) ce n'est pas seulement un nom, mais c'est aussi une réalité; c'est vrai
明岗暗哨 míng gǎng àn shào both covert and undercover (officers) keeping watch
名缰利锁 míng jiāng lì suǒ lit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches ;tied down by reputation and wealth; the victim of one's own success
鸣金收兵 míng jīn shōu bīng to beat the gong to recall troops ; to order a retreat
鸣金收军 míng jīn shōu jūn to beat the gong to recall troops ; to order a retreat
明镜高悬 míng jìng gāo xuán perspicacious and impartial in judgment
名利双收 míng lì shuāng shōu both fame and fortune ; both virtue and reward
名落孙山 míng luò sūn shān  to fail in imperial exam se classer après Sun Shan (qui était le dernier au palmarès); échouer à un examen
名门望族 míng mén wàng zú offspring a famous family ; good breeding; blue blood
名目繁多 míng mù fán duō names of many kinds ; items of every description
明枪好躲,暗箭难防 míng qiāng hǎo duǒ , àn jiàn nán fáng lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark ; it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies
明枪易躲,暗箭难防 míng qiāng yì duǒ , àn jiàn nán fáng lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark ; it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies
明人不做暗事 míng rén bù zuò àn shì The honest person does nothing underhand .; fig. Do what you want to do openly and without dissimulation.
名师出高徒 míng shī chū gāo tú A famous teacher trains a fine student . A cultured man will have a deep influence on his successors.
冥思苦索 míng sī kǔ suǒ to rack one's innermost brains
冥思苦想 míng sī kǔ xiǎng to consider from all angles ; to think hard; to rack one's brains
铭心刻骨 míng xīn kè gǔ engraved in one's heart and carved in one's bones; to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude
铭心镂骨 míng xīn lòu gǔ engraved in one's heart and carved in one's bones; to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude
明修栈道,暗渡陈仓 míng xiū zhàn dào , àn dù chén cāng lit. repair the plank road by day while secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河 at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 刘邦 in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 项
明月清风 míng yuè qīng fēng bright moon and clear wind ; fig. clear and lovely atmosphere; everything in the garden is roses
命在旦夕 mìng zài dàn xī to be at death's door
名噪一时 míng zào yī shí to achieve fame among one's contemporaries ;temporary or local celebrity
明哲保身 míng zhé bǎo shēn a wise man looks after his own hide ; to put one's own safety before matters of principle
明争暗斗 míng zhēng àn dòu struggling in the light and fighting in the dark ;fig. intriguing against each other; locked in constant strife lutter au grand jour et en sourdine; mener une lutte à la fois ouverte et clandestine; luttes tant déclarées(ou ouvertes) que dissimulées (ou secrètes)
明知故犯 míng zhī gù fàn deliberate violation ; intentional crime
名重识暗 míng zhòng shí àn of great reputation but shallow in knowledge
命中注定 mìng zhōng zhù dìng decreed by fate ; destined; fated
明珠暗投 míng zhū àn tóu to cast pearls before swine ; not to get proper recognition for one's talents
谬种流传 miù zhǒng liú chuán to pass on errors or lies ; the propagation of misconceptions
抹不下脸 mǒ bù xià liǎn to be unable to keep a straight face
没齿不忘 mò chǐ bù wàng lit. will not be forgotten even after one's teeth fall out;to remember as long as one lives; unforgettable (expr. idiom.) inoubliable; inexcusable
没齿难忘 mò chǐ nán wàng hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out ; to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude (expr. idiom.) gratitude éternelle; inoubliable
磨杵成针 mó chǔ chéng zhēn to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle ; fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study diligently
磨穿铁砚 mó chuān tiě yàn to grind one's way through an ink stone; to persevere in a difficult task ; to study diligently
摩顶放踵 mó dǐng fàng zhǒng to rub one's head and heels ; to slave for the benefit of others; to wear oneself out for the general good
魔高一丈,道高一尺 mó gāo yī zhàng , dào gāo yī chǐ the devil is ten foot tall, virtue one foot ; It takes constant vigilance to stave off evil.
莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào unfathomable mystery ; subtle and ineffable;unable to make head or tail of it; boring (e.g. movie) n'y rien comprendre; s'y perdre; sans raison valable;ne savoir pourquoi
莫明其妙 mò míng qí miào unfathomable mystery ; subtle and ineffable;unable to make head or tail of it
默默无闻 mò mò wú wén obscure and unknown ; an outsider without any reputation; a nobody; an unknown quantity être obscur; rester inconnu
磨破嘴皮子 mó pò zuǐ pí zi to wear out one's lips ; to talk until one is blue in the face; to repeat again and again
摩拳擦掌 mó quán cā zhǎng fig. to rub one's fists and wipe one's palms ; to roll up one's sleeves for battle; eager to get into action or start on a task (expr. idiom.) se frotter les mains et serrer les poings en vue de se battre; être prêt à passer à l'action
漠然置之 mò rán zhì zhī to set to one side and ignore ; quite indifferent;cold and uncaring
墨守成规 mò shǒu chéng guī hidebound by convention suivre l'ornière de la routine; être à cheval sur les règlements; suivre les chemins battus
抹稀泥 mǒ xī ní to try to gloss over things (expr. idiom.) essayer de dissimuler les choses
摸着石头过河 mō zhe shí tou guò hé to wade the river by groping for stones ; to advance step by step; to feel one's way around
莫衷一是 mò zhōng yī shì unable to reach a decision ; cannot agree on the right choice; no unanimous decision; still a matter of discussion (expr. idiom.) être incapable de décider de ce qui est juste; être incapable de se mettre d'accord sur un choix; décision controversée; qui reste matière de discussion; décision qui ne fait pas l'unanimité
磨嘴皮子 mó zuǐ pí zi to wear out the skin of one's teeth ; pointlessly blather; to talk incessant nonsense; blah blah
谋财害命 móu cái hài mìng to plot and kill sb for his property ; to murder for money
谋臣猛将 móu chén měng jiàng strategic experts and powerful generals
谋臣如雨 móu chén rú yǔ strategic experts as thick as rain ; no shortage of advisers on strategy (expr. idiom.) il y a des conseillers habiles comme s'il en pleuvait !
谋臣武将 móu chén wǔ jiàng strategic experts and powerful generals
谋事在人,成事在天 móu shì zài rén , chéng shì zài tiān planning is with man, accomplishing with heaven; Man proposes but God disposes.
目不见睫 mù bù jiàn jié lit. the eye cannot see the eyelashes ; fig. unable to see one's own faults; to lack self-awareness;truths too close to home
目不交睫 mù bù jiāo jié lit. the eyelashes do not come together ; fig. to not sleep a wink
目不窥园 mù bù kuī yuán lit. not even peek at the garden; fig. to be absorbed in one's studies
目不忍见 mù bù rěn jiàn lit. the eye cannot bear to see it ; a scene too pitiful to behold
目不忍视 mù bù rěn shì lit. the eye cannot bear to see it ; a scene too pitiful to behold
目不识丁 mù bù shí dīng lit. the eye cannot recognize the letter T ; totally illiterate être illettré; analphabète
目不暇给 mù bù xiá gěi the eye cannot take it all in ; too many good things to see; a feast for the eyes
目不暇接 mù bù xiá jiē lit. too much for the eye to take in ; a feast for the eyes n'avoir pas le temps de promener ses regards sur toutes les belles choses; une profusion d'objets précieux s'offrant à la vue
目不转睛 mù bù zhuǎn jīng unable to take one's eyes off ; to gaze steadily;to stare fixer ses regards sur; dévorer des yeux; regarder sans quitter des yeux
牡丹虽好,全凭绿叶扶持 mǔ dan suī hǎo , quán píng lǜ yè fú chí Although the peony is beautiful, it depends entirely on help from the green leaves . However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others.
牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶 mǔ dan suī hǎo , quán zhàng lǜ yè fú Although the peony is beautiful, it depends entirely on help from the green leaves . However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others.
目瞪口呆 mù dèng kǒu dāi dumbstruck ; stupefied; stunned rester bouche bée; être frappé de stupeur; être abasourdi; ahuri; stupéfait; ébahi
暮鼓晨钟 mù gǔ chén zhōng lit. evening drum, morning bell ; fig. Buddhist monastic practice; the passage of time in a disciplined existence
目光呆滞 mù guāng dāi zhì to have a lifeless look in one's eyes
沐猴而冠 mù hóu ér guān lit. a monkey wearing a crown; worthless person in imposing attire Xiang Yu
目空四海 mù kōng sì hǎi the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around ;arrogant; condescending; supercilious
目空一切 mù kōng yī qiè the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around ;arrogant; condescending; supercilious ne trouver rien qui soit digne de son regard; se placer au-dessus de tout; être arrogant; se croire supérieur à tout le monde
目迷五色 mù mí wǔ sè the eye is bewildered by five colors ; a dazzling riot of colors
慕名而来 mù míng ér lái to come to a place on account of its reputation ;attracted to visit a famous location (expr. idiom.) venir à un endroit en raison de sa réputation
木讷寡言 mù nè guǎ yán slow and inarticulate ; person of few words (expr. idiom.) lent et inarticulé; personne de peu de mots
暮气朦胧 mù qì méng lóng obscurity brought by the twilight
木人石心 mù rén shí xīn lit. body made of wood, heart made of stone ;fig. heartless
暮色苍茫 mù sè cāng máng the hazy dusk of twilight
目挑心招 mù tiǎo xīn zhāo the eye incites, the heart invites ; flirtatious;making eyes at sb
目无法纪 mù wú fǎ jì with no regard for law or discipline ; flouting the law and disregarding all rules; in complete disorder faire fi des lois et de la discipline; méconnaître les lois et la discipline
目无光泽 mù wú guāng zé to have eyes without luster
目无全牛 mù wú quán niú to see the ox already cut up into joints ;extremely skilled; able to see through the problem at one glance
目眩神迷 mù xuàn shén mí to be dazzled and stunned
木已成舟 mù yǐ chéng zhōu lit. the timber has been turned into a boat already; fig. what is done cannot be undone (expr. idiom.) Le bois est désormais bateau; Ce qui est fait est fait.; Le vin est tiré, il faut le boire.
沐雨栉风 mù yǔ zhì fēng to work unceasingly regardless of the weather littéralement : avoir la tête lavée par la pluie et être peigné par le vent; travailler inlassablement malgré le vent et la pluie; travailler par tous les temps
目怔口呆 mù zhēng kǒu dāi lit. eye startled, mouth struck dumb ; stunned;stupefied
目中无人 mù zhōng wú rén to consider everyone else beneath one ; so arrogant that no-one else matters; condescending; to go about with one's nose in the air ne pas daigner regarder les gens; regarder qqn par-dessus l'épaule; avoir un air dédaigneux; être hautain
拿得起放得下 ná de qǐ fàng de xià to be adaptable to circumstances
拿着鸡毛当令箭 ná zhe jī máo dàng lìng jiàn to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority; to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext
耐人寻味 nài rén xún wèi thought-provoking; worth thinking over; to provide food for thought (expr. idiom.) donner à penser (ou à réfléchir); fournir matière à réfléxion; soutenir l'intérêt
男儿有泪不轻弹 nán ér yǒu lèi bù qīng tán real men do not easily cry (expr. idiom.) les vrais hommes ne pleurent pas facilement
难分难解 nán fēn nán jiě to become caught up in an irresolvable situation
难分难舍 nán fēn nán shě loath to part ; emotionally close and unwilling to separate
男欢女爱 nán huān nǚ ài passionate love (expr. idiom.) amour passionnel; passion amoureuse
南箕北斗 nán jī běi dǒu the Winnowing Basket in the southern sky, and the Big Dipper in the north ; sth which, despite its name, is of no practical use
难解难分 nán jiě nán fēn hard to untie, hard to separate ; inextricably involved; locked in battle
难舍难分 nán shě nán fēn loath to part ; emotionally close and unwilling to separate avoir beaucoup de peine à se séparer
难舍难离 nán shě nán lí loath to part ; emotionally close and unwilling to separate
难兄难弟 nán xiōng nán dì lit. hard to differentiate between elder and younger brother ; fig. one is just as bad as the other
难兄难弟 nàn xiōng nàn dì brothers in hardship ; fellow sufferers; in the same boat
难言之隐 nán yán zhī yǐn a hidden trouble hard to mention ; sth too embarrassing to mention; an embarrassing illness
难以启齿 nán yǐ qǐ chǐ to be too embarrassed to mention sth ; to find it hard to speak about sth
难于登天 nán yú dēng tiān harder than climbing to heaven
南辕北辙 nán yuán běi zhé to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (expr. idiom.) aller dans un sens diamétralement opposé; agir à l'encontre de l'objectif
南征北伐 nán zhēng běi fá war on all sides ; fighting from all four quarters
南征北讨 nán zhēng běi tǎo war on all sides ; fighting from all four quarters
南征北战 nán zhēng běi zhàn war on all sides ; fighting from all four quarters
囊中取物 náng zhōng qǔ wù as easy as reaching for it from a bag ; in the bag; (as good as) in one's possession
恼羞成怒 nǎo xiū chéng nù to fly into a rage out of humiliation; to be ashamed into anger furieux
内忧外患 nèi yōu wài huàn internal trouble and outside aggression ; in a mess both domestically and abroad troubles intérieurs et danger d'invasion étrangère; guerre civile et péril venant du dehors
内忧外困 nèi yōu wài kùn internal trouble and outside aggression ; in a mess both domestically and abroad
能歌善舞 néng gē shàn wǔ can sing and dance ; fig. a person of many talents (se dit à l'oral) chante et danse bien
能屈能伸 néng qū néng shēn can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take; flexible
能弱能强 néng ruò néng qiáng to be either weak or strong both have their purpose
能伸能屈 néng shēn néng qū can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take; flexible
能说会道 néng shuō huì dào can talk really well ; the gift of the gab
能写善算 néng xiě shàn suàn to be literate and numerate savoir lire et compter
能言善辩 néng yán shàn biàn glib of tongue ; eloquent
能者多劳 néng zhě duō láo abler people do more work ; It is because you are so capable that we (or they) leave everything to you.
逆耳之言 nì ěr zhī yán speech that grates on the ear ; bitter truths; home truths (that one does not want to hear)
泥古不化 nì gǔ bù huà conservative and unable to adapt
逆来顺受 nì lái shùn shòu to resign oneself to adversity ; to grin and bear it; to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, humiliation etc (expr. idiom.) accepter l'adversité avec philosophie;faire contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur
呢喃细语 ní nán xì yǔ whispering in a low voice ; murmuring (expr. idiom.) chuchoter à voix basse; murmure
泥牛入海 ní niú rù hǎi lit. a clay ox enters the sea ; fig. to disappear with no hope of returning
泥沙俱下 ní shā jù xià mud and sand flow together ; good and bad mingle
逆水行舟 nì shuǐ xíng zhōu lit. a boat going against the current ; fig. you must work harder
你死我活 nǐ sǐ wǒ huó lit. you die, I live ; irreconcilable adversaries;two parties cannot coexist mortel; à mort
逆行倒施 nì xíng dǎo shī to go against the tide ; to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things
你争我夺 nǐ zhēng wǒ duó lit. you fight, I snatch ; to compete fiercely offering no quarter; fierce rivalry; tug-of-war
年富力强 nián fù lì qiáng young and vigorous (expr. idiom.) jeune et vigoureux
年高德劭 nián gāo dé shào to be advanced in both years and virtue (expr. idiom.) être avancé en âge et en vertu
年功加俸 nián gōng jiā fèng increase in salary according to one's service record for the year
拈花惹草 niān huā rě cǎo lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass ;fig. to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats
年老力衰 nián lǎo lì shuāi old and weak (expr. idiom.) vieux et faible
年老体弱 nián lǎo tǐ ruò old and weak (expr. idiom.) vieux et faible
念念不忘 niàn niàn bù wàng to keep in mind constantly ne jamais oublier; avoir toujours à coeur
粘皮带骨 nián pí dài gǔ to glue skin and bind the bones ; insistent unrelenting conduct
粘皮著骨 nián pí zhù gǔ to glue skin and bind the bones ; insistent unrelenting conduct
年轻力壮 nián qīng lì zhuàng young and vigorous jeune et vigoureux
年轻气盛 nián qīng qì shèng full of youthful vigor ; in the prime of youth
鸟尽弓藏 niǎo jìn gōng cáng lit. the birds are over, the bow is put away ; fig. to get rid of sb once he has served his purpose
鸟枪换炮 niǎo qiāng huàn pào bird shotgun replaced by cannon ; equipment improved enormously
鸟语花香 niǎo yǔ huā xiāng lit. birdsong and fragrant flowers ; fig. the intoxication of a beautiful spring day (expr. idiom.) comme un beau jour de printemps
蹑手蹑脚 niè shǒu niè jiǎo to walk quietly on tiptoe à pas feutrés
宁定淡泊 níng dìng dàn bó to live in contentment
狞恶可怖 níng è kě bù of fierce and terrifying appearance
宁静致远 níng jìng zhì yuǎn tranquility yields transcendence ; quiet life of profound study; cf Still waters run deep.
宁缺毋滥 nìng quē wú làn better to have nothing (than substandard choice); would prefer to go without than accept shoddy option
宁死不屈 nìng sǐ bù qū rather die than submit (expr. idiom.) Plutôt mourir que de se soumettre ou se rendre
宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 nìng wéi yù suì , bù wéi wǎ quán Better broken jade than intact tile.; Death is preferable to dishonor.
宁左勿右 nìng zuǒ wù yòu to find peace on the left but not on the right
牛骥同槽 niú jì tóng cáo cow and famous steed at the same trough ; fig. the common and the great are treated alike
牛骥同皂 niú jì tóng zào cow and famous steed at the same trough ; fig. the common and the great are treated alike
牛山濯濯 niú shān zhuó zhuó treeless hills
牛溲马勃 niú sōu mǎ bó cow's piss, horse's ulcer ; worthless nonsense;insignificant
牛衣对泣 niú yī duì qì couple living in destitute misery
弄懂弄通 nòng dǒng nòng tōng to get a thorough understanding of sth
弄假成真 nòng jiǎ chéng zhēn pretense that turns into reality ; to play at make-believe, but accidentally make it true
浓墨重彩 nóng mò zhòng cǎi thick and heavy in colors; to describe sth in colorful language with attention to detail
弄虚作假 nòng xū zuò jiǎ to practice fraud ; by trickery recourir à des procédés frauduleux; avoir recours à la tromperie; utiliser des procédés malhonnêtes
弄嘴弄舌 nòng zuǐ nòng shé to cause a dispute through boastful gossip
怒不可遏 nù bù kě è unable to restrain one's anger ; in a towering rage
怒发冲冠 nù fà chōng guān lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat; fig. seething in anger; raise one's hackles frémir de rage; sortir de ses gonds; Il est tellement irrité que ses cheveux hérissés soulèveraient son chapeau.
努力以赴 nǔ lì yǐ fù to use one's best efforts to do sth faire de son mieux (pour accomplir une tâche quelconque)
驽马恋栈 nú mǎ liàn zhàn an incompetent man clings to a good position
怒目相向 nù mù xiāng xiàng to glower at each other
怒气冲冲 nù qì chōng chōng spitting anger ; in a rage
怒形于色 nù xíng yú sè to betray anger ; fury written across one's face
奴颜婢膝 nú yán bì xī servile and bending the knee ; fawning;bending and scraping to curry favor
怒颜相报 nù yán xiāng bào to shoot a vengeful look at sb
藕断丝连 ǒu duàn sī lián lit. lotus roots may break, but the fiber remains joined; lovers part, but still long for one another ne pouvoir se détacher complètement des liens anciens; Le rhizome de lotus rompt mais ses filaments tiennent.
呕心沥血 ǒu xīn lì xuè lit. to spit out one's heart and spill blood ; to work one's heart out; blood, sweat and tears suer sang et eau; se donner une peine de tous les diables; ne pas compter sa fatigue pour aboutir
偶语弃市 ǒu yǔ qì shì chance remarks can lead to public execution
扒高踩低 pá gāo cǎi dī crawl high, step low ; unprincipled crawling, flattering one's superiors and trampling on one's juniors; toadying and bullying
爬山涉水 pá shān shè shuǐ to climb mountains and wade rivers ; fig. to make a long and difficult journey
拍案而起 pāi àn ér qǐ lit. to slap the table and stand up ; fig. at the end of one's tether; unable to take it any more
拍案叫绝 pāi àn jiào jué lit. slap the table and shout with praise ; fig. wonderful!; amazing!; great! (expr. idiom.) taper sur la table en criant bravo;ovationner en tapant sur la table; acclamer en tapant sur la table
拍案惊奇 pāi àn jīng qí to slap the table in amazement ; wonderful!;amazing! Récits extraordinaires de conteurs
排难解纷 pái nàn jiě fēn to remove perils and solve disputes ; to reconcile differences
排山倒海 pái shān dǎo hǎi lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas; earth-shattering; fig. gigantic; of spectacular significance (expr. idiom.) renverser des montagnes et soulever les océans; capable de déplacer une montagne et de combler la mer; avec une puissance formidable
排忧解难 pái yōu jiě nàn to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (expr. idiom.) résoudre une situation difficile et laisser les soucis derrière
攀附权贵 pān fù quán guì to cling to the powerful and rich ; social climbing
攀高结贵 pān gāo jié guì lit. to cling to the high, connect to the rich ; to try to attach oneself to the rich and powerful; social climbing
盘根错节 pán gēn cuò jié twisted roots and intertwined joints ;complicated and very tricky; knotty and deeply-rooted difficulties très compliqué; difficile à résoudre; embrouillé
盘根究底 pán gēn jiū dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base ; to get to the bottom of sth
盘根问底 pán gēn wèn dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base ; to get to the bottom of sth
盼既示复 pàn jì shì fù to long for a reply
盘龙卧虎 pán lóng wò hǔ coiled dragon, crouching tiger ; fig. talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent
攀亲道故 pān qīn dào gù to use old friends to climb socially ; to suck up to sb
盘旋曲折 pán xuán qū zhé lit. windy and circuitous; difficult
旁观者清 páng guān zhě qīng The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear . The spectator sees more of the game. (expr. idiom.) La personne sur place est déroutée, le spectateur voit clair
旁门左道 páng mén zuǒ dào dissenting religious sect ; heretical school of opinion; dissident group (expr. idiom.) secte religieuse dissidente
旁敲侧击 páng qiāo cè jī glancing knock, sideways stroke ; fig. circuitous attack in words or writing; to attack by innuendo; to satirize; to cast oblique aspersions
跑得了和尚,跑不了庙 pǎo dé liǎo hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him ; you can run this time, but you'll have to come back; I'll get you sooner or later
刨根问底 páo gēn wèn dǐ to dig up roots and inquire at the base ; to get to the bottom of sth (expr. idiom.) mettre à jour les racines et s'interroger sur le fond; aller au fond des choses; faire une enquête approfondie; chercher le fin mot d'une histoire; élucider une affaire
炮火连天 pào huǒ lián tiān cannon firing for days on end ; enveloped in the flames of war
跑了和尚,跑不了庙 pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him ; you can run this time, but you'll have to come back; I'll get you sooner or later
跑了和尚,跑不了寺 pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo sì the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him ; you can run this time, but you'll have to come back; I'll get you sooner or later
咆哮如雷 páo xiào rú léi to be in a thundering rage
抛绣球 pāo xiù qiú to throw an embroidered ball; to choose a husband (expr. idiom.) jeter une balle brodée; choisir un mari
抛砖引玉 pāo zhuān yǐn yù lit. to throw a brick to attract jade ; fig. I offer a humble remark, please give us your valued opinion (e.g. commonplace remarks as a foreword to a distinguished speech) (expr. idiom.) Parler le premier dans le but de faire exprimer librement leur opinion aux autres. (Lancer une brique pour inciter les autres à sortir leur jade)
赔了夫人又折兵 péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it ; to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy
喷薄欲出 pēn bó yù chū to be on the verge of eruption ; (of the sun) to emerge in all its brilliance
鹏程万里 péng chéng wàn lǐ the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles ; one's future prospects are brilliant
蓬户瓮牖 péng hù wèng yǒu thatched house, broken urn windows ; poor person's house; humble home
蓬门筚户 péng mén bì hù overgrown gate, wicker windows ; poor person's house; humble home
蓬门荜户 péng mén bì hù overgrown gate, wicker windows ; poor person's house; humble home
怦然心动 pēng rán xīn dòng palpitating with eagerness to do sth
蓬首垢面 péng shǒu gòu miàn lit. with disheveled hair and a dirty face; of unkempt appearance
皮包骨头 pí bāo gǔ tóu to be all skin and bones
蚍蜉撼树 pí fú hàn shù lit. an ant trying to shake a tree; to overrate oneself
披肝沥胆 pī gān lì dǎn lit. to open one's liver and drip gall ; whole-hearted loyalty
屁滚尿流 pì gǔn niào liú to piss in one's pants in terror ; scared witless
否极泰来 pǐ jí tài lái extreme sorrow turns to joy Le malheur extrême précède des joies meilleures.
皮开肉绽 pí kāi ròu zhàn flesh lacerated from corporal punishment
劈空扳害 pī kōng bān hài damaged by groundless slander
劈头盖脸 pī tóu gài liǎn lit. splitting the head and covering the face ; fig. pelting (with rain etc); showering down en pleine tête; en plein visage
披头散发 pī tóu sàn fà with dishevelled hair ; with one's hair down
批郤导窾 pī xì dǎo kuǎn to get right to the heart of the matter
披星戴月 pī xīng dài yuè to travel or work through night and day; to toil away for long hours (expr. idiom.) littéralement : un châle d'étoiles jeté sur les épaules et la lune pour chapeau; travailler jour et nuit; voyager à la belle étoile; se lever à l'aube et rentrer à la nuit tombée
疲于奔命 pí yú bēn mìng lit. tired of constantly running for one's life ;terribly busy; up to one's ears in work (expr. idiom.) être tout le temps à courir; être surchargé de besognes; ne pas avoir un instant de répit
胼手胝足 pián shǒu zhī zú with callouses on hands and feet ; to work one's fingers to the bone
偏邪不正 piān xié bù zhèng biased; prejudiced
飘忽不定 piāo hū bù dìng to drift without a resting place ; roving; errant;vagrant; erratic
瓢泼大雨 piáo pō dà yǔ downpour pluie torrentielle (ou battante); averse
撇开不谈 piē kāi bù tán to ignore an issue
贫病交加 pín bìng jiāo jiā poverty compounded by ill health
贫不足耻 pín bù zú chǐ it is no disgrace to be poor
牝鸡牡鸣 pìn jī mǔ míng female chicken crows at daybreak ; a woman usurps authority; women meddle in politics; The female wears the trousers.
牝鸡司晨 pìn jī sī chén female chicken crows at daybreak ; a woman usurps authority; women meddle in politics; The female wears the trousers.
频眉蹙额 pín méi cù é worried and unhappy
牝牡骊黄 pìn mǔ lí huáng a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare ; don't judge by outward appearance
品头论足 pǐn tóu lùn zú lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet ; minute criticism of a woman's appearance; fig. to find fault in minor details; nit-picking; over-critical (expr. idiom.) trouver toujours à redire à; faire des remarques excessives
贫无立锥 pín wú lì zhuī not even enough land to stand an awl ;absolutely destitute
贫无立锥之地 pín wú lì zhuī zhī dì not even enough land to stand an awl ;absolutely destitute
品学兼优 pǐn xué jiān yōu excelling both in morals and studies ; top marks for studies and for behaviour (at school); a paragon of virtue and learning
平安无事 píng ān wú shì safe and sound
平淡无奇 píng dàn wú qí ordinary and mediocre ; nothing to write home about
平地起家 píng dì qǐ jiā to start from scratch
凭空捏造 píng kōng niē zào fabrication relying on nothing ; frame-up
平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 píng shí bù shāo xiāng , lín shí bào fó jiǎo lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises; fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble;doing things at the last minute; to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams)
凭轼结辙 píng shì jié zhé to drive non-stop as fast as one can
萍水相逢 píng shuǐ xiāng féng strangers coming together by chance se rencontrer par hasard comme les lentilles d'eau emportées par le courant; faire connaissance par hasard; rencontre fortuite;
评头论足 píng tóu lùn zú lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet ; minute criticism of a woman's appearance; fig. to find fault in minor details; to remark upon a person's appearance; nit-picking; over-critical; judgmental
评头品足 píng tóu pǐn zú to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance
平易近人 píng yì jìn rén amiable and approachable ; easy-going;modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple;easy to understand (expr. idiom.) aimable et abordable; facile à vivre;modeste et sans prétention; pure et simple (écriture);facile à comprendre
平走漫步 píng zǒu màn bù to be flatfooted
迫不得已 pò bù dé yǐ to have no alternative ; compelled by circumstances; forced into sth nécessité
迫不及待 pò bù jí dài impatient ; in a hurry; itching to get on with it brûler de faire qch; en toute hâte; précipitamment
破财免灾 pò cái miǎn zāi a financial loss may prevent disaster Qui perd ses fonds se débarrasse de la malchance
破除迷信 pò chú mí xìn to eliminate superstition
破胆寒心 pò dǎn hán xīn lit. to bust guts and freeze the heart ; terrifying;to scare sb badly
破釜沉舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu lit. to break the cauldrons and sink the boats ;fig. to cut off one's means of retreat; to burn one's boats (expr. idiom.) briser les marmites et faire couler les vaisseaux; être décidé à vaincre ou à mourir
破罐破摔 pò guàn pò shuāi lit. to smash a cracked pot ; crazy despair in the face of a blemish, defect, error or setback
破镜重圆 pò jìng chóng yuán a shattered mirror put back together ; (of marriage) to pick up the pieces and start anew; for a separated couple to reconcile and reunite se réunir après une longue séparation (ou une rupture); époux séparés reprenant la vie commune
破旧立新 pò jiù lì xīn to get rid of the old to bring in the new ; to innovate
破门而入 pò mén ér rù to break the door and enter; to force a door open forcer la porte
泼水难收 pō shuǐ nán shōu water once spilt cannot be retrieved ;irreversible change
破涕为笑 pò tì wéi xiào to turn tears into laughter ; to turn grief into happiness
迫在眉睫 pò zài méi jié pressing in on one's eyelashes ; imminent (expr. idiom.) extrêmement urgent; de toute urgence;Le feu est à deux doigts des sourcils
破绽百出 pò zhàn bǎi chū lit. one hundred splits ; fig. full of mistakes (of speech or written article)
破竹建瓴 pò zhú jiàn líng lit. smash bamboo, overturn water tank ; fig. irresistible force
破竹之势 pò zhú zhī shì lit. a force to smash bamboo ; fig. irresistible force
裒多益寡 póu duō yì guǎ to take from the rich and give to the poor
剖腹藏珠 pōu fù cáng zhū lit. cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl ; fig. wasting a lot of effort on trivialities
剖肝沥胆 pōu gān lì dǎn to be completely honest and sincere
裒敛无厌 póu liǎn wú yàn to accumulate wealth without satisfaction; to continually plunder
普度众生 pǔ dù zhòng shēng to deliver all living creatures from difficulty
普济众生 pǔ jì zhòng shēng universal mercy and succor ; the Buddha's infinite power and mercy
铺天盖地 pū tiān gài dì lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth ; fig. earth-shattering; omnipresent; of universal importance arriver tel un déluge; s'étendre à perte de vue
铺张浪费 pū zhāng làng fèi extravagance and waste
乞哀告怜 qǐ āi gào lián begging for pity and asking for help
奇耻大辱 qí chǐ dà rǔ extraordinary shame and humiliation
气冲霄汉 qì chōng xiāo hàn  dauntless; courageous; spirited (expr. idiom.) intrépide; courageux
气喘如牛 qì chuǎn rú niú  labored breathing like a cow; to puff like a walrus
砌词捏控 qì cí niē kòng to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence
齐大非偶 qí dà fēi ǒu too rich to be a good match (in marriage)
弃恶从善 qì è cóng shàn to renounce evil and turn to virtue
旗鼓相当 qí gǔ xiāng dāng lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums; fig. evenly matched; roughly comparable (opponents)
杞国忧天 qǐ guó yōu tiān man of Qǐ fears the sky falling ; groundless fears
杞国之忧 qǐ guó zhī yōu man of Qǐ fears the sky falling ; groundless fears
骑鹤上扬州 qí hè shàng yáng zhōu lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou ; to get an official position (expr. idiom.) monter une grue à Yangzhou; obtenir une position officielle
漆黑一团 qī hēi yī tuán all black, no daylight ; a world without justice
骑虎难下 qí hǔ nán xià if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off ; fig. impossible to stop halfway (expr. idiom.) si tu chevauches un tigre, il est difficile d'en descendre; impossible de s'arrêter à mi-chemin
奇花异草 qí huā yì cǎo very rarely seen, unusual
奇花异卉 qí huā yì huì exotic flowers and rare herbs
齐家治国 qí jiā zhì guó to regulate the family and rule the state
旗开得胜 qí kāi dé shèng lit. to win a victory on raising the flag ; fig. to start on sth and have immediate success; success in a single move Wavin' Flag
妻离子散 qī lí zǐ sàn a family wrenched apart être séparé de sa femme et de ses enfants; avoir sa famille dispersée
七零八落 qī líng bā luò  everything broken and in disorder tout cassé et dans le désordre
齐眉 qí méi lit. two eyebrows are equal; mutual respect in a marriage
七扭八歪 qī niǔ bā wāi in a state of great disorder (expr. idiom.) sens dessus dessous; dans un grand désordre
弃农经商 qì nóng jīng shāng to abandon farming and become a businessman
奇葩异卉 qí pā yì huì rare and exotic flora
七窍生烟 qī qiào shēng yān lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices ;fig. to seethe with anger (expr. idiom.) bouillonner de colère; lit. cracher de la fumée par les sept orifices
欺人太甚 qī rén tài shèn to bully intolerably
杞人忧天 qǐ rén yōu tiān man of Qǐ fears the sky falling ; groundless fears (expr. idiom.) intimider intolérablement
杞人之忧 qǐ rén zhī yōu man of Qǐ fears the sky falling ; groundless fears
起死回生 qǐ sǐ huí shēng to rise from the dead ; fig. an unexpected recovery ressusciter des morts
奇谈怪论 qí tán guài lùn strange tales and absurd arguments ;unreasonable remarks
杞天之虑 qǐ tiān zhī lǜ man of Qǐ fears the sky falling ; groundless fears
齐头并进 qí tóu bìng jìn to go forward together ; to undertake simultaneous tasks; going hand in hand
气头上 qì tóu shàng in a fit of anger ; in a temper dans un accès de colère
奇文共赏 qí wén gòng shǎng lit. remarkable work appreciated by all ;universally praised (original meaning);incomprehensible nonsense; preposterous bullshit
祁奚之荐 qí xī zhī jiàn Qi Xi's recommendation ; recommending the best person for the job independent of factional loyalty
齐心合力 qí xīn hé lì to work as one ; united in a concerted effort;working hard together travailler ensemble pieds et poings liés
齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì to work with a common purpose ; to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one concentrer ses efforts; agir comme un seul homme
奇形怪状 qí xíng guài zhuàng fantastic oddities of every description ;grotesquely shaped forme bizarre; extérieur étrange; aspect étrange;accoutrement bizarre; manières excentriques
欺以其方 qī yǐ qí fāng deceived by a pretense of reason
岂有此理 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ how can this be so? ; preposterous; ridiculous;absurd Est-ce raisonnable; C'est injustifiable
弃约背盟 qì yuē bèi méng to abrogate an agreement; to break one's oath
奇珍异宝 qí zhēn yì bǎo rare treasure
旗帜鲜明 qí zhì xiān míng to show one's colors; to have a clear-cut stand
杞梓之林 qǐ zǐ zhī lín forest of wolfberry and catalpa (Lycium chinense and Catalpa ovata, idiom); fig. great quantity of talent
恰如其分 qià rú qí fèn to say or do sth appropriate dans une mesure convenable; comme il le mérite
千变万轸 qiān biàn wàn zhěn constantly changing, ever-varying (expr. idiom.) en constante évolution
前不见古人,后不见来者 qián bù jiàn gǔ rén , hòu bù jiàn lái zhě unique; unprecedented
钱不是万能的没钱是万万不能的 qián bù shì wàn néng de méi qián shì wàn wàn bù néng de Money isn't everything but without money you have nothing. (expr. idiom.) L'argent n'est pas tout puissant, mais sans argent, on n'obtient rien
牵肠挂肚 qiān cháng guà dù deeply worried ; to feel anxious
浅尝辄止 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ to dabble and stop ; to dip into; to attempt half-heartedly; content with a smattering of knowledge
前车之覆,后车之鉴 qián chē zhī fù , hòu chē zhī jiàn lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart ; fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy
前车之鉴 qián chē zhī jiàn to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor tenir compte des lecons du passé
千锤百鍊 qiān chuí bǎi liàn  after hard work and numerous revisions; the vicissitudes of life
千方百计 qiān fāng bǎi jì lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans ; by every possible means par tous les moyens
前赴后继 qián fù hòu jì to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave avancer par vagues successives
千古遗恨 qiān gǔ yí hèn to have eternal regrets (expr. idiom.) avoir des regrets éternels
千古罪人 qiān gǔ zuì rén sb condemned by history (expr. idiom.) condamné par l'histoire
千家万户 qiān jiā wàn hù every family toutes les familles; des milliers de ménages
千金难买 qiān jīn nán mǎi can't be bought for one thousand in gold
千金一诺 qiān jīn yī nuò a promise worth one thousand in gold ; a promise that must be kept
千金一掷 qiān jīn yī zhì lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw; to throw away money recklessly; extravagant
千军万马 qiān jūn wàn mǎ magnificent army with thousands of men and horses; impressive display of manpower; all the King's horses and all the King's men une grande armée; une armée puissante; un contingent gigantesque
千军易得,一将难求 qiān jūn yì dé , yī jiàng nán qiú Easy to raise an army of one thousand, but hard to find a good general.
千钧一发 qiān jūn yī fà a thousand pounds hangs by a thread ;imminent peril; a matter of life or death
千钧一发 qiān jūn yī fā a thousand pounds hangs by a thread ;imminent peril; a matter of life or death
千里鹅毛 qiān lǐ é máo goose feather sent from afar ; a trifling gift with a weighty thought behind it
千里寄鹅毛 qiān lǐ jì é máo goose feather sent from afar ; a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it
千里送鹅毛 qiān lǐ sòng é máo goose feather sent from afar ; a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it
千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it ; It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.
千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning ; It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 qiān lǐ zhī dī , kuì yú yǐ xué An ant hole causing the collapse of a great dike.; Huge damage from a moment's negligence.
黔驴技穷 qián lǘ jì qióng to exhaust one's limited abilities
千虑一得 qiān lǜ yī dé a thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humble expr.); Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck. (expr. idiom.) mille tentatives conduisent au succès
千虑一失 qiān lǜ yī shī reflect a thousand times and you can still make a mistake ; to err is human (expr. idiom.) l'erreur est humaine
牵马到河易,强马饮水难 qiān mǎ dào hé yì , qiáng mǎ yǐn shuǐ nán You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
钳马衔枚 qián mǎ xián méi with horses and soldiers gagged ; (of a marching army) in utter silence
前门打虎,后门打狼 qián mén dǎ hǔ , hòu mén dǎ láng to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back ; fig. facing one problem after another
前门拒虎,后门进狼 qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back ; fig. facing one problem after another
钱能通神 qián néng tōng shén money is all-powerful; money can move God (expr. idiom.) l'argent est tout-puissant; l'argent peut faire déplacer Dieu
迁怒于人 qiān nù yú rén to vent one's anger on an innocent party (expr. idiom.) évacuer sa colère sur un innocent
前怕狼后怕虎 qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind ;fig. needless fears; scare mongering; reds under the beds (expr. idiom.) craindre le loup devant et le tigre derrière; craintes inutiles
千篇一律 qiān piān yī lǜ thousand articles, same rule ; stereotyped and repetitive; once you've seen one, you've seen them all stéréotypé; monotone; être du même manière; qui sortent du même moule; sans aucune variété; sans faire aucune distinction
前仆后继 qián pū hòu jì one falls, the next follows ; stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades; advancing wave upon wave
千奇百怪 qiān qí bǎi guài fantastic oddities of every description
千千万万 qiān qiān wàn wàn lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands ;untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands
牵强附会 qiān qiǎng fù huì far-fetched and hard to believe
前人栽树,后人乘凉 qián rén zāi shù , hòu rén chéng liáng to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors.
潜神默记 qián shén mò jì to devote oneself to a task in silence Livre de Néhémie
前事不忘,后事之师 qián shì bù wàng , hòu shì zhī shī don't forget past events, they can guide you in future; benefit from past experience
钱是万恶之源 qián shì wàn è zhī yuán Money is the root of all evil. (expr. idiom.) l'argent est la racine de tout mal
前世姻缘 qián shì yīn yuán a marriage predestined in a former life
千丝万缕 qiān sī wàn lǚ linked in countless ways (expr. idiom.) des milliers de fils; mille attaches; mille liens
潜逃无踪 qián táo wú zōng to abscond without leaving a trace
千辛万苦 qiān xīn wàn kǔ to suffer untold hardships ; trials and tribulations; with difficulty; after some effort
千言万语 qiān yán wàn yǔ thousands of words ; having a lot of things to say; talking nonstop Ordinary Heroes
牵羊担酒 qiān yáng dān jiǔ pulling a lamb and bringing wine on a carrying pole; fig. to offer elaborate congratulations; to kill the fatted calf
前因后果 qián yīn hòu guǒ cause and effects ; entire process of development cause et effet; origine et conséquences; tenants et aboutissants
前缘未了 qián yuán wèi liǎo one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled
千载难逢 qiān zǎi nán féng extremely rare ; once in a blue moon la chance de sa vie; une chance unique
千真万确 qiān zhēn wàn què absolutely true ; manifold; true from many points of view tout à fait vrai; vrai à bien des points de vue
千姿百态 qiān zī bǎi tài in different poses and with different expressions; in thousands of postures dans différentes poses et expressions différentes;dans des milliers de postures
强词夺理 qiǎng cí duó lǐ to twist words and force logic ; sophistry; loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument; shoving false arguments down people's throats arguer avec des propos fallacieux pour se donner raison; obtenir gain de cause par des sophismes
枪打出头鸟 qiāng dǎ chū tóu niǎo the shot hits the bird that pokes its head out ;nonconformity gets punished
枪林弹雨 qiāng lín dàn yǔ (expr. idiom.) forêt de fusils et pluie de balles; les balles pleuvent
强龙不压地头蛇 qiáng lóng bù yā dì tóu shé lit. strong dragon cannot repress a snake ; fig. a local gangster who is above the law
强弩之末 qiáng nǔ zhī mò lit. an arrow at the end of its flight ; fig. spent force
强忍悲痛 qiáng rěn bēi tòng to try hard to suppress one's grief
羌无故实 qiāng wú gù shí to have no basis in fact
抢险救灾 qiǎng xiǎn jiù zāi to provide relief during times of emergency and disaster
敲钉钻脚 qiāo dīng zuān jiǎo to make doubly sure
巧妇难为无米之炊 qiǎo fù nán wéi wú mǐ zhī chuī The cleverest housewife cannot cook without rice; You won't get anywhere without equipment. (expr. idiom.) les plus habiles ménagère ne savent pas cuisiner sans riz; sans outils, il est impossible de bien travailler
翘居群首 qiáo jū qún shǒu head and shoulders above the crowd ;preeminent; outstanding
巧立名目 qiǎo lì míng mù to fabricate excuses ; to concoct various items (e.g. to pad an expense account) sous toutes sortes de noms; sous divers prétextes
敲门砖 qiāo mén zhuān lit. a brick as a door knocker ; fig. a temporary expedient; to use sb as a stepping stone to fortune (expr. idiom.) une brique comme heurtoir de porte;expédient temporaire; utiliser qqn comme tremplin vers la fortune
乔迁之喜 qiáo qiān zhī xǐ congratulations on house-moving or promotion; Best wishes for your new home!
乔装打扮 qiáo zhuāng dǎ bàn to dress up in disguise ; to pretend for the purpose of deceit
翘足而待 qiào zú ér dài waiting expectantly on tiptoes ; to look forward eagerly; to long for
跷足以待 qiāo zú yǐ dài lit. raise one's foot enough to delay; make a pretence of action
翘足引领 qiào zú yǐn lǐng waiting expectantly on tiptoes ; to look forward eagerly; to long for
切齿腐心 qiè chǐ fǔ xīn to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme
切磋琢磨 qiē cuō zhuó mó gradual improvement by slow polishing ; fig. education as a gradual process
锲而不舍 qiè ér bù shě to chip away at a task and not abandon it ; to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts persister dans son entreprise
窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 qiè gōu zhě zhū , qiè guó zhě hóu steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 庄子)
窃国者侯,窃钩者诛 qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 庄子)
怯声怯气 qiè shēng qiè qì to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage
切中时弊 qiè zhòng shí bì to hit home on the evils of the day ; fig. to hit a current political target; to hit the nub of the matter
切中时病 qiè zhòng shí bìng to hit the target where it hurts ; fig. to hit home; to hit the nail on the head (in an argument)
切中要害 qiè zhòng yào hài to hit the target and do real damage ; fig. to hit where it hurts; fig. to hit home; an argument that hits the nail on the head
勤俭建国 qín jiǎn jiàn guó to build up the country through thrift and hard work
勤俭节约 qín jiǎn jié yuē diligent and thrifty
勤俭耐劳 qín jiǎn nài láo diligent and able to endure hardship
琴剑飘零 qín jiàn piāo líng floating between zither and sword ; fig. wandering aimlessly with no tenured position
勤俭朴实 qín jiǎn pǔ shí hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest
勤俭朴素 qín jiǎn pǔ sù hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple
勤俭起家 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā to rise up by thrift and hard work
勤俭为服务之本 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service
勤劳不虞匮乏 qín láo bù yú kuì fá Poverty is a stranger to industry.
亲临其境 qīn lín qí jìng to travel to a place personally
亲密无间 qīn mì wú jiān close relation, no gap ; intimate and nothing can come between relation étroite; intime et inséparable
沁人心脾 qìn rén xīn pí to penetrate deeply into the heart ; to gladden the heart; to refresh the mind dilater le coeur et rendre joyeux; apporter fraîcheur et apaisement
亲如手足 qīn rú shǒu zú as close as brothers ; deep friendship (expr. idiom.) comme des frères; amitié profonde
寝苫枕块 qǐn shān zhěn kuài bed of straw and pillow of clay ; the correct etiquette for filial son during Confucian mourning period
寝食难安 qǐn shí nán ān lit. cannot rest or eat in peace ; fig. extremely worried and troubled
亲疏贵贱 qīn shū guì jiàn close and distant, rich and poor ; everyone; all possible relations (expr. idiom.) proches et lointains, riches et pauvres;tout le monde; toutes les relations
亲兄弟明算账 qīn xiōng dì míng suàn zhàng Even with your own brothers, keep clear accounts Un bon frère paie toujours ses dettes
勤则不匮 qín zé bù kuì If one is industrious, one will not be in want.
擒贼擒王 qín zéi qín wáng to defeat the enemy by capturing their chief
勤政廉政 qín zhèng lián zhèng honest and industrious government functionaries
情比金坚 qíng bǐ jīn jiān love is more solid than gold (expr. idiom.) l'amour est plus solide que l'or
罄笔难书 qìng bǐ nán shū too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds)
倾巢而出 qīng cháo ér chū the whole nest came out ; to turn out in full strength
倾巢来犯 qīng cháo lái fàn to turn out in force ready to attack
青出于蓝 qīng chū yú lán lit. green is born of blue, but beats blue ; fig. the student becomes superior to the master; same as couplet 青出于蓝,而胜于蓝
青出于蓝,而胜于蓝 qīng chū yú lán , ér shèng yú lán lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo ; fig. the student becomes superior to the master
青春不再 qīng chūn bù zài lit. one's youth will never return; to make the most of one's opportunities
情窦初开 qíng dòu chū kāi first awakening of love (usually of a girl) éveil à l'amour; premier amour
清风劲节 qīng fēng jìng jié pure and high-minded
清风两袖 qīng fēng liǎng xiù honest and upright (expr. idiom.) honnête et droit
清风明月 qīng fēng míng yuè lit. cool breeze and bright moon ; unattached and at leisure
情何以堪 qíng hé yǐ kān how can this be endured!
青红皂白 qīng hóng zào bái red-blue or black-white ; the rights and wrongs of a case; not distinguishing right from wrong
青黄不接 qīng huáng bù jiē lit. yellow does not reach green ; the yellow autumn crop does not last until the green spring crop; temporary deficit in manpower or resources; unable to make ends meet (expr. idiom.) Quand la récolte de l'année écoulée commence à s'épuiser et que la prochaine est encore en herbe; avoir du mal à joindre les deux bouts
情急智生 qíng jí zhì shēng inspiration in a moment of desperation (expr. idiom.) inspiration dans un moment de désespoir
倾家荡产 qīng jiā dàng chǎn to lose a family fortune
轻举妄动 qīng jǔ wàng dòng to act blindly without thinking
请君入瓮 qǐng jūn rù wèng lit. please Sir, get into the boiling pot ; fig. to give sb a taste of his own medicine
晴空万里 qíng kōng wàn lǐ a clear and boundless sky (expr. idiom.) un ciel clair et sans limites
轻口薄舌 qīng kǒu bó shé lit. light mouth, thin tongue ; hasty and rude;caustic and sharp-tongued
轻浪浮薄 qīng làng fú bó  frivolous
青梅竹马 qīng méi zhú mǎ green plum and bamboo hobby-horse ; a couple who were friends from childhood; childhood sweethearts
青面獠牙 qīng miàn liáo yá ferocious-looking
轻描淡写 qīng miáo dàn xiě to sketch in light shades; to play down; to deemphasize décrire en quelques mots; effleurer un sujet
卿卿我我 qīng qīng wǒ wǒ to bill and coo ; to whisper sweet nothings to one another; to be very much in love
轻饶素放 qīng ráo sù fàng easily forgive, simply release ; to let sb off scot free
情人眼里出西施 qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西施 ; fig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder L'Amour extra large
情人眼里有西施 qíng rén yǎn lǐ yǒu xī shī In the eyes of the lover, a famous beauty . Beauty in the eye of the beholder (expr. idiom.) dans les yeux de l'amant, une célèbre beauté; la beauté est dans l'oeil du spectateur
青山绿水 qīng shān lǜ shuǐ lit. green hills and clear waters; pleasant country scene (expr. idiom.) litt. : montagnes bleues et eaux vertes;paysage verdoyant; scène pittoresque
情随事迁 qíng suí shì qiān circumstances alter cases
晴天霹雳 qíng tiān pī lì thunder from a clear sky ; a bolt from the blue (expr. idiom.) tonnerre dans un ciel serein; un coup de tonnerre
青天霹雳 qīng tiān pī lì thunder from a clear sky ; a bolt from the blue (expr. idiom.) tonnerre dans un ciel serein; un coup de tonnerre
蜻蜓点水 qīng tíng diǎn shuǐ lit. the dragonfly touches the water lightly; superficial contact (expr. idiom.) comme la libellule qui rase la surface de l'eau; ne faire qu'effleurer la question
蜻蜓撼石柱 qīng tíng hàn shí zhù lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone tower ; fig. to overestimate one's capabilities
情同骨肉 qíng tóng gǔ ròu as close as flesh and bones ; deep friendship
情同手足 qíng tóng shǒu zú as close as one's hands and feet ; loving one another as brothers; deep friendship; closely attached to one another
情投意合 qíng tóu yì hé to have an affinity with each other ; to find each other congenial
倾心吐胆 qīng xīn tǔ dǎn to pour out one's heart
清新自然 qīng xīn zì rán as fresh and clean as nature
情逾骨肉 qíng yú gǔ ròu as close as flesh and bones ; deep friendship (expr. idiom.) aussi proche que la chair et les os; amitié profonde
轻于鸿毛 qīng yú hóng máo light as a goose feather ; trifling; unimportant
青云直上 qīng yún zhí shàng rising straight up in a clear sky ; rapid promotion to a high post; meteoric career monter en flèche dans sa carrière comme les nuages émeraude au ciel; monter rapidement et sans encombres au faîte des honneurs
轻重缓急 qīng zhòng huǎn jí slight or important, urgent or non-urgent ; to deal with important matters first; sense of priority
罄竹难书 qìng zhú nán shū so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted;innumerable crimes innombrables; trop nombreux pour être énumérés
轻嘴薄舌 qīng zuǐ bó shé lit. light mouth, thin tongue ; hasty and rude;caustic and sharp-tongued
穷兵黩武 qióng bīng dú wǔ to engage in wars of aggression at will ;militaristic; bellicose
穷当益坚 qióng dāng yì jiān poor but ambitious ; hard-pressed but determined; the worse one's position, the harder one must fight back
穷当益坚,老当益壮 qióng dāng yì jiān , lǎo dāng yì zhuàng poor but ambition, old but vigorous ; robust and determined to hold one's position despite poverty and old age
琼浆玉液 qióng jiāng yù yè bejeweled nectar ; ambrosia of the immortals;superb liquor; top quality wine
穷竭心计 qióng jié xīn jì to remain cunning even though exhausted
琼楼玉宇 qióng lóu yù yǔ bejeweled jade palace ; sumptuous dwelling
穷山恶水 qióng shān è shuǐ barren hills and treacherous rapids ;inhospitable natural environment
穷奢极侈 qióng shē jí chǐ extravagant in the extreme
穷奢极欲 qióng shē jí yù to indulge in a life of luxury ; extreme extravagance
穷鼠啮狸 qióng shǔ niè lí a desperate rat will bite the fox ; the smallest worm will turn being trodden on
穷途末路 qióng tú mò lù lit. the path exhausted, the end of the road ; an impasse; in a plight with no way out; things have reached a dead end à bout de ressources; au bout du rouleau
秋风过耳 qiū fēng guò ěr lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear ; not in the least concerned
秋风飒飒 qiū fēng sà sà the autumn wind is soughing
秋风扫落叶 qiū fēng sǎo luò yè lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves; to drive out the old and make a clean sweep
秋风送爽 qiū fēng sòng shuǎng the cool autumn breeze (expr. idiom.) la brise fraîche d'automne
秋毫无犯 qiū háo wú fàn lit. not harming a new feather ; not commit the slightest offense against the people (of soldiers); would not hurt a fly
秋后算帐 qiū hòu suàn zhàng lit. settling accounts after the autumn harvest ; to wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts; to bide time for revenge
秋后算账 qiū hòu suàn zhàng lit. to settle accounts after autumn; settle scores at an opportune moment
秋菊傲霜 qiū jú ào shuāng the autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost
求情告饶 qiú qíng gào ráo to beg for forgiveness (expr. idiom.) implorer le pardon
求同存异 qiú tóng cún yì to seek common ground while holding back differences; to agree to differ terrain commun; terrain d'entente
秋荼密网 qiū tú mì wǎng flowering autumn grass, fine net ; fig. abundant and exacting punishments prescribed by law
求学无坦途 qiú xué wú tǎn tú The path of learning can never be smooth.; There is no royal road to learning.
求之不得 qiú zhī bù dé lit. seek but fail to get ; fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
取长补短 qǔ cháng bǔ duǎn lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius); to use this in place of that; what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts
曲高和寡 qǔ gāo hè guǎ difficult songs find few singers ; highbrow
曲肱而枕 qū gōng ér zhěn lit. to use one's bent arm as a pillow ; fig. content with simple things
趋吉避凶 qū jí bì xiōng to seek luck and avoid calamity
曲里拐弯 qū lǐ guǎi wān winding and turning
去芜存菁 qù wú cún jīng lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers; to separate the wheat from the chaff (expr. idiom.) se débarrasser des mauvaises herbes et conserver les fleurs; séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie
祛邪除灾 qū xié chú zāi to drive away demons to prevent calamity
趋炎附势 qū yán fù shì to curry favor ; playing up to those in power;social climbing
曲意俯就 qū yì fǔ jiù to be persuaded to debase oneself
屈指可数 qū zhǐ kě shǔ You count them on your fingers . tiny number;just a very few; just a handful; not many at all Zhang He
趋之若鹜 qū zhī ruò wù to rush like ducks ; the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable; an unruly crowd on a wild goose chase
曲终奏雅 qǔ zhōng zòu yǎ perfect finish
拳打脚踢 quán dǎ jiǎo tī lit. to punch and kick ; to beat up; fig. determined to sort out a problem
全党全军 quán dǎng quán jūn the (communist) party and the army together
全军覆没 quán jūn fù mò total defeat of an army ; fig. a complete wipe-out (expr. idiom.) essuyer une défaite
全民皆兵 quán mín jiē bīng to bring the entire nation to arms communauté entière; ensemble de la communauté
劝善惩恶 quàn shàn chéng è to encourage virtue and punish evil ; fig. poetic justice; you get what's coming to you
全神贯注 quán shén guàn zhù to concentrate one's attention completely ; with rapt attention focaliser son attention sur qch
泉石膏肓 quán shí gāo huāng lit. mountain springs and rocks in one's heart ;a deep love of mountain scenery
权宜之策 quán yí zhī cè stratagem of convenience ; stop-gap measure;makeshift plan; interim step
权宜之计 quán yí zhī jì plan of convenience ; stop-gap measure;makeshift stratagem; interim step
确凿不移 què záo bù yí established and irrefutable
群起而攻之 qún qǐ ér gōng zhī the masses rise to attack it ; Everyone is against the idea.; universally abhorrent
群雄逐鹿 qún xióng zhú lù great heroes pursue deer in the central plains ;fig. many vie for supremacy
群英毕集 qún yīng bì jí all the heroes assembled
燃眉之急 rán méi zhī jí lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows ; fig. desperate situation; extreme emergency (expr. idiom.) avoir le feu qui brûle ses sourcils; être extrêmement urgent; une situation pressante; un besoin pressant
染指 rǎn zhǐ to dip a finger ; fig. to get one's finger in the pie; to get a share of the action; abbr. for 染指于鼎 mettre la main sur
染指垂涎 rǎn zhǐ chuí xián lit. dirty finger, mouth watering ; fig. greedy to seize sth
染指于鼎 rǎn zhǐ yú dǐng lit. dip one's finger in the tripod ; fig. to get one's finger in the pie; to get a share of the action
攘外安内 rǎng wài ān nèi to resist foreign aggression and pacify the interior of the country
让贤与能 ràng xián yǔ néng to step aside and give a more worthy person a chance
绕来绕去 rào lái rào qù meandering and circuitous ; to go around in circles and never get anywhere (expr. idiom.) méandres et détours; tourner en rond et ne jamais rien faire
绕梁三日 rào liáng sān rì reverberates around the rafters for three days ; fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
饶舌调唇 ráo shé tiáo chún blabbing and showing off ; loud-mouthed trouble maker
绕膝承欢 rào xī chéng huān to live with one's parents, thus bringing them happiness
饶有风趣 ráo yǒu fēng qù bubbling with humor ; witty and interesting
热火朝天 rè huǒ cháo tiān in full swing ; (in a) frenzy; buzzing with activity avec un grand enthousiasme
惹火烧身 rě huǒ shāo shēn stir up the fire and you get burnt ; to get one's fingers burnt; fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling (expr. idiom.) attiser le feu et se brûler; se brûler les doigts; fig. souffrir en raison de son ingérence
热泪盈眶 rè lèi yíng kuàng eyes brimming with tears of excitement ;extremely moved les yeux pleins de larme; avoir les larmes aux yeux
热情洋溢 rè qíng yáng yì brimming with enthusiasm ; full of warmth (expr. idiom.) débordant d'enthousiasme
热血沸腾 rè xuè fèi téng to be burning with anger
人不可貌相 rén bù kě mào xiàng you can't judge a person by appearance ; you can't judge a book by its cover; often in combination 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量[ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 (expr. idiom.) on ne peut juger une personne à son apparence
人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 rén bù kě mào xiàng , hǎi shuǐ bù kě dǒu liàng You can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot.
人才济济 rén cái jǐ jǐ talented people are extremely useful (expr. idiom.) les gens de talent sont extrêmement utiles
人定胜天 rén dìng shèng tiān man can conquer nature ; human wisdom can prevail over nature (expr. idiom.) l'homme conquerra la nature
人多势众 rén duō shì zhòng many men, a great force ; many hands provide great strength; There is safety in numbers. (expr. idiom.) beaucoup d'hommes, grande force
人浮于事 rén fú yú shì more hands than needed ; too many cooks spoil the broth en sureffectif
忍垢偷生 rěn gòu tōu shēng to bear humiliation to save one's skin
人迹罕至 rén jì hǎn zhì lit. men's footprints are rare ; fig. off the beaten track; lonely; deserted
人给家足 rén jǐ jiā zú lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual ; comfortably off
人间地狱 rén jiān dì yù hell on earth ; suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive; fig. having an uncomfortable time enfer sur terre
人杰地灵 rén jié dì líng illustrious hero, spirit of the place ; a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son (expr. idiom.) illustre héros; l'esprit du lieu
任劳任怨 rèn láo rèn yuàn to undertake a task despite criticism ; to bear the burden of office willingly supporter toutes les peines sans se plaindre; ne craindre ni peine ni remarque; ne pas ménager sa peine et supporter patiemment les reproches; ne pas épargner ses efforts ni craindre de s'attirer des plaintes
人面兽心 rén miàn shòu xīn human face, beast's heart ; two-faced;malicious and duplicitous La Bête humaine
仁民爱物 rén mín ài wù love to all creatures (idiom, from Mencius); universal benevolence
人命关天 rén mìng guān tiān human life is beyond value (expr. idiom.) la vie humaine n'a pas de valeur
人模狗样 rén mó gǒu yàng  to pose; to put on airs
人怕出名,猪怕壮 rén pà chū míng , zhū pà zhuàng Man should fear fame as pigs fear fattening .
任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 rèn píng fēng làng qǐ , wěn zuò diào yú tái lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm ; to stay calm during tense situation; a cool head in a crisis
忍气吞声 rěn qì tūn shēng to submit to humiliation ; to suffer in silence; to swallow one's anger; to grin and bear it
任其自然 rèn qí zì rán to let things take their course ; to leave it to nature; laissez-faire
人琴俱亡 rén qín jù wàng person and lute have both vanished ; death of a close friend
仁人君子 rén rén jūn zǐ people of good will ; charitable person (expr. idiom.) personne de bonne volonté; personne charitable
任人唯亲 rèn rén wéi qīn to appoint people by favoritism ; nepotism;corrupt appointment Népotisme
任人唯贤 rèn rén wéi xián to appoint people according to their merits ; appointment on the basis of ability and integrity nommer les cadres selon leur mérite
仁人义士 rén rén yì shì those with lofty ideals ; men of vision (expr. idiom.) ceux qui ont de grands idéaux; hommes de vision
任人宰割 rèn rén zǎi gē to get trampled on ; to be taken advantage of
仁人志士 rén rén zhì shì gentleman aspiring to benevolence ; people with lofty ideals hommes animés d'un noble idéal
忍辱负重 rěn rǔ fù zhòng to endure humiliation as part of an important mission; to suffer in silence se résigner à une humiliation tout en remplissant une mission importante
忍辱偷生 rěn rǔ tōu shēng to bear humiliation to save one's skin
人谁无过 rén shéi wú guò Everyone makes mistakes (expr. idiom.) Tout le monde fait des erreurs
人声鼎沸 rén shēng dǐng fèi lit. a boiling cauldron of voices ; hubbub;brouhaha
人生如梦 rén shēng rú mèng life is but a dream (expr. idiom.) la vie n'est pas qu'un rêve
人生如朝露 rén shēng rú zhāo lù human life as the morning dew ; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence
人生盛衰 rén shēng shèng shuāi life has its ups and downs (expr. idiom.) la vie a ses hauts et ses bas
人生一世,草木一春 rén shēng yī shì , cǎo mù yī chūn Man has but one life, grass but one spring . fig. the brevity of human existence
人生朝露 rén shēng zhāo lù human life as the morning dew ; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence (expr. idiom.) la vie humaine comme la rosée du matin
人寿年丰 rén shòu nián fēng long-lived people, rich harvests ; stable and affluent society; prosperity (expr. idiom.) société stable et prospère
人说纷纭 rén shuō fēn yún to be at loggerheads with sb (expr. idiom.) être en désaccord avec qqn
人位相宜 rén wèi xiāng yí to be the right person for the job (expr. idiom.) être la bonne personne pour un poste
忍无可忍 rěn wú kě rěn more than one can bear ; at the end of one's patience; the last straw Intolérance (film, 1916)
人无远虑,必有近忧 rén wú yuǎn lǜ , bì yǒu jìn yōu He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects).; Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.
任贤使能 rèn xián shǐ néng to appoint the virtuous and use the able ; appointment on the basis of ability and integrity
人心不足蛇吞象 rén xīn bù zú shé tūn xiàng a man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant
人心难测 rén xīn nán cè hard to fathom a person's mind (expr. idiom.) il est difficile de comprendre l'esprit d'une personne
仁心仁术 rén xīn rén shù benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, from Mencius); charitable in thought and deed Urgences (série télévisée)
仁言利博 rén yán lì bó Words of benevolence apply universally . Humanitarian expressions benefit all.
人烟稀少 rén yān xī shǎo no sign of human habitation ; desolate (expr. idiom.) aucun signe de présence humaine
仁义道德 rén yì dào dé compassion, duty, propriety and integrity ; all the traditional virtues; mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical vertu et moralité
人云亦云 rén yún yì yún to say what everyone says ; to conform to what one perceives to be the majority view; to follow the herd (expr. idiom.) dire ce que tout le monde dit; un béni-oui-oui
人在江湖,身不由己 rén zài jiāng hú , shēn bù yóu jǐ you can't always do as you like; one has to compromise in this world
认贼作父 rèn zéi zuò fù lit. to acknowledge the bandit as one's father ;fig. a complete betrayal; to sell oneself to the enemy
仁者见仁,智者见智 rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.; Different views are admissible. Les gens diffèrent par leur point de vue.
人之常情 rén zhī cháng qíng such is human nature ; only natural (expr. idiom.) des sentiments communs à tout le monde
仁至义尽 rén zhì yì jìn extreme benevolence, utmost duty ; meticulous virtue and attention to duty
日久生情 rì jiǔ shēng qíng familiarity breeds fondness
日久岁深 rì jiǔ suì shēn to last for an eternity (expr. idiom.) durer une éternité
日落风生 rì luò fēng shēng a gentle breeze comes with sunset
日落西山 rì luò xī shān the sun sets over western hills ; the day approaches its end; fig. time of decline; the end of an era; Sic transit gloria mundi
日暮途穷 rì mù tú qióng sunset, the end of the road ; in terminal decline; at a dead end
日晒雨淋 rì shài yǔ lín scorched and drenched by sun and rain ; suffer from exposure to the elements; weather-beaten exposé au soleil et à la pluie; souffrant des intempéries
日无暇晷 rì wú xiá guǐ no time to spare
日新月异 rì xīn yuè yì daily renewal, monthly change ; every day sees new developments; rapid progress connaître de nouveaux changements de jour en jour;faire des progrès rapides; du nouveau chaque jour;changement prodigieux
日月如梭 rì yuè rú suō the sun and moon like a shuttle ; How time flies! (expr. idiom.) les jours et les mois filent comme la navette du tisserand; le temps passe trop vite
容光焕发 róng guāng huàn fā face glowing ; looking radiant; all smiles
荣华富贵 róng huá fù guì glory, splendor, wealth and rank ; high position and great wealth honneurs et richesses
容华绝代 róng huá jué dài to be blessed with rare and radiant beauty
戎马生涯 róng mǎ shēng yá army life ; the experience of war
融为一体 róng wéi yī tǐ to fuse together ; hypostatic union (religion)
容颜失色 róng yán shī sè of pale or colorless complexion
荣宗耀祖 róng zōng yào zǔ to bring honor to one's ancestors
柔肠寸断 róu cháng cùn duàn lit. to feel as if one's intestines have been cut short;broken-hearted
柔情脉脉 róu qíng mò mò full of tender feelings ; tender-hearted (expr. idiom.) plein de tendresse; tendre
柔情似水 róu qíng sì shuǐ tender and soft as water; deeply attached to sb (expr. idiom.) tendre et doux comme l'eau;profondément attaché à qulequ'un
柔情侠骨 róu qíng xiá gǔ gentle feelings and chivalrous disposition (expr. idiom.) sentiments doux et disposition galante
肉眼凡胎 ròu yǎn fán tāi ignoramus (expr. idiom.) ignorant
如臂使指 rú bì shǐ zhǐ as the arm moves the finger ; freely and effortlessly; to have perfect command of
如出一辙 rú chū yī zhé to be precisely the same; to be no different (expr. idiom.) être sorti du même moule; être taillé dans le même bois
如堕烟雾 rú duò yān wù as if degenerating into smoke ; ignorant and unable to see where things are heading
如法泡制 rú fǎ pào zhì lit. to follow the recipe ; to follow the same plan
如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì lit. like a tiger that has grown wings; with redoubled power
如簧之舌 rú huáng zhī shé lit. a tongue like a reed ; fig. a glib tongue
如火如茶 rú huǒ rú chá common erroneous version of 如火如荼 , daunting and vigorous (momentum); magnificent
如火如荼 rú huǒ rú tú lit. white cogon flower like fire ; fig. a mighty army like wildfire; daunting and vigorous (momentum);flourishing; magnificent comme des flammes qui font rage; battre son plein
如饥似渴 rú jī sì kě to hunger for sth ; eagerly; to long for sth être assoiffé de; avoir soif de faire qch; brûler de faire qch; désirer avidement
如金似玉 rú jīn sì yù like gold or jade ; gorgeous; lovely;splendorous
入境随俗 rù jìng suí sú When you enter a country, follow the local customs; do as the natives do; When in Rome, do as the Romans do
入境问俗 rù jìng wèn sú When you enter a country, enquire about the local customs ; do as the natives do; When in Rome, do as the Romans do
如雷贯耳 rú léi guàn ěr lit. like thunder piercing the ear; a well-known reputation
濡沫涸辙 rú mò hé zhé to help each other out in hard times
如其所好 rú qí suǒ hào as one pleases (expr. idiom.) comme on veut; à sa guise
入情入理 rù qíng rù lǐ sensible and reasonable (expr. idiom.) sensé et raisonnable
如是我闻 rú shì wǒ wén so I have heard ; the beginning clause of Buddha's quotations as recorded by his disciple, Ananda (Buddhism)
如释重负 rú shì zhòng fù as if relieved from a burden ; to have a weight off one's mind
如数家珍 rú shǔ jiā zhēn lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables ; fig. to be very familiar with a matter
入土为安 rù tǔ wéi ān buried and at rest ; Resquiescat in pacem (RIP)
入乡随俗 rù xiāng suí sú When you enter a village, follow the local customs; do as the natives do; When in Rome, do as the Romans do
乳臭未干 rǔ xiù wèi gān smell of mother's milk not yet dried ; immature and inexperienced; still wet behind the ears être jeune et inexpérimenté; être encore mouillé derrière les oreilles
如蚁附膻 rú yǐ fù shān like ants pursuing a stink ; the mob chases the rich and powerful; the crowd runs after trash
如蝇逐臭 rú yíng zhú chòu like flies pursuing a stink ; the mob chases the rich and powerful; the crowd runs after trash
如有所失 rú yǒu suǒ shī to seem as if something is amiss (expr. idiom.) paraître comme si quelque chose ne va pas
如鱼得水 rú yú dé shuǐ like a fish back in water ; glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
如醉如痴 rú zuì rú chī lit. as if drunk and stupefied ; intoxicated by sth;obsessed with; mad about sth défoncer
如坐针毡 rú zuò zhēn zhān lit. as if sitting on pins and needles; fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation (expr. idiom.) être comme assis sur un tapis d'épines;être sur des charbons ardents
软磨硬泡 ruǎn mó yìng pào to coax and pester ; to wheedle; to cajole
弱不禁风 ruò bù jīn fēng too weak to stand up to the wind ; extremely delicate; fragile state of health
弱肉强食 ruò ròu qiáng shí lit. the weak are prey to the strong ; fig. predatory behavior; the law of the jungle la loi de la jungle; Les faibles servent de pâture aux forts.
若无其事 ruò wú qí shì as if nothing had happened ; calmly;nonchalantly (expr. idiom.) comme si rien ne s'était passé;calmement; nonchalamment; avec nonchalance
若要人不知,除非己莫为 ruò yào rén bù zhī , chú fēi jǐ mò wéi If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it . fig. If you do something bad, people will inevitably hear about it.
若隐若现 ruò yǐn ruò xiàn faintly discernible indistinctement; peu visible; vaguement; confusément
若有所失 ruò yǒu suǒ shī as if one had lost something ; to look or feel unsettled or distracted; to feel empty
撒手闭眼 sā shǒu bì yǎn to have nothing further to do with a matter
撒手人寰 sā shǒu rén huán to leave one's mortal frame ; to die
撒网捕风 sā wǎng bǔ fēng lit. the wind cannot be caught in a net; to waste one's effort
塞翁失马 sài wēng shī mǎ lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best ; fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
塞翁失马安知非福 sài wēng shī mǎ ān zhī fēi fú the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best ; fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
塞翁失马焉知非福 sài wēng shī mǎ yān zhī fēi fú the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best ; fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
散兵游勇 sǎn bīng yóu yǒng lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers ; fig. disorganized uncoordinated action
三茶六饭 sān chá liù fàn lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes; to be extremely considerate towards guests
三番五次 sān fān wǔ cì over and over again à maintes reprises; maintes foi; à plusieurs reprises; à maintes et maintes reprise;
三纲五常 sān gāng wǔ cháng three principles and five virtues ; the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 义, propriety 礼, wi
三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , dǐng gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius ;fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , hé chéng yī gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius ;fig. collective wisdom
三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò yī gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius ;fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius ;fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三个女人一台戏 sān ge nǚ rén yī tái xì three women are enough for a drama (expr. idiom.) trois femmes sont suffisantes pour une pièce de théâtre
三姑六婆 sān gū liù pó women with disreputable or illegal professions
三句话不离本行 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng to talk shop all the time
三令五申 sān lìng wǔ shēn to order again and again réitérer ses instructions et commandements; réitérer ses ordres; injonctions réitérées
三马同槽 sān mǎ tóng cáo three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司马懿 and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof
三七二十一 sān qī èr shí yī three sevens are twenty-one ; the facts of the matter; the actual situation
三人成虎 sān rén chéng hǔ three men talking makes a tiger ; repeated rumor becomes a fact
三人行,必有我师 sān rén xíng , bì yǒu wǒ shī lit. if three walk together, one can be my teacher (idiom, from the Analects of Confucius); you have sth to learn from everyone
三生有幸 sān shēng yǒu xìng the blessing of three lifetimes ; (courteous language) it's my good fortune...
三十而立 sān shí ér lì thirty years old and therefore independent (idiom, from Confucius)
三思而后行 sān sī ér hòu xíng think again and again before acting ; consider carefully in advance
三思而行 sān sī ér xíng think three times then go ; don't act before you've thought it through carefully
三天不打,上房揭瓦 sān tiān bù dǎ , shàng fáng jiē wǎ three days without a beating, and a child will scale the roof to rip the tiles ; spare the rod, spoil the child
三天两头 sān tiān liǎng tóu lit. twice every three days ; practically every day; frequently
三头六臂 sān tóu liù bì lit. to have three heads and six arms ; fig. to possess remarkable abilities; a being of formidable powers
三五成群 sān wǔ chéng qún forming groups of three or squads of five ;people stand around in small clumps
三心二意 sān xīn èr yì in two minds about sth ; half-hearted; shilly-shallying sans conviction; sans enthousiasme; demi-teinte;tergiversations
散心解闷 sàn xīn jiě mèn to divert one's mind from boredom
三旬九食 sān xún jiǔ shí lit. to have only nine meals in thirty days ; fig. (of a family) on the brink of starvation; in dire straits
三言两句 sān yán liǎng jù in a few words ; expressed succinctly
三言两语 sān yán liǎng yǔ in a few words ; expressed succinctly en peu de mots; brièvement
丧魂落魄 sàng hún luò pò scared out of one's wits ; in a panic
丧魂失魄 sàng hún shī pò lit. lost soul, vanished spirit ; distraught (at a loss); heart-broken
丧家之犬 sàng jiā zhī quǎn stray dog chien sans foyer; chien sans maître; chien perdu sans collier
丧尽天良 sàng jìn tiān liáng devoid of conscience ; utterly heartless
丧权辱国 sàng quán rǔ guó to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country ; to surrender territory under humiliating terms
丧天害理 sàng tiān hài lǐ devoid of conscience
丧心病狂 sàng xīn bìng kuáng frenzied ; completely crazy and ridiculous; loss of reason; insane; crazed cruelty devenir forcené et perverti; persister dans le mal; agir sans scrupule(ou : sans vergogne);
搔首弄姿 sāo shǒu nòng zī to stroke one's hair coquettishly
色厉词严 sè lì cí yán severe in both looks and speech
色厉内荏 sè lì nèi rěn lit. show strength while weak inside ; appearing fierce while cowardly at heart; a sheep in wolf's clothing féroce en apparence mais faible au fond; lâche au fond sous des dehors de fermeté; dissimuler sa faiblesse sous un air agressif; affecter un air rébarbatif pour cacher sa faiblesse
色令智昏 sè lìng zhì hūn to lose one's head over lust; sex-crazy se perdre dans la luxure
煞费苦心 shà fèi kǔ xīn to take a lot of trouble ; painstaking; at the cost of a lot of effort se casser la tête; se donner beaucoup de mal
杀鸡给猴看 shā jī gěi hóu kàn lit. to kill a chicken in front of a monkey; fig. to make an example of sb (by punishment) to frighten others (expr. idiom.) Tuer un poulet devant un singe; montrer l'exemple à qqn en punissant qqn d'autre
杀鸡儆猴 shā jī jǐng hóu lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey ; to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres (expr. idiom.) tuer le poulet pour donner un avertissement au singe; tuer le faible pour effrayer le fort; faire un exemple
杀鸡警猴 shā jī jǐng hóu lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey ; to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres
杀鸡吓猴 shā jī xià hóu lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey ; to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres
杀鸡宰鹅 shā jī zǎi é kill the chickens and butcher the geese
杀牛宰羊 shā niú zǎi yáng slaughter the cattle and butcher the sheep; to prepare a big feast
杀人不眨眼 shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn to murder without blinking an eye ; ruthless;cold-blooded
杀人放火 shā rén fàng huǒ to kill and burn ; murder and arson (expr. idiom.) tuer et de brûler; incendie criminel et meurtre
杀人如麻 shā rén rú má to kill people like scything flax ; human life as grass; a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen
杀人越货 shā rén yuè huò to kill sb for his property ; to murder for money (expr. idiom.) tuer qqn pour sa propriété; assassiner pour de l'argent
歃血为盟 shà xuè wéi méng to smear the lips with blood when taking an oath; to swear a sacred oath se frotter la bouche avec du sang animal pour sceller un serment
杀一儆百 shā yī jǐng bǎi lit. kill one to warn a hundred ; to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres
煞有介事 shà yǒu jiè shì to make a show of being very much in earnest ; to act as if one is taking things very seriously
铩羽而归 shā yǔ ér guī to return in low spirits following a defeat or failure to achieve one's ambitions
杀彘教子 shā zhì jiào zǐ to kill a pig as a lesson to the children ; parents must teach by example
杀猪宰羊 shā zhū zǎi yáng to kill the pigs and slaughter the sheep
善财难舍 shàn cái nán shě to cherish wealth and find it hard to give up ;refusing to contribute to charity; skinflint; miserly
山高海深 shān gāo hǎi shēn high as the mountain and deep as the sea ; fig. infinite bounty
山高水长 shān gāo shuǐ cháng high as the mountain and long as the river ; fig. noble and far-reaching
山高水险 shān gāo shuǐ xiǎn lit. the mountains are high and the torrents swift; to undertake an arduous task or journey
善解人意 shàn jiě rén yì understanding people's views ; fair and considerate compréhensif; capable d'empathie
山峦重叠 shān luán chóng dié overlapping ranges of high mountains
山盟海誓 shān méng hǎi shì to pledge undying love ; oath of eternal love; to swear by all the Gods contrat aussi stable que les montagnes et la mer; engagement irrévocable (de deux amants)
山清水秀 shān qīng shuǐ xiù lit. verdant hills and limpid water ; fig. enchanting scenery très beau paysage; monts et rivières pittoresques
山穷水尽 shān qióng shuǐ jìn mountain and river exhausted ; at the end of the line; nowhere to go en être réduit à la dernière extrémité; être dans une impasse; avoir épuisé tous les moyens; être à bout de ressources
潸然泪下 shān rán lèi xià to shed silent tears ne pouvoir retenir ses larmes
姗姗来迟 shān shān lái chí to be late; to arrive slowly; to be slow in the coming (expr. idiom.) marcher lentement et arriver tard; se faire attendre
善始善终 shàn shǐ shàn zhōng where there's a start, there's a finish ; to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish.
闪烁其词 shǎn shuò qí cí to speak evasively ; beating about the bush
山颓木坏 shān tuí mù huài lit. the mountains crumble and the trees lie ruined; a great sage has died
善有善报 shàn yǒu shàn bào virtue has its rewards ; one good turn deserves another
善者不辩,辩者不善 shàn zhě bù biàn , biàn zhě bù shàn Good words are not persuasive, persuasive words are not good (idiom, from Laozi 老子 81). Do not be taken in by appearances.
山珍海错 shān zhēn hǎi cuò rarities from the mountain and the sea ; fig. a sumptuous spread of food delicacies
善自珍摄 shàn zì zhēn shè take good care of yourself!
商飙徐起 shāng biāo xú qǐ the autumn breeze comes gently
伤风败俗 shāng fēng bài sú offending public morals (expr. idiom.) offenser la moralité publique
伤弓之鸟 shāng gōng zhī niǎo lit. bird wounded by an arrow ; fig. wounded or damaged person
伤及无辜 shāng jí wú gū to harm the innocent
伤筋动骨 shāng jīn dòng gǔ to suffer serious injury
伤筋断骨 shāng jīn duàn gǔ to suffer serious injury
上梁不正下梁歪 shàng liáng bù zhèng xià liáng wāi lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked ; fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices
商祺 shāng qí business is auspicious; conventional greeting at the foot of a letter: May your business go well! (expr. idiom.) (formule épistolaire envers un partenaire en affaires)
上气不接下气 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì not enough breath ; to gasp for breath (expr. idiom.) ne pas avoir assez de souffle; haleter
伤天害理 shāng tiān hài lǐ to offend Heaven and reason ; bloody atrocities that cry to heaven; outrageous acts
上下其手 shàng xià qí shǒu to raise and lower one's hand ; to signal as conspiratorial hint; fig. conspiring to defraud
伤心惨目 shāng xīn cǎn mù  too appalling to look at
赏心悦目 shǎng xīn yuè mù warms the heart and delights the eye ;pleasing; delightful réjouir le coeur et le regard
上行下效 shàng xíng xià xiào subordinates follow the example of their superiors
上有政策,下有对策 shàng yǒu zhèng cè , xià yǒu duì cè The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them.
少成多 shǎo chéng duō Many little things add up to sth great ; many a mickle makes a muckle (expr. idiom.) une accumulation de petites choses peut avoir de grands effets; les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières; plusieurs peu font beaucoup
少见多怪 shǎo jiàn duō guài lit. rarely seen, very strange ; to express amazement due to lack of experience; naive expression of excitement due to ignorance
少女露笑脸,婚事半成全 shào nǚ lù xiào liǎn , hūn shì bàn chéng quán When the girl smiles, the matchmaker's job is half done.
舍本逐末 shě běn zhú mò to neglect the root and pursue the tip ; to neglect fundamentals and concentrate on details
拾级而上 shè jí ér shàng to walk slowly up a flight of steps
舍己救人 shě jǐ jiù rén to abandon self for others ; to sacrifice oneself to help the people; altruism
舍己为公 shě jǐ wèi gōng to give up one's private interests for the public good; to behave altruistically; selfless and public spirited
舍己为人 shě jǐ wèi rén to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own interest for other people; altruism se sacrifier pour les autres; sacrifier son intérêt personnel pour autrui
奢入俭难 shē rù jiǎn nán it is hard to become frugal after becoming accustomed to luxury
舍身求法 shě shēn qiú fǎ to abandon one's body in the search for Buddha's truth
舍生取义 shě shēng qǔ yì to give up life for righteousness (idiom, from Mencius);to choose honor over life; would rather sacrifice one's life than one's principles
舍生忘死 shě shēng wàng sǐ bravery with no thought of personal safety ;risking life and limb; undaunted by perils
奢易俭难 shē yì jiǎn nán easy to become accustomed to luxury, hard to become accustomed to frugality
舍正从邪 shě zhèng cóng xié to be corrupted by evil influences
神爱世人 shén ài shì rén the gods love the common people (expr. idiom.) les dieux aiment les gens communs
深闭固拒 shēn bì gù jù deep, closed and refusing ; obstinate; stubborn and perverse
深不可测 shēn bù kě cè deep and unmeasurable ; unfathomable depths; incomprehensible; enigmatic and impossible to predict
身不由己 shēn bù yóu jǐ without the freedom to act independently ;involuntary; not of one's own volition; in spite of oneself involontairement; malgré soi; ne pouvoir s'empêcher de faire qch
神采飞扬 shén cǎi fēi yáng in high spirits ; glowing with health and vigor Rattle and Hum
神采奕奕 shén cǎi yì yì in glowing spirits ; bursting with life; radiating health and vigor
深藏若虚 shēn cáng ruò xū to hide one's treasure away so that no-one knows about it ; fig. modest about one's talents; to hide one's light under a bushel
神差鬼使 shén chāi guǐ shǐ the work of gods and devils ; unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation; curious coincidence oeuvre des dieux et des démons; événement extraordinaire appelant une explication paranormale ou surnaturelle; curieuse coïncidence
神出鬼没 shén chū guǐ mò lit. Gods appear and devils vanish ; to appear and disappear unpredictably; to change rapidly (expr. idiom.) apparaître et disparaître de façon imprévisible; changer rapidement
深更半夜 shēn gēng bàn yè in the dead of night dans la nuit profonde
神工鬼斧 shén gōng guǐ fǔ supernaturally fine craft ; the work of the Gods;uncanny workmanship; superlative craftsmanship
神乎其技 shén hū qí jì  brilliant; extremely skillful; virtuosic
身怀六甲 shēn huái liù jiǎ to be pregnant Grossesse
神魂颠倒 shén hún diān dǎo lit. spirit and soul upside-down ; infatuated and head over heels in love; fascinated; captivated être détraqué
身教胜于言教 shēn jiāo shèng yú yán jiāo Teaching by example beats explaining in words. Action speaks louder than words.
身经百战 shēn jīng bǎi zhàn lit. veteran of a hundred battles ; fig. experienced; seasoned
神劳形瘁 shén láo xíng cuì to be completely drained both emotionally and physically
深谋远虑 shēn móu yuǎn lǜ lit. deep plans and distant thoughts; to plan far ahead
身强力壮 shēn qiáng lì zhuàng young and vigorous fort; robuste; solide
深情厚意 shēn qíng hòu yì profound love, generous friendship (expr. idiom.) amour profond; amitié généreuse
深入人心 shēn rù rén xīn to enter deeply into people's hearts; to have a real impact on the people (expr. idiom.) entrer profondément dans le coeur des gens, avoir un impact réel sur la population
深山野岙 shēn shān yě ào deep in the mountains and fields
身体力行 shēn tǐ lì xíng to practice what one preaches (expr. idiom.) mettre en pratique ce qu'on prêche
深恶痛绝 shēn wù tòng jué to detest bitterly ; implacable hatred; to abhor;anathema
身先朝露 shēn xiān zhāo lù body will go with the morning dew ; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence
甚嚣尘上 shèn xiāo chén shàng clamor raises the dust ; a tremendous clamor;to raise a tremendous stink (expr. idiom.) clameur soulève la poussière; une immense clameur; soulever une énorme puanteur
深信不疑 shēn xìn bù yí to believe firmly without any doubt ; absolute certainty about sth
身心交病 shēn xīn jiāo bìng worn out in body and soul (expr. idiom.) usé dans le corps et l'âme
身心交瘁 shēn xīn jiāo cuì worn out in body and soul (expr. idiom.) usé dans le corps et l'âme
身在曹营心在汉 shēn zài cáo yíng xīn zài hàn live in Cao camp but have the heart in Han camp (idiom.); to be somewhere while longing to be somewhere else
身在福中不知福 shēn zài fú zhōng bù zhī fú to live in plenty without appreciating it ; not to know when one is well off
生不逢时 shēng bù féng shí born at the wrong time ; unlucky (esp. to complain about one's fate); born under an unlucky star; ahead of his time
生财有道 shēng cái yǒu dào lit. there are principles behind making money ;fig. to have a knack for good business; knowing how to accumulate wealth; good at feathering one's own nest
生产自救 shēng chǎn zì jiù self-help
生炒热卖 shēng chǎo rè mài to sell while it's still hot ; fig. in a great hurry to publish or sell (and no time to improve the product)
升斗小民 shēng dǒu xiǎo mín poor people ; lit. people surviving on 升斗, wretchedly poor ration; in grinding poverty
升官发财 shēng guān fā cái to be promoted and gain wealth
圣经贤传 shèng jīng xián zhuàn lit. holy scripture and biography of sage ; refers to Confucian canonical texts
生拉活扯 shēng lā huó chě to wildly exaggerate the meaning of sth
生龙活虎 shēng lóng huó hǔ lit. lively dragon and animated tiger ; fig. vigorous and lively (expr. idiom.) aussi vif et ardent qu'un tigre ou un dragon; d'une vivacité extrême; être plein de dynamisme; alerte; vif; intrépide
生米熟饭 shēng mǐ shú fàn abbr. for 生米煮成熟饭, lit. the raw rice is now cooked ; fig. it is done and can't be changed;It's too late to change anything now. (expr. idiom.) riz cru est maintenant cuit; ce qui est fait ne peut être annulée; il est trop tard pour changer quoi que ce soit
生米煮成熟饭 shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn the rice is cooked; what's done is done; it's too late to change anything now (expr. idiom.) le riz est cuit; ce qui est fait est fait; il est trop tard pour changer quoi que ce soit
生米做成熟饭 shēng mǐ zuò chéng shú fàn lit. the raw rice is now cooked ; fig. it is done and can't be changed; It's too late to change anything now. (expr. idiom.) le riz est cuit; ce qui est fait est fait; il est trop tard pour changer quoi que ce soit
生命不息,战斗不止 shēng mìng bù xī , zhàn dòu bù zhǐ while there is life, the fight continues ; to fight to the last
声情并茂 shēng qíng bìng mào (of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression
生荣死哀 shēng róng sǐ āi to be respected in life and lamented in death
声嘶力竭 shēng sī lì jié to shout oneself hoarse (expr. idiom.) crier à épuiser ses forces et à s'enrouer;crier de toutes ses forces; crier à tue-tête
生死肉骨 shēng sǐ ròu gǔ lit. the dead returning to life; a miracle
生吞活剥 shēng tūn huó bō to swallow whole ; fig. to apply uncritically
生于优患,死于安乐 shēng yú yōu huàn , sǐ yú ān lè to thrive in calamity and perish in soft living; life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure
事半功倍 shì bàn gōng bèi half the work, twice the effect ; the right approach saves effort and leads to better results; a stitch in time saves nine (expr. idiom.) obtenir le double avec moitié moins de travail; un demi-effort pour un double résultat
事必有兆 shì bì yǒu zhào future events always have an omen
事不关己 shì bù guān jǐ a matter of no concern to oneself (expr. idiom.) une question d'aucun intérêt pour soi-même
事不关己,高高挂起 shì bù guān jǐ , gāo gāo guà qǐ to feel unconcerned and let matters rest
势不可当 shì bù kě dāng impossible to resist ; an irresistible force
势不两立 shì bù liǎng lì the two cannot exist together ; irreconcilable differences; incompatible standpoints
誓不两立 shì bù liǎng lì the two cannot exist together ; irreconcilable differences; incompatible standpoints
时不再来 shí bù zài lái Time that has passed will never come back. (expr. idiom.) Le temps passé ne reviendra jamais
食不知味 shí bù zhī wèi lit. to eat without tasting the food; worried or downhearted
恃才傲物 shì cái ào wù to be inordinately proud of one's ability; to be conceited and contemptuous (expr. idiom.) fort de ses talents; traiter les autres avec mépris
石沉大海 shí chén dà hǎi lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea ; fig. to elicit no response
十成九稳 shí chéng jiǔ wěn to be 90 per cent sure (expr. idiom.) être à 90 pour cent sûr
势成骑虎 shì chéng qí hǔ if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off ; fig. impossible to stop halfway
师出无名 shī chū wú míng lit. to go to war without just cause ; to act without justification déclencher une guerre sans motif; (être une) attaque injustifiée; troupes entrant en campagne sans raison
师出有名 shī chū yǒu míng lit. to have sufficient reason to send troops ; to do something with good reason; to have just cause
时代不同,风尚不同 shí dài bù tóng , fēng shàng bù tóng customs change with time ; other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores!
世代相传 shì dài xiāng chuán passed on from generation to generation ; to hand down
失道寡助 shī dào guǎ zhù an unjust cause finds little support (idiom, from Mencius); cf 得道多助 a just cause attracts much support
事到临头 shì dào lín tóu things come to a head
舐犊之爱 shì dú zhī ài the love of a cow licking her calf ; parental love
虱多不痒 shī duō bù yǎng many fleas, but unconcerned ; no point in worrying about one debt when one has so many others; Troubles never come singly.; It never rains but it pours.
是非不分 shì fēi bù fēn unable to distinguish right and wrong incapable de distinguer le bien du mal
是非分明 shì fēi fēn míng to distinguish right from wrong (expr. idiom.) distinguer le bien du mal
是非莫辨 shì fēi mò biàn unable to distinguish right and wrong
是非曲直 shì fēi qū zhí lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight ; fig. merits and demerits; pros and cons
是非自有公论 shì fēi zì yǒu gōng lùn to determine right and wrong based on public opinion; Public opinion will judge what's right and wrong.
食古不化 shí gǔ bù huà to swallow ancient learning without digesting it ; to be pedantic without having a mastery of one's subject
时乖命蹇 shí guāi mìng jiǎn bad times, adverse fate (expr. idiom.) mauvais temps; destin défavorable
事过境迁 shì guò jìng qiān The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed.; It is water under the bridge.
事后聪明 shì hòu cōng ming wise after the event ; with hindsight, one should have predicted it
事后诸葛亮 shì hòu zhū gě liàng a genius in retrospect ; hindsight is 20-20
失魂落魄 shī hún luò pò lit. lost soul, dropped spirit ; driven to distraction; scared out of one's wits (expr. idiom.) âme perdue, esprit déchu; perdre l'âme;être pris de panique ou de folie; être affolé
嗜痂成癖 shì jiā chéng pǐ to have strange and dangerous addictions
拾金不昧 shí jīn bù mèi to pick up money and not hide it ; to return property to its owner
嗜酒如命 shì jiǔ rú mìng to love wine as one's life ; fond of the bottle
势均力敌 shì jūn lì dí evenly matched adversaries être de force égale; deux forces équilibrées; A bon chat bon rat
适可而止 shì kě ér zhǐ to stop before going too far ; to stop while one can; don't overdo it; stop while you're ahead
时来运转 shí lái yùn zhuǎn the time comes, fortune turns ; to have a lucky break; things change for the better
始料未及 shǐ liào wèi jí not expected at the outset ; unforeseen; to be surprised by the turn of events
拭目以待 shì mù yǐ dài lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait ; to wait and see ouvrir l'oeil et attendre
十年树木,百年树人 shí nián shù mù , bǎi nián shù rén It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man . A good education program takes a long time to develop.
事怕行家 shì pà háng jiā an expert always produces the best work
恃强欺弱 shì qiáng qī ruò to use one's strength to mistreat people ; to bully
十全十美 shí quán shí měi complete and beautiful; to be perfect parfait; qui ne laisse pas à désirer
拾人涕唾 shí rén tì tuò to plagiarize
拾人牙慧 shí rén yá huì to pick up what others say ; to pass off other people's opinions as one's own; to parrot
时日无多 shí rì wú duō time is limited (expr. idiom.) le temps est limité
食肉寝皮 shí ròu qǐn pí to eat sb's flesh and sleep on their hide ; to swear revenge on sb; implacable hatred; to have sb's guts for garters
势如破竹 shì rú pò zhú like a hot knife through butter ; with irresistible force (expr. idiom.) briser tout obstacle comme on fend le bambou; remporter des victoires éclatantes et rapides
是啥说啥 shì shá shuō shá call a spade a spade
事事拗违 shì shì ào wéi everything has gone to the dogs
实事求是 shí shì qiú shì to seek truth from facts ; to be practical and realistic rechercher la vérité dans les faits; avoir le sens pratique; être réaliste
事实胜于雄辩 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn Facts speak louder than words.
识时务者为俊杰 shí shí wù zhě wèi jùn jié Only an outstanding talent can recognize current trends . A wise man submits to circumstances.
时势造英雄 shí shì zào yīng xióng Time makes the man . The trend of events brings forth the hero.
实属不易 shí shǔ bù yì really not easy
势殊事异 shì shū shì yì lit. conditions unique and matters different; things are not the same as before
视死如归 shì sǐ rú guī to view death as a return home; to not be afraid of dying; to face death with equanimity considérer la mort comme le retour chez soi; aller sans crainte à la mort
视同儿戏 shì tóng ér xì to regard sth as a plaything ; to consider unimportant; to view as trifling
视同手足 shì tóng shǒu zú to regard somebody as a brother (expr. idiom.) considérer comme son frère
识途老马 shí tú lǎo mǎ lit. an old horse knows the way home ; fig. in difficulty, trust an experience colleague
食荼卧棘 shí tú wò jí to eat bitter fruit and lie on thorns ; to share the hard life of the common people
十万火急 shí wàn huǒ jí most urgent; post-haste; express (expr. idiom.) en toute hâte; de toute urgence; qui ne souffre d'aucun retard
识微见几 shí wēi jiàn jǐ lit. see a tiny bit and understand everything
事危累卵 shì wēi lěi luǎn lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs ; fig. at a critical juncture
视为畏途 shì wéi wèi tú to view as dangerous ; afraid to do sth
视为知己 shì wéi zhī jǐ to consider sb as close friend ; to take into one's confidence
视微知着 shì wēi zhī zhuó one tiny clue reveals the general trend ; small beginnings show how things will develop
视微知著 shì wēi zhī zhuó one tiny clue reveals the general trend ; small beginnings show how things will develop
食言而肥 shí yán ér féi lit. to grow fat eating one's words ; fig. not to live up to one's promises
事与愿违 shì yǔ yuàn wéi things turn out contrary to the way one wishes La fait se développe à l'encontre de sa volonté.La réalité ne répond pas aux espérances.;
时运不济 shí yùn bù jì fate is unfavorable ; the omens are not good
时运亨通 shí yùn hēng tōng our luck is in, everything is going smoothly
势在必得 shì zài bì dé to be determined to win (expr. idiom.) être déterminé à gagner
势在必行 shì zài bì xíng circumstances require action ; absolutely necessary; imperative impératif
事在人为 shì zài rén wéi the matter depends on the individual ; it is a matter for your own effort; With effort, one can achieve anything. La réussite dépend des efforts de l'homme; La chose est dans le pouvoir de l'homme qui ose agir
失之东隅,收之桑榆 shī zhī dōng yú , shōu zhī sāng yú to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset ; to compensate later for one's earlier loss; what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts
失之毫厘,差以千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà yǐ qiān lǐ a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake ; a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
失之毫厘,差之千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà zhī qiān lǐ a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake ; a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
失之毫厘,谬以千里 shī zhī háo lí , miù yǐ qiān lǐ a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake ; a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
时至今日 shí zhì jīn rì lit. the time up to today ; up to the present;even now
始终如一 shǐ zhōng rú yī unswerving from start to finish (expr. idiom.) inébranlable du début à la fin
施粥舍饭 shī zhōu shě fàn to provide alms and rice
始作俑者 shǐ zuò yǒng zhě lit. the first person to bury funerary dolls ; fig. the originator of an evil practice
寿比南山 shòu bǐ nán shān Live as long as Mt Nan! (idiom, conventional greeting); We wish you a Happy Birthday and many more of them.
收残缀轶 shōu cán zhuì yì to gather and patch up sth that is badly damaged
手到拈来 shǒu dào nián lái stretch a hand and grab it ; easy to do
手到擒来 shǒu dào qín lái stretch a hand and grab it ; very easy
瘦骨嶙峋 shòu gǔ lín xún skinny; emaciated
守口如瓶 shǒu kǒu rú píng lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle ;tight-lipped; reticent; not breathing a word
首屈一指 shǒu qū yī zhǐ to count as number one ; second to none;outstanding être le premier en son genre; surpasser tous les autres en qch
授人以柄 shòu rén yǐ bǐng to hand someone the swordhilt ; to give someone a hold on oneself
守土有责 shǒu tǔ yǒu zé duty to defend the country
守望相助 shǒu wàng xiāng zhù to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to defend against external aggressors; mutual help and protection
手无寸铁 shǒu wú cùn tiě lit. not an inch of steel ; unarmed and defenseless être sans armes; les mains nues
手舞足蹈 shǒu wǔ zú dǎo hands dance and feet trip ; dancing and gesticulating for joy danser de joie; être transporté de joie
手下留情 shǒu xià liú qíng lit. start off leniently ; please do not be too strict with me; Do not judge me too harshly.; Look favorably on my humble efforts. ménager ses adversaires; traiter ses ennemis avec indulgence
收之桑榆 shōu zhī sāng yú to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset ; to compensate later for one's earlier loss; what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts
守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits ; to wait idly for opportunities; to trust to chance rather than show initiative
守株待兔,缘木求鱼 shǒu zhū dài tù , yuán mù qiú yú to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits, and climb a tree to catch fish ; without any practical course of action
手足无措 shǒu zú wú cuò at a loss to know what to do ; bewildered ne savoir où donner de la tête; être désemparé
树碑立传 shù bēi lì zhuàn lit. to erect a stele and write a biography ; to monumentalize; to glorify; to sing the praises of
疏不见亲 shū bù jiàn qīn lit. casual aquaintances should not come between relatives; blood is thicker than water
书不尽言 shū bù jìn yán I have much more to say than can be written in this letter (conventional letter ending)
数不胜数 shǔ bù shèng shǔ too many to count ; innumerable
疏财仗义 shū cái zhàng yì distributing money, fighting for virtue ; fig. generous in helping the needy
疏财重义 shū cái zhòng yì distributing money, supporting virtue ; fig. to give generously in a public cause
树大招风 shù dà zhāo fēng lit. a tall tree attracts the wind ; a famous person attract criticism; If you're rich or famous, people will envy you.
树倒猢狲散 shù dǎo hú sūn sàn When the tree topples the monkeys scatter. ; fig. an opportunist abandons an unfavorable cause;Rats leave a sinking ship.
数典忘祖 shǔ diǎn wàng zǔ to recount history but omit one's ancestors ; to forget one's roots oublier ses ancêtres; trahir son origine
疏而不漏 shū ér bù lòu loose, but allows no escape (idiom, from Laozi 老子); the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape
数黑论白 shǔ hēi lùn bái to enumerate what is black and yellow ; to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels
数黑论黄 shǔ hēi lùn huáng to enumerate what is black and yellow ; to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels
数黄道黑 shǔ huáng dào hēi to enumerate what is black and yellow ; to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels
输墨装置 shū mò zhuāng zhì ink supply mechanism
熟能生巧 shú néng shēng qiǎo with familiarity you learn the trick ; practice makes perfect l'expérience fait le maître, c'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron
蜀犬吠日 shǔ quǎn fèi rì lit. Sichuan dogs bark at the sun ; fig. a simpleton will marvel at even the most universal known.; alludes to the Sichan foggy weather where it's uncommon to see a sunny day
淑人君子 shū rén jūn zi virtuous gentleman (expr. idiom.) homme vertueux
树上开花 shù shàng kāi huā to deck the tree with false blossoms; to make something of no value appear valuable
殊深轸念 shū shēn zhěn niàn extreme solicitude ; expressing the deepest condolences; to feel deeply concerned
束矢难折 shù shǐ nán zhé lit. bundled arrows are difficult to break; there is strength in unity
束手待毙 shù shǒu dài bì hands tied and waiting for death attendre la mort les mains liées; se résigner à sa mort
束手无策 shù shǒu wú cè lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it ; fig. helpless in the face of a crisis ne plus savoir que faire; ne savoir quel parti prendre;être à bout de ressources; être réduit à l'impuissance
疏水箪瓢 shū shuǐ dān piáo little water and few utensils; to live a frugal life
殊途同归 shū tú tóng guī different routes to the same destination ; fig. different means of achieve the same end Toutes les voies convergent.; Tous les chemins mènent à Rome.
书香门第 shū xiāng mén dì family with a literary reputation ; literary family
数一数二 shǔ yī shǔ èr to enumerate; reckoned to be first or second best; one of the very best être chassé parmi les premiers (ou: parmiles meilleurs)
熟语 shú yǔ idiom idiotisme
树欲静而风不止 shù yù jìng ér fēng bù zhǐ lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease ; fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not
数珠念佛 shǔ zhū niàn fó to count one's prayer beads and chant Buddha's name
耍嘴皮子 shuǎ zuǐ pí zi to play with lips ; to talk glibly; to boast; to pay lip service
率尔操觚 shuài ěr cāo gū to compose in off-hand way ; to dash off
率兽食人 shuài shòu shí rén lit. to lead beasts to eat the people ; fig. tyrannical government oppresses the people
率由卓章 shuài yóu zhuó zhāng ; conservative
双管齐下 shuāng guǎn qí xià lit. to paint holding two brushes ; fig. to work on two tasks at the same time; to attack one problem from two angles at the same time (expr. idiom.) peindre un tableau avec deux pinceaux à la fois; mener deux actions de front; employer simultanément deux moyens pour atteindre un même but
双进双出 shuāng jìn shuāng chū to be together constantly (expr. idiom.) être ensemble en permanence
双瞳剪水 shuāng tóng jiǎn shuǐ clear, bright eyes
水到渠成 shuǐ dào qú chéng lit. where water flows, a canal is formed ; fig. when conditions are right, success will follow naturally
水滴石穿 shuǐ dī shí chuān dripping water penetrates the stone ; constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.
水火无情 shuǐ huǒ wú qíng Fire and water have no mercy . forces of nature beyond human control; implacable fate (expr. idiom.) le feu et l'eau n'ont aucune pitié; les forces de la nature sont hors du contrôle humain;implacable fatalité
水落归槽 shuǐ luò guī cáo spilt water returns to the trough ; fig. people remember where they belong
水落石出 shuǐ luò shí chū As the water recedes, the rocks appear ; the truth comes to light; When facts are known, doubts dissipate.; Murder will out.; Name of a CCTV soap opera set in police station (expr. idiom.) Après le reflux les récifs se découvrent;La vérité finit par éclater
水清无鱼 shuǐ qīng wú yú clear water, so few fish ; You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean.; Don't be too picky!
水深火热 shuǐ shēn huǒ rè deep water and scorching fire; abyss of suffering
水天一色 shuǐ tiān yī sè water and sky merge in one color
水泄不通 shuǐ xiè bù tōng lit. not one drop can trickle through ; fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic)
水涨船高 shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo the tide rises, the boat floats ; fig. to change with the overall trend; to develop according to the situation
水至清则无鱼 shuǐ zhì qīng zé wú yú Water that is too clear has few fish, and one who is too critical has few friends ; You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean.; Don't be too picky!
水中捞月 shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè to fetch the moon out of the sea ; a hopeless illusion (expr. idiom.) vouloir attraper la lune dans l'eau; nourrir des espoirs chimériques; se faire des illusions;chercher la quadrature du cercle
顺理成章 shùn lǐ chéng zhāng logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text) (expr. idiom.) L'article s'écrit aisément quand on suit l'ordre du plan; Tout s'énonce facilement quand on s'en tient à l'ordonnance des faits
顺其自然 shùn qí zì rán to let nature take its course
舜日尧年 shùn rì yáo nián sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day ; all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
舜日尧天 shùn rì yáo tiān sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every day ; all for the best in the best of all possible worlds
顺手牵羊 shùn shǒu qiān yáng lit. to lead away a goat in passing ; to steal sth under cover of an emergency; to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
瞬息万变 shùn xī wàn biàn in an instant a myriad changes ; rapid substantial change
说长道短 shuō cháng dào duǎn lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits ; to gossip critiquer; jaser
说到做到 shuō dào zuò dào to be as good as one's word ; to keep one's promise
硕果仅存 shuò guǒ jǐn cún only remaining of the great ; one of the few greats extant personnages éminents encore en vie; Les seules choses de valeur qui restent après le triage; unique exemplaire conservé
数见不鲜 shuò jiàn bù xiān a common occurrence
说来话长 shuō lái huà cháng start explaining and it's a long story ; complicated and not easy to express succinctly
说时迟,那时快 shuō shí chí , nà shí kuài  no sooner said than done; before you know it (expr. idiom.) aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait
说是一回事,做又是另外一回事 shuō shì yī huí shì , zuò yòu shì lìng wài yī huí shì Saying is one thing, doing quite another (expr. idiom.) dire une chose et faire autre chose
说一不二 shuō yī bù èr to say one and mean just that ; to keep one's word
死不改悔 sǐ bù gǎi huǐ not to repent even facing death ; unrepentant;very obstinate
死不冥目 sǐ bù míng mù dead but will not close the eyes ; to die with a remaining grievance
死不瞑目 sǐ bù míng mù dead but will not close the eyes ; to die with a remaining grievance
思潮起伏 sī cháo qǐ fú thoughts surging in one's mind ; different thoughts coming to mind
四大皆空 sì dà jiē kōng lit. the four elements are vanity ; this world is an illusion
死到临头 sǐ dào lín tóu Death is near at hand.
似懂非懂 sì dǒng fēi dǒng to seem to understand, but not to understand
死而不僵 sǐ ér bù jiāng dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis; to die hard; to die yet not be vanquished
死而后已 sǐ ér hòu yǐ until death puts an end ; one's whole life; unto one's dying day (expr. idiom.) jusqu'à la mort; toute la vie
死而无悔 sǐ ér wú huǐ to die without regret (idiom, from Analects) (expr. idiom.) mourir sans regret
四方响应 sì fāng xiǎng yìng a response from every direction
四分五裂 sì fēn wǔ liè all split up and in pieces ; disunity (in an organization); complete lack of unity; to disintegrate;falling apart; to be at sixes and sevens se démembrer; être démembré (ou: divisé, déchiré); se trouver en pleine division; se disloquer
四海皆准 sì hǎi jiē zhǔn appropriate to any place and any time ;universally applicable; a panacea
四海飘零 sì hǎi piāo líng drifting aimlessly all over the place
四海升平 sì hǎi shēng píng lit. all four oceans are peaceful; worldwide peace
四海为家 sì hǎi wéi jiā to regard the four corners of the world all as home; to feel at home anywhere; to roam about unconstrained; to consider the entire country, or world, to be one's own
死灰复燃 sǐ huī fù rán lit. ashes burn once more ; fig. sb lost returns to have influence; sth malevolent returns to haunt one (expr. idiom.) ressusciter; se ranimer comme le feu qui couve sous les cendres
死活不顾 sǐ huó bù gù regardless of life or death
四脚朝天 sì jiǎo cháo tiān four legs facing the sky ; flat on one's back
死结难解 sǐ jié nán jiě enigmatic knot hard to untie ; thorny problem;intractable difficulty
笥匮囊空 sì kuì náng kōng extremely destitute
死里逃生 sǐ lǐ táo shēng mortal danger, escape alive ; a narrow escape;to survive by the skin of one's teeth
死马当活马医 sǐ mǎ dāng huó mǎ yī lit. to give medicine to a dead horse ; fig. to keep trying everything in a desperate situation
四面楚歌 sì miàn chǔ gē lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu ; fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help
私谋叛国 sī móu pàn guó to secretly plan treason
死皮赖脸 sǐ pí lài liǎn brazen faced ; shameless
四平八稳 sì píng bā wěn everything steady and stable ; overcautious and unimaginary être réservé au point de ne courir aucun risque; être conservateur et accommodant; très circonspect; très prudent; équitable
思前想后 sī qián xiǎng hòu to consider past cause and future effect ; to think over the past and future; to ponder over reasons and connection après réflexion
死去活来 sǐ qù huó lái to hover between life and death ; to suffer terribly; within an inch of one's life
似是而非 sì shì ér fēi apparently right but actually wrong; specious spécieux; spéciosité
四世同堂 sì shì tóng táng four generations under one roof "Quatre générations sous le même toit" (célèbre roman de Lao She)
似水年华 sì shuǐ nián huá fleeting years
四体不勤,五谷不分 sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops ; living as a parasite
四通八达 sì tōng bā dá roads open in all directions ; accessible from all sides
死无对证 sǐ wú duì zhèng the dead cannot testify ; dead men tell no tales
似笑非笑 sì xiào fēi xiào like a smile yet not a smile rioter
死有余辜 sǐ yǒu yú gū death cannot wipe out the crimes ; dreadful crimes that rankled even after the perpetrator is dead Son crime est tel que même la mort ne peut le racheter .; Son crime mérite plus que la mort.; La mort ellemême ne pourrait expier ses forfaits.
死于非命 sǐ yú fēi mìng violent death ; to die in a disaster; an unnatural death
思之心痛 sī zhī xīn tòng a thought that causes heartache (expr. idiom) une pensée qui provoque le chagrin
死中求生 sǐ zhōng qiú shēng to seek life in death ; to fight for one's life
耸人听闻 sǒng rén tīng wén to sensationalize ; deliberate exaggeration to scare people nombre de personnes tuées; nombre de décès
颂声载道 sòng shēng zài dào lit. praise fills the roads ; praise everywhere;universal approbation
搜肠刮肚 sōu cháng guā dù to search one's guts and belly ; to racks one's brains for a solution
搜索枯肠 sōu suǒ kū cháng to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc)
素不相识 sù bù xiāng shí to be total strangers (expr. idiom.) être totalement étranger
素昧平生 sù mèi píng shēng to have never met sb before ; entirely unacquainted; a complete stranger; not to know sb from Adam
肃然起敬 sù rán qǐ jìng to feel deep veneration for sb éprouver des sentiments graves et respectueux;montrer des égards; avoir de la déférence pour...
簌簌发抖 sù sù fā dǒu shivering; trembling
俗随时变 sú suí shí biàn customs change with time ; other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores!
夙兴夜寐 sù xīng yè mèi to rise early and sleep late ; to work hard; to study diligently; to burn the candle at both ends
俗谚口碑 sú yàn kǒu bēi common sayings ; widely circulated proverbs
夙夜匪懈 sù yè fěi xiè to work from morning to night (expr. idiom.) travailler du matin au soir
酸甜苦辣 suān tián kǔ là sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot; fig. the joys and sorrows of life (expr. idiom.) aigre, sucré, amer et épicé; les joies et les tristesses de la vie
随波逊流 suí bō xùn liú to drift with the waves and yield to the flow ; to follow the crowd blindly
随波逐流 suí bō zhú liú to drift with the waves and go with the flow ; to follow the crowd blindly dériver; suivre la foule aveuglement
岁不我与 suì bù wǒ yǔ Time and tide wait for no man
随风倒舵 suí fēng dǎo duò to trim one's sails with the wind; to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances
随风倒柳 suí fēng dǎo liǔ lit. a willow that bends with the wind; one with no fixed principles
随机应变 suí jī yìng biàn to change according to the situation ; pragmatic agir en tenant compte des circonstances
随口胡诌 suí kǒu hú zhōu to talk random nonsense ; to say whatever comes into one's head
随声附和 suí shēng fù hè to parrot other people's words ; to chime in with others répéter ce qu'on dit; faire le perroquet; suivre
虽死犹生 suī sǐ yóu shēng lit. although dead, as if still alive ; still with us in spirit
碎心裂胆 suì xīn liè dǎn in mortal fear
遂心如意 suì xīn rú yì totally satisfying (expr. idiom.) être parfaitement satisfait
随心所欲 suí xīn suǒ yù to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases agir à son gré; agir à sa guise; agir selon sa fantaisie;agir arbitrairement
随遇而安 suí yù ér ān at home wherever one is ; ready to adapt;flexible; to accept circumstances with good will
岁月流逝 suì yuè liú shì as time goes by (expr. idiom.) comme passe le temps
岁月峥嵘 suì yuè zhēng róng eventful years; momentous times (expr. idiom.) années et mois brillants; jours exceptionnels; jours mémorables
损公肥私 sǔn gōng féi sī to damage the public interest for personal profit; personal profit at public expense; venal and selfish behavior
损人不利己 sǔn rén bù lì jǐ to harm others without benefiting oneself
损人利己 sǔn rén lì jǐ harming others for one's personal benefit ; personal gain to the detriment of others rechercher son intérêt au détriment des autres; assurer des avantages aux dépens d'autrui
所见所闻 suǒ jiàn suǒ wén what one hears and sees (expr. idiom.) ce que l'on entend et voit
缩手缩脚 suō shǒu suō jiǎo bound hand and foot ; constrained
所向披靡 suǒ xiàng pī mǐ to sweep everything before one; to be invincible tout bouleverser sur son passage; Tout succombe à son assaut .
缩衣节食 suō yī jié shí to economize on clothes and food; to scrimp and save
踏青赏春 tà qīng shǎng chūn to enjoy a beautiful spring walk
踏青赏花 tà qīng shǎng huā to enjoy the flowers on a spring outing
他山之石可以攻玉 tā shān zhī shí kě yǐ gōng yù lit. the other mountain's stone can polish jade ; to improve oneself by accepting criticism from outside; to borrow talent from abroad to develop the nation effectively
太公钓鱼,愿者上钩 tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
汰旧换新 tài jiù huàn xīn out with the old and in with the new
太平盛世 tài píng shèng shì peace and prosperity (expr. idiom.) paix et prospérité
泰然自若 tài rán zì ruò cool and collected ; showing no sign of nerves;perfectly composed
泰山北斗 tài shān běi dǒu as weighty as Mt Tai, as brilliant as the Big Dipper; a giant among men
台上一分钟,台下十年功 tái shàng yī fēn zhōng , tái xià shí nián gōng ten years of practice for one minute on the stage
贪得无厌 tān dé wú yàn avaricious and insatiable ; greedy and never satisfied
贪多嚼不烂 tān duō jiáo bù làn to bite off more than one can chew
贪官污吏 tān guān wū lì grasping officials, corrupt mandarins ; abuse and corruption
弹冠相庆 tán guān xiāng qìng lit. to flick dust off sb's cap ; to celebrate an official appointment; to congratulate and celebrate (promotion, graduation etc)
谈何容易 tán hé róng yì easier said than done C'est facile à dire ! (mais difficile à réaliser)
谈虎色变 tán hǔ sè biàn to turn pale at the mention of a tiger ; to be scared at the mere mention of
昙花一现 tán huā yī xiàn lit. the night blooming cactus shows once; flash in the pan ; short-lived (expr. idiom.) apparaître comme la fleur de cierge qui se fane sitôt éclose; apparition éphémère; passer comme un météore
贪贿无艺 tān huì wú yì greed for bribes knows no bounds ; unbridled corruption
贪爵慕位 tān jué mù wèi to be greedy for nobility and admire social position
贪婪无厌 tān lán wú yàn avaricious and insatiable ; greedy and never satisfied
探骊得珠 tàn lí dé zhū to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation); to see through to the nub
探囊取物 tàn náng qǔ wù to feel in one's pocket and take sth ; as easy as pie; in the bag
谈情说爱 tán qíng shuō ài to discuss passion and talk of love ; to express love with terms of endearment; billing and cooing (expr. idiom.) discuter de passion et de parler d'amour; exprimer son amour avec des mots de tendresse;becqueter
贪求无厌 tān qiú wú yàn insatiably greedy
贪生怕死 tān shēng pà sǐ greedy for life, afraid of death ; craven and cowardly; clinging abjectly to life; only interested in saving one's neck
谈天说地 tán tiān shuō dì to talk endlessly; talking of anything under the sun (expr. idiom.) parler de la pluie et du beau temps
探头探脑 tàn tóu tàn nǎo to stick one's head out and look around (expr. idiom.) espionner en penchant la tête; épier;regarder furtivement; jeter un regard furtif pour espionner; jeter un regard sournois
贪猥无厌 tān wěi wú yàn avaricious and insatiable ; greedy and never satisfied
贪心不足 tān xīn bù zú avaricious and insatiable ; greedy and never satisfied
贪赃枉法 tān zāng wǎng fǎ corruption and abuse of the law ; to take bribes and bend the law
弹指之间 tán zhǐ zhī jiān a snap of the fingers ; in an instant; in a short moment; in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye en un claquement de doigts; en un instant; en un éclair; en un clin d'oeil
螳臂当车 táng bì dāng chē a mantis trying to stop a chariot ; to overrate oneself and attempt sth impossible faire comme la mante qui prétend de ses pattes barrer la route au char; avoir l'outrecuidance de prétendre empêcher qch
螳蜋捕蝉 táng láng bǔ chán the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 庄子)">">庄子); to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger
螳螂捕蝉 táng láng bǔ chán the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 庄子)">">庄子); to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger
螳蜋捕蝉,黄雀在后 táng láng bǔ chán , huáng què zài hòu The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 庄子)">">庄子); to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger
螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 táng láng bǔ chán , huáng què zài hòu The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 庄子)">">庄子); to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger
倘能如此 tǎng néng rú cǐ if it is possible
韬光养晦 tāo guāng yǎng huì lit. to cover light and nurture in the dark ; to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time; hiding one's light under a bush cacher ses talents et se tenir dans l'obscurité; garder profil-bas
讨好卖乖 tǎo hǎo mài guāi to curry favor by showing obeisance
滔滔不绝 tāo tāo bù jué unceasing torrent ; talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen ne pas tarir; sans cesse
饕餮大餐 tāo tiè dà cān great meal fit for dragon's son ; sumptuous banquet
桃园结义 táo yuán jié yì to make a pact of brotherhood (from “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” 三国演义)
逃之夭夭 táo zhī yāo yāo to escape without trace ; to make one's getaway (from the scene of a crime); to show a clean pair of heels prendre la poudre d'escampette; lâcher pied; lever le pied; s'esquiver; s'éclipser; disparaître; s'en aller à la dérobée
体大思精 tǐ dà sī jīng extensive and penetrating ; expansive and profound (of writing)
提纲挈领 tí gāng qiè lǐng to concentrate on the main points ; to bring out the essentials
替古人担忧 tì gǔ rén dān yōu to fret over the worries of long-departed people; to worry unnecessarily; crying over spilt milk; often used with negatives, e.g. no need to worry about past issues
替古人耽忧 tì gǔ rén dān yōu to fret over the worries of long-departed people; to worry unnecessarily; crying over spilt milk; often used with negatives, e.g. no need to worry about past issues
醍醐灌顶 tí hú guàn dǐng lit. to anoint your head with the purest cream ; fig. to enlighten people with perfect wisdom; flawless Buddhist teaching
啼饥号寒 tí jī háo hán hunger cries and cold roars ; wretched poverty
涕泪交流 tì lèi jiāo liú tears and mucus flowing profusely ; weeping tragically
提神醒脑 tí shén xǐng nǎo to refresh and clear the mind ; invigorating;bracing
体贴入微 tǐ tiē rù wēi to show every possible consideration ;meticulous care
体无完肤 tǐ wú wán fū lit. cuts and bruises all over ; fig. totally refuted porter de graves blessures sur tout le corps; avoir le corps criblé de blessures; être réfuté point par point; être soumis à un feu nourri de critiques
啼笑皆非 tí xiào jiē fēi lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry ; both funny and extremely embarrassing; in a desperate state; between laughter and tears
体恤入微 tǐ xù rù wēi to emphasize down to last detail ; to show every possible consideration; meticulous care
天崩地裂 tiān bēng dì liè heaven falls and earth rends ; rocked by a major disaster; fig. violent revolution; major social upheaval
天兵天将 tiān bīng tiān jiàng celestial troops and generals ; fig. superior forces
天长地久 tiān cháng dì jiǔ enduring while the world lasts ; eternal (expr. idiom.) durer aussi longtemps que le Ciel et la Terre; vieux comme le monde
天长日久 tiān cháng rì jiǔ after a long time (expr. idiom.) après une longue période
天道酬勤 tiān dào chóu qín Heaven rewards the diligent.
天低吴楚,眼空无物 tiān dī wú chǔ , yǎn kōng wú wù the sky hangs low over the Yangtze, empty as far as the eye can see ; nothing to see to the broad horizon
天地悬隔 tiān dì xuán gé lit. a gulf between heaven and earth; wide difference of opinion
天妒英才 tiān dù yīng cái heaven is jealous of heroic genius ; the great have great hardship to contend with; those whom the Gods love die young Mort
天翻地覆 tiān fān dì fù sky and the earth turning upside down ; fig. complete confusion; everything turned on its head
天公地道 tiān gōng dì dào absolutely fair and reasonable ; equitable
天公地道地道 tiān gōng dì dào dì dào absolutely fair and reasonable ; equitable
天寒地冻 tiān hán dì dòng cold weather, frozen ground ; bitterly cold
天花乱坠 tiān huā luàn zhuì lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers ; fig. extravagant embellishments; hype (expr. idiom.) vanter avec exagération; décrire avec extravagance; glorifier qch à outrance; descriptions fantaisistes
天机不可泄漏 tiān jī bù kě xiè lòu lit. mysteries of heaven must not be revealed ;must not be revealed; I am not at liberty to inform you.
天机不可泄露 tiān jī bù kě xiè lù lit. mysteries of heaven must not be revealed ;must not be revealed; I am not at liberty to inform you.
天经地义 tiān jīng dì yì lit. heaven's law and earth's principle ; fig. right and proper; right and unalterable; a matter of course vérité infaillible et immuable; principe universellement valable
天伦之乐 tiān lún zhī lè family love and joy; domestic bliss (expr. idiom.) bonheur de famille; félicité domestique
天罗地网 tiān luó dì wǎng inescapable net ; trap; dragnet un piège auquel on n'échappe pas; (expr. idiom.) Un filet grand comme le monde
天马行空 tiān mǎ xíng kōng like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies; (of writing, calligraphy etc) bold and imaginative; unconstrained in style
天清日晏 tiān qīng rì yàn a day of sunshine and peace (expr. idiom.) une journée de soleil et de paix
天壤之别 tiān rǎng zhī bié lit. as different as sky and earth ; fig. night and day difference; opposite extremes; a world of difference; a far cry from (expr. idiom.) être absolument sans commune mesure avec qch; être à cent lieues au-dessus (au-dessous) de; Il y a là une grande différence comme entre le ciel et la terre.
天时地利人和 tiān shí dì lì rén hé the time is right, geographical and social conditions are favorable ; a good time to go to war
天网恢恢 tiān wǎng huī huī Heaven's net is wide meshed, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73).
天网恢恢,疏而不失 tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù shī Heaven's net is wide meshed, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73).
天无绝人之路 tiān wú jué rén zhī lù Heaven never bars one's way ; don't despair and you will find a way through.; Never give up hope.;Never say die.
天下没有不散的筵席 tiān xià méi yǒu bù sàn de yán xí all good things must come to an end
天下太平 tiān xià tài píng the whole world at peace ; peace and prosperity
天下无难事,只怕有心人 tiān xià wú nán shì , zhǐ pà yǒu xīn rén lit. nothing is difficult on this earth, if your mind is set
天下兴亡,匹夫有责 tiān xià xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone. Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society.
天香国色 tiān xiāng guó sè divine fragrance, national grace ; an outstanding beauty
天旋地转 tiān xuán dì zhuàn the sky spins, the earth goes round ; giddy with one's head spinning; fig. huge changes in the world
天涯比邻 tiān yá bǐ lín far-flung realms as next door ; close in spirit although far away; absence makes the heart grow fonder
天涯何处无芳草 tiānyá héchù wú fāngcǎo there are plenty more fish in the sea ; one lost, ten found partout sur la terre trouve-t-on des fleurs parfumées, une de perdue dix de retrouvées
天涯若比邻 tiān yá ruò bǐ lín far-flung realms as next door ; close in spirit although far away; absence makes the heart grow fonder
甜言美语 tián yán měi yǔ sweet words, beautiful phrases ; hypocritical flattery
甜言密语 tián yán mì yǔ sweet words and honeyed phrases ; elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric
甜言蜜语 tián yán mì yǔ sweet speech and honeyed words ; hypocritical flattery (expr. idiom.) paroles mielleuses ou doucereuses;belles paroles
天摇地转 tiān yáo dì zhuǎn lit. the sky shakes and the ground revolves;momentous changes are underway
天要落雨,娘要嫁人 tiān yào luò yǔ , niáng yào jià rén the rain will fall, the womenfolk will marry ; fig. the natural order of things; something you can't go against (expr. idiom.) littéralement : la pluie tombera et les filles se marieront; sens : c'est dans l'ordre des choses;personne ne peut aller là-contre
天有不测风云 tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún fortune as unpredictable as the weather ; sth unexpected may happen at any moment
天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún , rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú fortune as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity ; sth unexpected may happen at any moment
天雨路滑 tiān yù lù huá roads are slippery due to rain les routes sont glissantes par temps de pluie
天雨顺延 tiān yǔ shùn yán weather permitting (expr. idiom.) reporter en cas de pluie
恬愉之安 tián yú zhī ān comfortably at peace
天灾人祸 tiān zāi rén huò natural and man-made disasters ; natural calamities (flood, drought, earthquake) added to human calamity (fire, famine, war, Microsoft software) (expr. idiom.) catastrophes naturelles ajoutée à la calamité humaine; catastrophes naturelles et catastrophes d'origine humaine
天造地设 tiān zào dì shè lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth;ideal; perfect; (of a match) made in heaven; to be made for one another
挑拨离间 tiǎo bō lí jiàn to sow dissension ; to drive a wedge between semer la zizanie
挑拨是非 tiǎo bō shì fēi to incite a quarrel ; to sow discord between people; to tell tales; to make mischief
跳出釜底进火坑 tiào chū fǔ dǐ jìn huǒ kēng out of the frying pan into the fire
跳出火坑 tiào chū huǒ kēng lit. to jump out of a fire pit ; to escape from a living hell; to free oneself from a life of torture
挑灯夜战 tiǎo dēng yè zhàn to raise a lantern and fight at night ; fig. to work into the night; to burn the midnight oil
条分缕析 tiáo fēn lǚ xī to arrange items of an argument in order ; to analyze thoroughly
调三窝四 tiáo sān wō sì to sow the seeds of discord everywhere (expr. idiom.) semer ou répandre partout les graines de la discorde
条条大路通罗马 tiáo tiáo dà lù tōng luó mǎ all roads lead to Rome; use different means to obtain the same result tous les chemins mènent à Rome
条条框框 tiáo tiáo kuàng kuàng fixed framework ; restriction of social conventions and taboos (usually derogatory);regulations and restrictions
调嘴学舌 tiáo zuǐ xué shé verbal dexterity used to sow discord ; to incite trouble between people
铁面无私 tiě miàn wú sī iron mask and selfless ; honest and incorruptible impartial et intègre (comme un masque de fer)
铁石心肠 tiě shí xīn cháng to have a heart of stone; hard-hearted; unfeeling (expr. idiom.) avoir un coeur de fer et de pierre; coeur impitoyable; avoir coeur dur; être sans coeur
铁树开花 tiě shù kāi huā lit. the iron tree blooms ; a highly improbable or extremely rare occurrence
听而不闻 tīng ér bù wén to hear but not react ; to turn a deaf ear; to ignore deliberately
铤而走险 tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn to take a risk out of desperation risquer le tou pour le tout; prendre une résolution hasardeuse
听风就是雨 tīng fēng jiù shì yǔ lit. to believe in the rain on hearing the wind ; to believe rumors; to be credulous
听话听声,锣鼓听音 tīng huà tīng shēng , luó gǔ tīng yīn to understand the unspoken implications
听见风就是雨 tīng jiàn fēng jiù shì yǔ lit. on hearing wind, to say rain; to agree uncritically with whatever people say; to parrot other people's words; to chime in with others (expr. idiom.) littéralement : entendre le vent et dire qu'il pleut; reprendre à son compte toutes les rumeurs;faire le perroquet
停酒止乐 tíng jiǔ zhǐ yuè stop the wine and stop the music
听其言而观其行 tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions
听其言观其行 tīng qí yán guān qí xíng hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions
听其自然 tīng qí zì rán to let things take their course; to take things as they come (expr. idiom.) laisser aller les choses; laisser faire
听天安命 tīng tiān ān mìng to accept one's situation as dictated by heaven
听天由命 tīng tiān yóu mìng to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate;to trust to luck (expr. idiom.) se soumettre à la volonté du ciel; se résigner à son sort
听信谣言 tīng xìn yáo yán to take heed of idle chatter
停滞不前 tíng zhì bù qián stuck and not moving forward ; stagnant; in a rut; at a standstill (expr. idiom.) coincé et ne progresse pas; stagnant;dans une ornière; à l'arrêt
同病相怜 tóng bìng xiāng lián fellow sufferers empathize with each other ;misery loves company sympathiser avec ses compagnons de misère; être logé à la même enseigne; Ceux qui ont le même sort sympathisent.
同仇敌忾 tóng chóu dí kài anger against a common enemy ; joined in opposition to the same adversary
同床异梦 tóng chuáng yì mèng lit. to share the same bed with different dreams; ostensible partners with different agendas;strange bedfellows; marital dissension
痛定思痛 tòng dìng sī tòng to think of the pain when the pain is gone ; to ponder about a painful experience
同符合契 tóng fú hé qì same sign, joint aim ; fig. completely compatible; identical
痛改前非 tòng gǎi qián fēi completely correcting one's former misdeeds ; to repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf; a reformed character
同甘共苦 tóng gān gòng kǔ shared delights and common hardships ; to share life's joys and sorrows; for better or for worse partager heur et malheur; partager la joie et la peine; prendre part à la joie et à la douleur; être solidaire pour le meilleur et pour le pire
同流合污 tóng liú hé wū to wallow in the mire with sb ; to follow the bad example of others
铜墙铁壁 tóng qiáng tiě bì copper wall, iron bastion ; impenetrable defense (expr. idiom.) mur de cuivre et muraille de fer; muraille indestructible
通情达理 tōng qíng dá lǐ fair and reasonable ; sensible; standing to reason compréhensif; raisonnable
同日而语 tóng rì ér yǔ lit. to speak of two things on the same day ; to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)
同声一哭 tóng shēng yī kū to share one's feeling of grief with others
同室操戈 tóng shì cāo gē wielding the halberd within the household ;internecine strife se battre avec les siens; une guerre civile; querelles intestines; combat fratricide
童叟无欺 tóng sǒu wú qī cheating neither old nor young ; treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously; Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike.
通天彻地 tōng tiān chè dì to know all under heaven; exceptionally talented
通宵达旦 tōng xiāo dá dàn overnight until daybreak ; all night long; day and night
痛心疾首 tòng xīn jí shǒu bitter and hateful ; to grieve and lament (over sth) avoir le coeur serré et des maux de tête; se repentir amèrement de ses erreurs
同心同德 tóng xīn tóng dé of one mind
同心协力 tóng xīn xié lì to work with a common purpose ; to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one
童言无忌 tóng yán wú jì children's words carry no harm
同舟共济 tóng zhōu gòng jì cross a river in the same boat ; fig. having common interests; obliged to collaborate towards common goals braver vents et tempêtes avec qqn; partager le même sort; rester unis dans les difficultés; être dans le même bateau
投笔从戎 tóu bǐ cóng róng to lay down the pen and take up the sword ; to join the military (esp. of educated person) Ban Chao
投鞭断流 tóu biān duàn liú arms enough to stem the stream ; formidable army
偷工减料 tōu gōng jiǎn liào to skimp on the job and stint on materials ;jerry-building; sloppy work
投缳自缢 tóu huán zì yì to hang oneself
头昏目眩 tóu hūn mù xuàn  to faint and see stars
头昏目晕 tóu hūn mù yūn  dizzy and faint; to faint and see stars
头昏眼暗 tóu hūn yǎn àn head spinning and eyes dark ; dizzy; fainting;vertigo
头昏眼花 tóu hūn yǎn huā to faint with blurred vision ; dizzy and eyes dimmed
偷鸡不成蚀把米 tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it ; fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off; to go for wool and come back shorn (expr. idiom.) essayer de voler un poulet mais perdre une poignée de riz; avoir de grands projets mais subir un échec total
偷鸡不着蚀把米 tōu jī bù zháo shí bǎ mǐ see 偷鸡不成蚀把米 (expr. idiom.) essayer de voler un poulet mais perdre une poignée de riz; avoir de grands projets mais subir un échec total
投机倒把 tóu jī dǎo bǎ speculation and profiteering ; buying and selling on speculation (expr. idiom.) tenter sa chance dans l'agiotage;spéculer en bourse; se jeter dans la spéculation boursière
偷鸡摸狗 tōu jī mō gǒu to imitate the dog and steal chicken ; to dally with women; to have affairs
头角峥嵘 tóu jiǎo zhēng róng promise of brilliant young person ; showing extraordinary gifts
投井下石 tóu jǐng xià shí to throw stones at sb who fell down a well ; to hit a person who is down
偷梁换柱 tōu liáng huàn zhù lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a column; to replace the original with a fake; to perpetrate a fraud voler les poutres et les piliers et les remplacer par des pièces vermoulues; substituer le faux au vrai
投鼠忌器 tóu shǔ jì qì lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases ; to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents
投桃报李 tóu táo bào lǐ toss a peach, get back a plum ; to return a favor; to exchange gifts; Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. offrir une pêche et recevoir une prune en retour;échanger des cadeaux
偷香窃玉 tōu xiāng qiè yù lit. stolen scent, pilfered jade ; philandering;secret illicit sex
头悬梁,锥刺股 tóu xuán liáng , zhuī cì gǔ lit. with his head attached to a beam and stabbing his thigh with an awl ; fig. to study assiduously and tirelessly
头晕眼花 tóu yūn yǎn huā to faint with blurred vision ; dizzy and eyes dimmed
荼毒生灵 tú dú shēng líng to torment the people
突发奇想 tū fā qí xiǎng suddenly have a thought ; suddenly be inspired to do something
吐故纳新 tǔ gù nà xīn lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new
土豪劣绅 tǔ háo liè shēn local bosses, shady gentry ; dominant local mafia
徒呼负负 tú hū fù fù to feel powerless and full of shame
土阶茅茨 tǔ jiē máo cí lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut; frugal living conditions
土阶茅屋 tǔ jiē máo wū lit. earthen steps and a small cottage; frugal living conditions
徒劳无功 tú láo wú gōng to work to no avail (expr. idiom.) travailler en vain
徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì futile endeavor
土木形骸 tǔ mù xíng hái earth and wood framework ; plain and undecorated body
土牛木马 tǔ niú mù mǎ clay ox, wooden horse ; shape without substance; worthless object
兔死狐悲 tù sǐ hú bēi lit. if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves ; fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress pleurer la mort de ses semblables; Le renard pleure la mort du lapin (quand le lièvre meurt, le renard pleure).
吐丝自缚 tǔ sī zì fù to spin a cocoon around oneself ; enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist with his own petard
土洋结合 tǔ yáng jié hé combining native and foreign methods ;sophisticated and many-sided
徒拥虚名 tú yōng xū míng to possess an undeserved reputation
徒有其名 tú yǒu qí míng with an undeserved reputation ; unwarranted fame; nowhere near as good as he's made out to be
徒有虚名 tú yǒu xū míng with an undeserved reputation ; unwarranted fame; nowhere near as good as he's made out to be
徒自惊扰 tú zì jīng rǎo to alarm oneself unnecessarily
退避三舍 tuì bì sān shè lit. to retreat three day's march ; fig. to give way in the face of superior strength; a strategic withdrawal
推波助澜 tuī bō zhù lán to push the wave and add to the billows ; to add momentum; to encourage sth to get bigger; to add fuel to the fire pousser les vagues et les faire déferler; jeter de l'huile sur le feu; aggraver volontairement les choses
推陈布新 tuī chén bù xīn to push out the old and bring in the new ; to innovate; to go beyond old ideas; advancing all the time
推陈出新 tuī chén chū xīn to push out the old and bring in the new ; to innovate; to go beyond old ideas; advancing all the time faire ressortir le nouveau de l'ancien; renouveler;progresser; En rejetant ce qui est révolu on crée le nouveau
推来推去 tuī lái tuī qù  to rudely push and pull others;  to evade responsibility and push it to others fuir les responsabilités
推贤让能 tuī xián ràng néng to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talented
推心置腹 tuī xīn zhì fù to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping ;sb has one's absolute confidence; to trust completely;to confide in sb with entire sincerity
颓垣断壁 tuí yuán duàn bì crumbling fences and dilapidated walls
吞吞吐吐 tūn tūn tǔ tǔ to hum and haw ; to mumble as if hiding sth; to speak and break off, then start again; to hold sth back balbutier; hésiter à parler; bafouiller
脱骨换胎 tuō gǔ huàn tāi to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones; born again Daoist; to turn over a new leaf; fig. to change wholly
脱缰之马 tuō jiāng zhī mǎ lit. a horse that has thrown off the reins ;runaway horse; out of control
唾面自干 tuò miàn zì gān to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself, not wiping it off ; to turn the other cheek; to drain the cup of humiliation laisse le crachat sécher par lui-même
脱胎换骨 tuō tāi huàn gǔ to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones; born again Daoist; to turn over a new leaf; fig. to change wholly; to create from other material (story, artwork etc)
托足无门 tuō zú wú mén to be unable to find a place to stay
挖空心思 wā kōng xīn si to dig for thoughts ; to search everything for an answer; to rack one's brains
挖肉补疮 wā ròu bǔ chuāng to cut one's flesh to cover a sore ; faced with a current crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient
歪风邪气 wāi fēng xié qì noxious winds, evil influences ; malignant social trends
外宽内忌 wài kuān nèi jì outwardly admiring, inwardly jealous
外来成语 wài lái chéng yǔ loan idiom
外强中干 wài qiáng zhōng gān strong in appearance but weak in reality
外御其侮 wài yù qí wǔ internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside
外圆内方 wài yuán nèi fāng lit. outside-flexible, inside-firm ; fig. velvet glove
完璧归赵 wán bì guī zhào lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao ; fig. to return something intact to its rightful owner
万变不离其宗 wàn biàn bù lí qí zōng many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand ; plus ça change, plus ça reste la mème chose
万不得已 wàn bù dé yǐ only when absolutely essential ; as a last resort (expr. idiom.) seulement quand c'est absolument indispensable; comme dernier recours
万恶滔天 wàn è tāo tiān so much evil that it reaches all the way to heaven
顽而不顾 wán ér bù gù to be stubborn and inconsiderate
万古长新 wàn gǔ cháng xīn to remain forever new
万古千秋 wàn gǔ qiān qiū for all eternity (expr. idiom.) pour l'éternité
玩火自焚 wán huǒ zì fén to play with fire and get burnt ; fig. to play with evil and suffer the consequences; to get one's fingers burnt (expr. idiom.) jouer avec le feu et se brûler; jouer avec le diable et en supporter les conséquences; jouer avec le feu et se brûler les doigts; jouer avec le feu et se brûler les ailes
万籁俱寂 wàn lài jù jì ten thousand pipes are still ; not a sound to be heard silence complet; Tous les bruits sont étouffés
万里江山 wàn lǐ jiāng shān lit. ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains; a vast territory
万马齐喑 wàn mǎ qí yīn thousands of horses, all mute ; no-one dares to speak out; an atmosphere of political oppression
万念俱灰 wàn niàn jù huī every hope turns to dust ; completely disheartened
玩世不恭 wán shì bù gōng to trifle without respect ; to despise worldly conventions; frivolous
完事大吉 wán shì dà jí everything is finished ; And there you are!
万事大吉 wàn shì dà jí everything is fine ; all is well with the world
万事亨通 wàn shì hēng tōng everything is going smoothly
万事皆备,只欠东风 wàn shì jiē bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng everything is ready, all we need is an east wind; lacking only one tiny crucial item
万事俱备,只欠东风 wàn shì jù bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind; fig. lacking only one tiny crucial item
万事如意 wàn shì rú yì to have all one's wishes ; best wishes; all the best; may all your hopes be fulfilled
万世师表 wàn shì shī biǎo model teacher of every age ; eternal paragon;refers to Confucius (551-479 BC) 孔子 (expr. idiom.) model éternel; celui à qui se référer de tout temps; se réfère à Confucius
万寿无疆 wàn shòu wú jiāng may you enjoy boundless longevity ; long may you live Puissiez-vous vivre dix mille ans
万水千山 wàn shuǐ qiān shān ten thousand crags and torrents ; the trials and tribulations of a long journey; a long and difficult road dix mille rivières et mille montagnes; un voyage long et hasardeux
万死不辞 wàn sǐ bù cí ten thousand deaths will not prevent me ; ready to risk life and limb to help out
玩物丧志 wán wù sàng zhì lit. trifling destroys the will ; infatuation with fine details prevents one making progress; excessive attention to trivia saps the will
万无一失 wàn wú yī shī surefire; absolutely safe sans faute; de toute sécurité; absolument sûr; certain;être infaillible; Rien n'est laissé au hasard; Toutes les précautions sont prises
万众一心 wàn zhòng yī xīn millions of people all of one mind ; the people united
万紫千红 wàn zǐ qiān hóng thousands of purples and reds ; a blaze of color; fig. a profusion of flourishing trades une profusion de fleurs; une débauche de couleurs
望尘莫及 wàng chén mò jí lit. to see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up ; to be far inferior (expr. idiom.) regarder la poussière soulevée par un voyageur sans pouvoir le rattraper; se laisser distancer; ne pas arriver à la cheville de qqn; se sentir incapable d'égaler qqn
忘恩负义 wàng ēn fù yì to forget favors and violate justice ; ingratitude to a friend; to kick a benefactor in the teeth ingratitude
望而生畏 wàng ér shēng wèi intimidate at the first glance ; awe-inspiring;terrifying; overwhelming
王顾左右而言他 wáng gù zuǒ yòu ér yán tā the king looked left and right and then talked of other things; to digress from the topic of discussion
亡国灭种 wáng guó miè zhǒng country destroyed, its people annihilated ; total destruction
网开三面 wǎng kāi sān miàn to leave the net open on three sides ; let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out;lenient treatment
网开一面 wǎng kāi yī miàn open the net on one side ; let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out; lenient treatment
望梅止渴 wàng méi zhǐ kě lit. to quench one's thirst by thinking of plums ;fig. to console oneself with illusions
亡命之徒 wáng mìng zhī tú runaway ; desperate criminal; fugitive
王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸 wáng pó mài guā , zì mài zì kuā every potter praises his own pot ; all one's geese are swans
妄生穿凿 wàng shēng chuān záo a forced analogy ; to jump to an unwarranted conclusion
往往有之 wǎng wǎng yǒu zhī to have always had (expr. idiom.) avoir toujours eu
望文生义 wàng wén shēng yì lit. view a text and interpret ; to interpret word-by-word without understanding the meaning; a far-fetched interpretation
妄下雌黄 wàng xià cí huáng to alter a text indiscriminately ; to make irresponsible criticism
妄言妄听 wàng yán wàng tīng unwarranted talk the listener can take or leave ;sth not to be taken too seriously
望眼欲穿 wàng yǎn yù chuān to anxiously await (expr. idiom.) se crever les yeux à force de regarder;attendre avec une impatience fébrile; désirer ardemment
亡羊补牢 wáng yáng bǔ láo lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost ; fig. to act belatedly; better late than never; to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted mieux vaut tard que jamais
望子成龙 wàng zǐ chéng lóng lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon ; fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life; to have great hopes for one's offspring; to give one's child the best education as a career investment
妄自菲薄 wàng zì fěi bó to be unduly humble ; to undervalue oneself
妄自菲薄 wàng zì fēi bó to be unduly humble ; to undervalue oneself;false modesty
妄自尊大 wàng zì zūn dà ridiculous self-importance ; arrogance
围城打援 wéi chéng dǎ yuán to besiege and strike the relief force ; strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops
尾大不掉 wěi dà bù diào large tail obstructs action ; bottom heavy; fig. rendered ineffective by subordinates
为德不终 wéi dé bù zhōng to start on virtue but give up ; to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
为德不卒 wéi dé bù zú to start on virtue but give up ; to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
危而不持 wēi ér bù chí national danger, but no support (idiom, from Analects); the future of the nation is at stake but no-one comes to the rescue
为非作歹 wéi fēi zuò dǎi to break the law and commit crimes ;malefactor; evil-doer; to perpetrate outrages faire le mal
为富不仁 wéi fù bù rén the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).
为富不仁,为仁不富 wéi fù bù rén , wéi rén bù fù the benevolent man cannot be rich and vice versa (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).
微乎其微 wēi hū qí wēi a tiny bit; very little; next to nothing négligeable; minime; insignifiant; par trop peu; à peine perceptible;
为虎作伥 wèi hǔ zuò chāng to act as accomplice to the tiger; to help a villain do evil
危机四伏 wēi jī sì fú danger lurks on every side
未可厚非 wèi kě hòu fēi not to be censured too strictly ; not altogether inexcusable; understandable
未可同日而语 wèi kě tóng rì ér yǔ lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day; not to be mentioned in the same breath;incomparable
违利赴名 wéi lì fù míng to renounce profit and seek fame ; to abandon greed for reputation; to choose fame over fortune
唯利是图 wéi lì shì tú to seek nothing but profit ; personal profit before everything; self-seeking
萎靡不振 wěi mǐ bù zhèn dispirited and listless ; downcast
未能免俗 wèi néng miǎn sú unable to break the custom ; bound by conventions être incapable de dépasser les conventions; être prisonnier des coutumes
违强凌弱 wéi qiáng líng ruò to avoid the strong and attack the weak ; to bully
违强陵弱 wéi qiáng líng ruò to avoid the strong and attack the weak ; to bully
为仁不富 wéi rén bù fù the rich man cannot be benevolent (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24). (expr. idiom.) un homme riche ne peut pas être un homme de bonne volonté; un homme bienveillant; il est plus facile à un chameau de passer par le chas d'une aiguille qu'à un riche d'entrer au Royaume des Cieux
为人师表 wéi rén shī biǎo to serve as a model ; a paragon (expr. idiom.) servir de modèle; un parangon
危如累卵 wēi rú lěi luǎn precarious as pile of eggs ; ready to fall and break at any moment; in a dangerous state
危如朝露 wēi rú zhāo lù precarious as the morning dew ; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence
危若朝露 wēi ruò zhāo lù precarious as morning dew ; unlikely to last out the day
为时不晚 wéi shí bù wǎn it is not too late (expr. idiom.) il n'est pas trop tard
违时绝俗 wéi shí jué sú to defy the times and reject custom ; in breach of current conventions
为时未晚 wéi shí wèi wǎn it is not too late (expr. idiom.) il n'est pas trop tard
畏首畏尾 wèi shǒu wèi wěi afraid of the head, terrified of the tail ; ever fearful and nervous; afraid of the slightest thing être indécis; avoir des doutes et des craintes sur toute chose; voir les obstacles partout
畏缩不前 wèi suō bù qián to shrink back in fear ; too cowardly to advance
违天害理 wéi tiān hài lǐ lit. violating heaven and reason ; immoral character
违天逆理 wéi tiān nì lǐ lit. violating heaven and reason ; immoral character
味同嚼蜡 wèi tóng jiáo là tastes as if one is chewing wax ; tasteless;insipid
蔚为大观 wèi wéi dà guān to afford a magnificent sight ; enchanting
围魏救赵 wéi wèi jiù zhào to besiege 魏 and rescue 赵; to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers
危言耸听 wēi yán sǒng tīng frightening words to scare people ; alarmist talk; reds under the beds
未雨绸缪 wèi yǔ chóu móu lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom, from Book of Songs 诗经)">">诗经); fig. to plan ahead;to prepare for a rainy day (expr. idiom.) Il faut réparer la maison avant la saison des pluies; prendre ses précautions; se prémunir avant l'approche du danger
危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī lit. danger now morning or evening ; on the verge of death; expected any moment now; The crisis is imminent.
稳步不前 wěn bù bù qián to mark time and make no advances (expr. idiom.) marquer le temps et ne faire aucun progrès
稳操胜券 wěn cāo shèng quàn grasp it and victory is assured; to have success within one's grasp
问鼎 wèn dǐng lit. to inquire of the tripods ; fig. to plan to seize power of the whole country; grand ambitions to win (expr. idiom.) avoir l'intention de s'emparer du pouvoir de l'ensemble du pays; grandes ambitions pour gagner
问鼎轻重 wèn dǐng qīng zhòng lit. to inquire whether the tripods are light or heavy; a laughable attempt to seize power
问鼎中原 wèn dǐng zhōng yuán lit. to inquire of the tripods ; fig. to plan to seize power of the whole country; grand ambitions to win
文房四宝 wén fáng sì bǎo Four Treasures of the Study, namely 笔, 墨, 纸 and砚; the essentials of calligraphy and scholarship Quatre trésors du lettré
闻风丧胆 wén fēng sàng dǎn hear the wind and lose gall ; terror-stricken at the news
温故而知新 wēn gù ér zhī xīn to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the Analects); to recall the past to understand the future
温故知新 wēn gù zhī xīn to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the Analects); to recall the past to understand the future
闻鸡起舞 wén jī qǐ wǔ to start practicing at the first crow of the cock ;to be diligent in one's studies
文江学海 wén jiāng xué hǎi river of literacy, sea of learning ; ars longa, vita brevis
温良恭俭让 wēn liáng gōng jiǎn ràng kind-hearted and moderate ; temperate and gentle
闻名遐迩 wén míng xiá ěr to be famous far and wide
温情脉脉 wēn qíng mò mò full of tender feelings ; tender-hearted (expr. idiom.) plein de tendresse
文人相轻 wén rén xiāng qīng scholars tend to disparage one another
文山会海 wén shān huì hǎi a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (expr. idiom.) une montagne de paperasse et une mer de réunions
纹丝不动 wén sī bù dòng to not move a single jot
温文尔雅 wēn wén ěr yǎ cultured and refined ; gentle and cultivated
文武合一 wén wǔ hé yī civilians and the military (working) hand in hand
文武双全 wén wǔ shuāng quán well versed in letters and military technology ;fine scholar and soldier; master of pen and sword
问心无愧 wèn xīn wú kuì lit. look into one's heart, no shame ; with a clear conscience
闻一知十 wén yī zhī shí lit. to hear one and know ten ; fig. explain one thing and (he) understands everything; a word to the wise
文治武功 wén zhì wǔ gōng political and military achievements
稳坐钓鱼台 wěn zuò diào yú tái lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms; to stay calm during tense situation; a cool head in a crisis
瓮声瓮气 wèng shēng wèng qì to speak in a low muffled voice (expr. idiom.) parler à voix basse
瓮中之鳖 wèng zhōng zhī biē lit. like a turtle in a jar; to be trapped (expr. idiom.) comme une tortue dans une jarre (elle ne peut s'échapper)
瓮中捉鳖 wèng zhōng zhuō biē to catch a turtle in a jar ; to set oneself an easy target; a turkey shoot
卧薪尝胆 wò xīn cháng dǎn lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall ; fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge
我行我素 wǒ xíng wǒ sù to continue in one's own way ; to ignore advice;to persist whatever others say être obstiné; persister dans sa manière d'agir; n'en faire qu'à sa tête
我醉欲眠 wǒ zuì yù mián lit. I'm drunk and would like to sleep ; (used to indicate one's sincere and straightforward nature)
五百年前是一家 wǔ bǎi nián qián shì yī jiā five hundred years ago we were the same family (said of persons with the same surname)
五彩缤纷 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn all the colors in profusion ; a garish display multicolore
无处可寻 wú chù kě xún cannot be found anywhere
无的放矢 wú dì fàng shǐ to shoot without aim ; fig. to speak without thinking; firing blindly; to shoot in the air; a shot in the dark
无地自容 wú dì zì róng ashamed and unable to show one's face (expr. idiom.) ne plus savoir où se mettre; ne savoir où se fourrer; vouloir se fourrer dans un trou de souris
无毒不丈夫 wú dú bù zhàng fu no poison, no great man ; A great man has to be ruthless.
无独有偶 wú dú yǒu ǒu not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a unique occurrence; it's not the only case (expr. idiom.) ne pas être seul en son genre; par une coïncidence singulière; les deux font bien la paire
无恶不作 wú è bù zuò not to shrink from any crime ; to commit any imaginable misdeed (expr. idiom.) se livrer à tous les crimes imaginables;ne reculer devant aucun crimes; être coupable de mille méfaits
无法无天 wú fǎ wú tiān regardless of the law and of natural morality ;maverick; undisciplined and out of control n'avoir ni foi ni loi; La Cité de Dieu (film)
无风不起浪 wú fēng bù qǐ làng lit. without wind there cannot be waves ; there must be a reason; no smoke without fire
物各有主 wù gè yǒu zhǔ everything has a rightful owner (expr. idiom.) tout a un propriétaire légitime
无功不受禄 wú gōng bù shòu lù Don't get a reward if it's not deserved.
无功而返 wú gōng ér fǎn to return without any achievement ; to go home with one's tail between one's legs
无功受禄 wú gōng shòu lù to get undeserved rewards
五鬼闹判 wǔ guǐ nào pàn Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five ghosts resist judgment (title of folk opera, idiom); important personage mobbed by a crowd of ne'er-do-wells
无话可说 wú huà kě shuō to have nothing to say ne pas avoir d'autres alternatives; au-dessus de la critique; parfait
物极必反 wù jí bì fǎn when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction
无计可施 wú jì kě shī no strategy left to try ; at one's wit's end; at the end of one's tether; powerless être à bout de ressources; à bout d'expédient; sans autre solution; être impuissant
无稽之谈 wú jī zhī tán complete nonsense
无坚不摧 wú jiān bù cuī no stronghold one cannot overcome ; to conquer every obstacle; nothing one can't do; to carry everything before one
无奸不商 wú jiān bù shāng all businessmen are evil
无精打彩 wú jīng dǎ cǎi dull and colorless ; lacking vitality; not lively
无精打采 wú jīng dǎ cǎi dispirited and downcast ; listless; in low spirits;washed out sans vigueur ni vivacité; manque de vivacité; être languissant (abattu, inerte)
无拘无束 wú jū wú shù free and unconstrained ; unfettered;unbuttoned; without care or worries
无可奉告 wú kě fèng gào  "no comment" "pas de comentaire"; "no comment"
无可救药 wú kě jiù yào lit. no antidote is possible ; incurable;incorrigible; beyond redemption Total Overdose
无可置疑 wú kě zhì yí cannot be doubted
无孔不入 wú kǒng bù rù (expr. idiom.) fourrer son nez partout; Il n'y a pas d'ouverture où il ne pénètre
无孔不钻 wú kǒng bù zuān lit. leave no hole undrilled ; to latch on to every opportunity
雾里看花 wù lǐ kàn huā lit. to look at flowers in the fog ; fig. blurred vision
无理取闹 wú lǐ qǔ nào to make trouble without reason ; to be deliberately provocative
无名小卒 wú míng xiǎo zú lit. nameless soldier ; an unknown; nonentity
无能为力 wú néng wéi lì impotent ; powerless; helpless être impuissant devant une situation
乌鸟私情 wū niǎo sī qíng lit. the solicitude of the crow (who provides for his old parent); fig. filial piety
吴牛见月 wú niú jiàn yuè cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun (expr. idiom.) buffle de Wu apercevant la Lune;craintes injustifiées
乌七八糟 wū qī bā zāo everything in disorder ; in a hideous mess;obscene; dirty; filthy sens dessus dessous; pêle-mêle; confusion complète
污七八糟 wū qī bā zāo everything in disorder; in a hideous mess; obscene;dirty; filthy
无情无义 wú qíng wú yì completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice; cold and ruthless (expr. idiom.) complètement dépourvu de tout sentiment ou du sens de la justice; froid et impitoyable
无穷无尽 wú qióng wú jìn vast and limitless ; endless span of time; no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end
无容置疑 wú róng zhì yí cannot be doubted
五色缤纷 wǔ sè bīn fēn all the colors in profusion ; a garish display
无伤大雅 wú shāng dà yǎ (of a defect etc) to be of no great matter ;harmless
无声无息 wú shēng wú xī wordless and uncommunicative ; without speaking; taciturn; not providing any news sans parler; taciturne; ne fournir aucune nouvelle
无事不登三宝殿 wú shì bù dēng sān bǎo diàn lit. One doesn't visit a temple without a cause. ; fig. to visit sb with an ulterior motive (esp. to ask for sth); having a hidden agenda
无师自通 wú shī zì tōng self-taught; to learn without a teacher
无所适从 wú suǒ shì cóng not knowing which course to follow ; at a loss what to do (expr. idiom.) ne pas savoir quel parti prendre; ne pas savoir à quel saint se vouer
无所事事 wú suǒ shì shì to have nothing to do; to idle one's time away vivre sans rien faire
无所用心 wú suǒ yòng xīn not paying attention to anything ; to idle time away (expr. idiom.) ne pas prêter attention à quoi que ce soit
无所作为 wú suǒ zuò wéi attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing ;without any initiative or drive; feckless (expr. idiom.) agir sans rien faire qui convienne; ne rien faire de bon; rester inactif
勿替敬典 wù tì jìng diǎn to continue to respect ancient canons
五体投地 wǔ tǐ tóu dì to prostrate oneself in admiration ; to adulate sb
吴头楚尾 wú tóu chǔ wěi lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu ; fig. close together; head-to-tail; one thing starts where the other leaves off
无微不至 wú wēi bù zhì in every possible way ; meticulous être aux petits soins envers qqn
五味俱全 wǔ wèi jū quán a complete gamut of all five flavors ; every flavor under the sun
吴下阿蒙 wú xià ā méng General Lü Meng 吕蒙 of the southern state of Wu; model of self-improvement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu) Lü Meng
无休无止 wú xiū wú zhǐ ceaseless; endless incessant; sans fin
无言可对 wú yán kě duì unable to reply ; left speechless; at a loss for words
乌烟瘴气 wū yān zhàng qì foul black smoke atmosphere ; fig. everything in a tremendous mess; pandemonium reigns être dans un état chaotique; tohu-bohu; atmosphère enfumée et miasmatique; corruption ambiante
物以类聚 wù yǐ lèi jù similar things come together ; like draws like;Birds of a feather flock together.
物以类聚,人以群分 wù yǐ lèi jù , rén yǐ qún fēn Similar things group together, similar people fit together ; Birds of a feather flock together.
无依无靠 wú yī wú kào no one to rely on ; on one's own; orphaned; left to one's own devices
物以稀为贵 wù yǐ xī wéi guì highly valuable due to rarity (expr. idiom.) très précieux en raison de sa rareté
无影无踪 wú yǐng wú zōng to disappear without trace (expr. idiom.) disparaître sans laisser de trace
无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ carefree and without worries sans aucun doute
无缘无故 wú yuán wú gù no cause, no reason ; completely uncalled for sans cause; sans raison; sans motif sérieux
吴越同舟 wú yuè tóng zhōu Wu and Yue in the same boat ; fig. cooperation between natural rivals; to collaborate towards a common end; in the same boat together
无征不信 wú zhēng bù xìn without proof one can't believe it
无中生有 wú zhōng shēng yǒu to create something from nothing inventer des histoires de toutes pièces; affirmer sans aucun fondement
喜不自禁 xǐ bù zì jīn unable to contain one's joy
喜不自胜 xǐ bù zì shèng unable to contain one's joy
喜出望外 xǐ chū wàng wài to be pleased beyond one's expectations ;overjoyed at the turn of events
喜从天降 xǐ cóng tiān jiàng joy from heaven ; overjoyed at unexpected good news; unlooked-for happy event
习惯成自然 xí guàn chéng zì rán habit becomes nature ; get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature
习惯若自然 xí guàn ruò zì rán habit becomes nature ; get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature; same as 习惯成自然
习惯用法 xí guàn yòng fǎ idiom
习惯用语 xí guàn yòng yǔ idiom; idiomatic expression; habitual form of speech (grammar) expression idiomatique
习惯自然 xí guàn zì rán habit becomes nature ; get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature; same as 习惯成自然
喜极而泣 xǐ jí ér qì crying tears of joy (expr. idiom.) pleurer des larmes de joie
熙来攘往 xī lái rǎng wǎng a place buzzing with activity
嬉皮笑脸 xī pí xiào liǎn happy and giggling ; frivolous sourire malicieux
喜气洋洋 xǐ qì yáng yáng full of joy ; jubilation (expr. idiom.) plein de joie; jubilation
细声细气 xì shēng xì qì in a fine voice ; softly spoken (expr. idiom.) dans une belle voix; voix douce
息事宁人 xī shì níng rén to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel apaiser la dispute par la conciliation; faire des concessions pour régler un différend
喜闻乐见 xǐ wén lè jiàn a delight to see ; an attractive spectacle plaire à l'oreille et à la vue; agréable à voir et à entendre
熙熙攘攘 xī xī rǎng rǎng bustling with activity un va-et-vient bruyant; (rue) affairée et trépidante;(foule) grouillante
息息相关 xī xī xiāng guān closely bound up ; intimately related être étroitement liés l'un à l'autre
嬉笑怒骂 xī xiào nù mà lit. merry laughter and angry scolding; ironic and invective writing
喜笑颜开 xǐ xiào yán kāi face covered in smiles ; beaming with happiness Son visage s'épanouit; La joie éclaire son visage
洗心革面 xǐ xīn gé miàn lit. to wash one's heart and renew one's face ; to repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways; to turn over a new leaf (expr. idiom.) changer de coeur et de visage; faire peau neuve; se corriger radicalement
喜新厌旧 xǐ xīn yàn jiù lit. to like the new, and hate the old ; fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old aimer le nouveau et haïr l'ancien
喜形于色 xǐ xíng yú sè face light up with delight ; to beam with joy laisser voir san allégresse; visage rayonnant de joie;La joie se peint sur son visage.
夕阳西下 xī yáng xī xià the sun sets in the west le soleil se couche à l'ouest
习语 xí yǔ common saying; idiom dicton; expression idiomatique
息争和好 xī zhēng hé hǎo lit. break of a struggle and become reconciled; to bury the hatchet
西子捧心 xī zǐ pěng xīn famous beauty Xi Shi 西施 is sick at heart ; beautiful woman morbidly worried about her looks
虾兵蟹将 xiā bīng xiè jiàng shrimp soldiers and crab generals (in mythology or popular fiction, the army of the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea); useless troops
瑕不掩瑜 xiá bù yǎn yú lit. a blemish does not obscure jade's luster; the pros outweigh the cons
夏虫不可以语冰 xià chóng bù kě yǐ yǔ bīng A summer insect (which does not live to see winter) cannot talk about ice; to have limited experience and knowledge
遐迩皆知 xiá ěr jiē zhī well-known far and near
遐迩一体 xiá ěr yī tǐ both near and distant treated alike
狎妓冶游 xiá jì yě yóu to be intimate with prostitutes and frequent brothels
瞎子摸象 xiā zi mō xiàng blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅盘经)">">大般涅盘经); fig. unable to see the big picture; to mistake the part for the whole;unable to see
先到先得 xiān dào xiān dé first come first served (expr. idiom.) premier arrivé, premier servi
先睹为快 xiān dǔ wéi kuài joy of first experience ; the pleasure of reading sth for the first time
显而易见 xiǎn ér yì jiàn clearly and easy to see ; obviously; clearly; it goes without saying évidemment; manifestement
先发制人 xiān fā zhì rén to gain the initiative by striking first ; to pre-empt; to anticipate; pre-emptive
闲话家常 xián huà jiā cháng to chat about domestic trivia
先礼后兵 xiān lǐ hòu bīng peaceful measures before using force ;diplomacy before violence; jaw-jaw is better than war-war
现量相违 xiàn liàng xiāng wéi to not fit one's perception of sth
显山露水 xiǎn shān lù shuǐ to reveal one's talent
贤淑仁慈 xián shū rén cí a virtuous and benevolent woman
弦诵不辍 xián sòng bù chuò incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems
鲜为人知 xiǎn wéi rén zhī rarely known to anyone ; almost unknown;secret to all but a few (expr. idiom.) rarement connu de tous; inconnu ou secret pour presque tout le monde
纤悉无遗 xiān xī wú yí detailed and nothing left out ; meticulous and comprehensive; not missing an iota
先下手为强 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the first move is an advantage.
险象环生 xiǎn xiàng huán shēng dangers spring up all around ; surrounded by perils
现学现用 xiàn xué xiàn yòng to immediately put into practice something one has just learned
先斩后奏 xiān zhǎn hòu zòu first decapitate then present your trophy ; act first, report later
仙姿玉色 xiān zī yù sè heavenly beauty, jewel colors ; unusually beautiful lady
向壁虚构 xiàng bì xū gòu facing a wall, an imaginary construction ;baseless fabrication
向壁虚造 xiàng bì xū zào facing a wall, an imaginary construction ;baseless fabrication
香车宝马 xiāng chē bǎo mǎ magnificent carriage and precious horses ; rich family with extravagant lifestyle; ostentatious display of luxury
相得益彰 xiāng dé yì zhāng to bring out the best in each other ; to complement one another well
想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ to think up every possible method ; to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other (expr. idiom.) essayer de trouver tous les moyens possibles
相辅相成 xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng to complement one another se compléter mutuellement
相机行事 xiāng jī xíng shì to act as circumstances dictate
相见恨晚 xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn to regret not having met earlier ; It is nice to meet you finally.; It feels like we have known each other all along.
降龙伏虎 xiáng lóng fú hǔ to vanquish dragons and tigers
香轮宝骑 xiāng lún bǎo qí magnificent carriage and precious horses ; rich family with extravagant lifestyle; ostentatious display of luxury (expr. idiom.) magnifique voiture et chevaux précieux; riche famille au style de vie extravagant; étalage de luxe
相亲相爱 xiāng qīn xiāng ài to be kind and love one another ; bound by deep emotions
想入非非 xiǎng rù fēi fēi to indulge in fantasy ; to let one's imagination run wild
相濡以沫 xiāng rú yǐ mò to moisten with spittle ; sharing meager resources; mutual help in humble circumstances (expr. idiom.) mouiller de salive; partager de maigres ressources; s'apporter une aide mutuelle dans la pauvreté
香汤沐浴 xiāng tāng mù yù to bathe in a fragrant hot spring
相提并论 xiāng tí bìng lùn to discuss two disparate things together ; to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y) (expr. idiom.) discuter de deux choses disparates ensemble; parler d'égal à égal; placer sur un pied d'égalité avec
相体裁衣 xiàng tǐ cái yī lit. tailor the clothes to fit the body ; fig. act according to real circumstances
香味扑鼻 xiāng wèi pū bí exotic odors assail the nostrils
相向突击 xiāng xiàng tū jī sudden attack from the opposite direction
相形见绌 xiāng xíng jiàn chù pale by comparison
飨以闭门羹 xiǎng yǐ bì mén gēng to close the door in one's face
相依为命 xiāng yī wéi mìng mutually dependent for life ; to rely upon one another for survival; interdependent dépendre l'un de l'autre pour vivre ou survivre
项庄舞剑 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 刘邦 (idiom, refers to plot to kill Liu Bang during Feast at Hongmen 鸿门宴 in
项庄舞剑,意在沛公 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn , yì zài pèi gōng lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 刘邦 ; refers to 206 BC plot to murder Liu Bang 刘邦, aka Duke of Pei 沛公[Pei4
笑不可仰 xiào bù kě yǎng to double up with laughter (expr. idiom.) redoubler de rire
小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yī dié a small appetizer; a piece of cake; very easy
小惩大诫 xiǎo chéng dà jiè lit. to punish a little to prevent a lot ; to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent large scale repetition
消愁解闷 xiāo chóu jiě mèn lit. to eliminate worry and dispel melancholy ;diversion from boredom; to dispel depression or melancholy; to relieve stress; a relaxing pass-time
小洞不堵,大洞吃苦 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng chī kǔ A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole; A stitch in time saves nine.
小洞不堵,大洞难补 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng nán bǔ If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard to repair ; A stitch in time saves nine.
小洞不堵,大洞受苦 xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng shòu kǔ A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole; A stitch in time saves nine.
小肚鸡肠 xiǎo dù jī cháng lit. small belly, chicken's gut ; narrow-minded;petty
笑里藏刀 xiào lǐ cáng dāo lit. a dagger hidden in smiles ; friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions; when the fox preaches, look to the geese cacher un poignard derrière son sourire; dissimuler des intentions criminelles derrière ses sourires
笑脸相迎 xiào liǎn xiāng yíng to welcome sb with a smiling face
小鸟依人 xiǎo niǎo yī rén lit. like a little bird relying on people ; fig. cute and helpless-looking
笑贫不笑娼 xiào pín bù xiào chāng the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty; lit. despising poverty but not prostitution
笑容可掬 xiào róng kě jū smiling wholeheartedly ; beaming from ear to ear (expr. idiom.) le sourire jusqu'aux oreilles
小山包包 xiǎo shān bāo bao a landscape dotted with low hills and hillocks
蟏蛸满室 xiāo shāo mǎn shì The room is filled with cobwebs.
销声匿迹 xiāo shēng nì jì to vanish without trace ; to lie low (expr. idiom.) rentrer dans sa coquille; brouiller les pistes et ne plus donner signe de vie
孝思不匮 xiào sī bù kuì to be forever filial
小题大做 xiǎo tí dà zuò to make a big fuss over a minor issue faire d'un petit sujet un grand discours; faire beaucoup de bruit pour rien
小巫见大巫 xiǎo wū jiàn dà wū lit. minor magician in the presence of a great one; fig. to pale into insignificance by comparison
小媳妇儿 xiǎo xí fu r young married woman; scapegoat; young girl engaged to sb by her parents
潇潇细雨 xiāo xiāo xì yǔ the sound of light rain or drizzle le murmure de la pluie (pluie fine ou bruine)
小心谨慎 xiǎo xīn jǐn shèn cautious and timid ; prudent; careful
小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì cautious and solemn ; very carefully; prudent;gently and cautiously avec précaution
逍遥法外 xiāo yáo fǎ wài unfettered and beyond the law ; evading retribution; getting away with it (e.g. crimes); still at large Arrête-moi si tu peux
逍遥自得 xiāo yáo zì dé doing as one pleases ; foot-loose and fancy free
逍遥自在 xiāo yáo zì zai free and at leisure ; unfettered; outside the reach of the law (of criminal); at large
骁勇善战 xiāo yǒng shàn zhàn to be brave and good at fighting
笑逐颜开 xiào zhú yán kāi smile spread across the face ; beaming with pleasure; all smiles; joy written across one's face (expr. idiom.) être tout sourire; la joie écrite sur le visage; être rayonnant de bonheur
邪不敌正 xié bù dí zhèng good will always triumph over evil
挟贵自重 xié guì zì zhòng to be proud of one's dignified position
携家带眷 xié jiā dài juàn to take all one's family along ; encumbered by a family; tied down by family obligations
携家带口 xié jiā dài kǒu to take all one's family along ; encumbered by a family; tied down by family obligations
泄漏天机 xiè lòu tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven ; to leak a secret;to let the cat out of the bag
泄露天机 xiè lù tiān jī to divulge the will of heaven ; to leak a secret;to let the cat out of the bag
邪门歪道 xié mén wāi dào lit. devil's gate, crooked path ; corrupt practices; crooked methods; dishonesty
卸磨杀驴 xiè mò shā lǘ lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done ; to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful
心安神闲 xīn ān shén xián with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest
新陈代谢 xīn chén dài xiè metabolism (biology); the new replaces the old métabolisme
新愁旧恨 xīn chóu jiù hèn new worries added to old hatred ; afflicted by problems old and new
心烦意乱 xīn fán yì luàn lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil ;distraught with anxiety
心服口服 xīn fú kǒu fú lit. convinced in heart and by word ; sincerely convinced and ready to concede; to convince; to get one's message across
心腹之患 xīn fù zhī huàn lit. calamity within one's bosom ; major trouble hidden within
信孚中外 xìn fú zhōng wài to be trusted both at home and abroad
心甘情愿 xīn gān qíng yuàn delighted to (do sth, idiom); perfectly happy to do; most willing to do volontiers; avec plaisir; de bon coeur
心广体胖 xīn guǎng tǐ pàng big-hearted and serene ; contended and easy-going
心狠手辣 xīn hěn shǒu là vicious and merciless
心花怒放 xīn huā nù fàng to burst with joy ; to be over the moon; to be elated être fou de joie; comblé de la joie; transporté de bonheur
心怀叵测 xīn huái pǒ cè concealing wicked intentions ; malicious; to prod sly
心急吃不了热豆腐 xīn jí chī bu liǎo rè dòu fu hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu ; one just has to be patient; haste will ruin everything
心惊胆战 xīn jīng dǎn zhàn lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear ; prostrate with fear; scared witless
心惊肉跳 xīn jīng ròu tiào lit. heart alarmed, body leaping ; fear and trepidation in the face of disaster
心静自然凉 xīn jìng zì rán liáng a calm heart keeps you cool
心口不一 xīn kǒu bù yī heart and mouth at variance ; keeping one's real intentions to oneself; saying one thing but meaning sth different
心口如一 xīn kǒu rú yī lit. heart and mouth as one ; to say what you think; honest and straightforward
心宽体胖 xīn kuān tǐ pàng big-hearted and serene ; contended and easy-going
心旷神怡 xīn kuàng shén yí lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased ; carefree and relaxed
心力交瘁 xīn lì jiāo cuì to be both mentally and physically exhausted
心里痒痒 xīn lǐ yǎng yang lit. itchy heart; to be itching to do sth
心领神会 xīn lǐng shén huì to understand tacitly ; to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly
心领神悟 xīn lǐng shén wù to understand tacitly ; to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly
心乱如麻 xīn luàn rú má one's thoughts in a whirl ; confused;disconcerted; upset
心满意足 xīn mǎn yì zú perfectly contented ; perfectly satisfied être satisfait
心怦怦跳 xīn pēng pēng tiào The heart thumps wildly.
心平气和 xīn píng qì hé tranquil and even-tempered ; calmly and without stress
辛勤耕耘 xīn qín gēng yún to make industrious and diligent efforts
心神恍惚 xīn shén huǎng hū perturbed
信誓旦旦 xìn shì dàn dàn to make a solemn vow (expr. idiom.) faire un voeu sincère et confiant
欣喜若狂 xīn xǐ ruò kuáng to be wild with joy fou de joie; transporté de joie
欣欣向荣 xīn xīn xiàng róng luxuriant growth ; flourishing; thriving prospère; florissant
心心相印 xīn xīn xiāng yìn two hearts beat as one ; a kindred spirit
心胸狭窄 xīn xiōng xiá zhǎi narrow-minded ; petty; ungenerous
心有灵犀一点通 xīn yǒu líng xī yī diǎn tōng hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn ; fig. two hearts beat as one
心有余,力不足 xīn yǒu yú , lì bù zú The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects).; I really want to do it, but don't have the resources.; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
心有余而力不足 xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects).; I really want to do it, but don't have the resources.; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. ses désirs dépassent ses forces; avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre
心有余悸 xīn yǒu yú jì to have lingering fears; trepidation remaining after a trauma
心猿意马 xīn yuán yì mǎ lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse ; fig. capricious (derog.); to have ants in one's pants; hyperactive; adventurous and uncontrollable
心悦诚服 xīn yuè chéng fú cheerful and committed (idiom from Mencius 孟子);delighted and sincerely willing
心中有鬼 xīn zhōng yǒu guǐ to harbor ulterior motives
行不从径 xíng bù cóng jìng lit. not following the straight path ; fig. looking for a shortcut to get ahead in work or study
行不顾言 xíng bù gù yán to say one thing and do another (expr. idiom.) dire une chose et en faire une autre
行不由径 xíng bù yóu jìng lit. never taking a short-cut ; fig. upright and honest
形丑心善 xíng chǒu xīn shàn an ugly face may hide a virtuous heart
腥风血雨 xīng fēng xuè yǔ lit. foul wind and bloody rain ; fig. reign of terror; carnage littéralement : vent puant le carnage (la viande crue) et pluie de sang; figuré : règne de la terreur; carnage;massacre
兴高彩烈 xīng gāo cǎi liè happy and excited ; in high spirits; in great delight (expr. idiom.) heureux et excité; dans la bonne humeur;dans une grande joie
兴高采烈 xīng gāo cǎi liè happy and excited ; in high spirits; in great delight pavoiser; jubilation; éclater; ange; exaltation;allégresse
行将告罄 xíng jiāng gào qìng to run short (expr. idiom.) être à court
行将就木 xíng jiāng jiù mù to approach one's coffin ; with one foot in the grave avoir un pied dans la tombe; être au seuil de la mort
兴利除弊 xīng lì chú bì to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful promouvoir le bien public et metre fin aux abus
星流电击 xīng liú diàn jī meteor shower and violent thunderclaps ;omens of violent development; portentous signs
星流霆击 xīng liú tíng jī meteor shower and violent thunderclaps ;omens of violent development; portentous signs
星罗棋布 xīng luó qí bù scattered about like stars in the sky or chess pieces on a board ; spread all over the place dispersé comme les étoiles dans le ciel et les pions sur un échiquier; être parsemé de...
行尸走肉 xíng shī zǒu rǒu walking corpse ; zombie; person who lives only on the material level
形同虚设 xíng tóng xū shè to exist in name only; empty shell; useless
行万里路,读万卷书 xíng wàn lǐ lù , dú wàn juǎn shū Knowledge comes from books and from experience of the world.
惺惺惜惺惺 xīng xīng xī xīng xīng people of talent appreciate one another ; to sympathize with one another
星星之火 xīng xing zhī huǒ a single spark ; an insignificant cause can have a massive effect
星星之火,可以燎原 xīng xing zhī huǒ , kě yǐ liáo yuán a single spark can start a huge blaze ; an insignificant cause can have a massive effect
兴妖作怪 xīng yāo zuò guài lit. summon demons to create havoc ; to stir up trouble with intent of sabotage fomenter des troubles
形影相吊 xíng yǐng xiāng diào with only body and shadow to comfort each other; extremely sad and lonely
形影相随 xíng yǐng xiāng suí lit. body and shadow follow each other ; fig. inseparable
行有余力 xíng yǒu yú lì after that, any remaining energy (idiom from Analects);time for extracurricular activities
幸灾乐祸 xìng zāi lè huò lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster; fig. to rejoice in other people's misfortune;Schadenfreude se réjouir du malheur d'autrui
兴致勃勃 xìng zhì bó bó to become exhilarated ; in high spirits; full of zest (expr. idiom.) avec enthousiasme; dans la bonne humeur; plein d'entrain
行之有效 xíng zhī yǒu xiào to be effective efficace
兄弟阋墙 xiōng dì xì qiáng internecine strife ; fighting among oneself
凶多吉少 xiōng duō jí shǎo everything bodes ill, no positive signs ;inauspicious; everything points to disaster
胸怀坦荡 xiōng huái tǎn dàng open and candid ; not hiding anything;ingenuous; open hearted; unselfish; magnanimous;broad-minded
凶神恶煞 xiōng shén è shà fiends ; devils and monsters diaboliquement; sataniquement
胸无城府 xiōng wú chéng fǔ open and candid ; not hiding anything;ingenuous
胸无宿物 xiōng wú sù wù open and candid ; not hiding anything;ingenuous
凶相毕露 xiōng xiàng bì lù show one's ferocious appearance ; the atrocious features revealed; with fangs bared
雄心勃勃 xióng xīn bó bó aggressive and grand ; ambitious; pushy
胸有城府 xiōng yǒu chéng fǔ subtle way of thinking ; hard to fathom; deep and shrewd
胸有成略 xiōng yǒu chéng l//v//è the hero has plans already laid ; to have plans ready in advance; forewarned is forearmed
胸有成算 xiōng yǒu chéng suàn the hero has plans already laid ; to have plans ready in advance; forewarned is forearmed
胸有成竹 xiōng yǒu chéng zhú to plan in advance ; a card up one's sleeve;forewarned is forearmed (expr. idiom.) Avoir une image de bambou bien claire dans son esprit avant de le dessiner; avoir un bon plan, stratagème en tête; être sûr de ce qu'on va faire
秀发垂肩 xiù fà chuí jiān beautiful shoulder length hair (expr. idiom.) de beaux cheveux mi-longs
羞口难开 xiū kǒu nán kāi to be too embarrassed for words
羞愧难当 xiū kuì nán dāng to feel ashamed avoir honte
羞怯成怒 xiū qiè chéng nù to feel ashamed to the point of annoyance
秀色可餐 xiù sè kě cān a feast for the eyes ; (of women) gorgeous;graceful; (of scenery) beautiful Vorarephilie
袖手旁观 xiù shǒu páng guān to watch with folded arms ; to look on without lifting a finger
修心养性 xiū xīn yǎng xìng to cultivate the heart and nurture the character; to improve oneself by meditation
羞于启齿 xiū yú qǐ chǐ to be too shy to speak one's mind
叙功行赏 xù gōng xíng shǎng to review records and decide on rewards
虚怀若谷 xū huái ruò gǔ receptive as an echoing canyon ; modest and open-minded (expr. idiom.) coeur vide comme une vallée; qui a l'esprit ouvert; sans préjugés; réceptif
虚己以听 xū jǐ yǐ tīng to listen to the ideas of others with an open mind
虚席以待 xū xí yǐ dài to reserve a seat for sb
虚心好学 xū xīn hào xué modest and studious
蓄须明志 xù xū míng zhì to be resolutely opposed to doing sth (expr. idiom.) être résolument opposés à faire qch
栩栩如生 xǔ xǔ rú shēng vivid and lifelike ; true to life; realistic être plein de vie; comme en chair et en os; image vivante
虚有其表 xū yǒu qí biǎo looks impressive but is worthless ; not as good as it looks; a reputation with no substance
虚与委蛇 xū yǔ wēi shé pretense at complying ; sham gestures of politeness
喧宾夺主 xuān bīn duó zhǔ lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host; fig. a minor player upstages the main attraction; minor details obscure the main point; the sauce is better than the fish (expr. idiom.) L'invité tapageur a supplanté le maître de maison; La voix de l'invité domine celle du maître de maison; La sauce vaut mieux que le poisson; L'accessoire prend le pas sur l'essentiel
悬梁刺股 xuán liáng cì gǔ to study assiduously and tirelessly
旋乾转坤 xuán qián zhuǎn kūn lit. overturning heaven and earth ; earth-shattering; a radical change
悬崖绝壁 xuán yá jué bì sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces
悬崖勒马 xuán yá lè mǎ lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice; fig. to act in the nick of time (expr. idiom.) retenir son cheval au bord du précipice;s'arrêter au bord du gouffre; l'échapper belle
悬崖峭壁 xuán yá qiào bì sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces
学富五车 xué fù wǔ chē of great erudition and scholarship (expr. idiom.) d'une grande érudition
学海泛舟 xué hǎi fàn zhōu sailing on the sea of learning
学海无涯 xué hǎi wú yá sea of learning, no horizon ; no limits to what one still has to learn; ars longa, vita brevis
鸴鸠笑鹏 xué jiū xiào péng the phoenix laughs at the roc
血口喷人 xuè kǒu pēn rén to spit blood ; venomous slander; malicious attacks (expr. idiom.) cracher du sang; calomnie; attaques malveillantes
血流漂杵 xuè liú piāo chǔ enough blood flowing to float pestles ; rivers of blood; blood bath
雪泥鸿爪 xuě ní hóng zhǎo a goose's footprint in the snow; vestiges of the past; the fleeting nature of human life griffes de grue imprimées dans la neige ou la boue; traces laissées par les événements passés
血盆大口 xuè pén dà kǒu bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl ;ferocious mouth of beast of prey; fig. greedy exploiter;rapacious aggressor
血气方刚 xuè qì fāng gāng full of sap ; young and vigorous
血亲复仇 xuè qīn fù chóu blood or family feud
血肉横飞 xuè ròu héng fēi flesh and blood flying ; carnage; people blown to pieces
血肉模糊 xuè ròu mó hu to be badly mangled or mutilated
血肉相连 xuè ròu xiāng lián one's own flesh and blood ; closely related
雪上加霜 xuě shàng jiā shuāng to add hail to snow ; one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation
学无止境 xué wú zhǐ jìng no end to learning ; There's always something new to study.; You live and learn.
削职为民 xuē zhí wéi mín demotion to commoner
雪中送炭 xuě zhōng sòng tàn lit. to send coal during snow ; fig. timely help; to provide help when one most needs it
削足适履 xuē zú shì lǚ to cut the feet to fit the shoes ; to force sth to fit (as to a Procrustean bed); impractical or inelegant solution
熏风徐来 xūn fēng xú lái a warm southerly breeze is always gentle
寻根问底 xún gēn wèn dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base ; to get to the bottom of sth
询根问底 xún gēn wèn dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base ; to get to the bottom of sth
循规蹈矩 xún guī dǎo jǔ to follow the compass and go with the set square; to follow the rules inflexibly; to act according to convention
寻花问柳 xún huā wèn liǔ lit. to visit the flowers and willow enjoy ; to frequent brothels; to enjoy the spring scenery; to sow one's wild oats
寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè pleasure seeking ; life of dissipation
旬输月送 xún shū yuè sòng pay every ten days, give tribute every month ; incessant and ever more complicated demands
徇私枉法 xùn sī wǎng fǎ to bend the law for one's own profit violer la loi en vaveur des siens; commettre une infraction pour son intérêt personnel
徇私舞弊 xùn sī wǔ bì bribery and fraud
熏陶成性 xūn táo chéng xìng  nurture makes second nature; good habits come by long assimilation
循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn in sequence, step by step ; to make steady progress incrementally progresser par étapes; avancer par progression;avancer par étape;
循循善诱 xún xún shàn yòu to guide patiently and systematically
薰莸不同器 xūn yóu bù tóng qì lit. fragrant herbs and foul herbs do not go into the same vessel ; bad people and good people do not mix
哑巴吃黄莲 yǎ ba chī huáng lián no choice but to suffer in silence ; (often precedes 有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1
哑巴吃黄连 yǎ ba chī huáng lián no choice but to suffer in silence ; (often precedes 有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1
压而不服 yā ér bù fú coercion will never convince (expr. idiom.) la contrainte ne saura jamais convaincre
哑口无言 yǎ kǒu wú yán dumbstruck and unable to reply ; left speechless; at a loss for words
鸦雀无声 yā què wú shēng lit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence; not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence Il règne un silence absolu, un calme parfait.; On entendrait voler une mouche.
哑然无生 yǎ rán wú shēng silence reigns (expr. idiom.) le silence règne
雅俗共赏 yǎ sú gòng shǎng can be enjoyed by scholars and lay-people alike (expr. idiom.) être apprécié à la fois par les personnes au goût raffiné et par les rouriers; être à la portée de tout le monde
眼不见为净 yǎn bù jiàn wéi jìng what remains unseen is deemed to be clean; what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over
言不由衷 yán bù yóu zhōng to say sth without meaning it ; to speak tongue in cheek; saying one thing but meaning sth different
眼不转睛 yǎn bù zhuàn jīng with fixed attention
眼馋肚饱 yǎn chán dù bǎo to have eyes bigger than one's belly
严惩不贷 yán chéng bù dài to punish strictly with no leniency ; to punish and show no mercy; zero tolerance
眼穿肠断 yǎn chuān cháng duàn the eyes bore through, the belly hungers ; in eager anticipation; keenly awaiting
言传身教 yán chuán shēn jiào to teach by words and example
掩耳盗铃 yǎn ěr dào líng lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (expr. idiom.) voler une cloche en se bouchant les oreilles; refuser de voir la réalité
言而有信 yán ér yǒu xìn to speak and keep one's promise ; as good as one's word
言符其实 yán fú qí shí to stick to the facts
眼高手低 yǎn gāo shǒu dī to have high standards but little ability; to be fastidious but incompetent
眼观六路耳听八方 yǎn guān liù lù ěr tīng bā fāng lit. the eyes watch six roads and the ears listen in all directions; to be observant and alert
言归正传 yán guī zhèng zhuàn to return to the main topic ; back to business; to finish a digression and get back to the main subject;retournons à nos moutons
颜厚有忸怩 yán hòu yǒu niǔ ní even the most brazen person will sometimes feel shame
烟花粉柳 yān huā fěn liǔ prostitutes like powdered willows
烟花风月 yān huā fēng yuè refers to love-making littéralement : fumée, fleur, vent et Lune; (expr. idiom. évoquant l'acte sexuel)
眼见为实,耳听为虚 yǎn jiàn wéi shí , ěr tīng wéi xū to believe what one sees, not what one hears . Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.; It ain't necessarily so.
言简意赅 yán jiǎn yì gāi concise and comprehensive s'exprimer avec concision et précision; être concis dans ses écrits
言教不如身教 yán jiào bù rú shēn jiào Explaining in words is not as good as teaching by example . Action speaks louder than words.
言近旨远 yán jìn zhǐ yuǎn simple words with a profound meaning
延颈企踵 yán jǐng qǐ zhǒng to stand on tiptoe and crane one's neck ; fig. to yearn for sth
眼泪横流 yǎn lèi hèng liú to be overflowing with tears
眼里容不得沙子 yǎn lǐ róng bu dé shā zi can't bear having grit in one's eye ; unable to put sth objectionable out of one's mind; not prepared to turn a blind eye
眼露杀气 yǎn lù shā qì to have a murderous look in one's eyes
掩面而泣 yǎn miàn ér qì to bury one's head in one's hands and weep
颜面扫地 yán miàn sǎo dì lit. for one's face to reach rock bottom; to be thoroughly discredited
眼皮哭肿 yǎn pí kū zhǒng to have eyelids swollen from crying; very unhappy
偃旗息鼓 yǎn qí xī gǔ lit. lay down the flag and still the drums ; fig. to cease; to give in (expr. idiom.) rouler ses drapeaux et cesser de battre du tambour; sonner la retraite
燕雀安知鸿鹄之志 yàn què ān zhī hóng hú zhī zhì lit. can the sparrow and swallow know the will of the great swan? ; fig. how can we small fry predict the ambitions of the great?
燕雀处堂 yàn què chù táng lit. a caged bird in a pavilion ; fig. to lose vigilance by comfortable living; unaware of the disasters ahead; a fool's paradise
燕雀相贺 yàn què xiàng hè lit. sparrow and swallow's congratulation ; fig. to congratulate sb on completion of a building project;congratulations on your new house!
燕雀焉知鸿鹄之志 yàn què yān zhī hóng gǔ zhī zhì lit. can the sparrow and swallow know the will of the great swan? ; fig. how can we small fry predict the ambitions of the great?
掩人耳目 yǎn rén ěr mù to fool people ; to pull the wool over people's eyes
俨如白昼 yǎn rú bái zhòu as bright as daylight
言谈林薮 yán tán lín sǒu articulate in speech ; eloquent
砚田之食 yàn tián zhī shí to make a living by writing
言听计从 yán tīng jì cóng to see, hear and obey ; to take advice; to take sb at his word
言外之意 yán wài zhī yì meaning beyond the words ; unspoken implication; reading between the lines; what is actually intended
眼瞎耳聋 yǎn xiā ěr lóng to be deaf and blind
言行若一 yán xíng ruò yī word and actions coincide ; to live up to one's word; to match words with deeds; Practice what you preach.
言行一致 yán xíng yī zhì word and actions coincide ; to live up to one's word; to match words with deeds; Practice what you preach.
砚兄砚弟 yàn xiōng yàn dì lit. older scholar and younger scholar; close friends
烟熏火燎 yān xūn huǒ liǎo smoke and baking fire ; surrounded by flames and smoke
雁杳鱼沉 yàn yǎo yú chén without news from sb
严以责己宽以待人 yán yǐ zé jǐ kuān yǐ dài rén to be severe with oneself and lenient with others
言犹在耳 yán yóu zài ěr words still ringing in one's ears
餍于游乐 yàn yú yóu lè to be satiated with food and drink
言者无意,听者有心 yán zhě wú yì , tīng zhě yǒu xīn to take a casual remark to heart
言者无罪,闻者足戒 yán zhě wú zuì , wén zhě zú jiè don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning; an exhortation to speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously
养兵千日,用兵一时 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng bīng yī shí lit. Train an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour. ; fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
养兵千日,用在一朝 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī cháo lit. Train an army for a thousand days to use it for one morning. ; fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
洋场恶少 yáng chǎng è shào city infested with foreign adventurers (esp of Shanghai in pre-liberation China)
扬长而去 yáng cháng ér qù to shake one's sleeve and leave ; to turn and leave abruptly (expr. idiom.) se retourner et quitter brusquement
羊肠小道 yáng cháng xiǎo dào road as twisty as sheep's intestine ; narrow and winding road; fig. complicated and tricky job sentier en zig-zag
羊触藩篱 yáng chù fān lí lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom from Book of Changes 易经)">">易经); impossible to advance or to retreat; without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation
阳奉阴违 yáng fèng yīn wéi outward devotion but inner opposition ; to pay lip service; to agree overtly, but oppose in secret
阳光明媚 yáng guāng míng mèi the sun shines brightly
养虎伤身 yǎng hǔ shāng shēn Rear a tiger and court disaster. ; fig. if you're too lenient with sb, he will damage you later; to cherish a snake in one's bosom
养虎为患 yǎng hǔ wéi huàn lit. to nurture a tiger invites calamity; fig. to indulge one's enemy is asking for trouble
养虎遗患 yǎng hǔ yí huàn Rear a tiger and court disaster. ; fig. if you're too lenient with sb, he will damage you later; to cherish a snake in one's bosom
养家糊口 yǎng jiā hú kǒu to support one's family ; to have difficulty feeding a family
养家活口 yǎng jiā huó kǒu to support one's family (expr. idiom.) soutenir sa famille
养精蓄锐 yǎng jīng xù ruì to preserve and nurture one's spirit ; honing one's strength for the big push (expr. idiom.) se refaire et accumuler des forces;reprendre ses forces; se préparer à fournir un effort
羊毛出在羊身上 yáng máo chū zài yáng shēn shàng lit. wool comes from the sheep's back ; One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.; Nothing comes for free.
扬名四海 yáng míng sì hǎi known throughout the country ; world-famous
洋腔洋调 yáng qiāng yáng diào to speak with a foreign accent or using words from a foreign language (usually derogatory)
扬清激浊 yáng qīng jī zhuó lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water ; fig. dispel evil and usher in good; eliminate vice and exalt virtue
仰人鼻息 yǎng rén bí xī to rely on others for the air one breathes ; to depend on sb's whim for one's living
羊入虎口 yáng rù hǔ kǒu lit. a lamb in a tiger's den ; fig. to tread dangerous ground
养生送死 yǎng shēng sòng sǐ to be looked after in life and given a proper burial thereafter
仰屋著书 yǎng wū zhù shū lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book ; to put one's whole body and soul into a book
洋洋大篇 yáng yáng dà piān lit. an ocean of writing; an impressive literary work
洋洋得意 yáng yáng dé yì immensely pleased with oneself ; proud;complacent jubiler; éclater de joie; être fou de joie
洋洋洒洒 yáng yáng sǎ sǎ voluminous; flowing (of speeches, articles etc)
洋洋自得 yáng yáng zì dé immensely pleased with oneself ; proud;complacent
养痈贻患 yǎng yōng yí huàn lit. to foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity ; tolerating budding evil can only lead to disaster; to cherish a viper in one's bosom
养痈遗患 yǎng yōng yí huàn lit. to foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity ; tolerating budding evil can only lead to disaster; to cherish a viper in one's bosom
养尊处优 yǎng zūn chǔ yōu to live like a prince
腰缠万贯 yāo chán wàn guàn lit. ten thousand strings of cash in money belt ;carrying lots of money; extremely wealthy; loaded
咬紧牙关 yǎo jǐn yá guān lit. to bite the teeth tightly ; fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain; to bite the bullet
腰金衣紫 yāo jīn yī zǐ golden seal at the waist, purple gown ; in official position
摇旗呐喊 yáo qí nà hǎn to wave flags and shout battle cries ; to egg sb on; to give support to faire du tapage en agitant des drapeaux; battre la grosse caisse; faire de la publicité
摇钱树 yáo qián shù a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken; a source of easy money source de revenu
咬人狗儿不露齿 yǎo rén gǒu r bù lù chǐ lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs ; fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance.
杳如黄鹤 yǎo rú huáng hè to be gone forever ; to disappear without a trace
摇身一变 yáo shēn yī biàn to change shape in a single shake; fig. to take on a new lease of life (expr. idiom.) une métamorphose subite (comme par magie); faire volte-face
摇头摆尾 yáo tóu bǎi wěi to nod one's head and wag one's tail ; to be well pleased with oneself; to have a lighthearted air
咬文嚼字 yǎo wén jiáo zì to bite words and chew characters ; punctilious about minutiae of wording ne faire que mâcher mots et phrases; prendre le texte au pied de la lettre
杳无人烟 yǎo wú rén yān dark and uninhabited ; remote and deserted;God-forsaken
耀武扬威 yào wǔ yáng wēi to show off one's military strength ; to strut around; to bluff; to bluster
咬牙切齿 yǎo yá qiè chǐ gnashing one's teeth ; displaying extreme anger; fuming with rage between gritted teeth grincer des dents (de colère)
遥遥无期 yáo yáo wú qī far in the indefinite future ; so far away it seems forever (expr. idiom.) Cela ne se réalisera pas dans un proche avenir.; à Pâques ou à la Trinité !
夜不闭户 yè bù bì hù lit. doors not locked at night ; fig. stable society
夜不归宿 yè bù guī sù to stay out all night (expr. idiom.) rester dehors toute la nuit
业荒于嬉 yè huāng yú xī to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results
业精于勤 yè jīng yú qín mastery of study lies in diligence . You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect.
夜郎自大 yè láng zì dà lit. Yelang thinks highly of itself ; fig. foolish conceit Yelang
叶落归根 yè luò guī gēn a falling leaf returns to the roots ; everything has its ancestral home; In old age, an expatriate longs to return home.
夜深人静 yè shēn rén jìng in the dead of night (expr. idiom.) dans le milieu de la nuit
夜行昼伏 yè xíng zhòu fú to travel at night and lie low by day
夜以继日 yè yǐ jì rì night and day ; continuous strenuous effort
一把钥匙开一把锁 yī bǎ yào shi kāi yī bǎ suǒ One key opens one lock.; There is a different solution for each problem.
一败涂地 yī bài tú dì failed and wiped over the floor ; to fail utterly; a crushing defeat; beaten and in a hopeless position subir une défaite écrasante
壹败涂地 yī bài tú dì beaten and wiped over the floor ; to fail utterly;a crushing defeat; failed and in a hopeless position
一板三眼 yī bǎn sān yǎn lit. one strong beat and three weak beats in a measure of music (four beats in the bar) ; fig. scrupulous attention to detail (expr. idiom.) suivre des instructions à la lettre
一板一眼 yī bǎn yī yǎn lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure of music (two beats in the bar) ; fig. follow a prescribed pattern to the letter; scrupulous attention to detail (expr. idiom.) suivre des instructions à la lettre
一本万利 yī běn wàn lì small capital, huge profit ; to put in a little and get a lot out rémunérateur; lucratif
一笔不苟 yī bǐ bù gǒu lit. not even one stroke is negligent ; fig. to write characters (calligraphy) in which every stroke is placed perfectly
一鼻孔出气 yī bí kǒng chū qì lit. to breathe through the same nostril ; fig. two people say exactly the same thing (usually derog.); to sing from the same hymn sheet
一秉虔诚 yī bǐng qián chéng earnestly and sincerely ; devoutly (expr. idiom.) consciencieusement; sérieusement et sincèrement
一波未平,一波又起 yī bō wèi píng , yī bō yòu qǐ before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises; a new problem arises before the old is solved;many twists and turns to a story; one thing after another
一步登天 yī bù dēng tiān reaching heaven in a single bound ; (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success parvenir à un niveau élevé (à une haute position sociale); monter en flèche dans sa carrière
义不容辞 yì bù róng cí not to be shirked without dishonor ; incumbent;bounden (duty)
一步一个脚印 yī bù yī gè jiǎo yìn one step, one footprint ; steady progress;reliable (expr. idiom.) un pas, une empreinte; progresser pas à pas; progresser lentement mais sûrement
亦步亦趋 yì bù yì qū to blindly follow suit ; to imitate slavishly; to do what everyone else is doing
一不做,二不休 yī bù zuò , èr bù xiū don't do it, or don't rest ; either give up, or go through to the end; Since we started, we must carry it through whatever happens.; in for a penny, in for a pound une chose une fois commencée ne peut être laissée à mi-chemin;être trop engagé dans une affaire pour reculer;le vin est tiré,il faut le boire.
义不容辞 yì bùróng cí (expr. idiom.) agir par un haut sentiment du devoir; Le devoir ne permet pas de refuser; On ne pourrait se dérober à son devoir
一唱一和 yī chàng yī hè to echo one another (expr. idiom.) faire écho à l'autre
一尘不染 yī chén bù rǎn untainted by even a speck of dust ; selfless and incorruptible; spotless (expr. idiom.) désintéressé et incorruptible; impeccable
逸尘断鞅 yì chén duàn yāng lit. kicking up the dust and breaking the harness; fig. to ride like the wind
一成不变 yī chéng bù biàn nothing much changes ; always the same; stuck in a rut (expr. idiom.) rien ne change beaucoup; toujours pareil; immobile; statique
遗臭万年 yí chòu wàn nián to have one's name go down in history as a byword for infamy
一触即发 yī chù jí fā could happen at any moment; on the verge (expr. idiom.) menacer d'éclater au moindre choc; être à deux doigts de la crise
一传十,十传百 yī chuán shí , shí chuán bǎi news pass quickly from mouth to mouth ; an infectious disease spreads quickly (old meaning) les nouvelles passent vite de bouche en bouche, une maladie infectieuse se répand rapidement (sens ancien)
一辞莫赞 yī cí mò zàn to be unable to offer an opinion Ne pas être capable de donner sa propre opinion
一蹴而得 yī cù ér dé to get there in one step ; easily done; success at a stroke; to get results overnight (expr. idiom.) littéralement : obtenir en faisant un seul pas; succès immédiat; réussir du premier coup;toucher au but de manière immédiate
一蹴而就 yī cù ér jiù to get there in one step ; easily done; success at a stroke; to get results overnight (expr. idiom.) toucher au but de manière immédiate;succès immédiat; obtenir un résultat du premier coup
一蹴即至 yī cù jí zhì to get there in one step ; easily done; success at a stroke; to get results overnight (expr. idiom.) arriver (à destination) en un seul pas;atteindre son but d'un seul coup; succès immédiat
一蹴可几 yī cù kě jǐ to succeed at the first try ; easy as pie; one can do it at once (expr. idiom.) toucher au but du premier coup; succès immédiat
一寸光阴一寸金 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold.; fig. free time is to be treasured
一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. ; fig. Time is precious and must be treasured.
衣单食薄 yī dān shí bó thin coat, meager food ; life of wretched poverty; destitute
一刀两断 yī dāo liǎng duàn lit. one knife to cut two segments ; fig. to make a clean break; firm resolution to break off a relation rupture nette; résolution ferme de rompre une relation
一刀切 yī dāo qiē lit. to cut all at one stroke ; to impose uniformity; one solution fits a diversity of problems; one size fits all (expr. idiom.) couper tout d'un seul coup; imposer l'uniformité; une solution pour plusieurs problèmes
蚁斗蜗争 yǐ dòu wō zhēng lit. the ant fights, the snail contends ; fig. petty squabbling
以讹传讹 yǐ é chuán é to spread falsehoods; to increasingly distort the truth;to pile errors on top of errors
一反常态 yī fǎn cháng tài complete change from the normal state ; quite uncharacteristic; entirely outside the norm; out of character anormalement; assez inhabituel; totalement en dehors de la norme
一帆风顺 yī fān fēng shùn propitious wind throughout the journey ; plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip! (expr. idiom.) avoir le vent favorable; aller comme sur des roulettes; avoir le vent en poupe; Bon voyage!
以防万一 yǐ fáng wàn yī to guard against the unexpected ; just in case;prepared for any eventualities in case of emergency (série télévisée)
义愤填胸 yì fèn tián xiōng righteous indignation fills one's breast ; to feel indignant at injustice
义愤填膺 yì fèn tián yīng righteous indignation fills one's breast ; to feel indignant at injustice
一分为二 yī fēn wéi èr one divides into two; to be two-sided; there are two sides to everything; to see both sb's good points and shortcomings en deux; à deux faces
一夫当关,万夫莫开 yī fū dāng guān , wàn fū mò kāi If one man holds the pass, ten thousand cannot pass; One man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies
一概而论 yī gài ér lùn to lump different matters together considérer les choses en bloc; placer qch sur le même plan; généraliser les cas;
一改故辙 yī gǎi gù zhé complete change from the old rut ; dramatic change of direction; a volte-face; to change old practices (expr. idiom.) abandonner résolument le vieux chemin;sortir de l'ornière; corriger le tir; changer son fusil d'épaule; prendre un nouveau départ; s'engager dans une nouvelle direction
一干二净 yī gān èr jìng thoroughly ; completely; one and all; very clean (expr. idiom.) complètement; tout à fait; parfaitement;purement et simplement
一个萝卜一个坑 yī gè luó bo yī gè kēng lit. every turnip to its hole ; fig. each person has his own position; each to his own; horses for courses;every kettle has its lid (expr. idiom.) Chacun et chaque chose à sa place
衣冠禽兽 yī guān qín shòu lit. dressed up animal ; fig. immoral and despicable person bête habillée en homme; bête humaine; salaud
异国他乡 yì guó tā xiāng foreign lands and places ; living as expatriate
一哄而散 yī hōng ér sàn to disperse in confusion
一呼百诺 yī hū bǎi nuò one command brings a hundred responses ; having hundreds of attendants at one's beck and call
一呼百应 yī hū bǎi yìng a hundred answers to a single call ; to respond en masse
移花接木 yí huā jiē mù lit. to graft flowers onto a tree; to surreptiously substitute one thing for another
一回生,二回熟 yī huí shēng , èr huí shú lit. at first raw, later ripe ; unfamiliar at first but you get used to it; strangers at first meeting, but soon friends; awkward at first but becoming skillful later; an acquired taste
一技之长 yī jì zhī cháng proficiency in a particular field ; skill in a specialized area avoir des capacités dans un domaine; se distinguer dans un domaine; se distinguer dans une spécialité
一见高低 yī jiàn gāo dī lit. to fight it out with sb to see who is best ; fig. to cross swords with; to lock horns (expr. idiom.) littéralement : voir le haut et le bas; voir qui sera le plus fort au combat; se mesurer à qqn;croiser le fer avec qqn
一箭双雕 yī jiàn shuāng diāo lit. one arrow, two golden eagles ; to kill two birds with one stone (expr. idiom.) faire d'une pierre deux coups
一箭之仇 yī jiàn zhī chóu a wrong suffered ; old grievance; previous defeat
一见钟情 yī jiàn zhōng qíng love at first sight coup de foudre; tomber amoureux
衣锦还乡 yì jǐn huán xiāng to come back to one's hometown in silken robes; to return in glory (expr. idiom.) rentrer au pays natal en robe de brocart;rentrer au village en robe de soie; rentrer couvert de gloire
衣锦荣归 yī jǐn róng guī to come back to one's hometown in silken robes; to return in glory (expr. idiom.) lit. rentrer au pays natal dans un habit brocard; rentrer couvert de gloire
以儆效尤 yǐ jǐng xiào yóu in order to warn against following bad examples; as a warning to others
一举两得 yī jǔ liǎng dé one move, two gains ; two birds with one stone (expr. idiom.) atteindre deux objectifs d'un seul mouvement; réussir à faire deux choses en une action;faire d'une pierre deux coups
一掬同情之泪 yī jū tóng qíng zhī lèi to shed tears of sympathy (expr. idiom.) verser des larmes de sympathie
一蹶不振 yī jué bù zhèn one stumble, unable to rise ; a setback leading to total collapse; ruined at a stroke; unable to recover after a minor hitch (expr. idiom.) être incapable de se relever après une chute; défaite irrémédiable
异军突起 yì jūn tū qǐ to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with
异口同声 yì kǒu tóng shēng different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (expr. idiom.) à l'unisson; de concert
忆苦思甜 yì kǔ sī tián to view one's past as miserable and one's present as happy
一夔已足 yī kuí yǐ zú one talented person is enough for the job (expr. idiom.) une personne de talent est suffisante; un seul suffit
倚栏望月 yǐ lán wàng yuè to lean against the railings and look at the moon
以李报桃 yǐ lǐ bào táo lit. give a plum in exchange for a peach; to return a favor
以礼相待 yǐ lǐ xiāng dài to treat sb with due respect
一鳞半爪 yī lín bàn zhuǎ lit. one scale and half a claw ; only odd bits and pieces fragmentaire; incomplet
以邻为壑 yǐ lín wéi hè to use one's neighbor as a drain; to shift one's problems onto others
一路发 yī lù fā fortune street le chemin de la réussite
一路顺风 yī lù shùn fēng to have a pleasant journey bon voyage
以卵击石 yǐ luǎn jī shí lit. to strike a stone with egg ; to attempt the impossible; to invite disaster by overreaching oneself
一落千丈 yī luò qiān zhàng lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall ; fig. (of business, popularity etc) to suffer a sudden, devastating decline; to take a dive
一马平川 yī mǎ píng chuān flat land one could gallop straight across ; wide expanse of flat country plaines
一脉相承 yī mài xiāng chéng traceable to the same stock ; of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc) (expr. idiom.) qui remonte à la même origine (en parlant de tendances, d'idées etc.)
一毛不拔 yī máo bù bá stingy avare; parcimonieux
以貌取人 yǐ mào qǔ rén to judge sb by appearances (expr. idiom.) juger par les apparences
一门心思 yī mén xīn si to set one's heart on sth y mettre tout son coeur
以免借口 yǐ miǎn jiè kǒu to remove sth that could be used as a pretext
一鸣惊人 yī míng jīng rén to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat ;an overnight celebrity (expr. idiom.) d'un cri étonner les gens; se faire soudain remarquer; s'illustrer soudainement; A l'entendre chanter une première fois, tout le monde s'en est étonné.; Son début a fait sensation.
一命呜呼 yī mìng wū hū one's life, one word ; to die; to breathe one's last; to give up the ghost Mort
一目了然 yī mù liǎo rán obvious at a glance (expr. idiom.) s'en rendre compte d'un coup d'oeil;sauter aux yeux; en avoir une idée nette
一目十行 yī mù shí háng ten lines at a glance ; to read very rapidly
一模一样 yī mú yī yàng exactly the same ; carbon copy (expr. idiom.) exactement le même; copie carbone;égal; idem
一年被蛇咬十年怕井绳 yī nián bèi shé yǎo shí nián pà jǐng shéng bitten by a snake in one year, fears the well rope for ten years ; once bitten twice shy (expr. idiom.) celui qui a été mordu par un serpent une année a peur de la corde du puits pendant dix ans;chat échaudé craint l'eau froide
一年之计在于春 yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn the whole year must be planned for in the spring; early planning is the key to success
一诺千金 yī nuò qiān jīn a promise worth one thousand in gold ; a promise that must be kept (expr. idiom.) une promesse (qui) vaut mille onces d'or;une promesse qui doit être tenue
一拍即合 yī pāi jí hé lit. on the beat, together now ; Start dancing!;fig. things fit together at one go; to click together; to chime in easily (expr. idiom.) être d'emblée à l'unisson; être en mesure du premier coup; bien s'entendre de manière immédiate; se plaire au premier coup d'oeil
一盘散沙 yī pán sǎn shā lit. like a sheet of loose sand; fig. unable to cooperate (expr. idiom.) comme du sable mouvant; incapable de coopérer; désunion complète; désordre
一暴十寒 yī pù shí hán one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius);fig. to work for a bit then skimp; sporadic effort; short attention span (expr. idiom.) faire chauffer une journée entière qch au soleil et le laisser refroidir dix autres jours; travailler un jour avec application, dix autres avec négligence;travailler à bâtons rompus
一曝十寒 yī pù shí hán one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius);fig. to work for a bit then skimp; sporadic effort; lack of sticking power; short attention span
以其人之道,还治其人之身 yǐ qí rén zhī dào , huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game; to give sb a taste of his own medicine (expr. idiom.) utiliser les méthodes de son adversaire pour en triompher; prendre qqn à son propre jeu;rendre à qqn un chien de sa chienne
以强凌弱 yǐ qiáng líng ruò there is no honor in the strong bullying the weak
一窍不通 yī qiào bù tōng lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head); I don't understand a word ; it's all Greek to me être complètement bouché; être stupide; ne rien comprendre (ou savoir) de; ignorer totalement qch;être une nullité; qch lui est totalement étranger
一切就绪 yī qiè jiù xù everything in its place and ready prêt
移情别恋 yí qíng bié liàn change of affection, shift of love ; to change one's feelings to another love; to fall in love with sb else (expr. idiom.) tomber amoureux de qqn d'autre
一清二白 yī qīng èr bái perfectly clean; blameless; unimpeachable (expr. idiom.) parfaitement propre; irréprochable
一清二楚 yī qīng èr chǔ to be very clear about sth clair comme le jour
一丘之貉 yī qiū zhī hé jackals of the same tribe ; fig. They are all just as bad as each other. être des chacals de la même tanière; de la même farine; du même tabac; de la même espèce; du même acabit
异曲同工 yì qǔ tóng gōng different tunes played with equal skill ; different methods leading to the same result; different approach but equally satisfactory outcome par des voies différentes, obtenir des résultats brillants; le même résultat heureux atteint par des moyens différents; obtenir le même résultat par des méthodes différentes
以权谋私 yǐ quán móu sī to use one's position for personal gain
依然故我 yī rán gù wǒ to continue in one's own way ; to ignore advice;to persist whatever others say
依然如故 yī rán rú gù back to where we were ; absolutely no improvement; Things haven't changed at all.
怡然自得 yí rán zì dé happy and content (expr. idiom.) heureux et satisfait
一人得道,鸡犬升天 yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven ; fig. to ride on sb else's success; Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too; Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it Liu An, Un homme est à quelques kilomètres seulement du ciel
以人废言 yǐ rén fèi yán to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on preference between advisers rather than the merits of the case
一日不见,如隔三秋 yī rì bù jiàn , rú gé sān qiū one day apart seems like three years (expr. idiom.) un jour sans se voir semble comme trois ans
一日千里 yī rì qiān lǐ lit. one day, a thousand miles ; rapid progress (expr. idiom.) avancer de mille li par jour; progresser rapidement
一日三秋 yī rì sān qiū a single day apart seems like three seasons
一日为师,终身为父 yī rì wéi shī , zhōng shēn wéi fù lit. teacher for one day, father for ever
以柔克刚 yǐ róu kè gāng to use softness to conquer strength
易如反掌 yì rú fǎn zhǎng easy as a hand's turn ; very easy; no effort at all
一如既往 yī rú jì wǎng just as in the past ; as before; continuing as always (expr. idiom.) tout comme dans le passé; éternel;comme avant; comme toujours
以弱胜强 yǐ ruò shèng qiáng using the weak to defeat the strong ; to win from a position of weakness
以少胜多 yǐ shǎo shèng duō using the few to defeat the many ; to win from a position of weakness
以身报国 yǐ shēn bào guó to give one's body for the nation ; to spend one's whole life in the service of the country
一身是胆 yī shēn shì dǎn devoid of fear ; intrepid
以慎为键 yǐ shèn wéi jiàn to take caution as the key ; to proceed very carefully
以身许国 yǐ shēn xǔ guó to dedicate oneself to the cause of one's country
以身作则 yǐ shēn zuò zé to set an example ; to serve as a model (expr. idiom.) se donner en exemple; servir d'exemple;prêcher l'exemple
一生一世 yī shēng yī shì a whole lifetime ; all my life (expr. idiom.) toute une vie; pour la vie; pour toujours;éternellement
一石二鸟 yī shí èr niǎo to kill two birds with one stone (expr. idiom.) tuer deux oiseaux avec une pierre; faire d'une pierre deux coups
以示警戒 yǐ shì jǐng jiè to serve as a warning
一视同仁 yī shì tóng rén to treat everyone equally favorably ; not to discriminate between people être impartial; traiter tout le monde à égalité; faire preuve d'une égale bonté à l'égard de tous; ne faire acception de personne; ne faire aucune discrimination
衣食无虞 yī shí wú yú not having to worry about food and clothes ;provided with the basic necessities
一矢中的 yī shǐ zhòng dì to hit the target with a single shot; to say something spot on (expr. idiom.) mettre dans le mille du premier coup
衣食住行 yī shí zhù xíng clothing, food, housing and transport ; people's basic needs habillement, nourriture, habitation et transport; les nécessités de la vie
一失足成千古恨 yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn lit. one wrong step causes thousand hatred ; A single slip may cause lasting sorrow.
一手交钱,一手交货 yī shǒu jiāo qián , yī shǒu jiāo huò lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods; fig. to pay for what you want in cash; simple and direct transaction
一丝不苟 yī sī bù gǒu not one thread loose ; strictly according to the rules; meticulous; not one hair out of place être très scrupuleux; méticuleux; minutieux; exécuter toutes choses avec une extrême minutie et une extrême exactitude; mettre beaucoup de ponctualité et de minutie à faire son travail; travailler
一丝不挂 yī sī bù guà not wearing one thread ; absolutely naked;without a stitch of clothing; in one's birthday suit tout nu; nu comme un ver
一丝一毫 yī sī yī háo one thread, one hair ; a tiny bit; an iota littéralement : un fil, un poil; un tout petit peu; un brin;un iota; un poil
一塌糊涂 yī tā hú tu muddled and completely collapsing ; in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess (expr. idiom.) pagaille; désordre; dans un état affreux
一弹指顷 yī tán zhǐ qǐng a snap of the fingers ; in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye (expr. idiom.) un claquement de doigts; en un flash; en un clin d'oeil
以汤沃沸 yǐ tāng wò fèi to manage a situation badly
一体两面 yī tǐ liǎng miàn lit. one body two sides ; fig. a situation with two sides to it
一网打尽 yī wǎng dǎ jìn to catch everything in one net ; to eliminate at one stroke; to solve the problem at one fell swoop littéralement : tout capturer dans un coup de filet;éliminer d'un seul coup; figuré : donner un grand coup de balai; tout rafler; faire main basse sur le tout
一望而知 yī wàng ér zhī to be evident at a glance
一望无际 yī wàng wú jì as far as the eye can see (expr. idiom.) à perte de vue; sans fin
一望无垠 yī wàng wú yín to stretch as far as the eye can see (expr. idiom.) s'étendre aussi loin que porte le regard;s'étendre à perte de vue
益胃生津 yì wèi shēng jīn to benefit the stomach and increase fluids
一文不值 yī wén bù zhí worthless ; no use whatsoever
一问三不知 yī wèn sān bù zhī lit. to reply "don't know" whatever the question ; fig. absolutely no idea of what's going on; complete ignorance ne pas être au courant
义无反顾 yì wú fǎn gù honor does not allow one to glance back ; duty-bound not to turn back; no surrender; to pursue justice with no second thoughts
一无所有 yī wú suǒ yǒu not having anything at all ; utterly lacking;without two sticks to rub together Les Dépossédés
一无所知 yī wú suǒ zhī not knowing anything at all ; completely ignorant; without an inkling (expr. idiom.) qui ne sait rien du tout; complètement ignorant
一物降一物 yī wù xiáng yī wù lit. one object bests another object; every item has a weakness ; there is a rock to every scissor, a scissor to every paper, and a paper to every rock
一五一十 yī wǔ yī shí lit. count by fives and tens ; to narrate systematically and in full detail raconter en détail ou tout au long
异香扑鼻 yì xiāng pū bí exotic odors assail the nostrils
以小挤大 yǐ xiǎo jǐ dà minor issues eclipse major ones
以小人之心,度君子之腹 yǐ xiǎo rén zhī xīn , duó jūn zǐ zhī fù to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure
颐性养寿 yí xìng yǎng shòu to take care of one's spirit and keep fit
以虚带实 yǐ xū dài shí to let correct ideology guide practical work
一言不发 yī yán bù fā to not say a word (expr. idiom.) ne pas dire un mot; ne pas souffler mot;rester bouche cousue; ne pas desserrer les dents
以言代法 yǐ yán dài fǎ to substitute one's words for the law ; high-handedly putting one's orders above the law
以言代法,以权压法 yǐ yán dài fǎ , yǐ quán yā fǎ to substitute one's words for the law and abuse power to crush it ; completely lawless behavior; Might makes right.
以眼还眼 yǐ yǎn huán yǎn an eye for an eye ; fig. to use the enemy's methods against him; to give sb a taste of his own medicine oeil pour oeil; appliquer la loi du Talion
以眼还眼,以牙还牙 yǐ yǎn huán yǎn , yǐ yá huán yá an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ; fig. to use the enemy's methods against him; to give sb a taste of his own medicine oeil pour oeil, dent pour dent; appliquer la loi du Talion
一言既出,驷马难追 yī yán jì chū , sì mǎ nán zhuī lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it; a promise must be kept
一言九鼎 yī yán jiǔ dǐng one word worth nine sacred tripods ; words of enormous weight (expr. idiom.) une seule parole vaut neuf tripodes;parole qui fait autorité
一眼看穿 yī yǎn kàn chuān to see through something at first glance (expr. idiom.) cousu de fil blanc; voir à travers qch dès le premier regard
一言难尽 yī yán nán jìn hard to explain in a few words ; complicated and not easy to express succinctly (expr. idiom.) difficile à expliquer en un mot; c'est une longue histoire
一言千金 yī yán qiān jīn one word worth a thousand in gold ; valuable advice; words of enormous weight (expr. idiom.) une parole qui vaut mille onces d'or;parole qui fait autorité; parole de poids
一言为定 yī yán wéi dìng one word and it's settled ; It's a deal!; That's settled then. littéralement : une parole, c'est convenu; marché conclu
一言为重 yī yán wéi zhòng each word carries weight; a promise must be kept littéralement : à chaque mot accorder de l'importance;chaque mot compte; il faut tenir parole
一言以蔽之 yī yán yǐ bì zhī one word says it all (idiom, from Analects); to cut a long story short; in a nutshell
一言一行 yī yán yī xíng words and deeds (expr. idiom.) une parole, un acte; les mots et les actes; en parole et en acte
依样画葫芦 yī yàng huà hú lu lit. to draw a gourd from the model ; fig. to copy sth mechanically without attempt at originality
颐养天年 yí yǎng tiān nián to care for oneself for one's allotted life span ;to retire
一叶障目 yī yè zhàng mù lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf ; fig. not seing the wider picture; can't see the wood for the trees
一叶知秋 yī yè zhī qiū lit. the falling of one leaf heralds the coming of autumn; fig. a small sign can indicate a great trend; a straw in the wind
依依不舍 yī yī bù shě reluctant to part ; broken-hearted at having to leave ne pas vouloir se séparer; ne pas pouvoir se séparer;avoir le regret de se séparer; se séparer à contrecoeur; être inséparables
以逸待劳 yǐ yì dài láo to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy; to nurture one's strength and bide one's time
以一驭万 yǐ yī yù wàn to control a key point is to be master of the situation
以夷制夷 yǐ yí zhì yí to use foreigners to subdue foreigners ; let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties); To use western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment (late Qing modernizing slogan).
一拥而入 yī yōng ér rù to swarm in (of people etc) ruée
一语不发 yī yǔ bù fā to not say a word (expr. idiom.) ne pas dire un mot
抑郁不平 yì yù bù píng in a state of depression
一语道破 yī yǔ dào pò one word says it all ; to hit the nail on the head;to be pithy and correct
以债养债 yǐ zhài yǎng zhài debt nurtures more debt
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 yī zhāo bèi shé yǎo , shí nián pà jǐng shéng once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope;once bitten, twice shy
一着不慎,满盘皆输 yī zhāo bù shèn , mǎn pán jiē shū One careless move and the whole game is lost.
一折两段 yī zhé liǎng duàn to split sth into two plier en deux; courber
一知半解 yī zhī bàn jiě lit. to know one and understand half ; a smattering of knowledge; dilettante; amateur avoir des connaissances superficielles; avoir un vernis de savoir; avoir demisavoir; en être encore à moitié ignorant
一枝独秀 yī zhī dú xiù lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving ; fig. to be in a league of one's own; outstanding
颐指风使 yí zhǐ fēng shǐ lit. to order people by pointing the chin ; to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy
一纸空文 yī zhǐ kōng wén a worthless piece of paper (expr. idiom.) moins que rien
颐指气使 yí zhǐ qì shǐ lit. to order people by pointing the chin ; to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy se faire obéir au doigt et à l'oeil
一掷千金 yī zhì qiān jīn lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw; to throw away money recklessly; extravagant à prendre ou à laisser
义之所在 yì zhī suǒ zài justice is to be found everywhere (expr. idiom.) la justice se trouve partout
一之为甚 yī zhī wéi shèn Once is enough
一字不识 yī zì bù shí totally illiterate (expr. idiom.) être incapable de distinguer le bon du mauvais; illettré; analphabète
一字不提 yī zì bù tí to not mention a single word (about sth) (expr. idiom.) ne faire aucune allusion à qch; ne pas souffler mot de
一字千金 yī zì qiān jīn one word worth a thousand in gold ; valuable advice; words of enormous weight (expr. idiom.) littéralement : un caractère mille unités d'or (utilisée pour juger de la valeur d'une oeuvre littéraire ou d'une opinion); parler d'or; donner des conseils précieux
以资证明 yǐ zī zhèng míng in support or witness hereof
以子之矛,攻子之盾 yǐ zǐ zhī máo , gōng zǐ zhī dùn lit. use sb's spear to attack his shield (idiom, derived from Han Feizi 韩非子)">">韩非子); turning a weapon against its owner; fig. to attack an opponent using his own devices; hoist with his own petard
已作出保 yǐ zuò chū bǎo to do sth under oath
已作故人 yǐ zuò gù rén lit. to have already written a testament for an old friend;an old friend has passed on
因爱成恨 yīn ài chéng hèn hatred caused by love ; to grow to hate someone because of unrequited love for that person
因材施教 yīn cái shī jiào  to teach in line with the student's ability communiquer des connaissances aux élèves selon leurs différences d'aptitude et d'intelligence
阴差阳错 yīn chā yáng cuò an accident arising from many causes ; a freak combination of factors
阴错阳差 yīn cuò yáng chā an accident arising from many causes ; a freak combination of factors une erreur causée par une curieuse coïncidence
阴德必有阳报 yīn dé bì yǒu yáng bào hidden merits will have visible rewards (expr. idiom.) mérites cachés auront des récompenses visibles
因地制宜 yīn dì zhì yí  to use methods in line with local circumstances prendre des mesures en fonction des conditions locales; prendre des mesures appropriées aux conditions locales
引而不发 yǐn ér bù fā to pull the bow without shooting (idiom from Mencius);ready and waiting for action; to go through the motions;to practice; a trial run
淫风甚炽 yín fēng shèn chì blazing wantonness abounds
因公殉职 yīn gōng xùn zhí to die as in the line of duty
引狗入寨 yǐn gǒu rù zhài to lead the wolf into the woodpile ; to leave oneself open to attack; to act imprudently, asking for trouble
引鬼上门 yǐn guǐ shàng mén to lead the devil to the door ; to invite the attention of criminals; to leave oneself open to attack
引吭高歌 yǐn háng gāo gē to sing at the top of one's voice
饮恨吞声 yǐn hèn tūn shēng to harbor a grudge with deep-seated hatred
因祸得福 yīn huò dé fú to profit from a disaster ; some good comes out of a setback; It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
引颈就戮 yǐn jǐng jiù lù to extend one's neck in preparation for execution
引经据典 yǐn jīng jù diǎn lit. to quote the classics; to quote chapter and verse regorger de citations classiques; faire des citations pour étayer un argument
引狼入室 yǐn láng rù shì to lead the wolf into the house ; to leave oneself open to attack; to act imprudently, asking for trouble faire entrer le loup dans la bergerie; introduire le loup chez soi
因利乘便 yīn lì chéng biàn  to rely on the most favorable method
饮流怀源 yǐn liú huái yuán lit. when you drink water, think of its source ; gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings!
因陋就简 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn crude but simple methods ; use whatever methods you can; to do things simply and thriftily; It's not pretty but it works.
因人成事 yīn rén chéng shì to get things done relying on others ; with a little help from his friends
因人而异 yīn rén ér yì varying from person to person ; different for each individual
引人入胜 yǐn rén rù shèng to enchant; fascinating (expr. idiom.) être attrayant (captivant; ravissant;fascinant); avoir de l'attrait
引蛇出洞 yǐn shé chū dòng lit. to pull a snake from its hole; to expose a malefactor
因势利导 yīn shì lì dǎo to take advantage of the new situation ; to make the best of new opportunities
因时制宜 yīn shí zhì yí  to use methods appropriate to the current situation
引水入墙 yǐn shuǐ rù qiáng lit. to lead the water through the wall; to ask for trouble
饮水思源 yǐn shuǐ sī yuán lit. when you drink water, think of its source ; gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings!
因小失大 yīn xiǎo shī dà to save a little only to lose a lot (expr. idiom.) perdre l'essentiel en voulant sauver un petit qch; courir le risque
阴虚火旺 yīn xū huǒ wàng an excess of heat caused by a deficiency in Yin energy
因循守旧 yīn xún shǒu jiù  to continue in the same old rut; diehard conservative attitudes
银样镴枪头 yín yàng là qiāng tóu silvery spear point actually made of pewter ; fig. worthless despite an attractive exterior
因噎废食 yīn yē fèi shí lit. not eating for fear of choking ; fig. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face; to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk
引以为傲 yǐn yǐ wéi ào to be intensely proud of sth
引以为憾 yǐn yǐ wéi hàn to consider sth regrettable
引以为荣 yǐn yǐ wéi róng to regard it as an honor
引玉之砖 yǐn yù zhī zhuān lit. a brick thrown after a jade; enticing sb to come forward
夤缘攀附 yín yuán pān fù to cling to the rich and powerful ; to advance one's career by currying favor; social climbing
因孕而婚 yīn yùn ér hūn shotgun wedding
迎风飘舞 yíng fēng piāo wǔ to dance and float in the wind
迎风招展 yíng fēng zhāo zhǎn to flutter in the wind
应付裕如 yìng fu yù rú handling any occasion smoothly ; equal to any situation
应付自如 yìng fu zì rú to handle matters with ease ; equal to the situation
莺歌燕舞 yīng gē yàn wǔ the warbler sings and the swallow dances; prosperity abounds
应机立断 yìng jī lì duàn to act on an opportunity ; to take prompt advantage of a situation
应接不暇 yìng jiē bù xiá no time to deal with so many things ; to have one's hands full
迎来送往 yíng lái sòng wǎng lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing; busy entertaining guests; all time taken over with social niceties
营谋遂顺 yíng móu suí shùn to carry out a plan without hindrance (expr. idiom.) mener à bien un plan sans accroc
迎刃而解 yíng rèn ér jiě lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge; fig. easily solved
营私舞弊 yíng sī wǔ bì fraudulent personal gain ; to engage in corrupt practice
应天承运 yìng tiān chéng yùn lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times ; to rule according to the will of heaven; the Divine Right of kings
应天顺时 yìng tiān shùn shí lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times ; to rule according to the will of heaven; the Divine Right of kings
英雄所见略同 yīng xióng suǒ jiàn l//v//è tóng lit. heroes usually agree ; Great minds think alike. les grands esprits se rencontrent
应有尽有 yīng yǒu jìn yǒu everything that should be here is here ; all one can think of is on hand; to have all one needs (expr. idiom.) où rien ne manque; où il y a tout ce qu'il faut
应运而生 yìng yùn ér shēng to emerge to meet a historic destiny ; to arise at an opportune time; able to take advantage of an opportunity; to rise to the occasion naître au moment voulu par le ciel; naître (venir) au moment historique opportun
一团和气 yītuán héqi (expr. idiom.) être plein de bonhomie avec n'importe qui (sans principe); rester en bons termes avec l'intéressé; être affable avec le premier venu
壅穆不争 yōng mù bù zhēng to be reverent and non-contentious
庸人庸福 yōng rén yōng fú fools have good fortune
用武之地 yòng wǔ zhī dì ample scope for abilities; favorable position for the use of one's skills
有宝何必人前夸 yǒu bǎo hé bì rén qián kuā There is no need to boast about one's treasures.
有备无患 yǒu bèi wú huàn Preparedness averts peril.; to be prepared, just in case (expr. idiom.) se prémunir contre tout danger;prévoyance est mère de sûreté; On peut faire face à toute éventualité si l'on s'y est préparé
诱导误导 yòu dǎo wù dǎo to mislead
有得有失 yǒu dé yǒu shī you win some, you lose some ; gains and losses; trade-off
有福同享,有祸同当 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu huò tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together; for better or for worse
有福同享,有难同当 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu nàn tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together; for better or for worse
有害无利 yǒu hài wú lì harmful and without benefit ; more harm than good
有害无益 yǒu hài wú yì harmful and without benefit ; more harm than good
又红又肿 yòu hóng yòu zhǒng to be red and swollen
游客止步 yóu kè zhǐ bù visitors are not admitted
有口皆碑 yǒu kǒu jiē bēi every voice gives praise ; with an extensive public reputation
有口无心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn to speak harshly but without any bad intent
忧苦以终 yōu kǔ yǐ zhōng worried to death
有劳得奖 yǒu láo dé jiǎng a good dog deserves a bone
有名亡实 yǒu míng wáng shí lit. has a name but no reality ; exists only in name; nominal
有名无实 yǒu míng wú shí lit. has a name but no reality ; exists only in name; nominal
有目共睹 yǒu mù gòng dǔ anyone with eyes can see it ; obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see
有目共见 yǒu mù gòng jiàn anyone with eyes can see it ; obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see
有目共赏 yǒu mù gòng shǎng as everyone can appreciate ; clear to all;unarguable
有目无睹 yǒu mù wú dǔ has eyes but can't see ; unable or unwilling to see the importance of sth; blind (to sth great)
有其父必有其子 yǒu qí fù bì yǒu qí zǐ like father, like son tel père, tel fils
有其师,必有其徒 yǒu qí shī , bì yǒu qí tú As the teacher, so the pupil.
有气无力 yǒu qì wú lì weakly and without strength ; dispirited
有钱能使鬼推磨 yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mó lit. money will make the Devil turn millstones ; with money, you can do anything you like.
有钱有势 yǒu qián yǒu shì rich and powerful (expr. idiom.) riche et puissant
有情人终成眷属 yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔ If there are lovers, love will find find a way to come together.
油然而生 yóu rán ér shēng arising involuntarily ; spontaneous; to spring up unbidden (of emotion)
游刃有余 yóu rèn yǒu yú handling a butcher's cleaver with ease ; to do sth skillfully and easily
优胜劣汰 yōu shèng liè tài survival of the fittest
有声有色 yǒu shēng yǒu sè having sound and color ; vivid; dazzling être vivant et coloré; expressif
有始无终 yǒu shǐ wú zhōng to start but not finish ; to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
有始有终 yǒu shǐ yǒu zhōng where there's a start, there's a finish ; to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish.
有手有脚 yǒu shǒu yǒu jiǎo lit. have hands have feet; to be able bodied ; to have the ability to work
有所不同 yǒu suǒ bù tóng to differ to some extent
有所得必有所失 yǒu suǒ dé bì yǒu suǒ shī there is no gain without a loss ; there is no such thing as a free meal
有条不紊 yǒu tiáo bù wěn regular and thorough ; methodically arranged
有条有理 yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ everything clear and orderly ; neat and tidy
有头无尾 yǒu tóu wú wěi to start but not finish ; to fail to carry things through; lack of sticking power; short attention span
有头有尾 yǒu tóu yǒu wěi where there's a start, there's a finish ; to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish.
犹未为晚 yóu wèi wéi wǎn it is not too late (expression idiomlatique) il n'est pas trop tard
有无相通 yǒu wú xiāng tōng mutual exchange of assistance ; to reciprocate with material assistance
忧心忡忡 yōu xīn chōng chōng deeply worried and sick at heart être chagriné; être en proie à l'inquiétude
优游自得 yōu yóu zì dé free and at leisure ; unfettered
有缘无分 yǒu yuán wú fèn destined to meet but not fated to be together une union voulue par le destin mais détruite par la fatalité
悠哉悠哉 yōu zāi yōu zāi free and unconstrained ; leisurely and carefree
有增无减 yǒu zēng wú jiǎn to increase or get worse steadily
有增无已 yǒu zēng wú yǐ constantly increasing without limit ; rapid progress in all directions
有征无战 yǒu zhēng wú zhàn to win without a fight
有志竟成 yǒu zhì jìng chéng persevere and you will succeed ; where there's a will, there's a way
有枝有叶 yǒu zhī yǒu yè to become bogged down in the details
有志者事竟成 yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng a really determined person will find a solution ;where there's a will, there's a way
有的放矢 yǒude fàng shǐ (expr. idiom.) décocher sa flèche en visant la cible; agir avec un objectif précis
欲罢不能 yù bà bù néng want to stop but can't (idiom, from Analects); find it impossible to give up
鹬蚌相争 yù bàng xiāng zhēng lit. sandpiper and clam war together (and the fisherman catches both, idiom); fig. neighbors who can't agree lose out to a third party
鹬蚌相争渔翁得利 yù bàng xiāng zhēng yú wēng dé lì lit. sandpiper and clam war together and the fisherman catches both ; fig. neighbors who can't agree lose out to a third party
语冰 yǔ bīng to have limited experience and knowledge (expr. idiom.) avoir de l'expérience et des connaissances limitées
鱼沉雁杳 yú chén yàn yǎo lit. the fish sinks, the goose vanishes into the distance; a letter does not arrive; lost in transmission
盂方水方 yú fāng shuǐ fāng If the basin is square, the water in it will also be square.
欲盖弥彰 yù gài mí zhāng trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous ; A cover up only makes matters worse. (expr. idiom.) Plus on veut le tenir caché, plus il se révèle.; Plus on se dissimule, plus on se démasque.
饫甘餍肥 yù gān yàn féi to live off the fat of the land; to have a luxurious lifestyle;
愚公移山 yú gōng yí shān the old man moves mountains ; fig. where there's a will, there's a way
雨过天晴 yǔ guò tiān qíng sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period ; every cloud has a silver lining (expr. idiom.) Après la pluie, le beau temps.
雨过天青 yǔ guò tiān qīng sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period ; every cloud has a silver lining (expr. idiom.) après la pluie, le beau temps
欲壑难填 yù hè nán tián bottomless pit of desire ; insatiable greed; carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment
雨后春笋 yǔ hòu chūn sǔn lit. after rain, the spring bamboo ; fig. rapid new growth; many new things emerge in rapid succession surgir comme des pousses de bambou après la pluie de printemps; pousser comme des champignons après la pluie
迂回曲折 yū huí qū zhé meandering and circuitous ; complicated developments that never get anywhere; going around in circles
御驾亲征 yù jià qīn zhēng the emperor leads his troops into battle ; to take part personally in an expedition
欲加之罪,何患无词 yù jiā zhī zuì , hé huàn wú cí If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左传)">">左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb; Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.
欲加之罪,何患无辞 yù jiā zhī zuì , hé huàn wú cí If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左传)">">左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb; Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.
玉洁冰清 yù jié bīng qīng clear as ice and clean as jade ; spotless;irreproachable; incorruptible
鱼龙混杂 yú lóng hùn zá lit. fish and dragons mixed in together ; fig. crooks mixed in with the honest folk (expr. idiom.) mélange de poissons et de dragons;mélange de bien et de mal; Les méchants et les bons se confondent
玉露如珠 yù lù rú zhū jade dew like pearls
愚昧无知 yú mèi wú zhī stupid and ignorant
玉珉 yù mín jade and jade-like stone; impossible to distinguish the genuine from the fake (expr. idiom.) jade et pierre ressemblant à du jade; impossible de distinguer le vrai du faux
鱼目混珠 yú mù hùn zhū to pass off fish eyes for pearls; to pass off fake products as genuine faire prendre un oeil de poisson pour une perle; faire prendre des vessies pour des lanternes
窬墙窥视 yú qiáng kuī shì to spy on sb through a peephole (expr. idiom.) espionner à travers un judas
欲取姑与 yù qǔ gū yǔ to make concessions for the sake of future gains
欲取姑予 yù qǔ gū yǔ variant of 欲取姑与; to make concessions for the sake of future gains
与人方便,自己方便 yù rén fāng biàn , zì jǐ fāng biàn Help others, and others may help you . (expr. idiom.) Aide les autres et les autres pourront t'aider
与日俱辉 yǔ rì jù huī for as long as the sun continues to shine
与日俱进 yù rì jù jìn every day sees new developments ; constant progress
与日同辉 yǔ rì tóng huī to become more glorious with each passing day
欲善其事,必先利其器 yù shàn qí shì , bì xiān lì qí qì To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools. Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job (expr. idiom.) il faut les meilleurs outils à l'artisan pour faire un bon travail
与世俯仰 yǔ shì fǔ yǎng to swim with the tide
与世隔绝 yǔ shì gé jué to be cut off from the rest of the world
玉石俱焚 yù shí jù fén to burn both jade and common stone; to destroy indiscriminately pièce de jade, bloc de pierre, tout est la proie des flammes; bons et méchants enveloppés tous dans le même malheur
鱼死网破 yú sǐ wǎng pò lit. either the fish dies or the net splits; a life and death struggle
欲速而不达 yù sù ér bù dá lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed
欲速则不达 yù sù zé bù dá lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed; don't try to run before you can walk
语无伦次 yǔ wú lún cì incoherent speech; to talk without rhyme or reason parler à tort et à travers; propos incohérents
余响绕梁 yú xiǎng rào liáng reverberates around the rafters ; fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
浴血苦战 yù xuè kǔ zhàn a blood soaked and hard-fought struggle
语焉不详 yǔ yān bù xiáng to mention sth without elaborating ; not giving details faire mention de qch sans entrer dans les détails
欲益反损 yù yì fǎn sǔn wishing for profit, but causing loss ; good intentions that lead to disaster; It all ends in tears.
寓意深长 yù yì shēn cháng to have profound import ; to be deeply significant
寓意深远 yù yì shēn yuǎn the implied message is deep ; having deep implications
予以照顾 yǔ yǐ zhào gù to ask somebody to carefully consider a request demander à qqn de considérer une requête avec bienveillance
余音绕梁 yú yīn rào liáng reverberates around the rafters ; fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
余勇可贾 yú yǒng kě gǔ lit. spare valor for sale ; fig. after former successes, still ready for more work; not resting on one's laurels
郁郁不乐 yù yù bù lè discontented
郁郁葱葱 yù yù cōng cōng verdant and lush
鱼与熊掌 yú yǔ xióng zhǎng lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other; you can't always get everything you want; you can't have your cake and eat it
鱼与熊掌不可兼得 yú yǔ xióng zhǎng bù kě jiān dé lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other; you can't always get everything you want; you can't have your cake and eat it
欲振乏力 yù zhèn fá lì to try to rouse oneself but lack the strength
与众不同 yǔ zhòng bù tóng to stand out from the masses (expr. idiom.) être différent de tous, des autres, de tout le monde
语重心长 yǔ zhòng xīn cháng meaningful and heartfelt words ; sincere and earnest wishes
淤浊不清 yū zhuó bù qīng muddied and unclear
元恶大憝 yuán è dà duì arch-criminal and archenemy
远非如此 yuǎn fēi rú cǐ far from it being so
原封不动 yuán fēng bù dòng sticking unmoving to the original ; not an iota changed; untouched rester intact
渊海 yuān hǎi abyss of ocean; vast and profound abîme de l'océan; vaste et profond
冤家对头 yuān jiā duì tóu enemy ; opponent; arch-enemy
冤家路窄 yuān jiā lù zhǎi lit. enemies on a narrow road ; fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions
远见卓识 yuǎn jiàn zhuó shí visionary and sagacious visionnaire et sagace
缘木求鱼 yuán mù qiú yú lit. climb a tree to catch a fish ; fig. to attempt the impossible
远亲不如近邻 yuǎn qīn bù rú jìn lín A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor. Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.
怨声载道 yuàn shēng zài dào lit. cries of complaint fill the roads ; complaints rise all around; discontent is openly voiced le mécontentement général; Les griefs se font partout entendre.
怨天尤人 yuàn tiān yóu rén  to blame the gods and accuse others
怨天载道 yuàn tiān zài dào lit. cries of complaint fill the roads ; complaints rise all around; discontent is openly voiced
原形毕露 yuán xíng bì lù original identity fully revealed ; fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth
源源不断 yuán yuán bù duàn a steady flow ; an unending stream sans arrêt; régulièrement
源远流长 yuán yuǎn liú cháng lit. source is distant and the flow is long ; fig. sth goes back to the dim and distant past; a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then
约定俗成 yuē dìng sú chéng established by popular usage ; common usage agreement; customary convention
约法三章 yuē fǎ sān zhāng to agree on three laws ; provisional agreement made by new dynastic government with the people
跃然纸上 yuè rán zhǐ shàng to appear vividly on paper ; to show forth vividly (in writing, painting etc); to stand out markedly
月下花前 yuè xià huā qián in flowers by moonlight ; fig. courtship;honeymoon (expr. idiom.) littéralement : au milieu des fleurs au clair de lune; lune de miel
跃跃欲试 yuè yuè yù shì to be eager to give sth a try brûler d'envie d'essayer; être tenté de faire qch
越俎代庖 yuè zǔ dài páo lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen ; fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs; to take matters into one's own hands
运筹帷幄 yùn chóu wéi wò lit. to devise battle plan in a tent ; fig. planning strategies (expr. idiom.) concevoir des plans stratégiques sous la tente (dans le quartier général); dresser des plans de campagne
云窗雾槛 yún chuāng wù kǎn cloud around the window, mist on the threshold; tall building with the windows in the clouds
韵人韵事 yùn rén yùn shì a charming man enjoys charming pursuits
云散风流 yún sàn fēng liú lit. clouds scatter, wind flows ; the crisis settles down; people disperse home; things return to normal
殒身不恤 yǔn shēn bù xù to die without regrets ; to sacrifice oneself without hesitation
云消雾散 yún xiāo wù sàn the clouds melt and the mists disperse ; to clear up; to vanish into thin air disparaître sans une trace
运用自如 yùn yòng zì rú to operate easily ; to use freely; to have fluent command of; to have sth at one's fingertips
砸锅卖铁 zá guō mài tiě to be willing to sacrifice everything one has
杂乱无章 zá luàn wú zhāng disordered and in a mess ; all mixed up and chaotic
载歌且舞 zài gē qiě wǔ singing and dancing ; festive celebrations
载歌载舞 zài gē zài wǔ singing and dancing ; festive celebrations
再接再厉 zài jiē zài lì to continue the struggle ; to persist; unremitting efforts redoubler d'efforts; recommencer; continuer de plus belle
再接再砺 zài jiē zài lì to continue the struggle ; to persevere;unremitting efforts
载酒问字 zài jiǔ wèn zì a scholarly and inquisitive individual
再生父母 zài shēng fù mǔ like a second parent ; one's great benefactor (expr. idiom.) comme un deuxième parent; son grand bienfaiteur
再衰三竭 zài shuāi sān jié weakening and close to exhaustion ; in terminal decline; on one's last legs
在所不辞 zài suǒ bù cí under no circumstances decline to ; without hesitation; to have no reservations to ne pas se soustraire (ou se dérober) à
在所难免 zài suǒ nán miǎn to be unavoidable (expr. idiom.) être inévitable
宰予昼寝 zǎi yǔ zhòu qǐn Zai Yu sleeps by day ; refers to story in Analects of Confucius remonstrating bitterly with his student for sleeping during lectures
载舟覆舟 zài zhōu fù zhōu to carry a boat or to overturn a boat ; fig. The people can support a regime or overturn it.
赞不绝口 zàn bù jué kǒu to praise without cease ; praise sb to high heaven
赞叹不已 zàn tàn bù yǐ to be full of praise Pousser des exclamations de louange ou dadmiration sans fin
赃官污吏 zāng guān wū lì grasping officials, corrupt mandarins ; abuse and corruption
葬玉埋香 zàng yù mái xiāng lit. burying jade and interring incense ; funeral for a beautiful person
早出晚归 zǎo chū wǎn guī to leave early and return late (expr. idiom.) partir tôt et revenir tard
早动手,早收获 zǎo dòng shǒu , zǎo shōu huò The sooner you set to work, the sooner you'll reap the rewards.
澡垢索疵 zǎo gòu suǒ cī to wash the dirt to find a defect ; to find fault; to nitpick
造茧自缚 zào jiǎn zì fù to spin a cocoon around oneself ; enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist with his own petard
澡身浴德 zǎo shēn yù dé to bathe the body and cleanse virtue ; to improve oneself by meditation; cleanliness is next to godliness
早知今日何必当初 zǎo zhī jīn rì hè bì dāng chū if I (you, she, he...) had known it would come to this, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus ; to regret vainly one's past behaviour
择善而从 zé shàn ér cóng to choose the right course and follow it
择善固执 zé shàn gù zhí to choose what is good and hold fast to it
贼眉鼠眼 zéi méi shǔ yǎn shifty-eyed; crafty-looking
债台高筑 zhài tái gāo zhù lit. build a high desk of debt ; heavily in debt (expr. idiom.) être criblé de dettes; être endetté jusqu'au cou
斩草除根 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn to cut weeds and eliminate the roots ; to destroy root and branch; to eliminate completely extirper les mauvaises herbes; détruire le mal à sa racine
辗侧不寐 zhǎn cè bù mèi to toss and turn in one's bed; unable to sleep
展翅高飞 zhǎn chì gāo fēi spread your wings and soar ; to develop one's abilities freely Let Go (album d'Avril Lavigne)
斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron ; fig. resolute and decisive; unhesitating; categorical résolument; catégoriquement
斩而不奏 zhǎn ér bù zòu to do sth and not report the fact
沾花惹草 zhān huā rě cǎo to fondle the flowers and trample the grass ; to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats
战火纷飞 zhàn huǒ fēn fēi fire of war everywhere ; enveloped in the flames of war
崭露头角 zhǎn lù tóu jiǎo to reveal outstanding talent ; to stand out as conspicuously brilliant
沾染世俗 zhān rǎn shì sú to be corrupted by the ways of the world
沾染习气 zhān rǎn xí qì to be tainted with unhealthy habits (expr. idiom.) être entachée d'habitudes malsaines
栈山航海 zhàn shān háng hǎi to have a long and hard journey
战无不胜 zhàn wú bù shèng to triumph in every battle ; invincible; to succeed in every undertaking être invincible; être toujours victorieux
战无不胜,攻无不克 zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù kè to triumph in every battle and win every fight ;all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can't do
战无不胜,攻无不取 zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù qǔ to triumph in every battle and win every fight ;all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can't do
站着说话不腰疼 zhàn zhe shuō huà bù yāo téng it's all very well to talk, but getting things done is another matter ; to be an armchair expert; to blabber on
展转腾挪 zhǎn zhuǎn téng nuó to triumph after much effort
张灯结彩 zhāng dēng jié cǎi to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners décorer de lanternes et de feston; décoré de lanternes et de rubans multicolore;
张飞打岳飞 zhāng fēi dǎ yuè fēi lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei; fig. an impossible combination; an impossible turn of events
章甫荐履 zhāng fǔ jiàn lǚ court crown beneath straw shoe ; everything turned upside-down
张冠李戴 zhāng guān lǐ dài lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head; to attribute sth to the wrong person ; to confuse one thing with another confondre deux choses
张家长,李家短 zhāng jiā cháng , lǐ jiā duǎn lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis ; to gossip about the neighbors
张口结舌 zhāng kǒu jié shé agape and tongue-tied ; at a loss for words;gaping and speechless ne savoir que répondre; rester interdit
张三李四 zhāng sān lǐ sì Zhang and Li ; Zhang with tight trousers and Li with wide hat; Tom, Dick and Harry
彰善瘅恶 zhāng shàn dàn è to distinguish good and evil ; to uphold virtue and condemn evil; to praise good and expose vice
彰善癉惡 zhāng shàn dàn è to distinguish good and evil ; to uphold virtue and condemn evil; to praise good and expose vice
掌声雷动 zhǎng shēng léi dòng thunderous applause
仗势欺人 zhàng shì qī rén relying on force to bully others
张牙舞爪 zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo to bare fangs and brandish claws ; to make threatening gestures montrer dents et griffes; se montrer menaçant
仗义疏财 zhàng yì shū cái to help the needy for justice ; to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy
仗义执言 zhàng yì zhí yán to speak out for justice ; to take a stand on a matter of principle parler au nom de la justice
招兵买马 zhāo bīng mǎi mǎ to recruit soldiers and buy horses ; to raise a large army; fig. to expand business; to recruit new staff (expr. idiom.) recruter des soldats et acheter des chevaux; recruter des partisans pour grossir ses rangs
朝不保夕 zhāo bù bǎo xī at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening ;precarious state; imminent crisis; living from hand to mouth (expr. idiom.) ne pouvoir prévoir le matin ce qui adviendra le soir; se trouver dans une situation critique
朝不虑夕 zhāo bù lǜ xī at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening ;precarious state; imminent crisis; living from hand to mouth
招财 zhāo cái lit. inviting wealth; We wish you success and riches (cf idiom 招财进宝) littéralement : invitation à la richesse; nous vous souhaitons le succès et la richesse
招财进宝 zhāo cái jìn bǎo ushering in wealth and prosperity (idiom and traditional greeting, esp. at New Year); We wish you wealth and success!
招风惹草 zhāo fēng rě cǎo lit. call the fire to burn the grass ; to cause a quarrel by provocation; to stir up trouble
朝过夕改 zhāo guò xī gǎi to correct in the evening a fault of the morning ;to quickly amend one's ways
照葫芦画瓢 zhào hú lu huà piáo lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as a model ;fig. to copy slavishly
朝令夕改 zhāo lìng xī gǎi to make frequent or unpredictable changes in policy
朝露溘至 zhāo lù kè zhì the morning dew will swiftly dissipate ; fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence
朝露暮霭 zhāo lù mù ǎi morning dew, evening mist ; ephemeral;impermanent
照猫画虎 zhào māo huà hǔ lit. drawing a tiger using a cat as a model ; fig. to pretend to do sth without understanding it (expr. idiom.) prendre le chat pour modèle et peindre un tigre; sens figuré : faire une pâle copie de son modèle; prétendre faire qqch sans rien y comprendre
朝气蓬勃 zhāo qì péng bó full of youthful energy ; vigorous; energetic; a bright spark être plein de dynamisme ou de vitalité
朝秦暮楚 zhāo qín mù chǔ serve Qin in the morning Chu in the evening ;quick to switch sides
朝三暮四 zhāo sān mù sì lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening; to change sth that is already settled upon;indecisive; to blow hot and cold versatilité
朝思暮想 zhāo sī mù xiǎng to yearn for sth day and night (expr. idiom.) aspirer jours et nuits à qch
朝闻夕改 zhāo wén xī gǎi lit. heard in the morning and changed by the evening; to correct an error very quickly
招贤纳士 zhāo xián nà shì invite the talented and call the valorous ; to recruit talent
招降纳叛 zhāo xiáng nà pàn to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters ; to gather together a gang of villains
招摇过市 zhāo yáo guò shì to parade oneself ostentatiously about town
折节读书 zhé jié dú shū to start reading furiously, contrary to previous habit
哲人其萎 zhé rén qí wěi a wise man has passed away
这山望着那山高 zhè shān wàng zhe nà shān gāo lit. the next mountain looks taller ; fig. not satisfied with one's current position; the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
遮天蔽日 zhē tiān bì rì lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth ; fig. earth-shattering; omnipresent; of universal importance
遮遮掩掩 zhē zhē yǎn yǎn to be secretive; to try to cover up
振臂一呼 zhèn bì yī hū to issue a call for action; to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call
真刀真枪 zhēn dāo zhēn qiāng real swords, real spears ; real weapons; very much for real; every bit real; the genuine article
震耳欲聋 zhèn ěr yù lóng ear-splitting ; deafening assourdissant
针锋相对 zhēn fēng xiāng duì to oppose each other with equal harshness ; tit for tat; measure for measure riposter du tac au tac; rendre coup pour coup
枕戈待旦 zhěn gē dài dàn to keep one's spear by the pillow and await the dawn; ready for battle; determined to kill the enemy;Be prepared!
枕戈寝甲 zhěn gē qǐn jiǎ to sleep on one's armor with spear by the pillow; ready for battle; determined to kill the enemy;Be prepared!
震古烁今 zhèn gǔ shuò jīn shaking the old and illuminating the new ; surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries;glorious and world-shattering
真金不怕火炼 zhēn jīn bù pà huǒ liàn True gold fears no fire.
枕冷衾寒 zhěn lěng qīn hán cold pillow and lonely bed ; fig. cold and solitary existence
振聋发聩 zhèn lóng fā kuì lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear ;rousing even the apathetic
真凭实据 zhēn píng shí jù reliable evidence ; conclusive proof; definitive evidence
真情实意 zhēn qíng shí yì out of genuine friendship ; sincere feelings (expr. idiom.) sentiments sincères
真人真事 zhēn rén zhēn shì genuine people and true events (expr. idiom.) homme véritable et événements vrais;véritable histoire
枕石漱流 zhěn shí shù liú to live a hermit's life (in seclusion); a frugal life
震天动地 zhèn tiān dòng dì to shake heaven and earth
真伪莫辨 zhēn wěi mò biàn can't judge true or false ; unable to distinguish the genuine from the fake; not to know whether to believe (what one reads in the news)
真相毕露 zhēn xiàng bì lù real face fully revealed ; fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth
真相大白 zhēn xiàng dà bái the whole truth is revealed ; everything becomes clear (expr. idiom.) la vérité apparaît tout entière; tout devient clair
真心实意 zhēn xīn shí yì genuine and sincere regards ; in good faith de bonne foi
珍馐美味 zhēn xiū měi wèi delicacy and fine taste ; a wonderful treat
珍馐美馔 zhēn xiū měi zhuàn delicacy and fine taste ; a wonderful treat
臻于完善 zhēn yú wán shàn to attain perfection
臻于郅治 zhēn yú zhì zhì to attain a state of perfect governance
振振有词 zhèn zhèn yǒu cí to speak forcefully and with justice ; to argue with the courage of one's convictions
振振有辞 zhèn zhèn yǒu cí to speak forcefully and with justice ; to argue with the courage of one's convictions faire force effet oratoire en disant ...; étayer ses arguments plausibles
争长论短 zhēng cháng lùn duǎn lit. to argue who is right and wrong ; to quibble;a storm in a teacup
争分夺秒 zhēng fēn duó miǎo lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds ; a race against time; making every second count (expr. idiom.) entrer en lutte avec les minutes et prendre au vol les secondes; livrer une course contre la montre
正襟危坐 zhèng jīn wēi zuò to sit upright and still
争名夺利 zhēng míng duó lì to fight for fame, grab profit ; scrambling for fame and wealth; only interested in personal gain
征名责实 zhēng míng zé shí to seek out the real nature based on the name; to judge sth at face value
整齐划一 zhěng qí huà yī to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures)
争权夺利 zhēng quán duó lì scramble for power and profit ; power struggle se disputer pouvoir et gain
郑人争年 zhèng rén zhēng nián Men of Zheng fighting over their respective ages; a futile quarrel
政通人和 zhèng tōng rén hé efficient government, people at peace ; all is well with the state and the people
争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu striving to be first and fearing to be last ;outdoing one another (expr. idiom.) s'efforce d'être le premier et craindre d'être le dernier; surpasser les autres
正言厉色 zhèng yán lì sè solemn in word and countenance ; strict and unsmiling
正颜厉色 zhèng yán lì sè solemn in countenance ; strict and unsmiling
正中要害 zhèng zhōng yào hài to hit the nail on the head
知彼知己 zhī bǐ zhī jǐ to know the enemy and know oneself (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War")
知彼知己,百战不殆 zhī bǐ zhī jǐ , bǎi zhàn bù dài knowing the enemy and yourself will get you unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War")
志不在此 zhì bù zài cǐ to have unachievable ambitions based on current circumstances
治大国若烹小鲜 zhì dà guó ruò pēng xiǎo xiān ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy; effective government requires minimal intervention
织当访婢 zhī dāng fǎng bì if it's weaving, ask the maid ; when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
直道而行 zhí dào ér xíng lit. to go straight (idiom, from Analects); to act with integrity
知法犯法 zhī fǎ fàn fǎ to know the law and break it ; consciously going against the rules
执法如山 zhí fǎ rú shān to maintain the law as firm as a mountain ; to enforce the law strictly
芝焚蕙叹 zhī fén huì tàn lit. when one grass burns the other grass sighs; fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress
趾高气扬 zhǐ gāo qì yáng high and mighty ; arrogant être orgueilleux; se pavaner
知过改过 zhī guò gǎi guò to acknowledge one's faults and correct them
之乎者也 zhī hū zhě yě four common characters of classical Chinese ;fig. semi-incomprehensible talk; double Dutch; all Greek to me
指挥有方,人人乐从 zhǐ huī yǒu fāng , rén rén lè cóng Command right and you will be obeyed cheerfully.
只鸡斗酒 zhī jī dǒu jiǔ lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine ; fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests
指鸡骂狗 zhǐ jī mà gǒu fig. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog; lit. to find a scapegoat
知己知彼 zhī jǐ zhī bǐ know yourself, know your enemy (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孙子兵法) (expr. idiom.) connais ton adversaire et connais-toi toi-même; se connaître et connaître autrui
知己知彼,百战不殆 zhī jǐ zhī bǐ , bǎi zhàn bù dài know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孙子兵法)
志坚胆壮 zhì jiān dǎn zhuàng to have the stomach and determination to do sth
只见树木,不见森林 zhǐ jiàn shù mù , bù jiàn sēn lín only see the trees, but not see the forest (idiom, from Mao Zedong, On contradictions 毛泽东, 矛盾论); to concentrate on minutiae at the expense of the big picture
枝节横生 zhī jié héng shēng a new branch grows out of a knot ; fig. side issues keep arising
直截了当 zhí jié liǎo dàng direct and plain speaking ; blunt;straightforward franc-parler; direct
只可意会,不可言传 zhǐ kě yì huì , bù kě yán chuán can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子)">">庄子); mysterious and subtle
芝兰玉树 zhī lán yù shù lit. orchids and jade trees ; fig. a child with splendid future prospects
芝兰之室 zhī lán zhī shì lit. a room with irises and orchids ; fig. in wealthy and pleasant company
知冷知热 zhī lěng zhī rè to know whether others are cold or hot ; to be very considerate
支离破碎 zhī lí pò suì scattered and smashed être disloqué; être démembré et désagrégé
指鹿为马 zhǐ lù wéi mǎ making a deer out to be a horse ; deliberate misrepresentation
指鹿作马 zhǐ lù zuò mǎ to take a deer and call it a horse ; deliberate inversion of the truth
执迷不悟 zhí mí bù wù to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way
知难而退 zhī nán ér tuì to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat; fig. to back out of an awkward situation; to get out on finding out what it's really like
稚气未脱 zhì qì wèi tuō still possessing the innocence of childhood
只欠东风 zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng all we need is an east wind ; lacking only one tiny crucial item
知悭识俭 zhī qiān shí jiǎn to know how to be economical
直情径行 zhí qíng jìng xíng straightforward and honest in one's actions (expr. idiom.) simple et honnête dans ses actions
秩然不紊 zhì rán bù wěn to be in complete order
知人之明 zhī rén zhī míng (expr. idiom.) capacité de savoir juger les gens; (avoir) la sagesse de connaître les gens
指日可待 zhǐ rì kě dài imminent; just around the corner
置若罔闻 zhì ruò wǎng wén to turn a deaf ear to ; to pretend not to hear faire la sourde oreille; rester indifférent à
治丧从俭 zhì sàng cóng jiǎn to be frugal in attending to funeral rites
指桑骂槐 zhǐ sāng mà huái lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree; fig. to scold sb indirectly; to make oblique accusations
纸上谈兵 zhǐ shàng tán bīng lit. military tactics on paper ; fig. theoretical discussion that is worse than useless in practice;armchair strategist; idle theorizing; cf Zhao Kuo 赵括leading an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle (expr. idiom.) de la stratégie militaire sur le papier; faire de la stratégie en chambre
志士仁人 zhì shì rén rén gentleman aspiring to benevolence ; people with lofty ideals
指手划脚 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate while talking ; to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily gesticuler en parlant; (critiquer) avec force gestes autoritaires
指手画脚 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate while talking ; to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily (expr. idiom.) gesticuler en parlant; parler avec les mains
炙手可热 zhì shǒu kě rè lit. burn your hand, feel the heat ; arrogance of the powerful; a mighty figure no-one dares approach;hot (exciting or in favor) (homme) puissant devant qui tout doit plier
知书达理 zhī shū dá lǐ educated and well-balanced
支吾其词 zhī wú qí cí  to talk in a roundabout way to cover up the truth; evasive
直言不讳 zhí yán bù huì straight talk, nothing taboo ; frank and straightforward; to speak bluntly without euphemism déballage; franc-parler; déballer; appeler
只言片语 zhǐ yán piàn yǔ just a word or two ; a few isolated phrases
直言无讳 zhí yán wú huì to speak one's mind; to speak candidly
只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 zhǐ yào gōng fu shēn , tiě chǔ mó chéng zhēn If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle.; cf idiom 磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle ; fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study dili
挚友良朋 zhì yǒu liáng péng intimate friend and companion
知遇之恩 zhī yù zhī ēn lit. the kindness of recognizing sb's worth and employing him ; patronage; protection
志在四方 zhì zài sì fāng to aspire to travel far and make one's mark
智者千虑,必有一失 zhì zhě qiān lǜ , bì yǒu yī shī lit. a wise person reflecting a thousand times can still make a mistake ; fig. nobody is infallible
置之不理 zhì zhī bù lǐ to pay no heed to ; to ignore; to brush aside ignorer; rester indifférent; ne pas se soucier de; ne faire aucun cas de; ne prêter aucune attention à
置之不问 zhì zhī bù wèn to pass by without showing interest
只知其一,不知其二 zhǐ zhī qí yī , bù zhī qí èr to know the first, but not know the second ; only partial information
置之死地 zhì zhī sǐ dì to place sb on field of death; to confront with mortal danger; to give sb no way out; with one's back to the wall; looking death in the eye; part of idiom 置之死地೎
置诸高阁 zhì zhū gāo gé lit. place on a high shelf; to pay no attention to
智珠在握 zhì zhū zài wò lit. to hold the pearl of wisdom; to be able to cope with all eventualities
只字不提 zhǐ zì bù tí not to mention ; to say not one word; fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor
知足常乐 zhī zú cháng lè satisfied with what one has
纸醉金迷 zhǐ zuì jīn mí lit. dazzling with paper and gold ; fig. indulging in a life of luxury mener une vie fastueuse et dépravée
终成眷属 zhōng chéng juàn shǔ Love will find a way to come together.
终成泡影 zhōng chéng pào yǐng finally a soap bubble ; grandiose plans that end up with nothing; pie in the sky
终而复始 zhōng ér fù shǐ lit. the end comes back to the start ; the wheel comes full circle
种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 zhòng guā dé guā , zhòng dòu dé dòu lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans ; fig. As you sow, so shall you reap.; One must live with the consequences of one's actions.; You've made your bed, now must lie on it.
众寡悬殊 zhòng guǎ xuán shū the multitude against the few, a wide disparity (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered; unequally matched; overwhelmed by weight of numbers
中箭落马 zhòng jiàn luò mǎ lit. to be struck by an arrow and fall from one's horse;to suffer a serious setback
众盲摸象 zhòng máng mō xiàng multitude of blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅盘经)">">大般涅盘经); fig. unable to see the big picture; to mistake the part for the whole; u
众毛攒球 zhòng máo zǎn qiú many little drops make an ocean
终南捷径 zhōng nán jié jìng lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut to a ministerial job; fig. to take a shortcut to promotion
重男轻女 zhòng nán qīng nǚ lit. to value males and belittle females (expr. idiom.) valoriser l'homme et rabaisser la femme;sexisme
众叛亲离 zhòng pàn qīn lí lit. people rebelling and friends deserting ; fig. to find oneself utterly isolated
重色轻友 zhòng sè qīng yǒu paying more attention to a lover than friends ;to value sex over friendship
众矢之的 zhòng shǐ zhī dì lit. target of a multitude of arrows ; the butt of public criticism; attacked on all sides être la cible de toutes les flèches (attaques)
众说纷揉 zhòng shuō fēn róu lit. diverse opinions confused and divided ;opinions differ; controversial matters
众说纷纭 zhòng shuō fēn yún opinions differ (expr. idiom.) Les avis sont partagés
众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī see 众所周知 (expr. idiom.) comme tout le monde le sait; il est de notoriété publique que...
重文轻武 zhòng wén qīng wǔ to value letters and belittle arms ; to stress civil matters and neglect the military; to prefer the pen to the sword
忠心耿耿 zhōng xīn gěng gěng loyal and devoted ; faithful and true
众星拱辰 zhòng xīng gǒng chén lit. all the stars revolve around Polaris 北辰 (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader
众星捧月 zhòng xīng pěng yuè lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader; to revolve around sb
忠言逆耳 zhōng yán nì ěr loyal advice jars on the ears Les bons conseils choquent les oreilles
重于泰山 zhòng yú tài shān heavier than Mt Tai ; fig. extremely serious matter
忠贞不渝 zhōng zhēn bù yú unswerving in one's loyalty ; faithful and constant
众志成城 zhòng zhì chéng chéng unity of will is an impregnable stronghold La volonté de tous fait rempart
冢中枯骨 zhǒng zhōng kū gǔ dried bones in burial mound ; dead and buried
昼短夜长 zhòu duǎn yè cháng the winter days are short and the nights long
周而复始 zhōu ér fù shǐ lit. the cycle comes back to the start ; to move in circles; the wheel comes full circle
胄裔繁衍 zhòu yì fán yǎn Descendants are great in numbers.
周游列国 zhōu yóu liè guó to travel around many countries ;peregrinations; refers to the travels of Confucius (expr. idiom.) voyager à travers différents pays;parcourir le monde; pérégrinations de Confucius
主不先客 zhǔ bù xiān kè guests or visitors first
逐次近似 zhú cì jìn sì successive approximate values
煮豆燃萁 zhǔ dòu rán qí burning beanstalks to cook the beans ; to cause internecine strife
竹篮打水 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ using a wicker basket to draw water ; wasted effort
竹篮打水,一场空 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ , yī chǎng kōng using a wicker basket to draw water ; wasted effort
珠联璧合 zhū lián bì hé string of pearl and jade ; ideal combination;perfect pair
珠流璧转 zhū liú bì zhuǎn lit. pearl flows, jade moves on ; fig. the passage of time; water under the bridge
逐鹿中原 zhú lù zhōng yuán hunting deer in the central plain ; fig. to attempt to seize the throne
助人为乐 zhù rén wéi lè pleasure from helping others (expr. idiom.) plaisir d'aider les autres
诸如此类 zhū rú cǐ lèi things like this ; and so on; and the rest; etc de telles choses; de tels faits
筑室道谋 zhù shì dào móu lit. ask passers-by how to build one's house ;fig. to have no idea what to do; without a clue
著书立说 zhù shū lì shuō to write a book advancing one's theory
珠玉在侧 zhū yù zài cè gems at the side ; flanked by genius
朱云折槛 zhū yún zhē kǎn Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing ; to challenge and admonish boldly
助纣为虐 zhù zhòu wéi n//v//è lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商纣王 in his oppression; fig. to take the side of the evil-doer; giving succor to the enemy Di Xin
转败为胜 zhuàn bài wéi shèng to turn defeat into victory ; snatching victory from the jaws of defeat
转悲为喜 zhuǎn bēi wéi xǐ to turn grief into happiness (expr. idiom.) transformer la douleur en bonheur
转变抹角 zhuǎn biàn mò jiǎo lit. (of road) winding and turning ; to speak in a roundabout way; to equivocate; to beat about the bush
转圜余地 zhuǎn huán yú dì to have room to save a situation; margin for error
专美于前 zhuān měi yú qián to take advantage of the good reputations of others
转面无情 zhuǎn miàn wú qíng to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy; to turn against a friend
转弯抹角 zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo lit. (of road) winding and turning ; to speak in a roundabout way; to equivocate; to beat about the bush
转危为安 zhuǎn wēi wéi ān to turn peril into safety ; to avert a danger (esp. political or medical) faire passer du danger à la sécurité
专心致志 zhuān xīn zhì zhì with single-hearted devotion
转眼便忘 zhuǎn yǎn biàn wàng what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't miss
转战千里 zhuǎn zhàn qiān lǐ fighting everywhere over a thousand miles ;constant fighting across the country; never-ending struggle
装疯卖傻 zhuāng fēng mài shǎ to play the fool ; to feign madness
装模作样 zhuāng mó zuò yàng to put on an act ; to show affectation; to indulge in histrionics
装穷叫苦 zhuāng qióng jiào kǔ to feign and complain bitterly of being poverty stricken
装神弄鬼 zhuāng shén nòng guǐ lit. dress up as God, play the devil ; fig. to mystify; to deceive people; to scam
装酸哭穷 zhuāng suān kū qióng to dress poorly an plead poverty (even though rich)
追根问底 zhuī gēn wèn dǐ lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base ; to get to the bottom of sth
追悔莫及 zhuī huǐ mò jí too late for regrets ; It is useless to repent after the event.
谆谆告诫 zhūn zhūn gào jiè to sincerely caution sb not to do sth
卓尔不群 zhuó ěr bù qún standing above the common crowd ;outstanding; excellent and unrivaled
卓乎不群 zhuó hū bù qún standing out from the common crowd ;outstanding; preeminent
捉襟见肘 zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu lit. pulling on the lapels exposes the elbows ;strapped for cash; unable to make ends meet
捉襟见肘 zhuō jīn xiàn zhǒu (expr. idiom.) laisser voir son coude en tirant le revers de sa veste; être dans la gêne; être assailli de difficultés et avoir de la peine à y faire face
濯锦以鱼 zhuó jǐn yǐ yú to make the ugly beautiful
着手成春 zhuó shǒu chéng chūn lit. set out and it becomes spring ; to effect a miracle cure (of medical operation); to bring back the dead; once it starts, everything goes well
卓有成效 zhuó yǒu chéng xiào highly effective; fruitful (expr. idiom.) qui produit des effets remarquables; être manifestement efficace; être fructueux
拙于言词 zhuō yú yán cí to be unable to express oneself clearly
着着失败 zhuó zhuó shī bài to fail at every step of the way (expr. idiom.) échouer à chaque étape
拙嘴笨舌 zhuō zuǐ bèn shé lit. clumsy mouth and broken tongue ; awkward speaker
自不必说 zì bù bì shuō to not need dwell on
自惭形秽 zì cán xíng huì to feel ashamed of one's inferiority ; to feel inferior
自吹自擂 zì chuī zì léi to blow one's own trumpet se vanter de; faire le fanfaron; se prévaloir
自奉俭约 zì fèng jiǎn yuē to live frugally (expr. idiom.) Vivre frugalement; vivre en se contentant de peu
自奉甚俭 zì fèng shèn jiǎn to allow oneself few comforts or pleasures
自高自大 zì gāo zì dà to think of oneself as terrific ; arrogant infatué de soi-même; prétentieux; présomptueux
趑趄不前 zī jū bù qián hesitant and not daring to move forward (expr. idiom.) hésitant et n'osant pas aller de l'avant
趑趄嗫嚅 zī jū niè rú faltering steps, mumbling speech ; hesitant;cringing; to cower
自愧不如 zì kuì bù rú ashamed of being inferior ; to feel inferior to others
自愧弗如 zì kuì fú rú to feel ashamed at being inferior
自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng regeneration through one's own effort ; self-reliance (expr. idiom.) compter sur ses propres forces; voler de ses propres ailes; opérer une renaissance par ses propres moyens
字里行间 zì lǐ háng jiān between the words and the lines ; implied meaning; connotations
自命清高 zì mìng qīng gāo to think of oneself as high and pure ; smug and self-righteous; holier-than-thou
自取灭亡 zì qǔ miè wáng to court disaster ; to dig one's own grave courir à sa propre perte; aller au devant de sa destruction
自取其咎 zì qǔ qí jiù to have only oneself to blame ; to bring trouble through one's own actions
自身难保 zì shēn nán bǎo powerless to defend oneself ; helpless impuissant; sans défense
自生自灭 zì shēng zì miè to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course
自食其果 zì shí qí guǒ to eat one's own fruit ; fig. suffering the consequences of one's own action; to reap what one has sown récolter ce qu'on a semé; en payer les conséquence;en payer les conséquences; subir les conséquences de ses actes; n'avoir que ce qu'on mérite;
自食其力 zì shí qí lì lit. to eat off one's own strength ; fig. to stand on one's own feet; to earn one's own living vivre de son propre travail; vivre de ses bras; gagner son pain à la sueur de son front
自视清高 zì shì qīng gāo to think highly of oneself ; giving oneself airs;arrogant and self-important
自视甚高 zì shì shèn gāo to think highly of oneself ; giving oneself airs;arrogant and self-important
兹事体大 zī shì tǐ dà to have a serious matter at hand
自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng from start to finish du début à la fin; tout au long de
自私自利 zì sī zì lì everything for self and selfish profit ; with no regard for others; selfish; mercenary égoïsme
姿态婀娜 zī tài ē nuó to have an elegant countenance
自相残杀 zì xiāng cán shā to massacre one another ; internecine strife
自相鱼肉 zì xiāng yú ròu butchering one another as fish and flesh ;killing one another; internecine strife
自寻烦恼 zì xún fán nǎo to bring trouble on oneself
自寻死路 zì xún sǐ lù to follow the path to one's own doom ; to bring about one's own destruction
自以为是 zì yǐ wéi shì to believe oneself infallible ; to be opinionated (expr. idiom.) se croire infaillible; être opiniâtre
恣意行乐 zì yì xíng lè to abandon restraint and have a fling
自繇自在 zì yóu zì zai free and easy ; carefree; leisurely
自由自在 zì yóu zì zài free and easy ; carefree; leisurely (expr. idiom.) facile et gratuit; insouciant; tranquille;sans souci; être libre comme l'air; vivre sans contrainte
自知理亏 zì zhī lǐ kuī to know that one is in the wrong
自知之明 zì zhī zhī míng knowing oneself ; self-knowledge (expr. idiom.) se faire une idée juste de soi-même
锱铢必较 zī zhū bì jiào to haggle over every cent (expr. idiom.) marchander chaque centime
孜孜不倦 zī zī bù juàn lit. diligent and never slacking ; continuous concentrated effort; assiduous (in study); to concentrate inlassablement; assidûment
孜孜以求 zī zī yǐ qiú diligent and tireless
字字珠玉 zì zì zhū yù every word a gem ; magnificent writing
自作聪明 zì zuò cōng míng to think oneself clever ; self-styled genius; a smart aleck
自作主张 zì zuò zhǔ zhāng to think for oneself and act accordingly ; to act on one's own initiative
纵横交错 zòng héng jiāo cuò criss-crossed (expr. idiom.) sillonné
走马到任 zǒu mǎ dào rèn to ride to take up an official appointment ; to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task
走马赴任 zǒu mǎ fù rèn to ride to take up an official appointment ; to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task
走马观花 zǒu mǎ guān huā lit. flower viewing from horseback ; a fleeting glance in passing; fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation; to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information
走马看花 zǒu mǎ kàn huā lit. flower viewing from horseback ; fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation; to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information
走马上任 zǒu mǎ shàng rèn to ride to take up an official appointment ; to take on a job with alacrity; to undertake a task
走马章台 zǒu mǎ zhāng tái to go to the brothel on horseback ; to visit prostitutes
走投无路 zǒu tóu wú lù no way out ; at an impasse; at a dead end (expr. idiom.) se trouver dans une impasse; être à bout de ressources
走为上 zǒu wéi shàng If everything else fails, retreat. (expr. idiom.) si tout le reste échoue, il faut battre en retraite
足高气强 zú gāo qì jiàng high and mighty ; arrogant (expr. idiom.) haut et puissant; arrogant
足高气扬 zú gāo qì yáng high and mighty ; arrogant (expr. idiom.) haut et puissant; arrogant
足以自慰 zú yǐ zì wèi to have sufficient to console oneself
足智多谋 zú zhì duō móu resourceful; full of stratagems (expr. idiom.) être un homme de ressources; être riche en idées; avoir plusieurs cordes à son arc
缵不可能的事 zuǎn bù kě néng de shì pigs might fly
钻故纸堆 zuān gù zhǐ duī to dig into piles of outdated writings ; to study old books and papers
钻坚仰高 zuàn jiān yǎng gāo delving firmly, eyes raised  (from Analects: Confucius' disciple 颜渊 aspires to the s of Confucius's teaching); to dedicate oneself to a high goal and learn intensively; meticulous and diligent stud
钻牛角 zuān niú jiǎo lit. honing a bull's horn; fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley;to split hairs; same as idiom 钻牛角
钻牛角尖 zuān niú jiǎo jiān lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn ; fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs
罪大恶极 zuì dà è jí lit. crime is great, evil extreme le crime est énorme et le mal extrême; être coupable des crimes les plus odieux
罪恶滔天 zuì è tāo tiān evil crimes fill heaven
嘴快心直 zuǐ kuài xīn zhí lit. quick jaws and a straight heart; to be outspoken and sincere
罪魁祸首 zuì kuí huò shǒu criminal ringleader, main offender ; main culprit;fig. main cause of a disaster grand criminel; le principal auteur (coupable) d'un crime
醉生梦死 zuì shēng mèng sǐ as if drunk or entranced ; leading a befuddled existence; in a drunken stupor
嘴甜心苦 zuǐ tián xīn kǔ sweet mouth, bitter heart ; insincere flattery
醉翁之意不在酒 zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ wine-lover's heart is not in the cup ; a drinker not really interested in alcohol; having an ulterior motive; to have other things in mind; with an ax to grind; accomplishing something besides what one set out to do
罪有应得 zuì yǒu yīng dé guilty and deserves to be punished ; entirely appropriate chastisement; the punishment fits the crime sanction méritée; peine justifiée
遵法施行 zūn fǎ shī xíng to observe the existing laws
坐不垂堂 zuò bù chuí táng lit. don't sit under overhanging eaves ; fig. don't stay in danger area
左道惑众 zuǒ dào huò zhòng to delude the masses with heretical doctrines
坐而论道 zuò ér lùn dào to sit and pontificate; to find answers through theory and not through practice
左顾右盼 zuǒ gù yòu pàn glancing to left and right ; to look all around
坐观成败 zuò guān chéng bài to sit and await success or failure ; to wait to see the outcome of a fight before taking sides; to sit on the fence
做好做歹 zuò hǎo zuò dǎi to persuade using all possible arguments ; to act good cop and bad cop in turn
作茧自缚 zuò jiǎn zì fù to spin a cocoon around oneself ; enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist by his own petard
坐井观天 zuò jǐng guān tiān lit. to view the sky from the bottom of a well ;ignorant and narrow-minded
坐立不安 zuò lì bù ān lit. agitated sitting or standing ; restless; fidgety (expr. idiom.) ne trouver de repos ni debout ni assis;être sur des charbons ardents
坐立难安 zuò lì nán ān unable to sit or stand still (out of nervousness etc)
左券在握 zuǒ quàn zài wò to be assured of success
坐山观虎斗 zuò shān guān hǔ dòu sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight; watch in safety whilst others fight then reap the rewards when both sides are exhausted
坐视不理 zuò shì bù lǐ to sit and watch, but remain indifferent
坐失机宜 zuò shī jī yí to sit and waste a good opportunity ; to lose the chance
坐失良机 zuò shī liáng jī to sit and waste a good opportunity ; to lose the chance manquer (perdre) une belle occasion
坐收渔利 zuò shōu yú lì benefit from others' dispute
左思右想 zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng to turn over in one's mind ; to think through from different angles; to ponder
作威作福 zuò wēi zuò fú tyrannical abuse ; riding roughshod over people
坐享其成 zuò xiǎng qí chéng to reap where one has not sown
坐以待毙 zuò yǐ dài bì to sit and wait for death ; resigned to one's fate attendre la mort sans régir
做一天和尚,撞一天钟 zuò yī tiān hé shang , zhuàng yī tiān zhōng as a monk for today, toll today's bell ; to do one's job mechanically; to hold a position passively
左右逢源 zuǒ yòu féng yuán lit. to strike water right and left ; fig. to turn everything into gold; to have everything going one's way; to benefit from both sides
左右两难 zuǒ yòu liǎng nán dilemma; quandary; Scylla and Charybdis; between the devil and the deep blue sea
做贼心虚 zuò zéi xīn xū to feel guilty as a thief ; to have sth on one's conscience
做张做势 zuò zhāng zuò shì to put on an act ; to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics
做张做智 zuò zhāng zuò zhì to put on an act ; to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics
左右为难 zuǒyòu wéinán in a dilemma; between a rock and a hard place (expr. idiom.) être pris entre deux feux; être entre l'enclume et le marteau

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